- 3: LOG , Site none, Thu 23-Apr-1992 21:49:05 GMT, Telephone numbers of FOOTPRINT people:
Telephone numbers of FOOTPRINT people:
Tony Delany; tel: 303-497-8776
FAX: 303-497-8770
Brian Lamb: tel: 509-335-5702
FAX: 509-335-7632
Hal Westberg: tel: 509-335-1529
FAX: 509-335-7632
Jim Rydock: tel: 509-335-7246
FAX: 509-335-7632
Monique LeClerk: tel: 514-987-4196
FAX: 514-987-3115 (be sure to address to Physics Dept)
Jerry Allwine: tel: 509-376-8145
FAX: 509-376-5217
Owen Abbey: tel: 509-
FAX: 509-
Bruce Lighthart: tel: 503-754-4879
FAX: 503-754-4711
Brenda Schaeffer: tel: 503-754-
FAX: 503-754-4711
Dorathea Pruitt: tel: 509-946-4195
FAX: 509-
- 13: LOG , Site none, Thu 04-Jun-1992 15:28:31 GMT, Brief rundown of the FOOTPRINT setup.
Brief rundown of the FOOTPRINT setup.
May 19 Tue: Tony arrived, set up car and truck and apartment
May 20 Wed: Security for Tony, Brian, and WSU students. At met area agreed on
layout of array, did initial surveying
May 21 Thu: Gordon arrived, security for Gordon, Kirt and Alan.
May 22 Fri: ASTER trailer and Uhaul convoyed to site, established base,
obtained first generator, started portaging equipment to stations.
May 23 Sat: Assembling the system
May 24 Sun: Assembling the system
May 25 Mon: Assembling the system
May 26 Tue:
Steve arrived
May 27 Wed: Kurt left
May 28 Thu:
May 29 Fri: Gordon left
May 30 Sat:
May 31 Sun:
Jun 1 Mon:
Jun 2 Tue:
Jun 3 Wed: Monique arrived, Bruce and Barbara arrived, bugflux tower setup
Jun 4 Thu:
second generator arrived
maintainance schedule for generators arranged
delay tests for SF6 sensors
new storage batteries fo UPS
removed UPS from power system
reinstalled UPS as power conditioner for ASTER
shut down AC in computor trailer, minimised power draw on first generator
first long (6hr?) period without lockup
increased ODS optical power ot all ADAMS
system first ran overnight
started covars,
first release line SF6 emission SF6 detected at 50m, 100m and 175m stations,
- 94: LOG , Site none, Fri 12-Jun-1992 16:40:08 GMT, Rain
A significant rainfall occured at the site . Lacking the rain
guage we do not have the rainfall data. However the data should be
available from the Hanford meteorological station. We should obtain
their records for the entire deployment period.
In fact we should obtain all their records for the entire deployment.
I estimate approximately 1 cm of rainfall.
- 130: LOG , Site none, Sun 21-Jun-1992 19:49:20 GMT, Times of archive data loss for jd=173
Times of archive data loss for jd=173
The archive disk filled up and archive data was lost for all
data channels from 10:23 to 14:58 gmt (03:23 to 07:58 local time).
Covars are available for that time.
- 132: LOG , Site none, Sun 21-Jun-1992 21:29:36 GMT, Computer trailer air conditioner quit
Computer trailer air conditioner quit
this afternoon and we replaced it with
the ac from the chem trailer.
- 164: LOG , Site none, Fri 22-Jan-1993 23:01:06 GMT, Measurement of Soil Parameters.
Measurement of Soil Parameters.
In order to define the heat flux into the soil the heat capacity of the soil,
Csoil, needs to be defined.
In order to calculate Csoil the values of certain soil parameters must
be input. These parameters are:
Bulk density of dry soil (g cm-3) = blkdens
Mineral volumetric fraction = blkdens/mindens = minvolfrac
Organic volumetric fraction = orgvolfrac
Gravimetric water fraction = gravmoist
The parameters blkdens, mindens, and orgvolfrac are constant for any
particular site and may be entered into the project specifications.
The parameter gravmoist varies throughout the deployment and is
calculated from the results of the daily soil collection
gravmoist = (fresh.soil.wt - cooked.soil.wt)/cooked.soil.wt
(gravmoist is contained in the file soil.reduced)
In order to obtain these parameters for the FOOTPRINT92 site a soil sample
was returned to the lab and processed.
1 Triplicate samples were processed.
2 The soil (actually a loose sand with very little organic content and no
cohesion) was dried.
3 Plastic vials (~50 ml) were tared and then using a syringe were filled to
20.0 g = 20.0 cm3. This level was marked on the vial.
4 Soil was added to the vial to this level and the vials weighed.
5 Water was then added to the soil until the soil was saturated. The excess
water was drawn off with trhe syringe. The vials were reweighed.
6 The following relaionships were applied
blkdens = Dry.soil/Volume
watervolfrac = (Pore.water/Volume)*Waterdensity
= ((Saturated.soil-Dry.soil)/Volume)*1.0
minvolfrac = 1- watervolfrac
= 1- ((Saturated.soil-Dry.soil)/Volume)*1.0
mindens = (Dry.soil/Volume)/minvolfrac
= blkdens/minvolfrac
orgvolfrac = Estimated to be very small. A value of 0.01 is to be used.
Vial Volume Dry.soil Saturated.soil Pore.water blkdens minvolfrac mindens
cm-3 g g g g cm-3 g cm-3
A 20.0 28.53 35.68 7.15 1.43 0.643 2.22
B 20.0 28.72 35.60 6.88 1.44 0.656 2.20
C 20.0 28.61 35.85 7.24 1.43 0.638 2.24
---- -----
1.43 0.65
The required parameters are:
blk.dens = 1.43
min.vol.frac = 0.65
org.vol.frac = 0.01
Together with gravmoist data this allows the heat capacity of the soil,Csoil,
to be calculated in units of J m-3 degC-1
blk.dens <- 1.43
min.vol.frac <- 0.65
org.vol.frac <- 0.01
gravmoist <- fun.gravmoist(jday)
Csoil <- ( 1.9*min.vol.frac + 2.5*org.vol.frac +
4.2*gravmoist*blk.dens )*1e6