FLOSSII: Logbook Entries

FLOSSII: Log Messages: 8 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author #Graphics
224 Fri 28-Mar-2003Tcam studysagedelany
223 Fri 28-Mar-2003tower site visittowerdelany
193 Wed 05-Mar-2003KingAir flew this AMoncley
190 Tue 04-Mar-2003Lake site surveylakeoncley
183 Sun 02-Mar-2003king air flew todayoncley
179 Fri 28-Feb-2003analysis thoughtsoncley
170 Thu 27-Feb-2003station visitsageoncley
104 Wed 08-Jan-2003yesterday's tasksall stnsoncley

224: Log, Site sage, Fri 28-Mar-2003 09:50:18 MST, Tcam study
2003, Mar 26, Wed
Tony Delany and Steve Oncley visited FLOSS02 to undertake an experiment
to view the instrumented sagebush using the thermal imaging camera.
Arrived FLOSS site at 15:10 
No snow on ground at Sage site.

Set up TCam on tripod 2.5m from sagebrush, approx 1m above surface.
Adjusted range and spread to view surface, stems and foliage.
Did the Non Uniformity Correction.
16:21:44 GPS time started 100 images at 10s intervals.
Trange 12.1 - 4.2 degeeC.
Allowed to run for ~ 70 images and then carried Tcamera to 3m using ladder.
Took 8 - 10 overlapping images looking down on bush and surrounds.
Took 8 -10 overlapping images looking under Darkhorse.
Matched the thermal images with digital camera shots of the same areas.

Set TCam back on tripod
16:46:32 GPS time started 100 images at 1 min intervals
Trange 15.0 - -1.3 degreeC
Ran until 18:25 

18:30;30 started 210 images at 1 min intervals
Snow started to fall
Left site for dinner, Snow began to fall heavilly
Returned at 20:30, ~ 5 cm of snow on ground, snow encrusted on side but non
on lens. Decided to allow camera to complete the run.
At 22:00 snow now cold and powdery.

Started night time run 22:06:00 210 images at 3 min intervals
TRange 4.2 - -6

Mar 27, Thurs
Arrived at Sage at 06:00, TCam had no snow on it.
Viewfinder image of bush was "fuzzy" although image of a hand was sharp.
Stopped at 161/210 at ~ 06:05.
Did Non Uniformity Correction.

Started at 06:12:20 210 images at 30 s interval
TRange 1.3 - > -10 degreeC
Stopped at 07:59

Reset TRange to 4.2 - <-10 degreeC
Start 08:02:30, 210 images at 30 s interval
Finished by 09:59

Retained Trange 4.2 - >-10 degreeC
Start 10:04:20 210 images at 30s intervals

 IR Camera runs for PM Wed, 26 Mar 03 through AM Thu, 27 Mar 03
 Run  Start       Stop     # images   Interval Trange               Object  
 1    16:21                ~ 70        10s      12.1 - 4.2           Sagebush
                  16:44    ~ 20        10s      12.1 - 4.2           Top ofSagebush/
		                                                       Below Rad stand
 2    16:46       18:25     210        1min     15 - -1.3            Sagebush
 3    18:30       22:00     210        1min     15 - -1.3            Sagebush
 4    22:06 27Mar 06:05     210        3min     4.2 - -6             Sagebush
 5    06:12       07:59     210        30s     -1.3 - >-10 [-11.5]   Sagebrush
 6    08:02       09:59     210        30s      4.2 - >-10 [-13.9]   Sagebush
 7    10:04      ~11:45     210        30s      4.2 - >-10 [-13.9]   Sagebrush

223: Log, Site tower, Fri 28-Mar-2003 09:49:17 MST, tower site visit
2003, Mar 26 Wed
TD and SO
Arrived at FLOSS for thermal camera study (see next logbook entry)
While TCam operating walked to tower to check out the state of access.
Upper stretch muddy but passable. The ditch was only slightly muddy.
Three areas after the bend where the lake drainage flowed were bad, bad.
SO has digital images.

Sage site: no snow prior to evening ppt
Grease site: only a portion of the drift remaining, water standing on surface.
Grass: no snow on surface prior to evening snow. Ground thawed to 10cm and frozen below.

S 420psi  960psi N
intake 7 lpm

193: Log, Site , Wed 05-Mar-2003 07:33:37 MST, KingAir flew this AM
flight from only ~6:00-7:30 with Larry guiding.

190: Log, Site lake, Tue 04-Mar-2003 15:14:57 MST, Lake site survey
For reference, I've surveyed the stuff at lake:
All positions are referenced to the center of the PAM tripod:
				Bearing		Range (m)
Center of Power tripod		36		12.4
Center of rad stand		102		11.10
Soil Mux box			40		4.20
Soil site A stake		91		4.55
Soil site B stake		43		6.00
Soil site C stake		couldn't locate (didn't try!)

183: Log, Site , Sun 02-Mar-2003 10:10:52 MST, king air flew today
Supposedly, the King-Air flew this morning, taking off at 6AM, though there
was no sign of it by the time we arrived on site at 0830.  (We went to 
Moose Creek for our pancake/french toast breakfast.)

