SCMS95: PAM3 Messages: 33 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author
1Mon 24-Jul-1995Data Retrieval3Log, Paradox
14Tue 11-Jul-1995Setup3Log, Paradox
19Tue 11-Jul-1995PAM #3 prop-vane orientation3Horst, Tom
25Thu 13-Jul-1995Station dead3Log, Paradox
30Sat 15-Jul-1995sonic problem3Log, Paradox
32Tue 18-Jul-1995sonic problem3Log, Paradox
34Tue 18-Jul-1995wind problem3Log, Paradox
39Thu 20-Jul-1995Data Retrieval3Log, Paradox
44Sat 22-Jul-1995sonic problem3Log, Paradox
50Sun 23-Jul-1995Station dead3Log, Paradox
51Sun 23-Jul-1995Brush cleared around pyranometer3Horst, Tom
53Sun 23-Jul-1995Data Retrieval3Log, Paradox
54Mon 24-Jul-1995Station dead3Log, Paradox
57Mon 24-Jul-1995Site photos3Horst, Tom
58Mon 24-Jul-1995Data Retrieval3Log, Paradox
60Tue 25-Jul-1995Lightning hit on 7/22/95 knocked out the station3Michaelis, Matt
64Thu 27-Jul-1995sonic problem3Log, Paradox
71Sun 30-Jul-1995Installed hygrothermometer and GOES xmtr3Militzer, John
78Thu 3-Aug-1995Communication problem3Log, Paradox
85Fri 04-Aug-1995Site visit on Thursday to PAM33Semmer, Steve
87Fri 4-Aug-1995Power problem3Log, Paradox
88Fri 04-Aug-1995Site Visit to PAM33Militzer, John
91Sun 06-Aug-1995Visit station 33Semmer, Steve
96Mon 7-Aug-1995Data Retrieval3Log, Paradox
97Tue 08-Aug-1995Visit to station 3 yesterday3Semmer, Steve
98Tue 8-Aug-1995rain gauge work3Log, Paradox
100Tue 08-Aug-1995Visit to station 3, 9:00 to 11:00 local3Semmer, Steve
105Wed 9-Aug-1995Replaced ETI3Log, Paradox
112Thu 10-Aug-1995Routine3Log, Paradox
114Thu 10-Aug-1995Station 3 visit, sonic and download3Semmer, Steve
118Fri 11-Aug-1995GOES going down at station 33Semmer, Steve
127Sun 13-Aug-1995Routine3Log, Paradox
134Tue 15-Aug-1995Data Retrieval3Log, Paradox

1: PAM3/3 Mon 24-Jul-1995 19:24 GMT Data Retrieval
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: MM
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Coments: Quick station check and grabbed data

14: PAM3/3 Tue 11-Jul-1995 12:51 GMT Setup
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: MM
Weather: humid not hot yet
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Comments: Zeroed (27deg 89%) and scoped sonic  Shot boom (14x      ) 
    Installed lower guy wires.  Aligned prop vane angle.  Replaced GOES
 antenna.  Fixed Freewave baud rate.  Downloaded data.

19: PAM3/3 Tue 11-Jul-1995 20:53:19 GMT PAM #3 prop-vane orientation
Prop boom orientation = 140 deg 32' 17"
25: PAM3/3 Thu 13-Jul-1995 22:15 GMT Station dead
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: MM
Weather: very nice
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Comments: Problem with bad config.  Fixed it and restarted data collection.
  Lots o' wasps at this site now.

30: PAM3/3 Sat 15-Jul-1995 16:16 GMT sonic problem
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: MM
Weather: hot and cloudy
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Comments: Checked ATI with scope.  Channels U and W ok.  Chan V had no
 signal. Probably the transducer is wet/bad, but we will not drop the
 mast to check it until we have the new mast sections.  The soil sensors
 were pulled out of ground...someone tripped???

32: PAM3/3 Tue 18-Jul-1995 13:34 GMT sonic problem
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: MM
Weather: low cumulus warm
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: Y
Rain IC: N

 Comments: Buried soil sensors again.  Clay loam?  Replaced 3rd mast section.
  Tweaked V transducer on sonic.  Works now, but cable may be bad.  Recaled
 V.  Sonic level looks good.  Added 3rd battery Wind cpu wet

34: PAM3/3 Tue 18-Jul-1995 21:31 GMT wind problem
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: MM
Weather: quite cloudy
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: Y
Rain IC: N

 Comments: Put prop vane back on.  Set boom alignment and boom direction.
  Added electrical tape to keep water out.  ATI still running.  Level

39: PAM3/3 Thu 20-Jul-1995 22:17 GMT Data Retrieval
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: MM
Weather: very nice
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Comments: Grabbed data, and reset system to fix aux console lockup.

