- 216: CO2, Site tower, Sat 22-Mar-2003 10:38:29 MST, Set CO2 lag to 1 sec
The w,CO2 correlation plots have shown an approximate lag of 1 second
in the CO2 data, so I added a l=1.0 parameter in prep.config
for co2mr. It had the desired effect in today's correlation
vs lag plot - it shifted the peak back almost to 0.
- 200: CO2, Site tower, Thu 06-Mar-2003 13:49:25 MST, CO2 cal gas amounts
I just remembered that I checked the CO2 cylinders at about 09:00 this morning.
Hi cal: 1170
Lo cal: 1100
These look like plenty to me.
Note that there is a lot of water/ice in the pump box -- now to the base of
the subpanel in the floor of the box. At the moment, the front panel is
completely clogged with blown snow, so more snow won't get in, but eventually
the front panel will be open again.
Because it was mostly ice, I couldn't see a good way to get rid of the ice
that was there. Also, I haven't thought of a good way to block the holes.
- 172: CO2, Site tower, Thu 27-Feb-2003 11:26:23 MST, CO2 cal flows and supplimentary cals
10:35 CO2 intake flow 6.75 lpm
Hi-cal xs flow 2.2 lpm
Lo-cal xs flow 2.2 lpm
There was no need to adjust the bypass nor secondary regulator pressures.
Hi-cal 1220/10 Lo-cal 1310/12
Arranged plumbing for suplimentary calibrations
10:40 to 10:50 N spare 1650 psi xs flow 2 lpm
10:55 to 11:05 S spare 1760 psi xs flow adjusted to 2 lpm but wouldnt stay
const. had to cont incr pressure at regulator
- 153: CO2, Site tower, Thu 20-Feb-2003 15:02:24 MST, Supplimentary CO2 calibrations
A supplimentary calibration system was assembled. It consisted of:
a regulator with a shut-off valve, 10 m of 1/4" tubing leading into a ~ 250 cm3
Savillex three connector teflon jar. The other two tubes connected to a
floating ball flow meter and to either a close-off or the Licor intake.
The Licor intake flow was tested = 6.5 lpm
The regulator was connected to a cylinder, the flow thro the jar with the
shut-off installed was adjusted to 10 lpm and run for a few minutes to flush
the system and then the shut-off was removed and the line connected to the Licor
intake. The excess flow of a few lpm was checked. The suplimentary cal gas
was fed to the Licor intake for ~ 10 minutes.
The system was disconnected and after set-up with the second cylinder the
process was repeated.
First calgas K694978, ppm = 371.5 , Pressure 1700 psi, start 13:50, stop 14:00
Secnd calgas 57677 , ppm = 392.55, Pressure 1840 psi, start 14:08, stop 14:19
- 146: CO2, Site tower, Wed 19-Feb-2003 12:13:01 MST, CO2 flow rates adjusted
At 11:30 the CO2 flows were checked and adjusted.
The intake flow was 8 lpm. It was adjusted to 6.5 lpm by adjusting the carbon
vane pump bypass valve.
The cal gas overflows were then adjusted to 2lpm. The vernier valves were each
at max and so the adjustment had to be done by adjusting the regulator output
pressure, Hical = 10 psi, lo-cal 12 psi.
ttl_on cosmos0 Hi-cal solenoid on
_off` 0 off
_on cosmos1 Lo-cal solenoid on
_off 1 off
ttl_reset cosmos0 Return to sequence
ttl_reset cosmos1 Return to sequence
Went along the cylinder to Licor cal gas lines and tightened all swagelocks.
Didnot mess with connections inside Licor box
- 139: CO2, Site tower, Tue 18-Feb-2003 16:38:41 MST, CO2 calibration gases
The Lo-cal gas had run out before we arrived on Tues, 18 Feb''03
See notes in Logbook # 136 as to the details of the cylinders dispositions.
The new Lo-cal was attached at 13:15
The previous two Lo-cal cylinders were transported to the base and will be
returned to NCAR and then to US Welding.
The cylinders at the tower are, from S to N
Spare Hi-cal Online Hi-cal Online Lo-cal Spare Lo-cal
57677 8/3 F98206 K361224 K 694978
392 389 283 371
Full (1810) 1380/10 1680/12 Full (1700)
Note that the pressures in the two spare cylinders were determined when at 14:00
on Feb 20 the supllimentary calibrations were carried out.
