- 12: STATUS , Site none, Thu 04-Jun-1992 15:02:56 GMT, MORNING STATUS:
System is running. All adams running.
The uw sonic and the old ati sonic have a few
spikes through the night.
- 22: STATUS , Site none, Fri 05-Jun-1992 20:14:00 GMT, ASTER DOWN FOR GENERATOR:
ASTER going down for generator maintenance.
- 23: STATUS , Site none, Fri 05-Jun-1992 23:01:03 GMT, ASTER BACK UP:
ASTER is back on line. The transmit
signals from the ODS bridge were set to high for
channels 3 thru 6; ragwort, cosmos, daisy, and
During bootup a power surge shut aster down. This
may have been due to the air conditioner in Brain's
trailer. It has been disconnected.
Since we have moved the barometer to cosmos, removed
the 5m sonic at cosmos, removed twet data from the archive
set, and added the conditional sampler; the decision was made
to go to ops2.
- 31: STATUS , Site none, Sat 06-Jun-1992 15:02:06 GMT, MORNING STATUS:
System running, all adams responding.
there were a few spikes on marigold sonic last night.
Daisy had its usual spikes on the uw.
Cosmos and ragwort look good.
- 34: STATUS , Site none, Sat 06-Jun-1992 19:38:58 GMT, MORNING WORK:
A fair part of the morning was spent getting
calibration numbers for the sonics and fast T. Therefore
the data should be looked at with caution. Results of
tests are in appropriate catagories.
- 35: STATUS , Site none, Sat 06-Jun-1992 20:31:47 GMT, FLOW TESTS:
A flow test was
- 39: STATUS , Site none, Sun 07-Jun-1992 15:12:26 GMT, MORNING STATUS:
System up and running, 4 adams responding.
Sensor conditions: pressure down, spiking on 100m
uw sonic, other sensors look good.
- 42: STATUS , Site none, Sun 07-Jun-1992 18:36:18 GMT, ADAMS UP WITH OLD DATEL:
The adams have been turned off since
15:30z (cosmos up till 16:30z). This was done to
reconfigure the analog cables for the old datel code.
The configuration files stayed the same so we will
not go to a new ops. The adams were brought backup
in the new configuration at 18:30z. At this time the
covars and archivers were restarted.
Data rates on analog channels look good.
- 43: STATUS , Site none, Sun 07-Jun-1992 19:01:09 GMT, DATA RATE on SF6_MODE:
The data rate on the sf6_mode signal was
increase to 20hz to allow for delay tests. If you look
under SF6 catagory there is more information on the
procedure to do delay tests.
This change took place about 18:50z.
- 49: STATUS , Site none, Sun 07-Jun-1992 23:53:19 GMT, COSMOS UP AND DOWN:
Cosmos has been up and down over
the last 15 minutes to work on the conditional
sampler and the sf6_mode signal. This work
started at about 23:35z.
- 57: STATUS , Site none, Mon 08-Jun-1992 14:24:25 GMT, MORNING STATUS:
System ruuning, adams up.
Covar for ragwort went down last night.
Spiking on the uw sonic at daisy.
Data from conditional sampler is not
making any sense.
- 68: STATUS , Site none, Tue 09-Jun-1992 16:19:27 GMT, MORNING STATUS:
System running, all adams up,
all covars stayed up during the night.
Sensors look good except for uw sonic at
100m, daisy. There was spiking during the
- 75: STATUS , Site none, Wed 10-Jun-1992 03:37:42 GMT, RAGWORT COVAR DOWN:
Ragwort covar went down again.
This is a random crash by all adams. It maybe
the system is getting bogged down by different
links to the ingester.
- 77: STATUS , Site none, Wed 10-Jun-1992 15:18:39 GMT, SHUTDOWN FOR GENERATOR SERVICE:
System being shutdown for generator servicing.
Time is 15:19Z.
- 78: STATUS , Site none, Wed 10-Jun-1992 16:20:02 GMT, SYSTEM BACK UP:
The system is back on line and collecting
data at 16:18Z.
- 79: STATUS , Site none, Wed 10-Jun-1992 16:21:51 GMT, MORNING STATUS:
Before shutdown for generator service
everything was running except for a covar task.
Brian kept the sf6 instruments running thru the
There was spiking on uw at 100m.
- 93: STATUS , Site none, Fri 12-Jun-1992 16:18:42 GMT, Morning Status
Morning Status
Light steady rain!
ASTER base:
All base systems operated through the night.
All ADAMs operated throughout night.
Rad Farm:
All radiation data appears normal
All soil data appears normal
All wind speed data appears normal
All wind direction data appears normal
Cockpit psycrometer windows reported lost data sometime last
night, but were working this morning.