179: Log, Site , Fri 28-Feb-2003 16:27:46 MST, analysis thoughts
I've spent the afternoon looking at tc and kh2o data over the last 100 days.
Some prelim. conclusions:
1. There are significant differences between tc and T at certain times.
Many of these probably are due to bad fans on the T/RHs!
2. When the kryptons work, they generally are within 1 g/m3 of Q (except
30m which is up to 1.5 g/m3).  This is quite good, considering that we've
only cleaned every month or so.
3. Using the difference kh2o-Q as a QC flag for kh2o is the best start.
4. Using a threshold on kh2oV is a mess and misses "edges".
5. Using a threshold on skewness or kurtosis doesn't remove many points (<<1%)
6. There are events in tc that cause large variance which are not "internal
instrumental" problems since they are seen to a lesser extent in both T and 
kh2o.  Nevertheless, they many still be exposure artifacts rather than
atmospheric phenomena. [They look similar to rain on a thermocouple or in
my sonic sprinkler tests.)

170: Log, Site sage, Thu 27-Feb-2003 08:26:33 MST, station visit
Since there was patchy fog this morning, we decided to stop by sage on our way
in about 15min ago and photograph the krypton -- there was feather rime on it,
the sonic, and all rads (especially the net, which actually has snow on the
uplooking dome).  See img_2669-2672.jpg.

While there, we also did the same T/RH cleaning off of a 4mm thick crust of
snow which has packed onto the tip of the gortex filter and removed the snow
from the "bell".

We didn't clean the ice off the radiometer domes.

104: Log, Site all stns, Wed 08-Jan-2003 11:09:25 MST, yesterday's tasks
Today was another day filled with tasks:

Condtions:: started foggy, cleared shortly after sunrise, but things stayed rimed for
several hours.  Very light winds even up the tower, though not as calm as yesterday.
Pretty clear skies, with scattered cirrus now at the end of the day.

Sage (~8:00-9:30)
- found everything rimed due to the fog.
- found where Tony had sliced through the Gsoil.10cm.c cable and spliced the cut, but
data were still bad.  Left it broken (even though we had brought a spare, I couldn't
see how to install it in the frozen ground).
- corrected swapped wires for TP01 (4H&5H) [which fixed this problem]
- cleaned rads
- cleaned krypton & blew rime away from sonic

- Gordon rebooted cosmos since the Datel channels were all constant overnight (~1800-)
- cleaned 4m.bare
- found by swapping 1.5m.bare and grease that problem was with adaptor connector.
brought cable back to base to fix.
- (found that we had to reboot the Toughbook to get it to talk to com1, in the process
rebooted cosmos again.)

Lake (While Cody was effecting the repair, I went to Lake)
- cleaned all rads (net has ice inside dome -- probably should replace dome next time)
- swapped 4H&5H on TP01 here as well
- Got Gordon and Steve to start 10 min TP01 cycling at lake and sage

- Got printer to work by removing, shaking, and reinstalling color cartridge
- charged ScopeMeter

Sage (~1130-1200)
- after Steve and Gordon reported noisy data from TP01, I monitored the signals with a
DVM.  Found TP01 working okay, but main PAM power cycling between 13.3-14.9 V.  The
charge controller (began with "F"?) was clicking every 5 seconds corresponding to the
min and max of the voltage cycling.  Temporarily fixed problem by removing solar panels
(and wind generator, but WG by itself didn't stop cycling).  [Later reconnected ~1600]

Tower (Cody started these tasks while I was at Sage)
- reconnected bare.1.5m
- cleaned bare.1.5m
- reconnected grease
- cleaned grease
- cleaned all rads at grass
- checked that AMP connector on TP01 was wired properly (it was, though later found that
the colors are wrong)
- asked Gordon to turn off TP01 10-min cycling (back to 3 hr) at sage and lake and
turn on 10-min cycling at grass.
- checked that all logger screws were tight at 25m (they were)
- pulled in.b.25m and out.a.25m after doing "hand warming" test of (in order): 
out.b.25m, out.a.25m, in.a.25m, in.b.25m [have confirmed that the channels were connected
as we expected: "a"="1"=south; "b"="2"=north]
- removed hauling rope and secured davit
- more tests of TP01 found that cable colors from sensor itself are probably wrong.
I couldn't make sense of them by measuring the resistance between wires.  Left probe
connected with a guess at wiring, but probably wrong.  Asked Gordon to reset cycling back
to 3 hrs.
- Dumped the calibrated amount of water into the rain gauge.  The fluid level is about
at the midpoint of the cylinder (about 50cm below the top and about 8 cm above the
top of the "box").
- noted that only 490psi was left in Lo-Cal, so changed to new Lo-Cal bottle.  We forgot
to note the new pressure, we think 1700-1800.  My plan is to switch back to the first
Lo-Cal during the IOP, when we can get to it quickly once it runs out.
- finally removed stepladder from bare

Base (~1540)
- Stopped charging ScopeMeter
- Swapped USB disk
- Turned off oven

Sage (~1600)
- Reconnected solar panels

Left site.