Flatland96 Data Previous Chapter

4.0 Data

4.1 General

The output of the sensors was transferred to the PAM base and archived for future analysis. The data transfer was by spread spectrum direct RF linkage from the individual stations to the PAM base at the Bondville site. For Station 1, which employed both an enhanced flux-PAM and elements of the ASTER facility, data was both acquired by ADAM and transmitted directly to the PAM base, and also processed in situ by EVE and the data products transmitted to the PAM base. For Stations 2 and 3 only the latter mode was used. In addition to the direct RF linkage to the PAM base the flux-PAM's also transmitted their data products via GOES, Boulder Earth-base and then by internet to the PAM base at Bondville. A further redundancy was provided by local storage at the flux-PAMs. Table 9 and 10 outline the various data streams and data products of the FLATLAND96 program and indicate their availability for different time intervals for the three stations

TABLE 9 Data available from sensors at Stations 1, 2 and 3

             Parameter                 Units           Station 1         Station 2 and 3   
                                                0.1 s   1 s   60 s   300s     60 s     300s   
              Sonic w                  m.s-1      X     -     -     X      -        X     
             Sonic u                   m.s-1      X     -     -     X      -        X     
              Sonic v                  m.s-1      X     -     -     X      -        X     
             Sonic Tc,                 m.s-1      X     -     -     X      -        X     
          Kr hygrometer q              g.m-3      X     -     -     X      -        X     
  Kr hygrometer relative humidity        %        X     -     -     X      -        X     
     Kr hygrometer mixing ratio        g Kg-1     X     -     -     X      -        X     
      Kok ozone, mixing ratio           ppbv      X     -     -     X      -        -     
      SECL ozone, mixing ratio          ppbv      X     -     -     X      -        -     
 ThermoElectron ozone, mixing ratio      ppbv      -     X     -     X      -        -     
 Band pass hygrometer, temperature      o C            
      Band pass hygrometer, RH           %          
   Hygrothermometer, temperature        o C       -     X     X     X      X        -     
Hygrothermometer, relative humidity       %        -     X     X     X      X        -     
        Propvane, wind speed           m.s-1      -     X     X     X      X        -     
      Propvane, wind direction       o Azimuth     -     X     X     X      X        -     
        Barometric pressure              mB       -     X     X     X      X        -     
        Surface temperature             o C       -     X     X     X      X        -     
           Net radiation               W.m-2      -     X     X     X      X        -     
          Solar radiation              W.m-2      -     X     X     X      X        -     
          Soil temperature              o C       -     -     -     X      -        X     
           Soil heat flux              W.m-2      -     -     -     X      -        X     
           Rain fall rate              mm.s-1     -     -     -     X      -        X     
       Rainfall accumulation             mm       -     -     -     X      -        X     
           Momentum flux               W.m-2      -     -     -     X      -        X     
         Sensible heat flux            W.m-2      -     -     -     X      -        X     
         Latent heat flux              W.m-2      -     -     -     X      -        X     
           Kok ozone flux            g.m-2.s-1     -     -     -     X      -        -     
          SECL ozone flux            g.m-2.s-1     -     -     -     X      -        -     

TABLE 10 Data products available for FLATLAND96

     Parameter        Mean            Covariances           Variance      3nd         4nd       
                                                                        moment      moment     
         u              u    u'v' , u'w' , u'tc' , u'q' ,      u'u'      u'u'u'     u'u'u'u'    
                                     u'Ok' , u'Ok'                                             
         v              v    v'w' , v'tc' , v'q', v'Ok' ,      v'v'      v'v'v'     v'v'v'v'    
         w              w     w'tc' , v'q', v'Ok' , v'Ok'     w'w'      w'w'w'     w'w'w'w'    
         tc            tc                  -                 tc'tc'   tc'tc'tc'   tc'tc'tc'tc'   
          q             q                  -                  q'q'      q'q'q'     q'q'q'q'    
     Kok Ozone          Ok                 -                 Ok'Ok'       -            -       
    Seclod Ozone       Os                  -                 Os'Os'       -            -       
     Wind speed        Wsp                 -                    -         -            -       
   Wind direction     Wdir                 -                    -         -            -       
      Pressure          P                  -                    -         -            -       
Surface Temperature    Tsurf                 -                    -         -            -       
   Net radiation       Rn                  -                    -         -            -       
  Solar radiation    Solrad                 -                    -         -            -       
  Soil temperature    soilT                 -                    -         -            -       
   Soil moisture      soilq                 -                    -         -            -       
      Rainfall        rain                 -                    -         -      -             

All data acquired during the deployment is archived. The application of the appropriate calibration and delay functions convert this raw data to engineering or scientific units. This processed data is available as 1, 5 or 10 minute block means, variances and covariances obtained from the initial processing of the variables measured.

