SCMS95: LOG Messages: 11 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author
2Thu 15-Jun-1995Logbook creatednonetklog
3Thu 15-Jun-1995This is the beginning log for PAMSCMS95noneSemmer, Steve
8Sun 09-Jul-1995PAM site locationsnoneHorst, Tom
9Sun 09-Jul-1995ISS site accessnoneHorst, Tom
17Tue 11-Jul-1995PAM tower locations (GPS)noneHorst, Tom
22Tue 11-Jul-1995Driving Instructions to stationsnoneMichaelis, Matt
40Fri 21-Jul-1995Dailyplots critique of data for July 20noneHorst, Tom
47Sat 22-Jul-1995Dailyplots critique for July 21noneHorst, Tom
49Sun 23-Jul-1995PAM base locationnoneHorst, Tom
63Wed 26-Jul-1995Photo recon of PAM sitesnoneHorst, Tom
132Sun 13-Aug-1995Station Visitation Summary from Compaq/ParadoxnoneMilitzer, John

2: LOG/none Thu 15-Jun-1995 16:19:22 GMT Logbook created
initial log file /home/aster/projects/PAMSCMS95/logbook/tklog.log created by tklog
3: LOG/none Thu 15-Jun-1995 16:19:33 GMT This is the beginning log for PAMSCMS95

8: LOG/none Sun 09-Jul-1995 15:22:11 GMT PAM site locations
We installed the NASA PAM site on July 6, the ISS site in July 7, and
the Brumley Rd site on July 8.  The only "calibration" work done so
far was zeroing of the Brumley Rd sonic.  The locations of the site 
so far are:

PAM #1, Brumley Rd:
latitude 28 deg, 39' 16" N
longitude 81 deg 04' 31" W

location was determined from the USGS 7.5 min quad;
will confirm with the GPS

latitude 28 deg, 40' 38" N
longitude 81 deg, 00' 10" W

location determined by GPS.

Determined again on July 10:
latitude 28 deg, 40' 37" N
longitude 81 deg, 00' 7" W

PAM #3, ISS:
latitude 28 deg, 37' 20"
longitude 80 deg, 56' 30"

location was determined from the USGS 7.5 min quad +- 3"
9: LOG/none Sun 09-Jul-1995 15:31:18 GMT ISS site access
We tried to access the ISS site this morning and found that we had 
been locked out.  The St. John's lock was no longer in the loop and
the PAM lock that we had added in series with the St. John's lock
had disappeared.  The chain was locked with a foreign padlock.
17: LOG/none Tue 11-Jul-1995 20:43:43 GMT PAM tower locations (GPS)
Located PAM stations #1 and 3 by GPS:

PAM#1, Brumley Rd:
28 deg, 39.28' N
81 deg, 04.43' W

28 deg, 37.36' N
80 deg, 56.45' W
22: LOG/none Tue 11-Jul-1995 21:21:47 GMT Driving Instructions to stations
Station #1 Yarborough Ranch on Brumley Rd

Set trip odometer at intersection of Hat Bill Rd and HWY 46.

HWY 46 West from Hat Bill Rd until you get to the CITCO gas
station/Subway sandwich shop (12.1 miles).  This is the first traffic
light on SR 46 west of Hat Bill Rd.

South (left) on CR-426.   Drive for about .8 miles (12.9 on odometer)

East (left) on Snowhill Rd.  Go about 5 miles (18.1 on odometer)

Left on Brumley Lane.  Go .8 miles (18.9 on odometer)

Brumley Lane goes left at the next T intersection (stay on it).

After another 1.5 miles the road will go over a small wooden bridge,
and the road turns from asphalt to dirt.  Continue on the road through
the locked gate.  (We only have one key for this gate.)

Continue through the locked gate, until you see a dirt road off to the
right (21.6 on the odometer). The was a pile of sand and and an old
yellow tractor at it when this was written. turning of the pile of
sand.  Turn right.

