SCMS95: PAM2 Messages: 30 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author
6Thu 6-Jul-1995Go2Log, Paradox
10Sun 9-Jul-1995Setup2Log, Paradox
11Mon 10-Jul-1995Prop-vane orientation, PAM#2, NASA site2Horst, Tom
12Mon 10-Jul-1995Sonic anemometer, PAM#2, NASA site2Horst, Tom
13Mon 10-Jul-1995Setup2Log, Paradox
26Fri 14-Jul-1995sonic problem2Log, Paradox
29Sat 15-Jul-1995Power problem2Log, Paradox
31Sun 16-Jul-1995Power problem2Log, Paradox
33Tue 18-Jul-1995Power problem2Log, Paradox
38Thu 20-Jul-1995Communication problem2Log, Paradox
65Fri 28-Jul-1995Data Retrieval2Log, Paradox
72Sun 30-Jul-1995Aux sensor2Log, Paradox
73Sun 30-Jul-1995Station in water: Logger drenched / removed2Militzer, John
74Mon 31-Jul-1995Station Electronics Taken Down - Hurricane coming!2Militzer, John
80Thu 3-Aug-1995Data Retrieval2Log, Paradox
81Thu 3-Aug-1995Station dead2Log, Paradox
84Fri 04-Aug-1995Site visit on Thursday to PAM22Semmer, Steve
89Sat 5-Aug-1995T-RH problem2Log, Paradox
90Sat 05-Aug-1995Visit to PAM 22Semmer, Steve
99Tue 8-Aug-1995Routine2Log, Paradox
101Tue 08-Aug-1995Station 2 visit, 1:00 to 3:30 pm2Semmer, Steve
103Wed 9-Aug-1995rad problem2Log, Paradox
108Thu 10-Aug-1995Station 2 visit yesterday2Semmer, Steve
116Fri 11-Aug-1995sonic problem2Log, Paradox
117Fri 11-Aug-1995Station 2 visit, download and v component2Semmer, Steve
120Sat 12-Aug-1995Goes to be disconnected at station 22Semmer, Steve
121Sat 12-Aug-1995Communication problem2Log, Paradox
126Sun 13-Aug-1995Routine2Log, Paradox
136Tue 15-Aug-1995Data Retrieval2Log, Paradox
137Tue 15-Aug-1995Data Retrieval2Log, Paradox

6: PAM2/2 Thu 6-Jul-1995 16:17 GMT Go
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: MM
Weather: Nice and hot
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Comments: Got most the station up today, but didn't bury the soil sensors.
  Also no rain checks or baro checks.  Needs the updated config

10: PAM2/2 Sun 9-Jul-1995 18:39 GMT Setup
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: MM
Weather: warm  and breezy
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Comments: Shot anemometer at 139,27',50".   Changed to config 9

11: PAM2/2 Mon 10-Jul-1995 12:41:37 GMT Prop-vane orientation, PAM#2, NASA site
Shot prop-vane boom azimuth at PAM#2, NASA site.
139 deg, 27' 50".  Matt entered this value into prop-vane.
12: PAM2/2 Mon 10-Jul-1995 12:45:39 GMT Sonic anemometer, PAM#2, NASA site
Sonic anemometer at PAM#2, NASA or Walker Expressway Site:

Shot sonic u-axis orientation with theodolite yesterday:  
49 deg, 40' 41"

Tried to level sonic, but were unsuccessful.  Left sonic with
alev= +584
blev= -592

Checked sonic signals and they look good with the first pulse 
amplitude about 0.5 V and the second pulse about 14 V on all

Calibrated sonic, using data from bp hygrometer:  34 degC, 91 %RH.
The RH value looks phoney, so will redo today.

July 10, 1410 GMT: recalibrated sonic using data from hygrothermometer,
30 deg C, 62 %RH.
13: PAM2/2 Mon 10-Jul-1995 14:03 GMT Setup
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: MM
Weather: getting warmer
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Comments: Installed crossarm and trh.  Zeroed sonic (at 14:10 gmt).  Buried
 soil sensors, but soil is clay, and soil contact is poor except for temp.
  BPH seems to have improper calibration.  Basic voltage cal

26: PAM2/2 Fri 14-Jul-1995 14:28 GMT sonic problem
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: MM
Weather: hot cloudy
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Comments: Raised batteries off ground with cinder blocks.  Took photos.
  Leveled sonic with bubble, electonic level seems off.   Soil sensors
 in saturated ground.  Didn't reinstall--wouldn't help.