ATI sonic at cosmos (atiK.250.10m) is not transmitting this morning.
Tried power cycling, but it did not respond. Then connected to
it with rserial, hit carriage return, it responded with
"PUDIAG 12345" and started transmitting.
Some spiking on 175m sonic.
Fast Ts:
All fast T data appears normal
Fast water vapor:
Spiking on h20.250.10m, probably due to rain. h20.50.10m seems to be
off scale.
- 98: STATUS , Site none, Sat 13-Jun-1992 16:12:12 GMT, Morning Status
Morning Status
ASTER base:
All base systems operated through the night.
All ADAMs operated throughout night.
Rad Farm:
The pyg.out data is still anomolous with the pyg.out.case/dome differnce
much too high.
All soil data appears normal
The 1.5m wind speed is low. Inspection showed normal spinning.
All wind direction data appears normal
All tdry data appears normal
All specific humidity data appears normal
The sonics appear to be recovering from the rain.
However for the 50m the u comp is weaker than the v. w looks OK
The 100m u, v, w look OK with few spikes on w.
The alevel and the blevel are OK
The 175m u, v, w look OK
The 250m u is offscale high, v and w look OK. tc looks like u.
The alevel is OK, the blevel is high and ringing.
Fast Ts:
All fast T data appears normal
Fast water vapor:
Both fast Kr data appears normal
The rain has stopped, there is complete cloud cover, the horizon
is in visible full circle and there is no mist or low cloud.
The wind is steady and the area is drying out.
- 107: STATUS , Site none, Sun 14-Jun-1992 16:39:57 GMT, Morning Status
Morning Status
ASTER base:
All base systems operated through the night.
All ADAMs operated throughout night.
Rad Farm:
The pyg.out data is still anomolous with the pyg.out.case/dome differnce
much too high.
All soil data appears normal
The 1.5m wind speed is still low.
All wind direction data appears normal
All tdry data appears normal
All specific humidity data appears normal
The 100m u, v, w look OK with a few spikes (~2/minute) on each.
The 175m u, v, w look OK
The 250m all look OK. The alevel is OK, the blevel is high and ringing.
The 50m u seems to be just noise about 0 m/sec, does not look at all
like v which looks OK. w is spiking. Rserial shows tc to be
completely wrong, about -20 degC. Levels look OK.
Fast Ts:
All fast T data appears normal
Fast water vapor:
Both fast Kr data appears normal
Conditional Sampler:
Partly cloudy, no rain.
- 111: STATUS , Site none, Mon 15-Jun-1992 18:09:43 GMT, Morning Status
Morning Status
ASTER base:
All base systems operated through the night.
All ADAMs operated throughout night.
The cosmos ingestor was reporting many unrequested channels.
Rad Farm:
All radiation data appears normal except for pyg.out(dome-case).
All soil data appears normal
All wind speed data appears normal
All wind direction data appears normal
1.5m prop is working again.
All tdry data appears normal
All specific humidity data appears normal
Not transmitting this morning.
Spiking on 100m uw sonic - probably due to rain.
Others look OK.
Fast Ts:
Fast T at 50m is disabled, which was done when the atiK sonic was lowered.
Fast T at 250m is OK.
Fast water vapor:
Fast water vapor at 50m is disabled, which was done when the atiK sonic
was lowered.
Fast Kr data at 250m appears normal.
Conditional Sampler:
Light rain off and on.
- 112: STATUS , Site none, Tue 16-Jun-1992 15:19:55 GMT, Morning Status
Morning Status
ASTER base:
All base systems operated through the night.
All ADAMs operated throughout night.
Rad Farm:
All radiation data appears normal except same pyg.out.dome and case.
All soil data appears normal
All wind speed data appears normal
All wind direction data appears normal
All tdry data appears normal
All specific humidity data appears normal
2 spikes on atiK.250.10m during the night, others OK.
Fast Ts:
Fast T data at 250m appears normal. Fast T at 50m is still offline.
Fast water vapor:
Fast Kr data at 250m appears normal. Fast Kr at 50m is offline.
Conditional Sampler:
The weather is beautiful
- 116: STATUS , Site none, Wed 17-Jun-1992 15:29:04 GMT, Morning Status
Morning Status
ASTER base:
All base systems operated through the night.
All ADAMs operated throughout night.
Rad Farm:
All radiation data appears normal
All soil data appears normal
All wind speed data appears normal
All wind direction data appears normal
All tdry data appears normal
All specific humidity data appears normal
All sonic data appears normal
A few spikes on 100m uw sonic.
