- 5: radiation, Site all, Fri 21-Jul-2000 14:49:41 PDT, Radiometer and soil sensor installation completed
During the period Sun, 16 - Fri, 21 July the radiometers and soil sensors were instaleed at the nine sites. The idraw file:
shows the relative positionig of the radiation stands and the soil temperature, soil heat flux plates and soil moisture probes relative to the rows and furrows.
Irrigation occured fairly soon after the soil probes had been installed.
- 6: soil, Site all, Fri 21-Jul-2000 15:03:30 PDT, Soil parameters (from OASIS98 lg# 100)
Definiton of soil parameters used in soil heat flux and storage term
blkdens = dry soil mass / dry soil volume g.cm-3
gravmoist = (wet soil mass - dry soil mass)/ dry soil mass g.g-1
vmf = blkdens / mindens g.cm-3. g-1.cm3
vwf = gravmoist x blkdens g.cm-3. g-1.cm3
Cm = 0.46 cal.cm-3.degreeK-1 = 1.9 MJ.m-3.degreeK-1
Co = 0.60 cal.cm-3.degreeK-1 = 2.5 MJ.m-3.degreeK-1
Cw = 1.00 cal.cm-3.degreeK-1 = 4.2 MJ.m-3.degreeK-1
An approximate calculation of the soil volumetric heat capacity using previous
Cs = Cm x vmf + Co x vof + Cw x vwf MJ.m-3.degreeK-1
= (1.9 x vmf) + (2.5 x vof) + (4.2 x blkdens x gravmoist) MJ.m-3.degreeK-1
= (1.9 x 0.64)+ (2.5 x 0.01)+ (4.2 x 1.6 x gravmoist) MJ.m-3.degreeK-1
= (1.9 x 0.64)+ (2.5 x 0.01)+ (6.7 x 0.1) MJ.m-3.degreeK-1
= 1.22 + 0.03 + 0.67 MJ.m-3.degreeK-1
= 1.92 MJ.m-3.degreek-1
Crude calculation of the magnitude of the storage term, S
Typical heating/cooling is 15 degree in 12 hr (= 50000s)
If a simple linear heating and cooling at the surface occured, then:
Ht 1m2 to 5cm by 1degreeK in 1s for Cs=1.9 MJ.m-3.degreeK-1
0.05m3, 1degreeK, 1s, 1.9 MJ m-3.degreeK-1; 0.095 MJ.s.m-2
95000 J.s.m-2
Ht 1m2 to 5cm by 1 degreeK.in 1000s ....................... ; 95 J.s.m-2
Ht 1m2 to 5cm by 1 degreeK in 50 x 1000s ................. ; 1.9 J.s.m-2
Ht 1m2 to 5cm by 15 degreeK in 50 x 1000s ................. ; 27.5 J.s.m-2
............................................................; 27.5 W.m-2
That is, to a simple approximation, if the 5cm depth of soil is taken to be
heated uniformly during the day, and cooled uniformly during the night,
the storage term corresponds to a energy influx/outflux of ~ +_30 W.m-2
Table of soil parameters for previous deployments.
Deployment mindens vmf vof blkdens Cs
g cm-3 ~ ~ g.cm-3 MJ.m-3. degreeK-1
SJVAQS 1.04 + 0.03 + 6.12*gravmoist
STORMFEST92 est 2.65 0.55 0.01 1.45 1.05 + 0.03 + 6.09*gravmoist
STORMFEST92 meas 2.17 0.47 0.01 1.38 0.89 + 0.03 + 5.80*gravmoist
FOOTPRINT92 2.22 0.65 0.01 1.43 1.24 + 0.03 + 6.01*gravmoist
OASIS98 est 2.5 0.64 0.01 1.60 1.22 + 0.03 + 6.7*gravmoist
- 7: soil, Site all, Fri 21-Jul-2000 15:09:23 PDT, Soil Gravimeteric water fraction and Bulk density Data (from OASIS98 lb# 152)
Using the following parameters:
Cm = 1.9 MJ.m-3.degreeK-1
Co = 2.5
Cw = 4.2
Using nominal values for the soil (will be changed when further measurements carried out)
vmf = 0.65
vof = 0.01
vwf = blkdens(or BD) * gwf(or gravmoist or gravimetric water fraction or GF)
Cs = Cm * vnf + Co * vof + Cw * blkdens * gwf
= 1.22 + 0.03 + 4.2 * blkdens * gwf
= 1.25 + 4.2 * blkdens * gwf
Examples from OASIS98. (wipe and paste headers)
Note that the volume of the corer is 137 cm3
Corer separated samples (TD)
Date / Time Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav fract blkdens vwf Cs
5 Jul 09:30 0-6cm 25.6 24.6 1.0 0.041
20.7 19.9 0.8 0.042 0.040
24.3 23.4 0.9 0.038
Waxed clod (TD)
Date/ Time Depth Vol Fresh Dry Diff Grav fract blkdens vwf Cs
5 Jul 10:00 0-3 39 ~ 59.2 ~ ~ 1.50
3-6cm 86 ~ 120.3 ~ ~ 1.40
Corer total (TD)
Date/ Time Depth Vol Fresh Dry Diff Grav fract blkdens vwf Cs
7 Jul 10:00 0-6cm 137 173.9 168.7 5.2 0.031 1.23
Corer separated (TD)
Date/ Time Depth Vol Fresh Dry Diff Grav fract blkdens vwf Cs
8 Jul 09:30 0-3cm ~ 83.3 69.1 14.2 0.205 ~
3-6cm ~ 88.6 80.5 8.1 0.101 ~
Soil pit (TD)
Date/ Time Depth Vol Fresh Dry Diff Grav fract blkdens vwf Cs
12 Jul 0930 0-6cm ~ 19.3 18.4 0.9 0.049
21.2 20.2 1.0 0.050 0.049 ~
EBEX00 data
Waxed clod (TD)
Date/ Time Depth Vol Fresh Dry Diff Grav fract blkdens vwf Cs
20 Jul 14:00 0-10 ~ ~ ~
Corer total (TD)
Date / Time Depth Vol Fresh Dry Diff Grav fract blkdens vwf Cs
21 Jul 17:00 0-6cm 137
Corer separated (TD)
Date/ Time Depth Vol Fresh Dry Diff Grav fract blkdens vwf Cs
21 Jul 17:30 0-3cm ~ ~
3-6cm ~ ~
- 8: soil, Site all, Fri 21-Jul-2000 16:51:10 PDT, Soil Gravimeteric water fraction Data for EBEX00
EBEX00 gravimetric water fraction data and derived volumetric water fraction
(NOTE grav water fraction X bulk density = volumetric water fraction
Date / Time Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff gwf blkdens vwf
21 Jul 17:00 0-6cm 1.60
Date / Time Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff gwf blkdens vwf
0-6cm 1.60
Date / Time Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff gwf blkdens vwf
Date / Time Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff gwf blkdens vwf
0-6cm 1.60
- 10: soil, Site all, Sat 22-Jul-2000 10:10:27 PDT, Soil Sampling Schedule
A proposed soil sampling strategy and schedule:
Bulk density:
The soil bulk density should not change over time. Hence only one
measurement is required at each site. At a time when the site is dry make a
determination of the bulk densities of the furrow and the ridge soils.
The furrow soil is consolidated and bulk density may be determined using
the waxed clod method. Sometime when the site is dry, cut, with the saw,
a 0 - 5 cm deep, approximately 5 cm x 5 cm block from one of the "tiles" on
the floor of the furrow. Dry in the oven for two days weigh, wax, weigh in
air and then immersed in water. Determine displacement volume and calculate
bulk density = dry weight/ displacement volume
The ridge soil is much looser and another method may be
appropriate. When the soil is dry, take a representative sample from the
top 5 cm to fill the graduated beaker to the 100 ml level. Try to maintain
the original consolidation of the soil. Pour the entire 100 ml into a tared
Al dish. Bake for two days, weigh and calculate
bulk density = dry weight/ beaker volume
Gravimetric water fraction:
For each site make a determination of the gravimetric water
fraction for the furrow and the ridge at three times throughout the program.
Make the determinations:
when the mud is firm enough to walk on ~ 10%
when the soil is at it's driest just before irrigation ~ 5%
half-way in between these conditions ~7%
These gravimetric water fraction determinations will serve to calibrate the
soil moisture sensors installed in the soil at each site.
