SCMS95: PROP Messages: 1 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author
46Sat 22-Jul-1995Setting prop parameters with the bad prop-vane software.noneMichaelis, Matt

46: PROP/none Sat 22-Jul-1995 21:25:42 GMT Setting prop parameters with the bad prop-vane software.
Instructions for changing parameters on the prop vane.

There is a problem with the current version of the prop vane sensor bus code,
that prevents easy access to the unit for changing the parameters.  First, the
units will not work in sensor bus mode, and second there is some unknown
problem with interactive RS-232 communication, but sensor bus RS-232 works OK.
To get access to the unit and change a parameter at the station, follow these

1) Unplug the TRH cable from the lower crossarm.

2) On the laptop:
	Type			Response
	====			========

	entersys		System EVE#
	stop			data collection stopped
	talk			sio port menu
	2			Use Sensor BUS?
	N			USE RS-485
	9600			data bits
	8			parity
	N			connected

To set the boom alignment, align the tail of the prop vane over the boom.

	type:			Response:
	BA			OK

To set the boom direction after shooting the boom

	type			Response:
	BDxxxx			OK

xxxx is the Boom direction in tenths of a degree.

To set the prop pitch.  A nominal 300 mm/rev prop should have about 308
entered for the pitch.

	type			Response:
	EE			OK
	prop=xxx		prop set to xxx.

To get out of this mess.

	ESC-ESC-ESC		no response is given
	ctrl-D			to exit talk

	start			to restart data collection
Don't forget to plug the Trh sensor back in.