4.2 Available Data

The FLATLAND96 data available as netcdf files is given in Table 11.

TABLE 11 FLATLANDS96 data available as netcdf files

   Netcdf variable      Measurement       Time           Units        Station            Comments          
    VAIS.PRES.AVG        pressure         1 min            mB        1, 2 & 3        Vaisala PTB 220       
    TRH.Tdry.AVG        temperature       1 min          degC        1, 2 & 3     NCAR hygrothermometer    
     TRH.rh.AVG          humidity         1 min            %         1, 2 & 3     NCAR hygrothermometer    
   LOGR.ETI.TOTAL        rain rate        1 min     .01" tips min-1   1, 2 & 3        ETI  rain gauge       
  LOGR.ETI.NZTOTAL      rain accum        1 min        .01" tips     1, 2 & 3         ETI rain gauge       
      WIND.Vavg           v wind          1 min           ms-1       1, 2 & 3         prop-vane wind       
      WIND.Uavg           u wind          1 min           ms-1       1, 2 & 3         prop-vane wind       
      WIND.max           max wind         1 min           ms-1       1, 2 & 3         prop-vane wind       
      ATI.freq           frequency        5 min            Hz        1, 2 & 3           sonic freq         
       ATI.cnt            samples        5  min          counts      1, 2 & 3       # of sonic samples     
      ATI.U.AVG           u wind          5 min           ms-1       1, 2 & 3           sonic wind         
      ATI.V.AVG           v wind          5 min           ms-1       1, 2 & 3           sonic wind         
      ATI.W.AVG           w wind          5 min           ms-1       1, 2 & 3           sonic wind         
   ATI.Tsonic.AVG        Virtual T        5 min           degC       1, 2 & 3        sonic virtual T       
     ATI.Uspikes         u spikes         5 min          counts      1, 2 & 3       sonic spike counts     
     ATI.Vspikes         v spikes         5 min          counts      1, 2 & 3       sonic spike counts     
     ATI.Wspikes         w spikes         5 min          counts      1, 2 & 3       sonic spike counts     
  ATI.Tsonicspikes    sonic T spikes       5 min          counts      1, 2 & 3       sonic spike counts     
    ATI.alev.AVG          a level         5 min         degrees      1, 2 & 3              N-S             
    ATI.blev.AVG          b level         5 min         degrees      1, 2 & 3              E-W             
    ATI.Tdry.AVG        temperature       5 min           degC       1, 2 & 3           bandpass T         
     ATI.rh.AVG          humidity         5 min            %         1, 2 & 3          bandpass RH         
     ATI.mr.AVG        mixing ratio       5 min          gkg-1       1, 2 & 3     bandpass mixing ratio    
       ATI.UU              u'u'           5 min          m2s-2       1, 2 & 3     sonic-sonic covariance   
       ATI.UV              u'v'           5 min          m2s-2       1, 2 & 3      sonic-sonic variance    
       ATI.UW              u'w'           5 min          m2s-2       1, 2 & 3      sonic-sonic variance    
       ATI.UTs             u't'           5 min        ms-1 degC     1, 2 & 3      sonic-sonic variance    
       ATI.Umr             u'q'           5 min        ms-1 gkg-1    1, 2 & 3      sonic-sonic variance    
       ATI.VV              v'v'           5 min          m2s-2       1, 2 & 3     sonic-sonic covariance   
       ATI.VW              v'w'           5 min          m2s-2       1, 2 & 3      sonic-sonic variance    