- 136: CO2, Site tower, Wed 05-Feb-2003 09:46:04 MST, CO2 cal gas status
The CO2 Calibration gases used with the Licor 6252 at FLOSS02 were:
Log Date Lo-cal Hi-cal
Cylinder Mix rat Pressure Flow Cylinder Mix rat Pressure Flow
68 Start LK438863 323.16 ~1800 Yes F98206 389.38 ~1800 No
16 Dec " " ~0 Yes " " No
16 Dec LK387670 346.11 ~1700 Yes " " No
96 06 Jan " " 575/15 Yes " " 1800/15 No
122 28 Jan " " 950/14 Yes " " 1580/10 Yes
139 18 Feb " " 000/12 No " " 1380/10 Yes
139 18 Feb K 361224 283 1680/12 Yes " " " "
~ 21 Feb " " 1530/12 Yes " " 1320/10 "
FLOSS02 Cal gas cylinders, 29 Jan''03
57677 392.55 To be used as next Hi-cal Hi-cal spare
F98206 389.38 Init Hi-cal Hi-cal on,28 Jan 1580/10
K694978 371.5 Near gate
LK387670 346.11 In Dec Steve O connected as Lo-cal Lo-cal on, 28 Jan 950/14
LK438863 323.16 Init Lo-cal, now empty EMPTY at base of tower
K361224 283.38 To be used as next Lo-cal Near gate
K135850 269.83 At NCAR
K247699 249.77 At NCAR
FLOSS02 Cal gas cylinders, 18 Feb''03 (see LOGBOOK # 139)
At base of tower, from S to N
57677 392.55 To be used as next Hi-cal Hi-cal spare
8/3 F98206 389.38 Init Hi-cal, still online Hi-cal still on 18 Feb''03
K361224 283 New Lo-cal , online Lo-cal started 18 Feb''03
K694978 371 To be used as next "Lo-cal" Spare(will use as intake cal)
To be taken back to NCAR and returned to US Welding
LK 387670
LK 438863
At NCAR to be used for lab testing
K135850 269.83
K247699 249.77
- 133: CO2, Site tower, Sat 01-Feb-2003 07:58:15 MST, Licor CO2 back to life
The licor CO2 sensor was reset (a favor from Bill Massman)
and the data looks reasonable starting at 14:00 MST Dec 31.
- 105: CO2, Site tower, Wed 08-Jan-2003 11:57:06 MST, Shortened CO2 cal periods
Jan 8, 11:40am
2 minute CO2 calibration periods are longer than necessary - the
signal settles to the new level within 10 seconds, so Tony
recommended shortening the cal periods to 30 seconds for each cal gas.
The sequence is now:
XX:00:00 hi cal on
XX:00:30 low cal on
XX:01:00 normal sampling
7+XX:00:00 repeat same thing 7 hours later.
Rebooted cosmos
- 94: CO2, Site tower, Fri 03-Jan-2003 09:19:13 MST, Calibration gas regulator installation
How to install the regulator on the caltank and adjust the cal-gas flow
Insert the regulator male fitting into the cylinder female screw thread.
Hand tighten the notched nut. REMEMBER THAT IT IS A LEFT-HANDED THREAD
Use the wrench from the pump box to tighten the nut, really tight.
Unscrew the regulator adjust until loose.
Close the regulator outlet valve.
Open the cylinder valve.
Note the cylinder pressure. Should be 1500 psi or so
Screw in the regulator adjust until the second stage reads 5 psi or so.
Connect, finger tight, the floating ball guage to intake
Monitor the intake flow of the CO2 intake. It should be 6-7 lpm
If it is too low close down the aspirator pump bypass valve
If it is too high open up the aspirator pump bypass valve
Command the Lo-cal gas solenoid to open; ttl_on cosmos 0 CHECK THIS
The Lo-cal gas flow of ~ 7-8 lpm should overflow out the intake at ~ 1-2 lpm
Reverse the flow connection of the floating ball guage
If overflow is too low increase the regulator adjust
If overflow is too high decrease the regulator adjust
Command the Lo-cal gas solenoid to close; ttl_off cosmos 0 CHECK THIS
Command the Hi-cal gas solenoid to open; ttl_on cosmos 1 CHECK THIS
Open the regulator outlet valve
The second stage pressure will fall, screw in the regulator adjust to ~ 5-10 psi
The Hi-cal gas flow of ~ 7-8 lpm should overflow out the intake at ~ 1-2 lpm
If overflow is too low increase the regulator adjust
If overflow is too high decrease the regulator adjust
Command the Hi-cal gas solenoid to close; ttl_off cosmos 0 CHECK THIS
Return Lo-cal solenoid to microprocessor control; ttl_reset cosmos0
Return Hi-cal solenoid to microprocessor control; ttl_reset cosmos1
- 68: CO2, Site tower, Mon 16-Dec-2002 18:13:33 MST, CO2 setup
Rekeyed the two ADAMs at tower at 14;45
Set up the CO2 system
See doc for diagram of system
Checked all swageloks, tightened regulators but did not open cylinder valves.
Powered CO2 box, switched on Licor Green light on later
Powered up pump, monitored the intake flow = 6 lpm
Control cable from serial connector assosiated with the new fiber board circuit
CO2 to 101
(Did not yet connect T to 102 nor P to 103 as lacking the analog cables)