update: Dec 2012
Current Research. Ice Formation in Clouds. Airborne Instrumentation.
David C. Rogers
Development of a continuous flow thermal gradient diffusion chamber for ice nucleation studies
Atmos. Res., 22, 149-181.
(20 Mb pdf)
Spring 2001
EUFAR working group meetings - Sep 2002 - Capua, Italy
July 2001
Cloud and Aerosol Particle Laboratory at NCAR/RAF - Plans
NCAR Aerosol Program (May 8, 2001)
Continuous Flow Diffusion chamber - CFD
Ice Nuclei Measurements
Wave Cloud Flights
links to weather sites
March 2000 - Wyoming King Air
Ice Forming Nuclei and Nucleation of Ice Crystals
Northern Aerosol Regional Climate Model
NARCM Workshop (2001 Toronto)
FIRE3-Arctic Clouds
Ice Nuclei Measurements in the Arctic
(for background information, see
FIRE.ACE project home page)
Airborne measurements of ice-nucleating aerosol particles in the Arctic Spring
(2 Mb pdf file)
JGR Special Issue on FIRE-3 (2001)
Lake-Effect storms
Ice Nuclei and Microphysics in Lake-ICE and SnowBAND (1997-98)
Measurements of Ice Nuclei
NCAR ASP Colloquium (1999)
paper submitted to GRL:
Measurements of Ice Nucleating Aerosols during SUCCESS
Ice Nucleating Aerosols: Measurement Techniques, Interpretation and Potential for Modeling Applications
WMO Workshop on Measurement of Cloud Properties for Forecasts of Weather, Air Quality, and Climate June 1997 (Mexico City)
Ice Formation in Wave Clouds - the role of atmospheric ice nucleating aerosol particles
AAAR - October 2002
Plot of DC-8 measurements in B-757 exhaust plume.
(For more information about the SUCCESS project, see the
SUCCESS Project home page)
Measuring CN from Aircraft
(AEAP Virginia Beach '97)
CN Measurements Mini-Workshop
(CSU August '97)
Links to research colleagues at
CSU Department of Atmospheric Science
Paul DeMott
Sonia Kreidenweis
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