For the furrow soils dig out a sample using the trowel, seal in
a tupperware container, blend, take three ~30g subsamples, weigh fresh, bake
for two days and then weigh dry. Calculate
gravimetric water fraction = (fresh weight - dry weight)/ dry weight
For the ridge soils use the trowel to make a face cut, exposing
10 cm of the ridge soil, then use the scoop to obtain a represenative 0-5cm
sample. Seal in a tupperware container, blend, take three ~30g subsamples,
weigh fresh, bake for two days and then weigh dry. Calculate
gravimetric water fraction = (fresh weight - dry weight)/ dry weight
- 22: irrigation, Site all, Fri 28-Jul-2000 11:32:35 PDT, Schedule
The irrigation of the field started 28/07 at the North end.
The water should arrive during the afternoon at each one of the stations in the following
stn01 -> Sun, 30 Jul
stn02 -> Mon, 31 Jul
stn03 ->
stn04 -> Tue, 01 Aug
stn05 ->
stn06 ->
stn07 -> Wed, 02 Aug
stn08 ->
stn09 -> Thr, 03 Aug
- 24: radiation, Site all, Fri 28-Jul-2000 16:18:15 PDT, Clouds
Some clouds from 1 pm. 1 to 2 octa Ci clouds, from 4 pm also Ac.
- 36: soil, Site all, Tue 01-Aug-2000 16:47:43 PDT, First soil table
- 44: power, Site all, Wed 02-Aug-2000 17:18:02 PDT, Power problems
After having the 20A,220 array breaker blow again, we decided to replace
it with a 30A size. The 8kVA transformer can handle >33 according to
Kurt and the distribution cabling is 8Ga. to there and 10Ga. from there.
We had been running too close to the edge and the increased inefficiencies
due to the heat and investigators periodically plugging in new loads
push us over the edge. The 2nd breaker pop occurred in conjunction
with the trailer air conditioning coming on; no doubt sagging the voltage
to the array, and thus more current.
Wed, 8/2 Fuse blown:
In the main array 8kVA distribution transformer's LEA/Dynatech Surge Arrestor.
It is a 30A,125V fuse which is on one of the 2 legs of the 220 input.
The load to the #7 array includes the air-conditioner and it is possible
that caused the failure. There is likely an imbalance on the 2 legs
which has not been fully measured.
The fuse was replaced and the power came back up apparently without problems.
- 49: soil, Site all, Fri 04-Aug-2000 11:04:26 PDT, Bulk density - Round #1 - (dry soil - 2 days before irrigation)
EBEX bulk density data
Samples collected July 27, weighted dry on July 29
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
27 Jul Stn1-R. 0-5cm 147.9 =~150 0.99
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
27 Jul Stn1-F. 0-5cm 224.7 244.7 100.2 144.5 1.56
Samples collected July 27, weighted dry on July 29
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
27 Jul Stn2-R. 0-5cm 142.3 =~175 0.81
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
27 Jul Stn2-F. 0-5cm 143.2 161.2 64.9 96.3 1.49
Samples collected July 27, weighted dry on July 29
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
27 Jul Stn4-R. 0-5cm 178.1 =~200 0.89
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
27 Jul Stn4-F. 0-5cm 177.3 196.7 82.1 114.6 1.55
Samples collected July 29, weighted dry on July 31
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
29 Jul Stn3-R. 0-5cm 103.8 =~100 1.04
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
29 Jul Stn3-F. 0-5cm 233.6 254.1 104.2 104.2 1.56
Samples collected July 29, weighted dry on July 31
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
29 Jul Stn5-R. 0-5cm 84.8 =~100 0.84
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
29 Jul Stn5-F. 0-5cm 215.9 241.5 94.3 147.2 1.47
Samples collected July 29, weighted dry on July 31
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
29 Jul Stn7-R. 0-5cm 79.9 =~100 0.80
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
29 Jul Stn7-F. 0-5cm 214.7 243.6 104.5 139.1 1.54
Samples collected July 31, weighted dry on August 4
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
31 Jul Stn6-R. 0-5cm 69.5 =~100 0.70
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
31 Jul Stn6-F. 0-5cm 236.2 256.2 91.2 165.0 1.43
Samples collected July 31, weighted dry on August 4
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
31 Jul Stn8-R. 0-5cm 99.2 =~100 0.99
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
31 Jul Stn8-F. 0-5cm 190.1 204.8 81.0 123.8 1.54
Samples collected July 31, weighted dry on August 4
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
31 Jul Stn9-R. 0-5cm 81.1 =~100 0.81
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
31 Jul Stn9-F. 0-5cm 232.8 247.9 102.9 145.0 1.61
- 50: soil, Site all, Fri 04-Aug-2000 15:17:51 PDT, Soil Gravimetric water fraction - Round #1
EBEX Soil Gravimetric water fraction
Samples collected July 27, weighted dry on July 29
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
27 Jul Stn1-R. 0-5cm 15.8 13.8 2.0 0.14 |
12.6 11.1 1.5 0.14 > 0.14 0.99
14.7 12.8 1.9 0.15 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
27 Jul Stn1-F. 0-5cm 20.5 17.4 3.1 0.18 |
17.7 16.2 1.5 0.09 > 0.14 1.56
19.5 17.0 2.5 0.15 |
Samples collected July 27, weighted dry on July 29
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
27 Jul Stn2-R. 0-5cm 19.2 17.6 1.60 0.09 |
17.2 15.8 1.40 0.09 > 0.09 0.81
18.7 17.1 1.60 0.09 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
27 Jul Stn2-F. 0-5cm 18.0 16.1 1.90 0.12 |
19.6 17.4 2.20 0.13 > 0.12 1.49
19.1 17.3 1.80 0.10 |
Samples collected July 27, weighted dry on July 29
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
27 Jul Stn4-R. 0-5cm 12.2 10.7 1.50 0.14 |
13.6 11.9 1.70 0.14 > 0.14 0.89
14.2 12.4 1.80 0.15 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
27 Jul Stn4-F. 0-5cm 17.5 15.1 2.40 0.16 |
19.1 16.6 2.50 0.15 > 0.15 1.55
17.5 15.3 2.20 0.14 |
Samples collected July 29, weighted dry on July 31
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
29 Jul Stn3-R. 0-5cm 31.4 28.3 3.10 0.11 |
31.2 28.1 3.10 0.11 > 0.11 1.04
29.9 26.9 3.00 0.11 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
29 Jul Stn3-F. 0-5cm 30.6 27.5 3.10 0.11 |
31.9 28.5 3.40 0.12 > 0.12 1.56
29.9 26.8 3.10 0.12 |
Samples collected July 29, weighted dry on July 31
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
29 Jul Stn5-R. 0-5cm 31.9 29.1 2.80 0.10 |
32.2 29.2 3.00 0.10 > 0.10 0.84
29.8 26.9 3.10 0.11 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
29 Jul Stn5-F. 0-5cm 30.9 26.6 4.30 0.16 |
31.3 27.4 3.90 0.14 > 0.14 1.47
30.4 27.2 3.20 0.12 |
Samples collected July 29, weighted dry on July 31
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
29 Jul Stn7-R. 0-5cm 28.2 23.4 4.80 0.21 |
30.2 25.1 5.10 0.20 > 0.20 0.80
30.1 25.3 4.80 0.19 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
29 Jul Stn7-F. 0-5cm 28.6 24.6 4.00 0.16 |
31.6 26.9 4.70 0.17 > 0.17 1.54
30.0 25.4 4.60 0.18 |
Samples collected July 31, weighted dry on August 4
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
31 Jul Stn6-R. 0-5cm 29.7 27.6 2.10 0.08 |
32.2 29.9 2.30 0.08 > 0.06 0.70
28.4 27.6 0.80 0.03 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
31 Jul Stn6-F. 0-5cm 30.1 28.9 1.20 0.04 |
29.5 28.3 1.20 0.04 > 0.04 1.43
29.9 28.5 1.40 0.05 |
Samples collected July 31, weighted dry on August 4
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
31 Jul Stn8-R. 0-5cm 30.5 28.7 1.80 0.06 |
28.3 26.6 1.70 0.06 > 0.06 0.99
Sample lost - - |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
31 Jul Stn8-F. 0-5cm 30.3 28.4 1.90 0.07 |
30.1 28.2 1.90 0.07 > 0.07 1.54
31.0 29.1 1.90 0.07 |
Samples collected July 31, weighted dry on August 4
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
31 Jul Stn9-R. 0-5cm 28.8 26.2 2.60 0.10 |
31.1 28.6 2.50 0.09 > 0.10 0.81
30.3 27.6 2.70 0.10 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
31 Jul Stn9-F. 0-5cm 29.7 26.4 3.30 0.13 |
30.9 27.4 3.50 0.13 > 0.13 1.61
29.7 26.4 3.30 0.13 |
- 52: status, Site all, Sat 05-Aug-2000 08:13:15 PDT, Daily Status
Weather / Conditions:
Hot / clear.