       ATI.VTs             v't'           5 min         ms-1degC     1, 2 & 3      sonic-sonic variance    
       ATI.Vmr             v'q'           5 min       ms-1 gkg-1     1, 2 & 3      sonic-sonic variance    
       ATI.WW              w'w'           5 min          m2s-2       1, 2 & 3     sonic-sonic covariance   
       ATI.WTs             w't'           5 min        ms-1 degC     1, 2 & 3      sonic-sonic variance    
       ATI.Wmr             w'q'           5 min        ms-1 gkg-1    1, 2 & 3      sonic-sonic variance    
      ATI.TsTs             t't'           5 min          degC2       1, 2 & 3     sonic-sonic covariance   
       ATI.TT           tdry'tdry'        5 min          degC2       1, 2 & 3        bp-bp covariance      
      ATI.mrmr             q'q'           5 min          g2kg-2      1, 2 & 3        bp-bp covariance      
        ATI.a           bandpass a       10 min        ms -1gkg-1    1, 2 & 3         bandpass coeff       
        ATI.b           bandpass b       10 min        gkg-1degC1    1, 2 & 3        bandpass  coeff       
      ATI.rSqrd       bandpass rsqrd      10 min           none       1, 2 & 3        bandpass  coeff       
        ATI.N           bandpass N       10 min          points      1, 2 & 3        bandpass  coeff       
       ATI.wq           bandpass wq      10 min        ms-1 gkg-1    1, 2 & 3           bandpass           
       ATI.wt           highpass wt      10 min        ms-1 degC     1, 2 & 3           bandpass           
       ATI.wtx          highpass wq      10 min        ms-1gkg-1     1, 2 & 3           bandpass           
   LOGR.Soldn.AVG         sol_dn          5 min           wm-2       1, 2 & 3          Licor LI200         
    LOGR.Rnet.AVG         Net Rad         5 min           wm-2       1, 2 & 3               Q7             
  Everest.Tsfc.AVG       surface T        5 min           degC       1, 2 & 3       Everest surface T      
   LOGR.SoilT.AVG         soil T          5 min           degC       1, 2 & 3          1 - 5 cm PRT        
   LOGR.SoilHF.AVG    soil heat flux       5 min           wm-2       1, 2 & 3        5 cm REBS  plate      
    SoilMois.AVG       soil moisture       5 min          % vol       1, 2 & 3    Campbell Scientific 615   
        Soil           soil moisture       5 min          % mass      1, 2 & 3    Campbell Scientific 615   
SoilMois.Gravimetric    Gravimetric    Infrequently        % mass      1, 2 & 3          gravimetric         
                       soil moisture                                                                       
     O3.kok.AVG        fast O3 mean       5 min           ppb            1             Kok gpcl           
     O3.kok.VAR       fast O3 covari       5 min           ppb2           1              Kok gpcl          
         uO3               u'O3'          5 min         ms-1 ppb         1             Kok-sonic          
         vO3               v'O3'          5 min         ms-1 ppb         1             Kok-sonic          
         wO3               w'O3'          5 min         ms-1 ppb         1             Kok-sonic          
       O3.teco         accurate O3        5 min           ppb            1        ThermoElectron uvab     
     O3.kok.cnt           Kok O3          5 min          counts          1     # of data points in 5 min   
   O3.teco.cnttime        Teco O3         5 min          counts          1     # of data points in 5 min   

