- 10: FASTT , Site none, Wed 03-Jun-1992 20:32:45 GMT, FAST T at MARIGOLD DOWN:
Allen is working on the fast T sensor
at marigold. The electronics box is not working
- 24: FASTT , Site none, Fri 05-Jun-1992 23:13:03 GMT, 175m FAST T DOWN:
The fast T at 175m is down. Since
replacing the element, the sensor has been
questionable since it was fixed. Allen is
presently working on the sensor.
- 29: FASTT , Site none, Sat 06-Jun-1992 03:03:56 GMT, FAST T at 100M TOWER WORKING?
Allen found the analog channel for
the fast T was bad. This sensor has been switched
to channel 101 on marigold. At the time of typing
this comment, it appears to have a sign error.
This will be checked tomorrow.
- 30: FASTT , Site none, Sat 06-Jun-1992 03:38:59 GMT, UPDATE TO FAST T @ 175m:
The problem with the fast T at marigold
was due to somebody soldering the jumper #4 closed
on channel 0. This caused a .5 gain factor.
When Allen tryed the fast T on channel 1 the same
jumper had been solder closed; however, jumper #5
was installed giving an additional gain of 2 with
a -5 volt offset. This resulted in a voltage looking
correct with a sign change.
The board was fixed and the fast T was moved back to
channel 0. The data collected since the being of ops2
should be ignored upto this time, 3:30Z.
- 33: FASTT , Site none, Sat 06-Jun-1992 19:37:00 GMT, FAST T CALS:
Below are the results of checks on
the fast T settings. The original data set collected
is in directory /home/aster/projects/FOOTPRINT92/fast_cals.
site abs error span
50m .03 5.024 +- .01
100m .27 5.217 +- .01
175m -.61 5.253 +- .01
250m -.33 5.068 +- .03
- 160: FASTT , Site none, Tue 30-Jun-1992 21:50:57 GMT, Fast T cals:
Fast T cals:
Recorded fast T cals yesterday afternoon
and this morning, placing them in
where files is t.50.181, t.100.181,
t.175.182, and t.250.182. Each of these
files contains ~10 samples from cshow,
alternating between operate and calibrate
(operate + 5 degrees).
- 162: FASTT , Site none, Fri 31-Jul-1992 17:58:05 GMT, Fast T calibration parameters
Computed fast t calibration parameters from data files on
directory $ASTER/projects/FOOTPRINT92/fast_cals.
t.50.181 jd 181 = 6-29-92
This procedure is the same as used by Tom Horst at Stormfest92,
see logbook entry for FASTT calibrations.
1. Edited those files to remove transient points near voltage jumps.
The edited files have a ".ed" suffix.
2. Computed the mean and sd of the voltage jumps, using 10 points
on either side of the jumps. This was done with the Splus
function fun.fastT.cal (source: $ASTER/apps/sfun/xtra/fastT.cal.S)
Parameters for prep.config linear cal function:
50m: .001520 degC / count
100m: .001463 degC / count
175m: .001457 degC / count
250m: .001510 degC / count
Here is the output from the fun.fastT.cal computations:
50m Tower
> fun.fastT.cal(scan("t.50.6-6-92.ed"),10)
[1] -5.030545 5.018509 -5.030682 5.021973 -5.031809 5.022482 -5.034564
[8] 5.025282 -5.036000 5.028627
[1] 5.028047
[1] 0.005772322
> fun.fastT.cal(scan("t.50.181.ed"),10)
[1] -5.010909 5.032727 -5.010000 5.018182 -5.013636 5.026364 -5.003636
[8] 5.040000 -4.950909
[1] 5.011818
[1] 0.02566069
These 2 averages at 50m differ by less than .35%
Average of 50m calibrations (10 * 5.028 + 9 * 5.0118) /19 = 5.02036 +- .02
So the prep.config linear calibration coefficient should be:
5degC / 5.02036 V * (100 V / 65534 counts) = 1.520e-3 degC / count
100m Tower
> fun.fastT.cal(scan("t.100.6-6-92.ed"),10)
[1] -5.218927 5.210609 -5.219518 5.212982 -5.230600 5.219209 -5.227282
[8] 5.222809 -5.228364 5.218927
[1] 5.220923
[1] 0.006457685
> fun.fastT.cal(scan("t.100.181.ed"),10)
[1] -5.206364 5.199091 -5.215455 5.185455 -5.216364 5.200909 -5.220000
[8] 5.200909 -5.219091 5.209091
[1] 5.207273
[1] 0.0109511
These 2 averages at 100m differ by less than .27%
Average of 100m calibrations: 5.2141 +- .011
prep.config linear calibration coefficient:
5degC / 5.2141 V * (100 V / 65534 counts) = 1.463e-3 degC / count
175m Tower
> fun.fastT.cal(scan("t.175.6-6-92.ed"),10)
[1] -5.261791 5.248927 -5.265845 5.255427 -5.268464 5.257345 -5.269409
[8] 5.259018 -5.270827 5.262209
[1] 5.261926
[1] 0.006944764
> fun.fastT.cal(scan("t.175.182.ed"),10)
[1] -5.185455 5.190000 -5.219091 5.198182 -5.224545 5.206364 -5.215455
[8] 5.213636 -5.220909
[1] 5.208182
[1] 0.01406155
These 2 averages at 175m differ by less than 1.1%
Average of 175m calibrations: 5.23648 +- .03
prep.config linear calibration coefficient:
5degC / 5.23647 V * (100 V / 65534 counts) = 1.457e-3 degC / count
250m Tower
> fun.fastT.cal(scan("t.250.6-6-92.ed"),10)
[1] -5.066073 5.048336 -5.099227 5.049009 -5.095482 5.058845 -5.090609
[8] 5.057627 -5.105345 5.062455
[1] 5.073301
[1] 0.02193027
> fun.fastT.cal(scan("t.250.182.ed"),10)
[1] -5.014545 5.020000 -5.039091 4.998182 -5.036364 5.020000 -5.041818
[1] 5.024286
[1] 0.01573467
These 2 averages at 250m differ by less than 1.1%
Average of 250m calibrations: 5.0515 +- .03
prep.config linear calibration coefficient:
5degC / 5.0531 V * (100 V / 65534 counts) = 1.510e-3 degC / count
Since the calibrations at 6/6/92 and 6/29/82 agreed to within 1.1%
we will use the average of the two results for the entire experiment.