44: PAM3/3 Sat 22-Jul-1995 19:15 GMT sonic problem
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: MM
Weather: hot not raining
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Comments: Loaded new config at 19:18. Downloaded jd 200-202.  Sonic problem
 was w transducer.  Replaced  them, did level check and caled them.  Looks
 good now, or at least it is giving data.

50: PAM3/3 Sun 23-Jul-1995 14:44 GMT Station dead
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: MM
Weather: hot cloudy
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Comments: Very quiet, no fans.  Bad VME power supply, no spares.  May
 also have other problems.  Pulled electronic box.

51: PAM3/3 Sun 23-Jul-1995 18:03:22 GMT Brush cleared around pyranometer
Eric Miller called at 2 pm edt to say that he had cleared out the tall
brush that was to the southwest of the Licor pyranometer mounted on the
ETI raingauge.

53: PAM3/3 Sun 23-Jul-1995 20:57 GMT Data Retrieval
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: MM
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N


54: PAM3/3 Mon 24-Jul-1995 13:04 GMT Station dead
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: MM
Weather: almost pleasant
Trh  IC: Y
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Comments: Reinstalled electronics box.  Things looking grim.  GOES xmitter
 dead.  but fuse OK.Freewave RF dead.  Sensor bus dead, but fixed with
 new 485 box.  CR10 serial box dead.  Removed carnage from station.  Will
 have to get data via local storage.

57: PAM3/3 Mon 24-Jul-1995 16:47:47 GMT Site photos
I took additional site photos, in particular 5 photos with a 28 mm lens
at 45 degree increments, starting at 90 deg to the sonic boom.  These
photos will be labeled Site 1 because I did not know how to change
the data back information.

58: PAM3/3 Mon 24-Jul-1995 19:24 GMT Data Retrieval
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: MM
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Comments: Quick station check and grabbed data

60: PAM3/3 Tue 25-Jul-1995 21:49:22 GMT Lightning hit on 7/22/95 knocked out the station
Station 3 took a nice lightning hit on 7/22.  Visitations on 7/23 required the
electronics box to be returned to the base for work.  The VME power supply
took a hit on the +5V standby power.  This bit of circuitry was not protected
by tranzorbs or a fuse.  Locating the problem with the station was exacerbated
because the fuse on the power supply did not blow.  After burning out three
fuses on the battery, enough smoke was generated on the power supply to "see
the problem".  

On Monday 7/24, after reinstalling the electonics box, found the Freewave, the
GOES transmitter, the bandpass hygrometer, the RS232 to 485 converter, and the
data logger were out.  The data logger problem turned out to be simply the
SC32A opto-isolator.  Returned both radios to their manufacturers for repair
or burial as requiered.  The Freewave was hit on an 8V regulator and some
associated analog circuitry.  The GOES radio was hit in its self sacrificing
tranzorbs and associated circuitry.

The front panel connector on station 3 is the the one with the bad power input
trace.  The bypassed trace may have weakened the lightning protection for the
power input to the station.  Redesign of the front panel power section is in

The station is currently limping along with local data storage only.  The prop
vane, the Trh sensor and the barometer are OK.  The ATI sonic is giving spikes
on the V component at the very least.  

64: PAM3/3 Thu 27-Jul-1995 14:10 GMT sonic problem
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: MM
Weather: cloudy storm coming
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Comments: Trh fan dead.   Station was up.  Downloaded data.  Problem with
 data system--would not boot up properly.  Left powered down for a couple
 minutes and it worked.  Adjusted sonic and caled.  Replaced 485 sensor
 ETI dead. TRh dead. BPH dead

71: PAM3/3 Sun 30-Jul-1995 16:09:12 GMT Installed hygrothermometer and GOES xmtr
	Was put back on the station after being taken off on
	7/27.  The sensor was OK, but the fan needed to be

GOES Xmtr:
	Was put back on the station after being repaired by
	Signal Engineering.  It had been taken out by the
	lightning strike on 7/22 and sent to SE on the 25th;
	good turn-around.

Status: Both are now working.

78: PAM3/3 Thu 3-Aug-1995 12:52 GMT Communication problem
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: JM
Weather: raining
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: Y
Rain IC: N

 Comments: yikes, lets get the data.  also powered up the goes.   Installed
 BPhygrometer after the rain left the area.  Leveled the sonic and the

85: PAM3/3 Fri 04-Aug-1995 18:11:09 GMT Site visit on Thursday to PAM3
  A number of jobs were done at PAM 3 yesterday. These included
installation of the bandpass hygro, leveling the tower, and putting
one of the batteries on a charger located in the ISS trailer. We still
need to add new desccant to the net rad sensor and download the new
configuration that has the new BPH coefficients.

