- 40: SOFTWARE , Site none, Sun 07-Jun-1992 15:15:30 GMT, DATEL PROBLEMS:
Using data_stats it was discovered that
the data rate from the analog channels is not consistent.
Adams like daisy, with 4 analog channels on, are giving
20hz data at 60hz and 1hz data at 3hz.
We will try the old datel software. Look for future
reports on results!
- 56: SOFTWARE , Site none, Mon 08-Jun-1992 04:41:00 GMT, COVARs CRASHING:
The covars are crashing! At this
point I do not know why. It maybe because
I was doing some other covars on raw data files.
We will see what happens over night.
- 65: SOFTWARE , Site none, Mon 08-Jun-1992 23:59:40 GMT, CHANGES TO Splus CONFIG FILES:
The special config files in /home/aster/
apps/sfun/FOOTPRINT92 have been modified to meet
specific project needs. The daily routines are running
for days 158 and on. I am having a hard time
getting wx.plot to run for days 155 thru 157.
A minor change was made to ustarL.plot; it was
not plotting the zero line to 24 hours.
- 66: SOFTWARE , Site none, Tue 09-Jun-1992 00:02:53 GMT, AUTO_BKFILES RUNNING:
Auto_bkfile is running. It is setup
in the crontab to execute at 30 minutes after
00:00Z. It will print out a message to remind
you to initialize a new tape for the next day.