4.3 Turbulence

The data from the sonic anemometers, throughout the deployment, was subject to despiking to remove spurious values. The percentage of the data rejected is recorded as the "sonic flag". A criteria of < 3% rejection was established as a quality control for the sonic anemometer data. In post-project analysis the sonic anemometer data was corrected for biases due to changes of offset and/or actual physical tilt and lean of the sensors. This was done by separating the data of each sonic anemometer into sets corresponding to those periods when the physical configuration was constant. Logbook entries were examined and the day by day output of the anemometers inspected. Tables 11 and 12 show the boom azimuth and heights for the three sonic anemometers throughout the deployment. Changes of anemometer elevation often altered the configuration but routine maintenance involving the lowing and raising of the tower only occasionally crested in a change. Longer data sets, encompassing more complete wind speed and direction variations allowed a greater statistical accuracy in the determination of offsets and biases, however, care was taken not to ensemble data corresponding to periods of actual different tilt and/or lean. The records for the sonic anemometers at each of the three sites were examined in order to ascertain the time intervals over which to integrate data to define legitimate ensemble periods.

TABLE 12 Sonic anemometer boom azimuth

 Station        Angle          Start           Stop      
Station 1    221o 23' 00"   Jun 18, 00:00    Jul 9, 18:00   
           224o   51' 12"    Jul 9, 18:00   Aug 23, 14:00   
Station 2    215o 10' 48"   Jun 18, 00:00    Jul 3, 14:00   
            213o 58' 25"    Jul 3, 14:00   Aug 23, 14:00   
Station 3     230 11' 50"   Jun 18, 00:00   Aug 23, 14:00   

TABLE 13 Sonic anemometer heights

 Station   Height, m       Start           Stop      
Station 1      3.20    18 Jun, 00:00   Jun 27, 22:00   
              4.50    Jun 27, 22:00    Jul 9, 18:00   
             5.70      Jul 9, 18:00   Aug 23, 14:00   
Station 2      4.54    18 Jun, 00:00    Jul 3, 14:00   
              5.67     Jul 3, 14:00   Aug 23, 14:00   
Station 3      3.21    18 Jun, 00:00   Jul 26, 16:00   
              4.00    Jul 26, 16:00   Aug 23, 14:00   

Based upon this analysis, each of the sonic anemometer data sets were divided into between four and six periods. Table 14 shows the periods for the three stations and the offsets and coefficients derived for each individual period. The data was subjected to analysis and the offsets and tilt coefficients calculated. These offsets and coefficients were then use to calculate the correct turbulence for the entire deployment.

TABLE 14 Sonic anemometer data periods

        Start           Stop          Interval     woffset     lean    leanaz   
                                 Station 1                                   
A    00:00, 18 Jun    22:00, 27 Jun    09 day, 22 hr    -0.038    1.605     57.7   
B    22:00, 27 Jun    18:00, 09 Jul    11 day, 20 hr    -0.039    1.48     50.4   
C    18:00, 09 Jul    17:00, 19 Jul    09 day, 23 hr    -0.031    1.178     69.3   
D    17:00, 19 Jul    21:00, 02 Aug    14 day, 04 hr    -0.030    1.041     67.9   
E    21:00, 02 Aug    14:00, 23 Aug    20 day, 17 hr    -0.033    0.515    110.2   
                                 Station 2                                   
A    00:00, 18 Jun    14:00, 03 Jul    15 day, 14 hr   -0.015    0.932      52.1   
B    14:00, 03 Jul    21:00, 10 Jul    07 day, 07 hr    -0.067   0.531     149.5   
C    21:00, 10 Jul    16:00, 13 Jul    02 day, 19 hr   -0.006     0.688    125.4   
D   16:00, 13 Jul    14:00, 23 Aug     40 day, 22 hr    -0.008   0.696     117.4   
                                 Station 3                                   
A    00:00, 18 Jun    00:00, 20 Jul    32 day, 00 hr   -0.038    1.413     -173.0   
B    00:00, 20 Jul    16:00, 26 Jul    06 day, 16 hr    -0.069   1.605     -164.0   
C    16:00, 26 Jul   15:00, 04 Aug    08 day, 23 hr    -0.057     1.683    -171.7   
D   15:00, 04 Aug    12:00, 17 Aug     12 day, 21 hr   -0.042     1.561    -161.0   
E    12:00, 17 Aug    15:00, 19 Aug    02 day, 03 hr        bad data period      
F    15:00, 19 Aug    14:00, 23 Aug    03 day, 23 hr    -0.051   2.979     154.5   

Note that wind direction information obtained from the sonic anemometers is expressed in the coordinate system of the sonic anemometer. The boom azimuth angles for the three sonic anemometers re given in Table 12.

4.4 Fast temperature

The fast temperature data is derived from the speed of sound measured by the sonic anemometer. This fast temperature is used with the turbulence data to calculate the sensible heat flux. This temperature is actually a virtual temperature, which is a linear combination of temperature and humidity. By subtracting the contribution from independently measured, humidity fluctuations the sensible heat flux is obtained.