Follow the dirt trail until it ends with green pasture in front of you
(22.5 on odometer) The station is hidden by the peninsula of trees a
few hundred yards straight ahead.  If grass is wet, do not drive on
it;  the rancher wants no ruts from our vehicles.  Walk.  It's a good hike.

**NOTE: Stay to the right (northeast) of the station when driving up to avoid
wrecking the fetch.

The station can also be approached from the south via SR 50 south of 
Titusville.  Drive W on SR 50 from I-95.  Turn N on the Fort Christmas
Road in the town of Christmas.  You won't see much "town" at this 
intersection but there are signs urging you to visit Fort Christmas.
Drive N past Fort Christmas, which is located in a shaded park with
restrooms.   This the location of Tammy Weckwerth's photo site 1.

After roughly 6 miles, be sure to continue straight ahead (NW) on Fort
Christmas Road when the pavement turns to the left (W).  Pavement
resumes when you go from Orange to Seminole County.  Continue through
upscale housing area to intersection with Mills Lake Road.

Turn right (E) and follow Mills Lake Road, which turns N after about
3/4 mile, to intersection with Brumley Road in about 2 miles.  This is
the T intersection noted in the route description from the PAM base.
Keep going N at this intersection and follow Brumley Road through more
nice homes to the locked gate.

Station #2 Florida Safari Adventure/NASA Site/Walker Expressway

Set trip odometer at intersection of Hat Bill road and 46.

West (left) on 46.

At 3.9 miles there will be a gate hidden on the left side of the
road. If you get to the road on the right side of the highway with a
diamond-shaped reflectorized sign, you've
gone too far.  Go back a hundred yards or left.  The gate is easier to
spot coming back.

At 5.2 miles (thats another 1.3 miles) look for the NASA weather
station straight ahead.  The PAM station is through a barb wire gate
off to the left.  Don't get stuck driving to the station.

Station #3 Dante's Alley/ISS/Snake Creek Bridge Rd

Take the 4wd truck.
Set trip odometer at base. 

Drive N towards 46 1.9 miles.

Go through gate on right hand side of road.  The gate is at a corner.

Drive through the gate and drive a few hundred yards.  There is a 10"
deep ditch that you will need to 4WD through.  After the ditch
continue down the road until you get to the PAM station.  The ISS site
before the PAM station is the only turn around location for the truck.

40: LOG/none Fri 21-Jul-1995 21:09:21 GMT Dailyplots critique of data for July 20
Looking at daily plots for July 20:

Comparison of the temperature difference between the bandpass
hygrometer at 3m and the PAM hygrothermometer at 2m gives the expected
sign, with DT = T(3m) - T(2m) > 0 at "night" and DT < 0 during the
"day".   The morning transition at sites 1-3 occurs at 0845, 0800 and
0700 edt; the evening transition occurs at 1545, 1530, and 1500 edt.
The early transition in the afternoon is surprising, but may be
associated with either the onset of the seabreeze and/or the large
amount of energy going into latent heat.  Comparing site 3 to the other
two sites suggests that T(3m) - T(2m) is too small by a few tenths of a
degree at site 3 (note earlier morning transition), but the vegetation
is also much different at site 3, being about 2 m high.

In contrast, the mixing ratios generally do not have the right sign.
I would expect that Dq = q(3m) - q(2m) < 0, corresponding to a positive
water vapor flux.  Station 1 has Dq > 0 for all times, station 2 has
Dq < 0 from 2200 until 1000 edt and > 0 otherwise.  Station 3 has
Dq < 0 only from 1030 - 1800 edt.

The RH differences range up to 6 %RH, but this is associated with a
period of drying following close to saturated conditions.  Mid-day
differences are on the order of +- 1-2 %RH at stations 2 and 3, and 
2-5 %RH at station 1 (rh.bph > rh.hygt).

The pressure differences are p(pam2) - p(pam1) = 0.75 mb and 
p(pam3) - p(pam1) = 0.65 mb, corresponding to station 1 (25-' asl) 
being about 20 ft = 6 m higher than stations 2 and 3 (5+' asl).

