- 32: adam_eve, Site stn7_daisy, Sun 30-Jul-2000 19:07:27 PDT, bad A/D channel
daisy 102 appears to not work. We've skipped it and are using 101 and 103 for
Thomas's licor.
- 56: radiation, Site stn7_daisy, Sat 05-Aug-2000 18:19:05 PDT, Possible Fix and continuing problem w/PSP.in,PSP.out
The Rsw.in and Rsw.out may have been temporarily fixed.
These have never been right at this site since setup.
The Rsw.out looked like an 'in.'
The Rsw.in was basically garbage/missing.
Wiring: consistent w/ Comments in logger pgm list..ie correct.
Msg Out: both aster prep and logger prm listing consistent..ie correct.
CR10 pgm: appears correct as best I can tell.
Possible Mux problem in logger box, or else pgm is actually incorrect.
It appears that the cr10 is sampling these on AM416 mux channels
3-L/H, and 4-L/H instead of 4 and 5. This implies we either need
another 'pulse port 2' to move the mux forward to the correct channels,
or else the thing is sticking on 1 channel.
Temp fix = plug Rsw.out cable into the 'in' port on the box which goes
to 4-L/H. Jumper plug 'Rsw.out' port on the box to 3-L/H
and plug Rsw.in cable to the 'out' port.
I presume the coefficients are being applied correctly in the program.
Keep an eye on it to see if we're OK, and maybe try that program step
- 57: sonic, Site stn7_daisy, Sat 05-Aug-2000 18:56:37 PDT, Krypton cleaning cycle
Krypton Cleaning cycle:
st1 8/8 ~23Z
st2 8/9 ~0Z
st3 8/7 ~22Z
st4 8/9 ~0z
st5 8/7 ~21Z
st7 8/6 ~0Z
st8 8/6 ~23Z
st9 8/6 ~20Z
- 67: radiation, Site stn7_daisy, Tue 08-Aug-2000 11:20:49 PDT, Rsw.in and Rsw.out at site 7 looking good
Another program problem. The multiplexer was
not skipping forward 2 steps. The heat may have had
something to do with it. I added delay commands between
the increment commands. That seemed to fix it.
- 71: adam_eve, Site stn7_daisy, Tue 08-Aug-2000 17:45:42 PDT, covar restarted on daisy, Rsw.in.kz not being covared
I noticed that the Kip&Zonen at station 7 was not
being covared. I added it to the covar.config file
and restarted daisy covar.
- 104: other, Site stn7_daisy, Tue 15-Aug-2000 15:58:38 PDT, spider
Steve Semmer encountered an interesting green spider while shooting boom
angles with the theodolite.
- 108: other, Site stn7_daisy, Wed 16-Aug-2000 11:26:33 PDT, releveled s7 10m tower
I went to s7 to do 3 things for Heping:
- clean krypton
- re-level sonic
- remove broken thermocouple
However, the tower guys were all pretty loose. They had all been staked in
the furrows (my fault) and two of the stakes could be moved. Heping and
I pulled all these stakes, repositioned them, and leveled and tensioned the
guys. The tower feels much better now. Naturally, a new tilt correction will
be needed. During this process, I also moved the safety rope so that the tower
is again climbable.
Finally, I did the above tasks for Heping. The krypton was dirty and the sonic
out of level by about 2/3 of a bubble to the north (pitched up). The bubble
is now at least 2/3 inside the circle.
- 109: radiation, Site stn7_daisy, Wed 16-Aug-2000 11:32:47 PDT, rads cleaned
While Thomas was cleaning his radiometers at s7, he offered to clean ours
as well. He noted that the Q7 was rather dirty, but the others seemed okay.