4.5 Fast Humidity

For Station 1 the primarily fast humidity data was derived from the Campbell Scientific Krypton hygrometer. This data was used in conjunction with the turbulence data to calculate latent heat fluxes. At all three Stations the band pass covariance technique was also used to derive latent heat fluxes. This technique allows a relatively slow-response humidity sensor, when used in conjunction with fast response turbulence and thermal sensors, to derive latent heat fluxes. Due to scalar similarity, the relationship between the covariances, w'T' and w'q', is assumed to extend over the full frequency range. The covariances, w'T' and w'q' are matched at lower frequencies, and then the relationship is extended to the higher frequencies. In this manner w'q' can be defined to higher frequency than themoisture sensor can actually attain. The matching of the covariances is undertaken using a fast-Fourier transform of the time series in the frequency domain.

4.6 Wind, 10m

The wind direction data is derived by combining the sensor coordinate signal with the azimuthal alignment of the sensor boom. The wind speed data is derived from the wind tunnel calibration of the individual propeller. Post project calibration revealed an error in the prop pitch values used during FLATLAND96. This resulted in correction factors being applied to the NETCDF data set. The raw data set was not modified.

4.7 Air temperature

The air temperature was determined from the response of the NCAR hygrothermometers which were calibrated in the NCAR calibration lab.

4.8 Air humidity

The air humidity was determined from the response of the NCAR hygrothermometers which were calibrated in the NCAR calibration lab.

4.9 Ozone

Three ozone sensors were deployed during the FLATLAND96 program; "Tecod", the commercial ThermoElectron Model 49, a slow accurate ultraviolet absorption device; "Kokod", the custom developed, fast, gas phase, NO/O3 chemiluminescence device; and "Seclod", the adapted dropsonde prototype, fast, surface effect chemiluminescence device. Tecod measures the volume mixing ratio of ozone in air by an intrinsically accurate method and, given that the monitored operation of the sensor was maintained, the sensor output may be taken to be correct. Kokod and Seclod both depended upon Tecod for calibration.

The response of the three ozone sensors had first to be synchronized to the sonic anemometer. Sample air for Kokod was drawn from the immediate vicinity of the sonic anemometer, along 10 m of quarter inch teflon tubing, through a mass flow controller and into the low pressure reaction chamber. The time offset was invariant and was calculated by reference to the cross correlation between Kokod and the vertical component of turbulence. A value of 0.3 seconds time delay was determined. Seclod was mounted on the boom 70 cm behind the sonic anemometer. The time offset was again calculated by reference to the cross correlation with the vertical component of turbulence. In this case the time offset varied with wind speed and direction. Sample air for Tecod was also drawn from the immediate vicinity of the sonic anemometer, along 10 m of quarter inch teflon tubing. Tecod operates at near ambient pressure and the flow rate through the intake was much slower than for Kokod. Again the time offset was invariant, but calculation by cross correlation between Tecod and the vertical component of turbulence gave only a crude estimate of 20 seconds delay. This was due to the ten second resolution of the Tecod data and the manner in which Tecod reports data. Tecod has two absorption cells through which sample air is drawn. Alternately the air is switched to pass through a manganese oxide scrubber to remove ozone. Air flow for 7 seconds flushes the cell and then a 3 seconds measurement period allows the ultraviolet light intensity to be determined. The value for the ozone mixing ratio is calculated and then reported for the duration of the following 10 seconds. In the post-project data analysis the data point at the center of the 10 second reporting period was assigned to the midpoint of the previous cell flushing period, a delay of 11.5 seconds An additional delay of 6 seconds due to inlet flow time was added resulting in a total time offset of 17.5 seconds. The combination of a slow accurate sensor, to provide the low frequency components, and a fast sensor, to complete the higher frequency components, enables two separate sensors to be used when neither has quite the operational range required. For the FLATLAND96 deployment, Tecod provides the low frequency data (directly in units of ppbv mixing ratio), and Kokod or Seclod provide the high frequency data (in raw output voltage). The output of the fast sensors needs to be calibrated and the high frequency-reliable and the low frequency-reliable data streams need to be spiced together within some range of common reliability. For the Tecod/Kokod combination the task is quite easy. The sensitivity (volt/ppbv) of Kokod is stable over long periods and the output can be trusted to quite low frequencies. A comparison of the daily set of 300 second mean values, for both sensors, yielded a linear calibration for the higher frequency Kokod. Specific gains and offsets were generated for each day and application of these coefficients enabled a continuous set of calibrated high frequency ozone data to be generated. For theTecod/Seclod combination the task is more difficult. The sensitivity (volts/ppbv) of Seclod is not stable over long periods. The sensitivity of Seclod is known to respond to changes in humidity with a time constant of ~300 second. In addition, when exposed to ozone the cumarin/silicagel system exhibits a complex autosensitization, with a time constant of > 300 seconds. This low-frequency unreliability made it necessary to define and apply a calibration function which varied over a time period of < 300 seconds.