Irrigation cycle ended yesterday and the field is gradually drying.
It is still very sloppy on the south end.
Clouds: none in am.
Data Ingest / Base:
PAMs(1-6): Up.
Marigold(9): Up.
Cosmos(8): Up. ATI not installed.
Daisy(7): Up. Running w/ATI scheduled for 8
Station Power DataSys Baro Soil Rad T/RH Prop Sonic Fastq
1 ok EVE-ok ok Q-BAD ok ok - uw-ok ok
2 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
3 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - uw-ok ok
4 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
5 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
6 ok EVE-ok - ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
7 ok dai-ok - ok ok - - ati-ok ok
8 ok cos-ok - ok ok x7 x6 uw-ok ok
9 ok mar-ok - ok ok - - uw-BAD ok
Misc. Notes:
- St3 trh now working after replacement last evening.
- Most boom angles have been shot yet.
- We must clean all kryptons and aster rad sensors soon.
- Soil measurement cycle, post irrigation conditions begun: 1,2,4
- Tsfc*4 still needs to be installed at 8
Configuration, beginning of Operational Phase:
Basel - Site 9
2 Csat ingested by Roland's campbell and Aster/Marigold 202/203
4 other sonics stored locally on Roland's (2 Gills, Metek, Csat).
Hong Kong - Site 7
2 CSAT + Krypton, vaisalaT, and thermocouples ingested by Heping's
laptop only. Note he is only able to obtain 10hz data so far.
Bayreuth - Site 7
CSAT+krypton, fast-T ingested by Thomas' PC only.
Thomas' logger not connected to aster. Continuing problems
with reliable ingest on serial channel forced him to move it
to his PC. We will merge his data later. Ditto for Heiping's data.
KNMI - KD5cm + krypton (only locally stored by KNMI)
Kearny - Mostly deployed. Still need to add IR temps and change some
thermocouples to measure leaf temps (now just stem)
- 53: soil, Site all, Sat 05-Aug-2000 08:53:54 PDT, Soil Gravimetric water fraction template
EBEX Soil Gravimetric water fraction (Round #2)
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
27 Jul Stn1-F 0-5cm 30.9 26.6 4.30 0.16 |
31.3 27.4 3.90 0.14 > 0.14
30.4 27.2 3.20 0.12 |
Samples collected # date, weighted dry on # date
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn1-R. 0-5cm |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn1-F. 0-5cm
Samples collected # date, weighted dry on # date
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn2-R. 0-5cm |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn2-F. 0-5cm
Samples collected # date, weighted dry on # date
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn4-R. 0-5cm |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn4-F. 0-5cm
Samples collected # date, weighted dry on # date
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn3-R. 0-5cm |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn3-F. 0-5cm
Samples collected # date, weighted dry on # date
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn5-R. 0-5cm |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn5-F. 0-5cm
Samples collected # date, weighted dry on # date
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn7-R. 0-5cm |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn7-F. 0-5cm
Samples collected # date, weighted dry on # date
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn6-R. 0-5cm |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn6-F. 0-5cm
Samples collected # date, weighted dry on # date
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn8-R. 0-5cm |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn8-F. 0-5cm
Samples collected # date, weighted dry on # date
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn9-R. 0-5cm |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn9-F. 0-5cm
- 54: soil, Site all, Sat 05-Aug-2000 09:07:14 PDT, Soil - Bulk density template (Round # 2)
EBEX bulk density data
Samples collected July 29, weighted dry on July 31
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
29 Jul Stn1-R. 0-5cm 103.8 =~100 1.04
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
29 Jul Stn1-F. 0-5cm 233.6 254.1 104.2 104.2 1.56
Samples collected #date, weighted dry on date#
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn1-R [g] [ml]
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Samples collected #date, weighted dry on date#
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn2-R [g] [ml]
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Samples collected #date, weighted dry on date#
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn4-R [g] [ml]
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Samples collected #date, weighted dry on date#
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn3-R [g] [ml]
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Samples collected #date, weighted dry on date#
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn5-R [g] [ml]
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Samples collected #date, weighted dry on date#
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn7-R [g] [ml]
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Samples collected #date, weighted dry on date#
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn6-R [g] [ml]
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Samples collected #date, weighted dry on date#
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn8-R [g] [ml]
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Samples collected #date, weighted dry on date#
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn9-R [g] [ml]
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
- 55: irrigation, Site all, Sat 05-Aug-2000 09:31:51 PDT, Irrigation history
This entry updates entry #22.
The irrigation of the field follwed the schedulle presented bellow. In some cases the water reached the stations late afternoon.
stn01 -> Sun, 30 Jul
stn02 ->
stn03 ->
stn04 -> Mon, 01 Aug
stn05 ->
stn06 ->
stn07 -> Tue, 02 Aug (late)
stn08 ->
stn09 -> Wed, 03 Aug (late)
stn10 ->
- 58: radiation, Site all, Sat 05-Aug-2000 18:59:38 PDT, Radiometer cleaning cycle
Radiometer Cleaning cycle:
st1 8/8 ~23Z
st2 8/9 ~0Z
st3 8/7 ~22Z
st4 8/9 ~0Z Q7 has those darn spots...
st5 8/7 ~21Z were in good shape.
st7 8/6 ~0Z The Rsw.in/out definitely needed it but not extreme.
The Q7 had spots on it probably from spray?
Also cleaned the German's sensors.
st8 8/6 ~23Z Rsw.in/Rlw.in did need it but not extreme. Q7 spots
seemed to come off pretty well.
st9 8/6 ~20Z The Q7 had the worst spots seen so far. Cleaned
them some but not completely off.
- 59: status, Site all, Sun 06-Aug-2000 10:33:18 PDT, Daily Status
Weather / Conditions:
Hot / clear.
Irrigation cycle ended a couple of days ago and the field is drying
quickly. It is still muddy on the south end.
Clouds: none in am.
Data Ingest / Base:
PAMs(1-6): Up.
Marigold(9): Up.
Cosmos(8): Up. ATI not installed.
Daisy(7): Up. Running w/ATI scheduled for 8
Station Power DataSys Baro Soil Rad T/RH Prop Sonic Fastq
1 ok EVE-ok ok Q-BAD ok ok - uw-ok ok
2 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
3 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - uw-ok ok
4 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
5 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
6 ok EVE-ok - ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
7 ok dai-ok - ok ok - - ati-ok ok
8 ok cos-ok - Q-BAD PsP.out-BAD x7 x6 uw-ok ok
9 ok mar-ok - ok ok - - uw-BAD ok
Misc. Notes:
- 7:daisy, There still may be a problem in the logger-mux.
After kludging channels for Psp.in and Psp.out last night, the
data appear consistent for the most part but the Psp.in had some
bad periods overnight suggesting that the mux may still have a
problem (ie maybe it was working in the cooler temps and the
rewire only works in heat...)
- Most boom angles have been shot yet.
- We must clean all kryptons and aster rad sensors soon.
- Tsfc*4 still needs to be installed at 8
Configuration, beginning of Operational Phase:
Basel - Site 9
2 Csat ingested by Roland's campbell and Aster/Marigold 202/203
4 other sonics stored locally on Roland's (2 Gills, Metek, Csat).
Hong Kong - Site 7
2 CSAT + Krypton, vaisalaT, and thermocouples ingested by Heping's
laptop only. Note he is only able to obtain 10hz data so far.
Bayreuth - Site 7
CSAT+krypton, fast-T ingested by Thomas' PC only.
Thomas' logger not connected to aster. Continuing problems
with reliable ingest on serial channel forced him to move it
to his PC. We will merge his data later. Ditto for Heiping's data.
KNMI - KD5cm + krypton (only locally stored by KNMI)
Kearny - Mostly deployed. Still need to add IR temps and change some
thermocouples to measure leaf temps (now just stem)
- 63: status, Site all, Mon 07-Aug-2000 08:31:17 PDT, Daily Status
Weather / Conditions:
Hot / clear.
The field is drying quickly. It is still muddy on the south end.
Clouds: none in am.
Data Ingest / Base:
PAMs(1-6): Up.
Marigold(9): Up.
Cosmos(8): Up. ATI not installed.
Daisy(7): Up. Running w/ATI scheduled for 8
Station Power DataSys Baro Soil Rad T/RH Prop Sonic Fastq
1 ok EVE-ok ok Q-BAD ok ok - uw-ok ok
2 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
3 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - uw-ok ok
4 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
5 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
6 ok EVE-ok - ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
7 ok dai-ok - ok ok - - ati-ok ok
8 ok cos-ok - Q-BAD PsP.out-BAD x7 x6 uw-ok ok
9 ok mar-ok - ok ok - - uw-? ok
Misc. Notes:
- Soil Moisture samples taken: 3,5,7
- 7:daisy, Psp.in/Psp.out
data appear consistent except the Psp.in again had some
bad periods overnight so there still may be a problem in the mux.