87: PAM3/3 Fri 4-Aug-1995 20:03 GMT Power problem
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: JM
Weather: low-Q, lt-breeze
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Coments: Added third battery again (hopefully it'll charge!).  Added
 desiccant to rnet and leveled it to within 1-degree or better.  Downloaded
 new config. that has correct coef for bphygrometer.

88: PAM3/3 Fri 04-Aug-1995 20:59:56 GMT Site Visit to PAM3
Net Radiation:
	Leveled sensor using the electronic device to within 1 degree or
	better.  The sensor was probably within 2 degrees before.

	Put 3rd battery back on the station after charging it on AC in
	the ISS van.  It was still pulling quite a bit of juice even
	at that.

BandPass-Hygrothermometer / EVE:
	Downloaded a New Configuration that has the correct coefficients
	for the bphygrometer.  Was Coef for sn25,  Now is Coef for sn27.
	Data looks OK.
91: PAM3/3 Sun 06-Aug-1995 15:44:53 GMT Visit station 3
  I took a trip out to station 3 to do intercomparisons. The
station is ok however we do have some problems with the code
on the compaq. Whenever you leave an intercomparison check the system
refuses to reload the station script. I had to 'alt x' to get out.
The log files about the visit were saved. Below are the results
of the intercomparison.

Temp		RH		TEMP		RH
28.62		82.14		28.34		81.99

		1017.86		1017.52

		?		?

NOTE: it appears we did not get any rain information.
96: PAM3/3 Mon 7-Aug-1995 18:42 GMT Data Retrieval
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: SS
Weather: sunny and hot
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Coments: I'm here to get some local data and to check out the rain gauges.
 We did not get   rain data from the last IC. The MRI gauge switch is
 not working.  Checked GOES power; no response on power meter. Direction
 on antenna ok. No response out of ETI gauge

97: PAM3/3 Tue 08-Aug-1995 13:14:58 GMT Visit to station 3 yesterday
  Went to station 3 to backup local data and work on the
rain gauges. The switch in the MRI gauge was bad. We will replace
it with the MRI from station 2. There was not response out of the
ETI gauge. We will have to hookup the compaq to the processor and
see what happens.
One final tidbit, I saw a snake out there near the station.

98: PAM3/3 Tue 8-Aug-1995 14:30 GMT rain gauge work
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: SS
Weather: hot
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Comments: The MRI gauge from station 2 is now on station 3. A manual test
 shows the sensor is working.

100: PAM3/3 Tue 08-Aug-1995 20:55:28 GMT Visit to station 3, 9:00 to 11:00 local
 Spent some time working on rain gauges. Installed
the MRI from station 2. This gauge checked out ok. The
ETI would not work. We need a software program to check
it out. I called Matt and he will try to send it over
the net.

105: PAM3/3 Wed 9-Aug-1995 17:58 GMT Replaced ETI
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: JM
Weather: Hot, lt wind, alto-Q
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: Y
Rain IC: N

Downloaded Data.  Replaced ETI.  Now working.  Rain IC showed
 49/44 tips but i  ran the water in somewhat fast, and the wind was blowing
 a bit.  5 tip test of MRI was OK.

112: PAM3/3 Thu 10-Aug-1995 17:57 GMT Routine
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: JM
Weather: warm, lt wnd, alto-Q
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Comments: Downloaded data.  Checked sonic signal levels to see if there's
 an explanation for the occassional glitches.  Signals look OK.  Maybe
 the sonic glitches when bugs start playing on the transducers :-)

114: PAM3/3 Thu 10-Aug-1995 19:14:17 GMT Station 3 visit, sonic and download
  Went to station 3 to look at the v component on
sonic. Ther was no obvious problem with the signal.
Loal data was downloaded.

118: PAM3/3 Fri 11-Aug-1995 16:11:19 GMT GOES going down at station 3
  After talking with Tom, we have decided to shut down
the GOES transmission at station 3. It may be the spikes
are being caused by the transmission.

127: PAM3/3 Sun 13-Aug-1995 16:40 GMT Routine
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: JM
Weather: calm, alto-Q
Trh  IC: Y
Baro IC: Y
Rain IC: N

 Coments: Moved BPHygrometer to xarm next to TRH.  Offloaded data.  ICs
 for baro,assman.  Started up GOES again.  Took Soil Sample

134: PAM3/3 Tue 15-Aug-1995 12:47 GMT Data Retrieval
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: SS
Weather: sunny
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Comments: The project has ended. This is the final data retrieval.