The data from the Tecod/Kokod combination is available but treatment of the corresponding Tecod/Seclod data is still ongoing.

4.10 Radiation

The Q7 net radiometers used at all three stations were calibrated, prior to the deployment, by REBS. Different calibration coefficients were provided to be used for periods of net up-welling and for periods of net down-welling radiation. The net radiometric fluxes reported here are generated using these coefficients applied to the net radiometer output. REBS has announced that these coefficients will need to be revised in light of their subsequent appreciation that further corrections need to be applied to the Eppley pyranometer and pyrgeometer data which they used during all previous Q7 calibrations.

The values for incoming solar, visible radiation fluxes reported at all three stations were generate from the Licor pyranometer output using calibration coefficients supplied by the manufacturer at the last calibration in August, 1984.

4.11 Rainfall

The rainfall-rate data prior to 29 June is seriously under reported. The analysis of the field calibration data suggests that the reported rate could be as low as 20% of the true rate. After that date, when the eprom in the datalogger was replaced, the rainfall rate is correct.

4.12 Soil temperature, 5 cm heat flux, soil moisture and surface heat flux

The surface-5 cm soil temperatures and 5 cm soil heat flux data is dependent upon the REBS calibration of the sensors. The sensors were calibrated by REBS prior to deployment. The bulk densities of the soil at the three stations were determined to be:

Station 1 1.54 g cm-3

Station 2 1.64 g cm-3

Station 3 1.49 g cm-3

The continuously-output data for soil moisture given by the soil moisture sensors were first corrected to reduce the effect of the temperature response and were then normalized to best fit the periodic gravimetric soil sample points. There is a discernible diurnal variation in the soil moisture trace at all three sites. This variation is most extreme early in the deployment, particularly for the soybean site and diminishes as the canopy develops. This indicates the effect is driven by solar heating of the bare soil. The effect could be due to imperfect temperature compensation or it could be due to daytime desiccation of the upper layers followed by subsequent nocturnal capillary refill by moisture from deeper in the soil.

Surface heat fluxes can be calculated using the value of the flux at 5 cm below the soil surface corrected by a term for the thermal capacity of the top 5 cm of soil. This thermal capacity was calculated from the temperature and the heat capacity of the top 5 cm of soil. The thermal capacity is calculated from the bulk density and the water content of the soil.

4.13 Weather plots

Plots of a subset of the data were produced daily to provide a review of the operations. These plots are readily available but may be regarded as informative rather than as truly accurate, as more intensive data processing may be required to produce truly accurate values.

The four day weather plots show values determined at Station 1 for:

The values plotted for temperature, humidity, pressure, rainfall, wind speed and direction, net radiation and soil heat flux are 5 minute averages, while the values plotted for the sensible heat flux, the latent heat flux, Z/L, u*, Bowen ratio are 20 minute averages.

Weather plots for Station 1 are available as postscript files:


		     Table 15 Station 1 weather plots

wx960615.ps	wx960619.ps	wx960623.ps	wx960627.ps
wx960701.ps	wx960705.ps	wx960709.ps	wx960713.ps	wx960717.ps	wx960721.ps
								wx960725.ps	wx960729.ps
wx960802.ps	wx960806.ps	wx960810.ps	wx960814.ps	wx960818.ps	wx960822.ps

4.14 Logbook

An electronic logbook was maintained during the field program. A total of ~500 entries were made during the FLATLAND96 deployment in 21 different categories:

TABLE 16 Logbook categories

     DATA           EVE            GOES/RF        
     HYGRO          LOG           LOGISTICS       
     OZONE         PROPS          RADIATION       
     RAIN        SOFTWARE           SOIL          
    SONICS        STATUS        TAPE_ARCHIVE      
     UNIX        VISIT_LOG          WEATHER        

The electronic logbook is available to complement this report.