- 8:cosmos: Psp.out
was removed last night and the data is garbage.
Need to either install a shorting plug or replace it
- 8:cosmos: Tsfc*4
was 'installed' last night but there is a problem with
the logger program. All data is -39.00
- 9:marigold: UW
Zeroing the UW appears to have helped based on
simple comparison of the u/v. The V may now be slightly low,
and the W appears high now, so it still needs to be watched.
- Kryptons/Rad at 7,8,9 cleaned,
but still need to clean kryptons at PAMs1-6.
Configuration, beginning of Operational Phase:
Basel - Site 9
2 Csat ingested by Roland's campbell and Aster/Marigold 202/203
4 other sonics stored locally on Roland's (2 Gills, Metek, Csat).
Hong Kong - Site 7
2 CSAT + Krypton, vaisalaT, and thermocouples ingested by Heping's
laptop only. Note he is only able to obtain 10hz data so far.
Bayreuth - Site 7
CSAT+krypton, fast-T ingested by Thomas' PC only.
Thomas' logger not connected to aster. Continuing problems
with reliable ingest on serial channel forced him to move it
to his PC. We will merge his data later. Ditto for Heiping's data.
KNMI - KD5cm + krypton (only locally stored by KNMI)
Kearny - Mostly deployed. Still need to add IR temps and change some
thermocouples to measure leaf temps (now just stem)
- 69: status, Site all, Tue 08-Aug-2000 16:41:37 PDT, Daily Status
Weather / Conditions:
Hot / clear.
The field is drying quickly. It is still muddy on the south end.
Clouds: none in am.
Data Ingest / Base:
PAMs(1-6): Up.
Marigold(9): Up.
Cosmos(8): Up. ATI not installed.
Daisy(7): Up. Running w/ATI scheduled for 8
Station Power DataSys Baro Soil Rad T/RH Prop Sonic Fastq
1 ok EVE-ok ok Q-BAD ok ok - uw-ok ok
2 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
3 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - uw-ok ok
4 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
5 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
6 ok EVE-ok - ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
7 ok dai-ok - ok ok - - ati-ok ok
8 ok cos-ok - ok ok x7 x6 uw-ok ok
9 ok mar-ok - ok ok - - uw-? ok
Misc. Notes:
- 8:cosmos: Psp.out
now working
- 8:cosmos: Tsfc*4
now working.
- 9:marigold: UW
Zeroing the UW appears to have helped based on
simple comparison of the u/v. The V may now be slightly low,
and the W appears high now, so it still needs to be watched.
- Kryptons
still need to clean kryptons at PAM 6
- 72: status, Site all, Wed 09-Aug-2000 10:31:33 PDT, Daily Status, AUG 9
Weather / Conditions:
Hot / clear.
The field is in good condition for working in.
The next irrigation cycle will begin on Saturday.
Clouds: none in am.
Data Ingest / Base:
PAMs(1-6): Up.
Marigold(9): Up. - ATI questionable
Cosmos(8): Up.
Daisy(7): Up.
Station Power DataSys Baro Soil Rad T/RH Prop Sonic Fastq
1 ok EVE-ok ok Q-BAD ok ok - uw-ok ok
2 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
3 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - uw-ok ok
4 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
5 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
6 ok EVE-ok - ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
7 ok dai-ok - ok ok - - ati-ok ok
8 ok cos-ok - ok ok x7 x6 uw-ok ok
9 ok mar-ok - ok ok - - uw-? ok
Misc. Notes:
- Soil Samples Taken: 6,8,9
- Rsw.in.kz at station 6 noisy in the afternoon
- 73: status, Site all, Thu 10-Aug-2000 12:20:42 PDT, Basic status report
A quick EBEX update for Tom.....
The EBEX00 project operations phase began with an irrigation cycle of
the cotton field progressing from the north to south over a period of
6 days. Immediately before operations began, the network was
reconfigured from its initial intercomparison configuration. The
field is now dry but another, and final irrigation cycle of the season
begins Saturday.
Some difficulties were experienced with the adam power distribution
after all of the various systems were installed. Initially all adams
and user equipment were supplied off a single 220VAC, 20Amp circuit.
After a few trips of the circuit breaker in the base, a 30Amp unit was
installed. A subsequent blown fuse in the main distribution
transformer's surge arrestor encouraged a reconfiguration with one
tower site being moved onto a second 20A circuit from the base. After
this move, all of our power problems have gone away. Some of our
difficulty may have been associated with wide scale problems
experienced in California during the recent heat-wave in which network
brown-outs and service interruptions occurred throughout the state.
At this writing, essentially all NCAR sensors are working. One sonic
is reporting questionable data and the 'repaired' sonic needed to
replace it was D.O.A. and had to be returned to ATI. A bad PAM soil
moisture sensor cannot be replaced without a spare. A few lingering
radiometer problems were fixed shortly after operations began. The 4
component infrared 'canopy' temperature sensors have been installed
and two sets of gravimetric and bulk density soil moisture samples
have been taken. Steve Oncley's soil and plant temperature sensor
network is being built and should be installed at 16 sites throughout
the field within a week.
In addition to the complement of NCAR sensors, some of the European
loggers and sensors are being ingested directly by Aster, but not all.
2 Csat sonics from Basel are being monitored in addition to their 4
other sonics being acquiring separately. The Hong Kong University
data are being recorded on Heping's laptop including 2 Csat sonipcs, a
Krypton, Vaisala-T, and thermocouples but not on aster. He has only
been able to acquire data at 10hz. Continuing difficulty with serial
communications has precluded ingest of the Bayreuth Csat, Krypton and
fast-T sensors. RMYoung and Metek sonic data are being ingested by
Aster. Gordon wrote java scripts to merge, display and archive data
for Thomas Foken and Heping. He wrote another java script to extract
NCAR short-wave radiometer data for Roland to intercompare with his
Basel radiometers. KNMI is storing their own KD5cm, and krypton data
locally. The Kearny site is mostly deployed including as of this
writing the IR temps. They still need to adjust some thermocouples to
measure leaf temps. The Kearny site is powered by 220VAC from aster but
records all of its data locally.
A low speed network connection to the base is possible. Gordon setup
a locally initiated automated script which dials into the ISP and establishes
a 9600bps link accessible to ATD. The link can be used for sporadic
code updates and short data transfers.
- 74: status, Site all, Fri 11-Aug-2000 08:04:40 PDT, Daily Status, AUG 11
Weather / Conditions:
Hot / clear.
The field is in good condition for working in.
The next irrigation cycle will begin on Saturday.
Clouds: none in am.
Data Ingest / Base:
PAMs(1-6): Up.
Marigold(9): Up. - ATI questionable
Cosmos(8): Up.
Daisy(7): Up.
Station Power DataSys Baro Soil Rad T/RH Prop Sonic Fastq
1 ok EVE-ok ok Q-BAD ok ok - uw-ok ok
2 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
3 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - uw-ok ok
4 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
5 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
6 ok EVE-ok - ok KZ-? ok - ati-ok ok
7 ok dai-ok - ok ok - - ati-ok ok
8 ok cos-ok - ok ok x7 x6 uw-ok ok
9 ok mar-ok - ok ok - - uw-? ?
Misc. Notes:
- The KZ at station 6 has been intermittent.