29: PAM2/2 Sat 15-Jul-1995 15:10 GMT Power problem
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: MM
Weather: hot and cloudy
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Comments: Moved  batteies from solar stand to station and rewired to prevent
 power grief. Need new ground strap for tower.  Need 4th stake on solaDr
 stand.  ATI level slowly climbed at power up from 10 to 350 counts. Need
 short A/D calbe for   powr data.

31: PAM2/2 Sun 16-Jul-1995 13:41 GMT Power problem
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: MM
Weather: not quite hot yet
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Comments: Added A/D cable.  Installed new level sensor on sonic. Tried
 to relevel sonic manually with bubble level.  New sonic level seemed
 noisy and still drifted out after power up.

33: PAM2/2 Tue 18-Jul-1995 17:17 GMT Power problem
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: MM
Weather: low cumulus warm
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Comments: Added 3rd battery.  Checked charging, looked ok.  Added 6th
 solar panel got more juice.   Station sitting in 1.5" water.

38: PAM2/2 Thu 20-Jul-1995 15:23 GMT Communication problem
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: MM
Weather: hot again cloudy
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: Y

 Comments: Rebooted to fix console.  Grabbed data from jd 196 through 200.
  Set sonic level with manual electronic level.  Was about .2 deg out
 before adjstment.  Did ICs. ETI gauge worked OK.

65: PAM2/2 Fri 28-Jul-1995 13:27 GMT Data Retrieval
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: MM
Weather: breezy and cloudy
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: Y

 Comments: Station in about 1.5" of standing water.  Adjusted sonic pots--mostly
 lowered signal.  Grabbed data. Did some ICs.  TRH sensor seems a bit

72: PAM2/2 Sun 30-Jul-1995 17:33 GMT Aux sensor
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: MM
Weather: mostly sunny
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Comments: Station under 11" of water.   CR10 logger sitting in water.
  Removed logger from site.  Some corrosion on it.  Unplugged bottom solar
 panel.  Need more cement blocks for station.

73: PAM2/2 Sun 30-Jul-1995 17:33:21 GMT Station in water: Logger drenched / removed
Radiation / Precip. / Logger
	After lots of rain yesterday, the station now has about
	11" of standing water at the site.
	The Campbell Logger (luckily it was Ned's), was unable to
	successfully float or tread water and thus sank, taking
	all hands with her to Davey Jones locker.

74: PAM2/2 Mon 31-Jul-1995 21:21:47 GMT Station Electronics Taken Down - Hurricane coming!
Hurricane Erin(?) is forecast to come onshore tonight.
	Approximately 5-10" of rain are expected here.
	Mary Watkins from the St. Johns Water Board told us today that
	if we get that much rain, flood gates will be opened upstream
	and the water level at the site will rise 1-2'.
	Consequently, for prudence we decided to take the station
	electronics out for a few days.

EVE:	Electronics box and ATI electronics were removed from the station.

Power System:
	Solar panels were raised by about 10" using cinder blocks.  The
	lower PVs may get covered again anyway though.

Logger / ETI Rain Gauge:
	Removed the ETI and MRI rain gauges.
	Removed the soil sensors.
80: PAM2/2 Thu 3-Aug-1995 15:32 GMT Data Retrieval
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: JM
Weather: inside the trailer
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Coments: Taking local storage off the ramdisk.  Station has been removed
 due to high water, and concern about the Hurricane 2 days ago.  Hopefully
 will be back up today.

81: PAM2/2 Thu 3-Aug-1995 19:38 GMT Station dead
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: JM
Weather: ovcast, lt wind
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Comments: Electronics/ATI boxes re-installed: Hurricane has passed.  There
 is 11" of standing water;  more to be released from the flood gates later.
  Clearance between water and connectors is about 12".  Note: trh/ati
 differ..someone's off.  No  logger/ETI/Rn

84: PAM2/2 Fri 04-Aug-1995 18:08:31 GMT Site visit on Thursday to PAM2
 John and I went to station 2 to install the
ATI and EVE electronics. The water level had come up
about 2". Installation went ok. We still need to install
the rain gauge with the campbell logger.

89: PAM2/2 Sat 5-Aug-1995 17:39 GMT T-RH problem
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: JM
Weather: clear, lt breeze
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Comments: Download data. Water rising, ~12" deep.  ICs.  Initial assman:
 trh~=6% high.  After cleaning trh, it agrees fairly well with the bph.
  Comparison with assman shows better results (within about 3%rh).  ATI
 level: x~=.3 adjusted to ~ .1deg and y to -.1

90: PAM2/2 Sat 05-Aug-1995 18:52:19 GMT Visit to PAM 2
  John and I went to PAM 2 to work on a few things. Below
is an overview of what was done.

