- 14: PSYC , Site none, Thu 04-Jun-1992 18:57:18 GMT, PRESSURE SENSOR MOVED:
Due to software conditions the pressure
sensor was moved back to the 250m tower, cosmos.
The conditional sampler system will be setup at
the 50m tower, ragwort.
- 53: PSYC , Site none, Mon 08-Jun-1992 00:53:13 GMT, PRESSURE SENSOR BAD:
The pressure sensor has not been
working too good. It has a tendency to go
down everytime you do anything with cosmos.
The sensor is down at this time.
- 85: PSYC , Site none, Thu 11-Jun-1992 15:11:44 GMT, PSYC TOWER COMING DOWN:
The psyc tower will be down for awhile
to replace the psycs with calibrated humidity
- 86: PSYC , Site none, Thu 11-Jun-1992 16:50:59 GMT, CHANGING THE PSYCHROMETERS
Changing the psychrometers
At approx 08:00 the psych tower was lowered and the
psychrometers were removed. They were replaced by new ones.
Old New
10.0m #67 #14
7.5m #21 #13
5.0m #36 #59
3.0m #23 #28
1.5m #35 #65
- 90: PSYC , Site none, Thu 11-Jun-1992 21:19:00 GMT, PSYC @ 3M moved to 10M:
PSYC @ 3M moved to 10M:
The psyc at 10m, S/N 14, was giving
low humidity readings. It was decided to move
the 3m unit, S/N 28 up to the 10m height.
S/N 14 will be looked at for incorrect coefficients.
This change took place about 15 minute ago.
- 91: PSYC , Site none, Thu 11-Jun-1992 22:08:38 GMT, INSTALL PSYC #14 @ 3M:
Psyc #14 was installed at the 3m
mark. I could not get the unit to respond to
commands to check the coefficients. Suggest replacing
this unit with the spare one if TOm has the
humitter for it.
- 104: PSYC , Site none, Sun 14-Jun-1992 00:26:54 GMT, 3m Psychrometer
3m Psychrometer
Replaced current 3m psychrometer (14) with
spare psychrometer (34) after installing
humitter that Cathy sent from cal lab.
The relative humidity at 3m may still be
a little low (or 1.5m may be high!).
- 113: PSYC , Site none, Tue 16-Jun-1992 16:05:45 GMT, 3m Psychrometer humidity mismatched to
3m Psychrometer humidity mismatched to others.
The specific humidity data at 3m does not match that
at the other levels. It is offset and in some
cases appears not as responsive. I checked
the fan and it is running okay.
Note added at 01:25 GMT, June 17: However, the
relative humidity profile looks believable. I
think that the specific humidity profile is
questionable because we are near the measurement
uncertainty for that variable. The specific
humidity differences are less than 0.1 gm/kg.