- The fast q at station 9 has been intermittent over the last few days
- The ati and fast q at station 9 were removed for testing today
- The RMYoung sonic is noisy
- 82: soil, Site all, Sat 12-Aug-2000 15:04:07 PDT, Soil gravimetric water fraction #2
EBEX Soil Gravimetric water fraction (Round #2)
Samples collected Aug 5th, weighted dry on Aug 7th
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn1-R. 0-5cm 30.6 24.9 5.7 0.23 |
30.9 25.2 5.7 0.23 > 0.23
30.5 24.7 5.8 0.23 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn1-F. 0-5cm 30.2 23.0 7.2 0.31 |
31.4 24.1 7.3 0.30 > 0.31
32.5 24.8 7.7 0.31 |
Samples collected Aug. 5th, weighted dry on Aug. 7th
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn2-R. 0-5cm 27.3 22.3 5.0 0.22 |
27.2 22.1 5.1 0.23 > 0.22
28.4 23.3 5.1 0.22 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn2-F. 0-5cm 29.7 22.8 6.9 0.30 |
25.2 19.4 5.8 0.30 > 0.30
26.4 20.2 6.2 0.31 |
Samples collected Aug. 5th, weighted dry on Aug. 7th
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn4-R. 0-5cm 29.8 23.6 6.2 0.26 |
26.6 21.8 4.8 0.22 > 0.23
28.3 23.2 5.1 0.22 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn4-F. 0-5cm 29.2 22.4 6.8 0.30 |
27.8 21.4 6.4 0.30 > 0.30
29.9 23.0 6.9 0.30 |
Samples collected Aug. 7th, weighted dry on Aug.9th
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn3-R. 0-5cm 31.7 26.6 5.1 0.19 |
27.4 22.9 4.5 0.20 > 0.19
34.9 29.3 5.6 0.19 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn3-F. 0-5cm 30.8 25.0 5.8 0.23 |
27.0 22.0 5.0 0.23 > 0.23
31.8 26.0 5.8 0.22 |
Samples collected Aug. 7th, weighted dry on Aug.9th
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn5-R. 0-5cm 38.3 31.0 7.3 0.24 |
35.4 28.7 6.7 0.23 > 0.23
34.1 27.7 6.4 0.23 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn5-F. 0-5cm 36.5 28.5 8.0 0.28 |
32.8 25.8 7.0 0.27 > 0.27
29.6 23.4 6.2 0.26 |
Samples collected Aug. 7th, weighted dry on Aug.9th
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn7-R. 0-5cm 28.3 21.5 6.8 0.32 |
26.8 20.4 6.4 0.31 > 0.31
31.5 24.1 7.4 0.31 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn7-F. 0-5cm 27.3 22.1 5.2 0.24 |
28.6 20.4 8.2 0.40 > 0.30
18.2 14.4 3.8 0.26 |
Samples collected Aug.9th, weighted dry on Aug 12th
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn6-R. 0-5cm 35.9 30.4 5.5 0.18 |
36.6 30.9 5.7 0.18 > 0.18
26.7 22.6 4.1 0.18 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn6-F. 0-5cm 25.0 20.5 4.5 0.22 |
27.9 22.7 5.2 0.23 > 0.23
33.8 27.4 6.4 0.23 |
Samples collected Aug.9th, weighted dry on Aug 12th
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn8-R. 0-5cm 26.4 22.3 4.1 0.18 |
32.6 27.6 5.0 0.18 > 0.18
36.3 30.7 5.6 0.18 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn8-F. 0-5cm 35.7 29.9 5.8 0.19 |
33.9 28.2 5.7 0.20 > 0.20
40.0 33.4 6.6 0.20 |
Samples collected Aug.9th, weighted dry on Aug 12th
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn9-R. 0-5cm 24.5 20.0 4.5 0.23 |
36.2 29.6 6.6 0.22 > 0.23
32.8 26.7 6.1 0.23 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn9-F. 0-5cm 35.7 27.3 8.4 0.31 |
36.2 27.8 8.4 0.30 > 0.30
34.8 26.8 8.0 0.30 |
- 83: soil, Site all, Sat 12-Aug-2000 16:50:06 PDT, Bulk density - #2 - After irrigation
EBEX bulk density data
Samples collected Aug. 5th, weighted dry on Aug. 7th
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
Stn1-R. 0-5cm 85.1 100 0.85
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn1-F. 0-5cm 160.2 177.0 74.7 102.3 1.57
Samples collected Aug. 5th, weighted dry on Aug. 7th
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
Stn2-R. 0-5cm 72.6 100 0.73
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn2-F. 0-5cm 134.4 143.0 58.9 84.1 1.60
Samples collected Aug. 5th, weighted dry on Aug. 7th
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
Stn4-R. 0-5cm 81.4 100 0.81
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn4-F. 0-5cm 135.3 150.4 58.4 92.0 1.47
Samples collected Aug. 7th, weighted dry on Aug. 9th
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
Stn3-R. 0-5cm 98.3 0.98
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn3-F. 0-5cm 273.0 289.1 108.3 180.8 1.51
Samples collected Aug. 7th, weighted dry on Aug. 9th
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
Stn5-R. 0-5cm 81.7 0.82
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn5-F. 0-5cm 185.9 197.4 77.7 119.7 1.55
Samples collected Aug. 7th, weighted dry on Aug. 9th
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
Stn7-R. 0-5cm 79.3 0.79
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn7-F. 0-5cm 165.8 176.9 69.0 107.9 1.54
Samples collected Aug. 9, weighted dry on August 12
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
Stn6-R. 0-5cm 92.7 0.93
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn6-F. 0-5cm 201.2 222.0 86.0 136.0 1.48
Samples collected Aug. 9, weighted dry on August 12
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
Stn8-R. 0-5cm 95.7 0.96
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn8-F. 0-5cm 254.7 274.2 127.1 147.1 1.73
Samples collected Aug. 9, weighted dry on August 12
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
Stn9-R. 0-5cm 84.4 0.84
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn9-F. 0-5cm 209.8 234.5 97.8 136.7 1.53
- 84: adam_eve, Site all, Sun 13-Aug-2000 07:51:13 PDT, ADAMS down from 15:15 to 15:50 on Aug 12
Data were not colelcted from the ADAMS from 15:15 to
15:50 pm on Aug 12 due to a code upgrade for the
BreezeCom system. Hopefully this upgrade will give
us the ability to go the extended distance.
- 85: status, Site all, Sun 13-Aug-2000 08:22:39 PDT, Daily Status, AUG 12
Weather / Conditions:
Hot / clear.
irrigation was to start today
Data Ingest / Base:
PAMs(1-6): Up.
Marigold(9): Up.
Cosmos(8): Up.
Daisy(7): Up.
Station Power DataSys Baro Soil Rad T/RH Prop Sonic Fastq
1 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - uw-ok ok
2 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
3 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - uw-ok ok
4 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
5 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
6 ok EVE-ok - ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
7 ok dai-ok - ok ok - - ati-ok ok
8 ok cos-ok - ok ok x7 x6 uw-ok ok
9 ok mar-ok - ok ok - - uw-ok ok
Misc. Notes:
- The sonic and fast Q back up and running
- A new soil moisture probe was inserted at station 1
- RMYoung sonic is noisy
- 86: status, Site all, Sun 13-Aug-2000 08:24:35 PDT, Daily Status, AUG 13
Weather / Conditions:
Hot / clear.
Data Ingest / Base:
PAMs(1-6): Up.
Marigold(9): Up.
Cosmos(8): Up.
Daisy(7): Up.
Station Power DataSys Baro Soil Rad T/RH Prop Sonic Fastq
1 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - uw-ok ok
2 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
3 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - uw-ok ok
4 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
5 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
6 ok EVE-ok - ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
7 ok dai-ok - ok ok - - ati-ok ok
8 ok cos-ok - ok ok x7 x6 uw-ok ok
9 ok mar-ok - ok ok - - uw-ok ok
Misc. Notes:
- RMYoung sonic is noisy
- intercomparison hardware removed from field, 2 pam and 1 rohn
- 101: status, Site all, Mon 14-Aug-2000 17:30:27 PDT, Daily Status, AUG 14
Weather / Conditions:
Hot / clear.
Data Ingest / Base:
PAMs(1-6): Up, station 6 down
Marigold(9): Up.
Cosmos(8): Up.
Daisy(7): Up.
Station Power DataSys Baro Soil Rad T/RH Prop Sonic Fastq
1 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - uw-ok ok
2 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
3 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - uw-ok ok
4 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
5 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
6 ok EVE-ok - ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
7 ok dai-ok - ok ok - - ati-ok ok
8 ok cos-ok - ok ok x7 x6 uw-ok ok
9 ok mar-ok - ok ok - - uw-ok ok
Misc. Notes:
- RMYoung sonic is noisy
- station 6 had a power problem, soemwhere in the charge controller
- station 3 was moved to the barren field to the North in the morning
- domes and Krypton clean at site 3
- 102: status, Site all, Tue 15-Aug-2000 08:14:51 PDT, Daily Status, AUG 15
Weather / Conditions:
Hot / clear.
Data Ingest / Base:
PAMs(1-6): Up
Marigold(9): Up
Cosmos(8): Up
Daisy(7): Up
Station Power DataSys Baro Soil Rad T/RH Prop Sonic Fastq
1 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - uw-ok ok
2 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
3 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - uw-ok ok
4 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
5 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
6 ok EVE-ok - ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
7 ok dai-ok - ok ok - - ati-ok ok
8 ok cos-ok - ok ok x7 x6 uw-ok ok
9 ok mar-ok - ok ok - - uw-ok ok
Misc. Notes:
- RMYoung sonic is noisy
- covar and archive on station 6 not running this morning
- shooting boom angles today
- 106: status, Site all, Wed 16-Aug-2000 08:39:40 PDT, Daily Status, AUG 16
Weather / Conditions:
Hot / clear.
