SCMS95: OTHER Messages: 5 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author
23Wed 12-Jul-1995Phone numbers for site custodiansnoneHorst, Tom
52Sun 23-Jul-1995Estimate of fetch required for a/c flux measurementsnoneHorst, Tom
55Mon 24-Jul-1995Weckwerth photo site 1noneHorst, Tom
107Thu 10-Aug-1995Fetch for a/c flightsnoneHorst, Tom
128Sun 13-Aug-1995Site visits todaynoneSemmer, Steve

23: OTHER/none Wed 12-Jul-1995 13:52:23 GMT Phone numbers for site custodians
PAM site #1 on Brumley Rd is owned by 
Mr. Ed Yarborough
186 1st Street
Geneva, Fl 32732
Tel 407-349-5342

We will need to return his gate key to him
at the end of the project.  His home is the
second house on the left after making a
right-hand-turn at the intersection of
SR 46 and SR 426 south of Geneva.

PAM sites 2&3 are on land managed by
St. Johns River Water Management District
Contact the Land Management Coordinator
Mr.Steve Miller at 904-329-4399

Site 2 is on a "road" known as the Walker
Expressway and site 3 is on the Snake Creek
Bridge Road.

We should return the Chub lock key to him
at the end of the project.

The PAM base is located on land managed by the
Florida Dept. of Forestry
Contact Mack Brown at 407-690-3287
52: OTHER/none Sun 23-Jul-1995 18:22:52 GMT Estimate of fetch required for a/c flux measurements
In preparation for estimating the fetch requirements for a/c flux
measurements in the CBL, I got the following parameters from
Tammy Weckwerth and PAM:

Hour 	Zi	U	wt 	w* 	U Zi/w*	Zm/Zi	X	x
(GMT)	(m)	(m/s)	(m/s C) (m/s)	(m)			(km)

1200	100 	2-3 	0.015	0.4	625	0.6	5	3
1500	500 	2-3 	0.08	1.1	1150	0.12	3	3.5
1800	1000 	5 	0.08	2.6	2000	0.06	1	2

using w* = [(g/T)*wt*Zi]^(1/3); X = (w*/U)(x/Zi).  Values for X
obtained from Fig. 2(?) of Weil & Horst as minimum distance for
reasonable approach of flux to its equilibrium value within the CBL.

55: OTHER/none Mon 24-Jul-1995 16:34:40 GMT Weckwerth photo site 1
I stopped by Tammy's photo site 1 this morning at the Fort Christmas
park.  It is located 0.4 mile south of a left-hand turn in the Fort
Christmas Rd.  The GPS coordinates are 

28 deg, 33.82' N
81 deg, 01.33' W
107: OTHER/none Thu 10-Aug-1995 02:00:28 GMT Fetch for a/c flights
Calculated fetch for aircraft flights:

7/7/95, 1500-1550 GMT

Flight elevation was 100' - 200' AGL, use 50m.
Tammy reports U = 2 m/s and a boundary layer top 
of either 950 or 880 mb.  The surface pressure was 1019 mb,
giving a boundary layer depth of either 690 m or 1390 m.
w:tc for this time was 0.1 m/s C.

This gives w* = 1.3 m/s or 1.65 m/s, depending on Zi.
Zm/Zi = 0.07 or 0.035  =>  X = 3 or 1.

x = Zi X U/w* = 3 km or 1.6 km.

7/8/95, 1806-1857 GMT

Assume same flight elevation, 50m.
U = 4 m/s, Zi = 1.1 km, w:tc = 0.1 m/s C.

w* = 1.5 m/s, Zm/Zi = 0.05, X = 1.

x = 3 km.

128: OTHER/none Sun 13-Aug-1995 17:57:17 GMT Site visits today
  John and I went to all 3 sites today to
lower the BPH sensor to the HYGRO boom. We then
proceeded to do an intercomparison. The BPH sensors
will be left at the 2m height until teardown.