Fast Ts:
All fast T data appears normal
Fast water vapor:
Both fast Kr data appears normal
Conditional Sampler:
- 123: STATUS , Site none, Thu 18-Jun-1992 15:28:19 GMT, Morning Status
Morning Status
ASTER base:
All base systems operated through the night.
All ADAMs operated throughout night.
Rad Farm:
All radiation data appears normal
All soil data appears normal
All wind speed data appears normal
All wind direction data appears normal
All tdry data appears normal
All specific humidity data appears normal
All sonic data appears normal
Fast Ts:
All fast T data appears normal
Fast water vapor:
Both fast Kr data appears normal.
Conditional Sampler:
Clear, sunny.
- 125: STATUS , Site none, Fri 19-Jun-1992 15:15:35 GMT, Daily status
Daily status
There was moderate spiking last night on the
uw.100.10m sonic.
The w channel on the atiS.50.10m sonic is
off scale.
Tsoil.bush looks suspicious; one of the depths
is reading about 10 deg C higher than the rest.
However, looking at fun.tsoil.plot shows that
the 1cm bush temperature heats up sooner in
the morning than any other soil temperature.
This is likely caused by its particular siting.
- 128: STATUS , Site none, Sun 21-Jun-1992 17:18:09 GMT, Morning Status
Morning Status
ASTER base:
Disk filled up (Gordon's neglect) so about 8 hours of archive data
was lost last night. Covars kept running. See a later message for
specifics. Otherwise base systems operated through the night.
All ADAMs operated throughout night.
Rad Farm:
All radiation data appears normal . Pyg out dome & case remain
unconnected. All soil data appears normal
All wind speed data appears normal
All wind direction data appears normal
All tdry data appears normal
All specific humidity data appears normal
Very few spikes on 250m atiK sonic. 50m atiS has w offset.
Other sonic data appears normal
Fast Ts:
250m fast T data appears normal
Fast water vapor:
250m fast Kr data appears normal
Conditional Sampler:
Sunny & hot.
- 135: STATUS , Site none, Tue 23-Jun-1992 16:00:40 GMT, Morning Status
Morning Status
ASTER base:
All base systems operated through the night.
All ADAMs operated throughout night.
Rad Farm:
All radiation data appears normal
Sand tsoil index is now only reading 3, with a cockpit shadow at 0.
All other soil data appears normal
All wind speed data appears normal
All wind direction data appears normal
All tdry data appears normal
All specific humidity data appears normal
All sonic data appears normal
A few spikes at the 100m uw sonic.
Fast Ts:
All fast T data appears normal
Fast water vapor:
Both fast Kr data appears normal
Conditional Sampler:
Clear, sunny, hot.
- 142: STATUS , Site none, Wed 24-Jun-1992 18:20:12 GMT, Rebooted cosmos at 10:55 PDT
Rebooted cosmos at 10:55 PDT
This was necessary because of changes to the conditional
sampler channel configuration.
- 148: STATUS , Site none, Thu 25-Jun-1992 21:13:06 GMT, Cosmos archive was not running, all cov
Cosmos archive was not running, all covar's dead
At 12:00 PDT when I arrived the archive program was not
running on cosmos and all covars had disappeared.
Rebooted cosmos and restarted the archive and covars at about 12:10PDT.
Apparently all data was lost for cosmos from 10:56 to 12:15.
Perhaps the reason for the crashes is an error message in the sf6_mode.c
calibration function which prints an "Unknown sf6 mode = X" message.
If there are many of these errors, this could cause covar and cockpit to
bog down the data network and things could crash. I removed the
error message from the cal function.
- 151: STATUS , Site none, Fri 26-Jun-1992 22:04:36 GMT, System up after generator service.
System up after generator service.
T'was down from 20:20 to 21:45 GMT
- 156: STATUS , Site none, Sat 27-Jun-1992 17:04:20 GMT, Morning status:
Morning status:
Sand and grass soil temperatures still not
multiplexing properly.
Pyg.out has no dome and case temperature.
uw.100.5m sonic was somewhat noisy last
- 158: STATUS , Site none, Mon 29-Jun-1992 16:11:39 GMT, Morning Status
Morning Status
ASTER base:
All base systems operated through the night.
All ADAMs operated throughout night.
Rad Farm:
All radiation data appears normal
All soil data appears normal
1.5 and 3m props are not transmitting any data.
Disconnecting and reconnecting the serial lines restarted
the data flow.
10m psyc is not transmitting. Disconnecting the serial line
did not help.
u.atiK.250.5m signal looks noisy.
Fast Ts:
All fast T data appears normal
Fast water vapor:
Both fast Kr are suspect due to rain water on lenses.
Conditional Sampler:
Heavy thunderstorms last night, cool cloudy this morning.