Data Ingest / Base:
PAMs(1-6): Up
Marigold(9): Up
Cosmos(8): Up
Daisy(7): Up
Station Power DataSys Baro Soil Rad T/RH Prop Sonic Fastq
1 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - uw-ok ok
2 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
3 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - uw-ok ok
4 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
5 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
6 ok EVE-ok - ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
7 ok dai-ok - ok ok - - ati-ok ok
8 ok cos-ok - ok ok x7 x6 uw-ok ok
9 ok mar-ok - ok ok - - uw-ok ok
Misc. Notes:
- RMYoung sonic is noisy
- 107: other, Site all, Wed 16-Aug-2000 09:02:29 PDT, Boom angles with theodolite
I spent the last 2 days shooting boom anlges with
the theodolite.
station height (m) angle (degree min sec)
1 4.7 3 35 55
2 4.7 6 18 25
3 4.7 359 22 20
4 4.7 0 42 15
5 4.7 3 09 30
6 4.7 0 46 30
SITE 7 (East to West)
CSAT 4.7 357 11 48 (Tomas)
CSAT 2.7 344 04 25 (Heping)
CSAT 8.7 355 06 10 (Heping)
ATIK 4.7 359 08 08 (NCAR)
KJ 2.7 339 26 45 (Dutch)
KJ 1.7 340 32 25 (Dutch)
METEK 4.7 334 16 00 (Tomas) axis was NW -> SE (bottom -> top)
RMYoung 4.7 333 37 00 (Tomas) axis was NW -> SE (top -> bottom)
UW 4.7 359 53 27 (NCAR)
prop 10.7 0 51 20 (NCAR)
prop 8.7 1 34 17 (NCAR)
prop 6.7 0 48 15 (NCAR)
prop 4.7 0 20 45 (NCAR)
prop 2.7 0 45 45 (NCAR)
prop 1.7 2 07 55 (NCAR)
UW 4.7 1 21 15 (NCAR)
CSAT 6.7 322 57 35 (Roland)
CSAT 2.7 323 00 00 (Roland)
METEK 6.7 145 29 05 (Roland) axis was NW -> SE (bottom -> top)
GILL-R2 2.7 359 47 20 (Roalnd) axis was N -> S (bottom -> top)
GILL-HS 6.7 295 06 35 (Roland) axis was MW -> SE (top -> bottom)
CSAT 2.7 321 46 05 (Roland)
CSAT 4.7 345 54 10
vane ?.? 2 33 40 axis along boom, N -> S
- 112: status, Site all, Thu 17-Aug-2000 08:38:49 PDT, Daily Status, AUG 17
Weather / Conditions:
Hot / clear.
Data Ingest / Base:
PAMs(1-6): Up
Marigold(9): Up
Cosmos(8): Up
Daisy(7): Up
Station Power DataSys Baro Soil Rad T/RH Prop Sonic Fastq
1 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - uw-ok ok
2 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
3 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - uw-ok ok
4 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
5 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
6 ok EVE-ok - ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
7 ok dai-ok - ok ok - - ati-ok ok
8 ok cos-ok - ok ok x7 x6 uw-ok ok
9 ok mar-ok - ok ok - - uw-ok ok
Misc. Notes:
- RMYoung sonic is noisy
- 113: sonic, Site all, Thu 17-Aug-2000 11:17:50 PDT, Error found and fixed in PAM kryptons
The time series plots for the krypton data showed an
offset between the pam stations and the ADAMS. Except
pam 6 which agreed with the ADAMS. Looking at the config
files, pam and aster, It was determined that the wrong
gain factor was being used for the kryptons in the
channel_config file. It was changed from .3125 to .03125.
- 115: status, Site all, Fri 18-Aug-2000 08:26:09 PDT, Daily Status, AUG 18
Weather / Conditions:
Hot / clear.
Data Ingest / Base:
PAMs(1-6): Up
Marigold(9): Up
Cosmos(8): Up
Daisy(7): Up
Station Power DataSys Baro Soil Rad T/RH Prop Sonic Fastq
1 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - uw-ok ok
2 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
3 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - uw-ok ok
4 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
5 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
6 ok EVE-ok - ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
7 ok dai-ok - ok ok - - ati-ok ok
8 ok cos-ok - ok ok x7 x6 uw-ok ok
9 ok mar-ok - ok ok - - uw-ok ok
Misc. Notes:
- RMYoung sonic is noisy
- boom angles at station 1, 2, and 4 done
- 116: radiation, Site all, Fri 18-Aug-2000 14:21:25 PDT, Rad comparison
- Previous -
Next -
Graphic: |
I wrote a bit of code in: aster/isff/src/sfun/EBEX00/radcomp.q
to compare the Rsum and Rnet values. A plot over the last 4 days is
attached. Red lines are Rnet, Green Rsum using PSPs, and Blue Rsum using
The nighttime Rsum values use just PIR data and are larger by ~20% than
Rnet values.
The daytime Rsum values usually are larger than Rnet over cotton (and smaller
over dirt!). Confounding this study is whether the domes are dirty. Stn7
at least, was cleaned 2 days ago, which appears to have increased the magnitude
of the K&Z somewhat. In general, the K&Zs read a bit higher than the PSPs.
- 117: status, Site all, Sat 19-Aug-2000 08:15:50 PDT, Daily Status, AUG 19
Weather / Conditions:
Hot / clear.
Data Ingest / Base:
PAMs(1-6): Up
Marigold(9): Up
Cosmos(8): Up
Daisy(7): Up
Station Power DataSys Baro Soil Rad T/RH Prop Sonic Fastq
1 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - uw-ok ok
2 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
3 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - uw-ok ok
4 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
5 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
6 ok EVE-ok - ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
7 ok dai-ok - ok ok - - ati-ok ok
8 ok cos-ok - ok ok x7 x6 uw-ok ok
9 ok mar-ok - ok ok - - uw-ok ok
Misc. Notes:
- RMYoung sonic is noisy
- 120: status, Site all, Sun 20-Aug-2000 08:42:46 PDT, Daily Status, AUG 20
Weather / Conditions:
Hot / clear.
Data Ingest / Base:
PAMs(1-6): Up
Marigold(9): Up
Cosmos(8): Up
Daisy(7): Up
Station Power DataSys Baro Soil Rad T/RH Prop Sonic Fastq
1 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - uw-ok ok
2 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
3 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - uw-ok ok
4 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
5 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
6 ok EVE-ok - ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
7 ok dai-ok - ok ok - - ati-ok ok
8 ok cos-ok - ok ok x7 x6 uw-ok ok
9 ok mar-ok - ok ok - - uw-ok ok
Misc. Notes:
- RMYoung sonic is noisy
- UW setup at station 8 at 1.7m on UW tower
- 122: status, Site all, Mon 21-Aug-2000 07:52:53 PDT, Daily Status, AUG 21
Weather / Conditions:
Hot / clear.
Data Ingest / Base:
PAMs(1-6): Up
Marigold(9): Up
Cosmos(8): Up
Daisy(7): Up
Station Power DataSys Baro Soil Rad T/RH Prop Sonic Fastq
1 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - uw-ok ok
2 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
3 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - uw-ok ok
4 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
5 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
6 ok EVE-ok - ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
7 ok dai-ok - ok ok - - ati-ok ok
8 ok cos-ok - ok ok x7 x6 uw-ok ok
9 ok mar-ok - ok ok - - uw-ok ok
Misc. Notes:
- RMYoung sonic is noisy
- dome and krypton cleaning day
- 123: radiation, Site all, Mon 21-Aug-2000 10:08:08 PDT, Dome and Krypton cleaning
Today is dome and krypton cleaning. All nets had a fine
layer of dust on them. The glass domes looked good.
Kryptons had minimal contamination.
time (local) site comments
8:45 3 dome and krypton done, dusty net
9:15 6 dome and krypton done, dust on net
10:40 1 dome and krypton done, dusty net
11:10 2 doem and krypton done, dust and spots on net
11:35 4 dome and krypton done, dusty net
12:05 5 dome and krypton done, dusty net
13:10 7 domes done, dust on uplooking domes and net
13:30 8 domes done, dust on uplooking and net
13:50 9 domes done, dust on uplooking and net
15:30 7 krypton cleaned
16:30 8 krypton cleande, dirt spots on probe arms
16:50 9 krypton cleaned
- 129: status, Site all, Wed 23-Aug-2000 08:20:04 PDT, Daily Status, AUG 23
Weather / Conditions:
Hot / clear.
