FLOSSII: Logbook Entries

FLOSSII: Base Messages: 5 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author #Graphics
149 Wed 19-Feb-2003change disk drivesbasesemmer
63 Mon 16-Dec-2002aster rebootedbaseoncley
58 Mon 16-Dec-2002krypton heater scripttowermaclean
48 Mon 09-Dec-2002replaced disk drivebaseknudson
31 Thu 21-Nov-2002Swapping USB data disksbasemaclean

149: Base, Site base, Wed 19-Feb-2003 13:37:12 MST, change disk drives
Hard drive 2 removed, replaced with drive 1.
Time was 1:30 pm local.
63: Base, Site base, Mon 16-Dec-2002 17:43:45 MST, aster rebooted
When testing the krypton heater script, a member of our software team 
accidentally killed several aster processes about 20:10Z.  ASTER was rebooted
here about 21:30Z and the adams rebooted about 30min later.

58: Base, Site tower, Mon 16-Dec-2002 13:21:58 MST, krypton heater script
Commands for krypton heaters on the tower:
  start_krypton_heat    starts script which controls krypton heaters on tower
  stop_krypton_heat     stops script

The krypton_heat script runs itself every 5 minutes.  It cycles
through the 4 kryptons on the tower, and therefore will visit
each kryton every 20 minutes.

krypton_heat gets the latest 5 minute value of kh2oV.2m, kh2oV.10m, 
kh2oV.20m or kh2oV.30m, using ncprint on the netcdf file. If
the value is less than 0.05 V, then the appropriate ttl_on
command is sent to the adam, and after 2 minutes, ttl_off
is sent.

The adam name, the ttl port of the krypton heater, the trigger voltage,
and the  amount of time to leave the heater on is set in the script,
for each kh2oV variable.  If these are changed, do a a stop/start
to restart the script:


48: Base, Site base, Mon 09-Dec-2002 09:17:56 MST, replaced disk drive
replaced disk drive, and returned it to Gordon on
Wed, Dec 4th
31: Base, Site base, Thu 21-Nov-2002 13:57:57 MST, Swapping USB data disks
We have two 120Gb Maxtor USB disks, labled USB#1 and USB#2 that we
alternate on the base system. They provide a backup copy of the high 
rate data and a way to to shuttle the data back to Boulder.

Here is how to swap the USB disks on aster.  You do not need
to reboot to do this.

0. Check that the red light on the front of the disk is not lit. 
   For a minute or two at about 10:15 am and 6:15 pm MST, files 
   are copied to it, so you may have to wait a bit.

1. From the aster account (does not have to be root), enter umount
   command in a shell window:

   umount /mnt/usbhd

   If the disk is in use, you will get an error to that effect. Wait
   a minute, then try again.

2. Wait until red light on front of drive stops flashing.

3. Unplug silver USB cable from back of drive

4. Unplug power from drive.
5. Plug power into second drive. Wait 5 seconds or so for it to spin up.

6. Plug USB cable into second drive.

7. Enter mount command:   
   mount /mnt/usbhd

You're done.

On Nov 21, the drive labeled USB#2 is in use and USB#1 was taken back
to Boulder.