Sonic wind speed at station 1 appears to be having problems before 1200
gmt and this appears to be associated with the V axis.  The PAM1 sonic
appears to have the largest number of flagged data during this period
and the V (and W) axis has the largest number at station 1.  Wind
direction at station 1 is 10 deg different from the prop vane during
strong winds, perhaps because we used a hand-held compass reading to
align the prop-vane rather than a sun-oriented theodolite reading.
|sonic w| < 10 cm/s.

u* at sites 1 and 2 are quite similar, while site 3 is often higher
although 10m wind speeds and sigma-w/u* are similar at all three
sites.  u2 and v2 are perhaps higher at site 3 than at 1 and 2;
w2 is significantly higher at site 3 and for a short period w2 is
higher at site 2 than site 1.  Is this associated with the higher and
rougher brush canopy at site 3?

The strangest occurence is the loss of sonic temperature data (tc,
tc:tc, w:tc, etc.) at all three stations, roughly coincident with the
increase in wind speed (2 to 6 m/s), change in wind direction (nw to
se), and decrease in temperature (initially 2-3 C and continuing to
about 5 C over the next hour) apparently associated with the
seabreeze.  One guess is that the sharp increase in turbulence
(particularly for u2 and v2; there is no data for tc2) has fooled the
spike detection routine into flagging the data as bad.  However, the
velocity covariances continue to have reasonable data, while the sonic
temperature appears to go off-scale even though the available range
for u:tc etc is +- 13 m/s degC and for tc:tc is +- 65 degC^2 which are
much greater than physically-expected values.  Admittedly, the sonic
temperature has more flagged data than the velocities, which are
generally less than 1%.

Pam 1 did have 0.4 mm rain at 2130 gmt; pam 2 had 2.2 mm rain at 1600
gmt (rain gauge test?); no rain at station 3.

Matt has found that there appear to be genuinely bad data in sonic
temperature for station 1 (1630 edt today) when the velocity data were

rh2o:rh2o and w:rh2o appear to be similar at all three sites.

47: LOG/none Sat 22-Jul-1995 21:52:43 GMT Dailyplots critique for July 21
Observations from July 21 dailyplots:

Note pressure rise of about 2 mb at station 1 and about 1 mb at station
2 that is well correlated with precipitation during heavy rain (34 and
44 mm, respectively).  Wendy suggests that this is caused by evaporative
cooling of air, which is 8-10 deg C at 2m for both stations.

The hygrothermometer at station 2 goes above 100 %RH and EVE scaling
cuts it off at 102.5 %RH.

The bandpass latent heat flux occasionally exceeds the net radiation
at station 1.  

The b level sensor at station 1 shows a variation with time during the
day that appears to be associated with temperature.

The station 3 sonic appears to have quit around 0400 GMT.  (Matt fixed
this today by replacing the w transducers.)

There is still a difference of about degrees in wind direction between
the prop-vane and the sonic at station 1.  The wind directions at
station 2 are within about 2 degrees.

There is a mean vertical velocity of about 12 cm/s at station 2.  The
mean vertical velocity at station 1 is less than 5 cm/s.

The sonic variances, u*, w:tc, and w:rh2o are in reasonable agreement
for stations 1 and 2.

49: LOG/none Sun 23-Jul-1995 13:45:27 GMT PAM base location
The PAM base at the Seminole Ranch fire observation tower is located 0.65
miles south along the southern-most N/S stretch of the Hatbill Park 
Road, which is 0.8 miles long.
63: LOG/none Wed 26-Jul-1995 17:12:16 GMT Photo recon of PAM sites
Matt, Jim Wilson and I made a photo reconnaisance flight over the 
PAM station sites this morning from 8-9 am EDT.  Both PAM sites 1
and 2 had a lot of standing surface water around them.  Station
2 appeared to be itself standing in a large pool of water.
132: LOG/none Sun 13-Aug-1995 20:13:25 GMT Station Visitation Summary from Compaq/Paradox
                          SCMS          Report on    8/13/95
                              Station  Visitations
                               GROUPED BY STATION
                                [report visit.r]