Data Ingest / Base:
PAMs(1-6): Up
Marigold(9): Up
Cosmos(8): Up
Daisy(7): Up
Station Power DataSys Baro Soil Rad T/RH Prop Sonic Fastq
1 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - uw-ok ok
2 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
3 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - uw-ok ok
4 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
5 ok EVE-ok ok ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
6 ok EVE-ok - ok ok ok - ati-ok ok
7 ok dai-ok - ok ok - - ati-ok ok
8 ok cos-ok - ok ok x7 x6 uw-ok ok
9 ok mar-ok - ok ok - - uw-ok ok
Misc. Notes:
- RMYoung sonic output has been changed from u,v,w to spd, direction,
- 131: irrigation, Site all, Wed 23-Aug-2000 09:07:33 PDT, Irrigation schedulle
Irrigation started Sat. 12th-08
Reached stations in the following order:
13th/Sun - Stn01
14th/Mon - Stn02, Stn04
15th/Tue - Stn03, Stn05
16th/Wed - Stn07, Stn06, Stn08
17th/Thr - Stn09, Stn10
- 133: soil, Site all, Wed 23-Aug-2000 11:29:30 PDT, Bulk density - Round #3
EBEX bulk density data
Samples collected Aug. 13th, weighted dry on Aug.15th
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn1-R [g] [ml]
79.6 100 0.80
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn1-F 251.3 287.6 102.8 184.8 1.36
Samples collected Aug. 13th, weighted dry on Aug.15th
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn2-R [g] [ml]
108.9 1.09
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn2-F 237.3 274.6 111.4 163.2 1.45
Samples collected Aug. 13th, weighted dry on Aug.15th
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn4-R [g] [ml]
110.5 1.11
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn4-F 221.1 252.3 108.5 143.8 1.54
Station 3 moved to dirt site
Samples collected on Aug.15th, weighted dry on Aug.17th
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn5-R [g] [ml]
82.2 0.82
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn5-F 192.3 227.6 93.4 134.2 1.43
Samples collected on Aug.15th, weighted dry on Aug.17th
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn7-R [g] [ml]
90.9 0.91
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn7-F 240.4 266.5 118.6 147.9 1.63
Samples collected Aug.15th, weighted dry on Aug.17th
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn6-R [g] [ml]
87.0 0.87
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn6-F 232.3 258.2 107.8 150.4 1.55
Samples collected Aug.16th, weighted dry on Aug.18th
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn8-R [g] [ml]
85.2 0.85
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn8-F 262.3 282.6 127.9 154.7 1.70
Samples collected Aug.17th, weighted dry on Aug.19th
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn9-R [g] [ml]
89.6 0.90
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn9-F 184.9 207.7 90.2 11.3 1.58
- 135: soil, Site all, Fri 25-Aug-2000 07:33:23 PDT, Short term gravimetric water fraction measurements
The short term measurments were made to determine the evolution of water in the soil during part of the day. These measurements were made at Stn09, on Aug.23 close to the dark horse.
Samples collected Aug 23th, weighted dry on Aug 25th
Time 8:00 local
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn9-R. 0-5cm 32.1 26.3 5.8 0.22 |
31.1 25.4 5.7 0.22 > 0.23
32.0 25.7 6.3 0.25 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn9-F. 0-5cm 35.1 23.9 11.2 0.47 |
29.3 22.1 7.2 0.33 > 0.37
31.6 23.9 7.7 0.32 |
Time 11:00 local
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn9-R. 0-5cm 28.8 24.3 4.5 0.19 |
29.3 24.3 5.0 0.21 > 0.20
30.7 25.8 4.9 0.19 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn9-F. 0-5cm 31.9 25.4 6.5 0.26 |
32.4 25.7 6.7 0.26 > 0.26
32.7 26.0 6.7 0.26 |
Time 14:00 local
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn9-R. 0-5cm 32.4 26.1 6.3 0.24 |
29.5 24.0 5.5 0.23 > 0.23
30.3 24.6 5.7 0.23 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn9-F. 0-5cm 33.2 26.5 6.7 0.25 |
32.5 25.8 6.7 0.26 > 0.26
33.4 26.6 6.8 0.26 |
Time 17:00 local
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn9-R. 0-5cm 31.5 25.3 6.2 0.25 |
30.7 24.7 6.0 0.24 > 0.25
29.8 23.9 5.9 0.25 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn9-F. 0-5cm 28.9 22.6 6.3 0.28 |
30.7 24.7 6.0 0.24 > 0.28
31.5 24.1 7.4 0.31 |
The second lines from ridge and furrow at 17:00 are the same. This is not a
- 138: soil, Site all, Mon 04-Sep-2000 09:12:06 PDT, soil water fraction and bulk density
Evolution of the gravimetric water fraction and the bulk density after irrigation.
The gravimetric water fraction and the bulk density of the soil one day and three days after irrigation were measured. The methodology used during EBEX to determine the bulk density of the soil, either by using the wax method for the furrow, either by filling up a known volume for the ridge was unsuitable for the field in a short period of time after irrigation.
A new methodology was used. I've borrowed some containers with a known value from David Grantz, University of California, and applied at a site South of Station 9 one and three days after irrigation.
The containers were made of metal, with a 10.16 cm diameter and a 7.62 cm high (4'x3'). With that dimensions it was not possible to sample soil from a 0-5 cm but from a 0-7.62 cm depth.
The method consisted in inserting the container into the ridge and furrow soil. The amount of dirt that was collected was then placed in the oven for two days. After the drying period, the container was weighted and the bulk density could be determined.
A major inconvenient of this method was that when the container was being inserted in the soil a bubble appear between the container bottom, that was up at the moment, and the soil. One solution to minimize the appearance of the bubble was to slightly move the container obliquely when it is being punched into the soil.
This method was used only at this site. There were no changes in the measuring procedures at the other stations.
Gravimetric Water Fraction
Ridge - 20.Aug.2000 - 1 day after irrigation
wet dry diff gwf
30.7 23.1 7.6 0.33 |
30.7 23.2 7.5 0.32 > 0.32
28.2 21.3 6.9 0.32 |
Furrow - 20.Aug.2000 - 1 day after irrigation
wet dry diff gwf
50.1 34.8 15.3 0.44 |
39.7 27.3 12.4 0.45 > 0.44
38.6 26.8 11.8 0.44 |
Ridge - 22.Aug.2000 - 3 days after irrigation
wet dry diff gwf
29.4 22.7 6.7 0.30 |
27.4 21.4 6.0 0.28 > 0.29
32.3 25.1 7.2 0.29 |
Furrow - 22.Aug.2000 - 3 days after irrigation
wet dry diff gwf
44.7 31.6 13.1 0.41 |
43.5 31.6 11.9 0.38 > 0.39
29.4 20.9 8.1 0.39 |
Bulk Density
Ridge - 20.Aug.2000 - 1 day after irrigation
Dry Weight Volume Bulk density
229.5 618 0.37
Furrow - 20.Aug.2000 - 1 day after irrigation
182.7 618 0.29
Ridge - 22.Aug.2000 - 3 days after irrigation
Dry Weight Volume Bulk density
196.7 618 0.32
Furrow - 22.Aug.2000 - 3 days after irrigation
Dry Weight Volume Bulk density
244.3 618 0.39
- 139: radiation, Site all, Fri 29-Sep-2000 10:52:55 MDT, Radiation summary
Here is a summary of comments affecting rad operations:
(not necessarily exhaustive, since I only looked at subject: radiation,
not status, log, etc.
7-25-00 17:30 GMT: cleaning of all radiometer domes at stand site 09.
check of level. All ok, except NCAR upward looking
pyrradiometer is only a little bit out of center.
nothing adjusted.
cr23x uni basel: time incorrect.
7-28-00 18:10 PDT: John rewired stn1 logger so these signals now look okay.
07/31/00 13:33 PDT:
The Kipp&Zonnen has been providing bad data through the night and
into the day. During the day after warming up, the data has been
OK. The wiring inside the ventillation plenum had a bad connection.
It was recabled and now appears OK.
The wiring arrangement for the K&Z radiometers needs to be improved.
7-30 16:00 - 16:15 GMT Cleaning of all domes at radiation stand site 09.
Dome of Q*7 of NCAR is dirty, especially at lower parts.
probably due to spraying. Completely cleaning was not possible.
Time Uni Bsel OK. Leveling of all instruments OK.
8-5 18:19PDT: The Rsw.in and Rsw.out may have been temporarily fixed.
These have never been right at this site since setup.
The Rsw.out looked like an 'in.'
The Rsw.in was basically garbage/missing.
