DC3 and SEAC4RS Joint Science Teams Meeting

February 21-23, 2012
Center Green Auditorium, NCAR, Boulder, Colorado

List of Attendees (Updated 17 Feb 2012)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

7:30 Registration begins
  Introduction (Main Auditorium) ReadyTalk 4978380
8:30 Welcome (M. Barth, W. Randel, A. Pszenny, H. Maring)
9:00 Overview of the DC3 Science Plan & Experimental Design (M. Barth)
9:40 Forecasting Plans [PPS] [Movie A] [Movie B] (M. Weisman)

10:00 Break

Ground Facilities (Main Auditorium) ReadyTalk 4978380

10:30 Colorado (S. Rutledge)
10:45 Alabama [PPS] (L. Carey)
11:00 Oklahoma (D. MacGorman)

Aircraft Facilities (Main Auditorium) ReadyTalk 4978380

11:15 GV payload and flight patterns (C. Cantrell)
11:30 DC-8 payload and flight patterns (W. Brune)
11:45 Falcon payload and flight patterns (H. Huntrieser)

12:00 Lunch

General Operations (Main Auditorium) ReadyTalk 4978380

13:00 Operations Base (J. Moore)
13:30 Communications among Facilities (V. Salazar)
13:45 Daily Schedule (M. Barth)
14:00 DC3 Calendar (Combined with previous talk) (V. Salazar)
14:15 DC3 Data Management Plan (S. Williams)
14:50 DC3 Field Catalog (G. Stossmeister)

15:10 Break

Breakout Sessions (Main Auditorium and then breakout)

15:30 Instructions for Breakout Groups (M. Barth)

15:40 Breakout

Topic People Location
Ready Talk No.
Coordination between 2-3 aircraft:
Aircraft Coordination
(C. Cantrell)
Tracer Experiments
(H. Schlager)
Aircraft folks Auditorium
Data Management & Field Catalog Forecasting folks Room 3131
Ground Facilities Needs Ground Facilities folks Room 2503

16:25 Continue Breakout

Topic People Location
Ready Talk No.
Individual GV aircraft needs:
GV Aircraft Needs
(C. Cantrell)
GV Aircraft folks South Auditorium N/A
Individual DC-8 aircraft needs DC-8 Aircraft folks Main Auditorium
Communications Forecasting folks Room 3131
Data Management & Field Catalog Ground Facilities folks Room 2503

17:10 Continue Breakout

Topic People Location
Ready Talk No.
Communications Aircraft and Ground folks Main Auditorium
Forecasting Needs Forecasting folks Room 3131
Pilot Meeting Pilots Room 2503

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

7:30 Registration

Breakout Sessions (Main Auditorium and then breakout)

8:15 Introduction of the Day (M. Barth)

8:30 Breakout

Topic People Location
Ready Talk No.
Operations Base:
DC3 Operations Center
(J. Moore)
Aircraft and Forecasting folks Auditorium
Ground Facilities Needs Ground facilities folks Room 3131
Available Available Room 2503

9:10 Continue Breakout

Topic People Location
Ready Talk No.
Data Management & Field Catalog
DC3 Airborne Data Repository
(G. Chen)
DC3 Product Needs
(G. Stossmeister)
Aircraft folks Auditorium
Decision Making Forecasting folks Room 3131
Available Available Room 2503

9:50 Break

Reports and Updates (Main Auditorium) ReadyTalk 4978380

10:15 Education and Outreach Activities (A. Rockwell)
10:30 Reports from Breakout Group findings (new info only):
  Ground Facility Team Summary (L. Carey)
  Aircraft Breakout Summary (J. Crawford)
  Forecasting Breakout Summary (K. Pickering)
11:15 Feedback from pilots (S. Thompson)
11:30 DC3 Logistics: things to do between now and the campaign (V. Salazar, J. Moore)
12:00 Summary of DC3 Action Items (M. Barth)

12:15 Adjourn

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