- 203: Weather, Site , Thu 06-Mar-2003 16:11:32 MST, snowing
It actually was nice about 13:30, but about 15:00 got some light snow pellets.
Now it has changed back to moderate snow (blowing, of course...)
- 195: Weather, Site , Thu 06-Mar-2003 11:05:06 MST, still windy with blowing snow
There have been lulls, but for the last 26 hours or so there has been a lot of
wind moving the snow pack around. Some spots are clear, others are ~0.5m.
- 194: Weather, Site , Wed 05-Mar-2003 17:10:12 MST, blowing snow
It has been blowing like crazy most of the day (8+ m/s at 2m) and snow has
been drifting all over. However, there was no snow, except for a possible
dusting early this morning (pre 05:30). This is a good case if anyone wants
to look at drifting snow (to check the rain gauge??).
- 187: Weather, Site all stns, Tue 04-Mar-2003 09:00:17 MST, snowing
It started snowing ~0500 this morning and is still coming down -- I estimate
about 1" has fallen so far. About 15 min ago, I checked sage and all sensors
were snow-free (T/RH, sonic, krypton, 4-comp rad, and net).
- 182: Weather, Site all stns, Sun 02-Mar-2003 09:58:56 MST, fog/frost
There was heavy fog last night and associated rime this morning on all sensors.
On the drive in (~0830), I brushed the rime (but couldn't get at all of the
underlying frost) off of all rads, sonic, and krypton at sage, then at lake.
About 0900, I brushed off bare.1.5m, then all grass rads. I then brushed off
the 1&2m sonic and krypton at the tower. Next, I "twanged" the NW guy wires
to knock rime off all sonics and kryptons. Nevertheless, I decided to climb
the tower to check on the effectiveness of the "twanging". I twanged the
side boom guy wires and was able to knock off a bit more rime, though I think
that the tower guy twanging would have been adequate by itself. All this
twanging was sufficient to get the 20&30m sonics happy again (not cycling diag).
While on the tower, I noticed that rime had clogged the T/RH inlets. I blew/
wiped the rime off of all of the T/RHs, in the order: 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5,
0.5, 1, 2m. Note that I didn't open the tubes to get at any ice that may
be on the Gortex cap. Also note that I didn't think of doing the T/RHs at
lake and sage.
- 180: Weather, Site all stns, Sat 01-Mar-2003 14:37:43 MST, fog this AM
We took the morning off to go to Steamboat, but noticed that there was still
fog in low-lying areas at 8:40 this morning. Thus, I'm not surprised that the
kryptons had their usual failures.
We also saw 2 coyotes and a large herd of elk along the road driving into the
site just now.
- 176: Weather, Site , Fri 28-Feb-2003 08:43:22 MST, low clouds just breaking up
I notice that all kryptons died again last night. The radio had reports of fog,
though the site just had low clouds this morning, i.e. slightly elevated fog.
This fog is just now breaking up.
- 155: Weather, Site all stns, Fri 21-Feb-2003 08:13:55 MST, Weather conditions
A light snow occured in the early morning.
By daybreak there were only scattered clouds.
A good opportunity to check the functioning of the frost detector.
- 107: Weather, Site tower, Thu 09-Jan-2003 09:09:08 MST, riming events
Here are some (probably not all) icing events I see in the Axis camera images:
Dec 15 08:00?
Dec 24 08:00
Dec 28 08:00?
Jan 1 08:00
Jan 7 08:00
Jan 8 08:00
- 98: Weather, Site all stns, Tue 07-Jan-2003 07:42:15 MST, sunrise
sunrise 2 minutes ago ~7:40
- 97: Weather, Site all stns, Tue 07-Jan-2003 07:40:19 MST, fog
Fog now mostly clear, but was thicker earlier -- especially at low levels.
Still thin wisps at bottom ~3m. Does this explain our krypton problems?
(but what is happening at 2m.tower?)