Wiring: consistent w/ Comments in logger pgm list..ie correct.
Msg Out: both aster prep and logger prm listing consistent..ie correct.
CR10 pgm: appears correct as best I can tell.
Possible Mux problem in logger box, or else pgm is actually incorrect.
It appears that the cr10 is sampling these on AM416 mux channels
3-L/H, and 4-L/H instead of 4 and 5. This implies we either need
another 'pulse port 2' to move the mux forward to the correct channels,
or else the thing is sticking on 1 channel.
Temp fix = plug Rsw.out cable into the 'in' port on the box which goes
to 4-L/H. Jumper plug 'Rsw.out' port on the box to 3-L/H
and plug Rsw.in cable to the 'out' port.
I presume the coefficients are being applied correctly in the program.
Keep an eye on it to see if we're OK, and maybe try that program step
Radiometer Cleaning cycle:
st1 8/8 ~23Z
st2 8/9 ~0Z
st3 8/7 ~22Z
st4 8/9 ~0Z Q7 has those darn spots...
st5 8/7 ~21Z were in good shape.
st7 8/6 ~0Z The Rsw.in/out definitely needed it but not extreme.
The Q7 had spots on it probably from spray?
Also cleaned the German's sensors.
st8 8/6 ~23Z Rsw.in/Rlw.in did need it but not extreme. Q7 spots
seemed to come off pretty well.
st9 8/6 ~20Z The Q7 had the worst spots seen so far. Cleaned
them some but not completely off.
8-6 19:00 PDT: s8
The Psp.out has been giving bad readings.
It appears to be a connection or the Eppley photopile
is bad.
8-7 15:19 PDT The TSFC probes at station 8 are working now.
The wrong calibration factors were used.
8-7 16:47 PDT: The Rsw.out (s8) sensor is working now.
It was another case of bad wiring inside the ventillation plenum.
8-8 11:20 PDT: Rsw.in and Rsw.out at site 7 looking good
Another program problem. The multiplexer was
not skipping forward 2 steps. The heat may have had
something to do with it. I added delay commands between
the increment commands. That seemed to fix it.
8-11 10:01 PDT: KZ at station 6 removed
The problem with the KZ seems to be in the
sensor so I brought it back to the base. I
was out there at the site from 9:20 - 9:40
local time.
8-11 10:24 PDT: KZ fixed at station 6
The KZ at station 6 is back up, ~10:40 local. The
internal connector was bad. removing the shrink tubing
near the connector fixed the problem so I left the
connector in place. My guess is the contacts between
male and female have opened up and little bit of twist
on the cable causes and open circuit.
8-14 17:29 PDT: Clean domes & krypton at 3
Due to the move the domes and krypton needed cleaning.
This was done at ~17:15 local.
8-16 11:32 PDT: rads cleaned s7
While Thomas was cleaning his radiometers at s7, he offered to clean ours
as well. He noted that the Q7 was rather dirty, but the others seemed okay.
8-21 10:08 PDT Dome and Krypton cleaning
Today is dome and krypton cleaning. All nets had a fine
layer of dust on them. The glass domes looked good.
Kryptons had minimal contamination.
time (local) site comments
8:45 3 dome and krypton done, dusty net
9:15 6 dome and krypton done, dust on net
10:40 1 dome and krypton done, dusty net
11:10 2 doem and krypton done, dust and spots on net
11:35 4 dome and krypton done, dusty net
12:05 5 dome and krypton done, dusty net
13:10 7 domes done, dust on uplooking domes and net
13:30 8 domes done, dust on uplooking and net
13:50 9 domes done, dust on uplooking and net
15:30 7 krypton cleaned
16:30 8 krypton cleande, dirt spots on probe arms
16:50 9 krypton cleaned
- 142: radiation, Site all, Tue 31-Oct-2000 09:52:06 MST, Campbell coefficients
Post-EBEX00 the integrity of the Campbell coeffs was checked.
Consistency in the sequence:
CalLab data | Coeffs in LabView loading files | Coeffs inspected post-EBEX
was examined and found to be correct. See delany/deployments/ebex00/coefftab.fm
There was an apparent discrepancy which was resolved. The coeffs in Campbell
St7NW were not loaded in the memory, but rather were embedded in the code.
This circumstance probably occurred because originally there were only
eight Campbell 10X's available and one Campbell 10. The Campbell coefficients
need to be loaded in the code as the memory for the Campbell 10 is volatile.
Then an additional Campbell 10X was acquired and allocated to St7NW.
The original code was retained. This would cause no problem, although it
did cause puzzlement.
Neither JM nor SS (nor anyone else) changed coefficients in the field.
However, JM did find and correct (see LB# ????) cable misconnections.
JM did find and correct (see LB# ????) wiring shorts
SS, did adjust multiplexer delays (see LB# ????)
- 143: radiation, Site all, Tue 07-Nov-2000 15:21:38 MST, Radiometer coefficient checks,flagged bad data
Inspection of the coefficients indicated that the correct coefficients were
used throughout the deployment.
The procedure of checking coefficients is described in the file:
and involved checking the coefficients throughout the sequence:
cal lab data
coefficients listed in LabView coefficient Campbell loading files
manually cycling through the memory of the Cambpbell after return from EBEX00
The problem data resulted from wiring breaks and the bad data is to be
flagged but not corrected.
This flag file is formed by defining when the value of the output of an
individual radiometer deviates significantly (say 20%) or more than
20 Wm-2 from the value of a credible reference radiometer.
These reference short-wave down-welling and short-waveup-welling radiometers
were chosen by inspecting the traces of all the radiometersfor reasonable
and continuous data.
For the Rsw.in radiometers the four traces were examined to define which
was the most continuous.
Rsw.in 9 is taken as that credible reference radiometer.
For the Rsw.out radiometers all 15 traces were examined to define which
was the most continuous.
Although 3, 4, and 5 had fairly good continuous traces the best was chosen.
Rsw.out 4 is taken as the most credible reference radiometer.
- 144: radiation, Site all, Tue 07-Nov-2000 15:24:49 MST, Dome cleaning and calc of Rsw.in/out values
The dome cleaning procedure during EBEX was not as systematic as
could have been wished. A summary of dome cleaning undertaken during
EBEX00 was made and listed as Logbook# 139. Plots of the radiometers'
responses were made and inspected.
There were four up-looking short-wave radiometers:
Station 7 unventilated Eppley PSP -> Rsw.in 7
Station 7 ventilated Kipp & Zonen -> Rsw.in.kz 7
Station 8 ventilated Eppley PSP -> Rsw.in 8
Station 9 unventilated Eppley PSP -> Rsw.in 9
As the four radiometers viewed the identical sky the are redundant and
a single value of Rsw.in is all that is required. Inspection of the
traces for the four were made to decide how best to generate this single
trace of Rsw.in
The effect of cleaning had noticeable effects on
Rsw.in.kz 7 on 16 Aug of ~ 50 Wm-2
Rsw.in 8 on 21 Aug of ~ 80 Wm-2
other cleaning events did not make much difference in radiometer response.
The other two up-looking short-wave radiometer yielded more consistent traces.
with Rsw.in 7 ~ 1.04 X Rsw.in 9 .
I propose to use for the the single value of Rsw.in
Rsw.in.mean <- (Rsw.in 7 + Rsw.in 9)/2 for the period 6 Aug - 23 Aug
when both thes radiometers had good output, and
Rsw.in.mean <- (Rsw.in 9 X (Rsw.in.mean/Rsw.in 9) for the period before
6 Aug when only Rsw.in 9 had good output
In general the dust from the traffic along
the dirt road together with the effect of agricultural aerial spraying
was more apparent on the up-looking radiometers than on the down-looking
There were fifteen down-looking short-wave radiometers:
Station 1-6 unventilated Eppley PSP -> Rsw.out 1-6
Station 1-6 ventilated Kipp & Zonen -> Rsw.out.kz 1-6
Station 7 unventilated Eppley PSP -> Rsw.out 7
Station 8 ventilated Eppley PSP -> Rsw.out 8
Station 9 unventilated Eppley PSP -> Rsw.out 9
Each of these radiometers viewed different surfaces although the paired
Eppley and Kipp and Zonen radiometers at the six station, stn1 - stn6 could
be assumed to have had a very nearly identical view.
The ratio of Rsw.out/Rsw.out.kz for stations 1-6 were:
(1) 1.076, (2) 1.08, (3) 0.975, (4) 1.07, (5) 1.065, (6) 1.04, or (1-6) 1.05
The value taken for each of the up-welling short-wave radiation should be the
mean of the Eppley and the Kipp 1and Zonen Radiometers.
The value for the other three stations should be the value of the single
radiometer at that site.