FLOSSII: Logbook Entries

FLOSSII: Kryptons Messages: 11 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author #Graphics
202 Thu 06-Mar-2003cleaned kryptonlakeoncley
199 Thu 06-Mar-2003krypton cleanedsageoncley
197 Thu 06-Mar-2003cleaned krypton at 2mtoweroncley
145 Wed 19-Feb-2003 Kr cleanedall stnsdelany
124 Tue 28-Jan-2003Kryptons cleanedall stnsmilitzer
110 Mon 13-Jan-2003krypton at 20 meterstowermaclean
87 Tue 24-Dec-2002stopped krypton_heat scripttowermaclean
86 Sun 22-Dec-2002krypton heater at 2m on towertowermaclean
64 Mon 16-Dec-2002krypton heater addedtoweroncley
27 Thu 21-Nov-2002Krypton Placementall stnsmilitzer
11 Mon 11-Nov-2002Krypton Calsall stnssemmer

202: Kryptons, Site lake, Thu 06-Mar-2003 15:08:56 MST, cleaned krypton
Just cleaned krypton too.

199: Kryptons, Site sage, Thu 06-Mar-2003 13:48:53 MST, krypton cleaned
While I was there, I cleaned the krypton as well at sage.

197: Kryptons, Site tower, Thu 06-Mar-2003 11:32:18 MST, cleaned krypton at 2m
Generally, the kryptons have looked okay, so I didn't think it was a high
priority to clean all of them -- especially since it is windy.  This done

145: Kryptons, Site all stns, Wed 19-Feb-2003 12:07:08 MST, Kr cleaned
On 19 Feb .Between 11:00 and 11:30 all the tower Kr's were cleaned, starting 
at the lowest and working to the uupermost.
Yesyerday, 18 Feb the Kr's at the outlying sites were all cleaned during the 
radiometer cleaning visits, see logbook # 140
124: Kryptons, Site all stns, Tue 28-Jan-2003 14:54:04 MST, Kryptons cleaned
7/28/03 cleaned Sage, Lake
7/27/03 cleaned tower sensors.
Used alcohol with q-tip

NOTE: today SteveS mentioned kh2oV actually dropped on
20m unit after we cleaned it.   We examined it and it
was OK.  Re-cleaned with just a dry q-tip and after
looking at cockpit, it appears probably the best now.
I think the alcohol is a poor substitute for distilled
because it may leave a residue esp. if something comes
off the seal and/or qtip.  Plane dry q-tip is better imho.

110: Kryptons, Site tower, Mon 13-Jan-2003 14:18:15 MST, krypton at 20 meters

On Jan 6 at noon, SteveO/Cody removed krypton 1392 at 20 meters
and replaced it with 1390. 

The cal_file for kh2o.20m is 

At first an incorrect V0 for 1390 was used, which resulted in negative
densities, which the calib function set to 0.

On jan 13 the correct V0 was entered in the cal file and
the data since Jan 6 rerun and plots remade.

kh2o.20m from 1390 looks good now, and does not have the diurnal
"light-leak" appearance of 1392. 

87: Kryptons, Site tower, Tue 24-Dec-2002 22:25:47 MST, stopped krypton_heat script
The 2 meter krypton heater was turned on for much of last night
but is didn't have any effect - apparently it has burned out.

SteveO said it wasn't designed to be run for lengthy periods - 
perhaps the resistor strip melted the hose.

I have stopped the krypton_heat script.  

86: Kryptons, Site tower, Sun 22-Dec-2002 22:40:06 MST, krypton heater at 2m on tower
kh2oV at the 2 meter kryptons started falling at about 18:00 MST tonight,
Dec 22, showing the signature of a frost event.

The krypton_heat script worked correctly and turned on the heater
control line for 2 minutes starting at 19:35:15 MST.  The voltage
kept dropping and so every 20 minutes it turned  the heater on again.

However I can see no effect in the data - the voltage kept falling.
At 22:24:30 I turned it on manually, until 22:37:15 when the script
turned it off.  No effect was seen in the data.  10 second averages 
of kh2oV.2m stayed around 0.0035 V and didn't show any upward trend.

At 22:51:00 MST I turned it the heater line on again. The krypton
voltage is still bottomed out at 0.003 V.

At 23:00 MST I changed the script to leave the heater on until
the voltage goes above 0.05 V.  Each level is checked every
5 minutes.

FYI: To create 10 second averages of kh2oV.2m
	prep -r 0.1 -D kh2oV.2m

The history of heater control is saved in files on 

It is also written to syslog, and so it is in the isff logs.

Added, morning of Dec 23:  It took 40 minutes to bring kh2oV from
.004 at 23:10 MST to .05 V at 23:50 last night.

64: Kryptons, Site tower, Mon 16-Dec-2002 17:46:35 MST, krypton heater added
We mounted the heater on the krypton at about 13:00.  It was connected through
cosmos about 16:00 (Tony may elaborate).  Thus, we should have some data on
this system tonight.

27: Kryptons, Site all stns, Thu 21-Nov-2002 10:04:49 MST, Krypton Placement
Krypton placement with respect to CSAT:
Horizontal orientation on all installations:

		From center of CSAT array:
Stn2 (sage)	26cm back	20cm below
Stn3 (lake)	26cm back	20cm below

2m   27cm
10m  24cm
20m  24cm
30m  24cm

11: Kryptons, Site all stns, Mon 11-Nov-2002 09:36:00 MST, Krypton Cals
krypton		path		V0		Kw

1101		2.6		-0.1270443	666.8774800

1389		2.6		-0.1457689	753.3314535

1391		2.6		-0.1414481	1078.4729713

1392		2.6		-0.1370274	502.1903044

1394		2.6		-0.1395649 	1036.5063415

1395		2.6		-0.1418386	1262.7934824
1397		2.6		-0.134113	590.245198