SCMS95: EVE Messages: 1 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author
45Sat 22-Jul-1995EVE configuration changes to datenoneMichaelis, Matt

45: EVE/none Sat 22-Jul-1995 21:04:11 GMT EVE configuration changes to date
EVE format 10 to format 11

Format changes were as follows:

1) ATI sonic despiking routine taken out of processing loop.  Despiker counts
still being generated but used as QC only.

2) ATI.rh and TRH.rh humidity data now reported as unsigned values to allow rh
values over 103.2%.  (Yes Florida is often that humid.)

3) Changed bandpass scaling for data report.  bph-a 1e6 => 1e5, 
bph-b 1e5 => 1e3.  

4) Changed rain scaling from mm to (.01in tips) for NETCDF conversion.

Changes to stations occurred at following date & time:

	ST 1	7/22/95, 18:30 GMT
	ST 2	7/22/95, 18:42 GMT
	ST 3	7/22/95, 19:30 GMT

EVE format 9 to format 10.

Format changes were as follows:

1) Changed sonic despiker parameter from 1.5 to 2.5.

2) Changed scaling on u,v,w. u&v /2 and w /4 to give more resolution.

3) Changed sonic level sensor from counts to degrees 1 count = 5/2048 degrees.

Changes occurred in stations on 7/18/95 and 7/19/95.