1) The Campbell 10X was installed along with the rain gauge.
Unfortunately the proper wiring hookup for the gauge was not at
hand so it did not get attached. The solar down and net radiation
were connected. The soil data are no longer available since the
sensors were removed when the water level got above ground.

2) The level of the sonic was checked. The X axis, along boom, was
around 0.3 degrees. We were able to adjust the guywire to get it to
0.1 degrees. The Y axis was around -0.25. No adjustment was made on this axis.

3) An intercomparison was run on the hygrothermometer. Over the last few
days the hygro RH has been high compared to the BPH unit. I decided
to do an intercomparison then clean the transducer and repeat the comparison.
Before cleaning the average RH difference was around 6.0% high. After
cleaning the difference was 3.0%. The hygro RH readings seemed to jump
around a lot. We may try to get the 1 sec data to see if the sensor is
sending data spikes.
99: PAM2/2 Tue 8-Aug-1995 18:13 GMT Routine
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: JM
Weather: clear, very lt wind
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Coments: Downloading data.  Checked Sonic - V.  Slight adjustment down
 on the sonic's signal level.  It appeared to be peaking a bit too high.
  Water level is now 16.5" here.  ETI/Campbell removed: h2o clearance
 about 3.5"; 9" for elect.  New cfg but rnet out

101: PAM2/2 Tue 08-Aug-1995 20:58:29 GMT Station 2 visit, 1:00 to 3:30 pm
  We spent the afternoon at station 2. Dave Parsons
participated in the trip. The goal was to check out the
v component on the sonic, to get the ETI gauge running,
and to download the local storage.

 The output of the v component was high so I tured it
down a little. Signals on u and w looked ok.

 We gave up on the rain gauge work and instead concentrated
on getting the Campbell logger out. The water level had increased
by about 3 to 4 inches since our last visit. The plan was to
interface the net radiation directly into EVE. Unfortunately we
did not succeed. The weather turned bad before we got the
job done.

  Dave had a fun time!

103: PAM2/2 Wed 9-Aug-1995 14:15 GMT rad problem
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: JM
Weather: ovct, lt wind
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Coments: Trying to get rnet up.  Seems to be working.  Will need another
 config to get the soldn going.  Installed new cable and removed conduit,
 ETI itself.  Water 17" deep.

108: PAM2/2 Thu 10-Aug-1995 12:26:09 GMT Station 2 visit yesterday
  Went to station 2 yesterday to get the net radiation
sensor interfaced direclty to EVE. The solar down was
also wired in however we need to download a new configuration.
The ETI rain gauge was removed due to the water level.
This gauge will be used at station 3 to replace the bad ETI unit. 
116: PAM2/2 Fri 11-Aug-1995 14:32 GMT sonic problem
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: JM
Weather: clr, calm
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Comments: Offloading data.  Checking sonic signal levels.  Replaced transducers;
 zeroed device.  Water level is now about 18"...

117: PAM2/2 Fri 11-Aug-1995 15:44:19 GMT Station 2 visit, download and v component
  Visit to station 2 to download local data and to
work on v component of the sonic.

  Since the scope did not show any obvious problem I decided
to replace the transducers for the v component. The v component
was zeroed after the change. Hopefully this will solve the

120: PAM2/2 Sat 12-Aug-1995 12:53:58 GMT Goes to be disconnected at station 2
  The attempt to eliminate the noise on the sonic at station 3
by shutting down the GOES link looks promising. We have decided
to try the same test at station 2.
  If it looks successful we may try to move the ATI electronics
at station 3 and put GOES back on the air.
121: PAM2/2 Sat 12-Aug-1995 15:43 GMT Communication problem
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: JM
Weather: calm, low-Q
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Coments: Restarting operations.  Station was stopped by mistake while
 using freewave console utility.  Downloading new config that doesn't
 use GOES.

126: PAM2/2 Sun 13-Aug-1995 15:20 GMT Routine
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: JM
Weather: calm, humid
Trh  IC: Y
Baro IC: Y
Rain IC: N

 Comments: Moved BPHygrometer to xarm next to TRH.  Offloaded data.  ICs
 for baro,assman.  Started up GOES again.

136: PAM2/2 Tue 15-Aug-1995 15:21 GMT Data Retrieval
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: SS
Weather: sunny with a wind
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Comments: The project has ended. This is the last data retrieval. Water
 level has come up about 2".

137: PAM2/2 Tue 15-Aug-1995 15:32 GMT Data Retrieval
Site Visitation Log Entry

Tech: SS
Trh  IC: N
Baro IC: N
Rain IC: N

 Comments: Second attempt to get ppf file 227.