Sta#   Date            Reason         Time     Tech    IC's    Wnd Comp
                                                      Psy Bar  OK? Swap
 1   7/08/95 Setup                   12:18     MM      N   N    N    N
     7/11/95 Setup                   15:11     MM      N   N    N    N
     7/13/95 wind problem            17:17     MM      N   N    N    N
     7/19/95 No good reason          16:12     MM      N   Y    N    Y
     7/19/95 Communication problem   22:33     MM      N   N    N    N
     7/26/95 Data Retrieval          15:28     MM      N   N    N    N
     7/28/95 sonic problem           15:02     MM      N   N    Y    N
     8/01/95 sonic problem           19:34     MM      N   N    N    N
     8/04/95 Data Retrieval          15:55     SS      N   N    N    N
     8/07/95 Routine                 15:17     JM      N   N    Y    Y
     8/10/95 Data Retrieval          15:18     SS      N   N    N    N
     8/13/95 Routine                 13:40     JM      Y   Y    Y    N

 2   7/06/95 Go                      16:17     MM      N   N    N    N
     7/09/95 Setup                   18:39     MM      N   N    N    N
     7/10/95 Setup                   14:03     MM      N   N    N    N
     7/14/95 sonic problem           14:28     MM      N   N    N    N
     7/15/95 Power problem           15:10     MM      N   N    N    N
     7/16/95 Power problem           13:41     MM      N   N    N    N
     7/18/95 Power problem           17:17     MM      N   N    N    N
     7/20/95 Communication problem   15:23     MM      N   N    N    Y
     7/28/95 Data Retrieval          13:27     MM      N   N    Y    N
     7/30/95 Aux sensor              17:33     MM      N   N    N    N
     8/03/95 Data Retrieval          15:32     JM      N   N    N    N
     8/03/95 Station dead            19:38     JM      N   N    N    N
     8/05/95 T-RH problem            17:39     JM      N   N    N    N
     8/08/95 Routine                 18:13     JM      N   N    N    N
     8/09/95 rad problem             14:15     JM      N   N    N    N
     8/09/95                         15:24     JM      N   N    N    N
     8/11/95 sonic problem           14:32     JM      N   N    N    N
     8/12/95 Communication problem   15:43     JM      N   N    N    N
     8/13/95 Routine                 15:20     JM      Y   Y    Y    N

 3   7/11/95 Setup                   12:51     MM      N   N    N    N
     7/13/95 Station dead            22:15     MM      N   N    N    N
     7/15/95 sonic problem           16:16     MM      N   N    N    N
     7/18/95 sonic problem           13:34     MM      N   Y    N    N
     7/18/95 wind problem            21:31     MM      N   Y    N    N
     7/20/95 Data Retrieval          22:17     MM      N   N    Y    N
     7/22/95 sonic problem           19:15     MM      N   N    N    N
     7/23/95 Station dead            14:44     MM      N   N    N    N
     7/23/95 Data Retrieval          20:57     MM      N   N    N    N
     7/24/95 Station dead            13:04     MM      Y   N    N    N
     7/24/95 Data Retrieval          19:24     MM      N   N    N    N
     7/27/95 sonic problem           14:10     MM      N   N    N    N
     7/31/95                         21:52     MM      N   N    N    N
     8/03/95 Communication problem   12:52     JM      N   Y    N    N
     8/04/95 Power problem           20:03     JM      N   N    N    N
     8/07/95 Data Retrieval          18:42     SS      N   N    N    N
     8/08/95 rain gauge work         14:30     SS      N   N    N    N
     8/09/95 No good reason          17:58     JM      N   Y    N    Y
     8/10/95 Routine                 17:57     JM      N   N    N    N
     8/13/95 Routine                 16:40     JM      Y   Y    Y    N