- 3: soil, Site , Thu 20-Jul-2000 17:18:52 PDT, Bulk Density (from OASIS98 lb# 121)
A bouyancy method was devized to determine the bulk density of the soil.
The soil at OASIS is compact and lends itself to the clod method of bulk
density determination. A chunk of the uppermost ~10cm of soil is brought
into the trailer and, using a plasterers trowel and a small saw, is shaped
into regular rectangular prisms, 6 cm deep and ~ 4 cm on a side.
The prisms are weighed fresh, baked for two days and then weighed dry.
Melted parawax is dribbled all over the dried clod using a heat gun so
the clod is impregnated with wax and made water proof without altering
its form or volume.
Conventionally the volume of the clod is then determined by displacement
of the water level in a graduated container.
A second method of determining volume involves weighing the waxed clod
in air and then suspended in water. Fortunately the soil balance has
a suspension hook which enable this to be done.
Apparent wt of waxed clod suspd in water = wt of waxed clod - bouyancy
Bouyancy of waxed clod = Volume of waxed clod * density of water
M.wx.sus = M.wx - V.wx * 1
V.wx = M.wx - M.wx.sus
Bulk density of dry clod = Mass of dry clod / Volume of dry clod
blkdens = M.dry / V.dry
Volume of dry clod = Volume of waxed clod
V.dry = V.wx
= M.wx - M.wx.sus
blkden = M.dry / M.wx - M.wx.sus
Example: The clod made from the sample collected 5 Jul, weighed dry 7 Jul and
had bouyancy determined 15 Jul
Top 6cm clod dry weight , M.dry = 120.3g
Top 6cm clod waxed weight , M.wx = 136.4g
Top 6cm clod waxed, suspended weight , M.wx.sus = 50.4g
blkdens = M.dry / ( M.wx - M.wx.sus )
= 120.3 / ( 136.4 - 50.4 )
= 120.3 / 86.0
= 1.40 g . cm-3
Date Depth Fresh Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
5 Jul 0-6cm 120.3 136.4 50.4 86.0 1.40
0-3cm 59.2 64.1 25.1 39.0 1.52
Date Depth Fresh Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
14 Jul 0-6cm 134.0 129.2 139.1 49.5 89.6 1.44
0-6cm 118.8 114.2 121.8 41.6 80.2 1.42
0-6cm 83.6 81.0 87.7 30.6 57.1 1.42
Date Depth Fresh Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
- 6: soil, Site all, Fri 21-Jul-2000 15:03:30 PDT, Soil parameters (from OASIS98 lg# 100)
Definiton of soil parameters used in soil heat flux and storage term
blkdens = dry soil mass / dry soil volume g.cm-3
gravmoist = (wet soil mass - dry soil mass)/ dry soil mass g.g-1
vmf = blkdens / mindens g.cm-3. g-1.cm3
vwf = gravmoist x blkdens g.cm-3. g-1.cm3
Cm = 0.46 cal.cm-3.degreeK-1 = 1.9 MJ.m-3.degreeK-1
Co = 0.60 cal.cm-3.degreeK-1 = 2.5 MJ.m-3.degreeK-1
Cw = 1.00 cal.cm-3.degreeK-1 = 4.2 MJ.m-3.degreeK-1
An approximate calculation of the soil volumetric heat capacity using previous
Cs = Cm x vmf + Co x vof + Cw x vwf MJ.m-3.degreeK-1
= (1.9 x vmf) + (2.5 x vof) + (4.2 x blkdens x gravmoist) MJ.m-3.degreeK-1
= (1.9 x 0.64)+ (2.5 x 0.01)+ (4.2 x 1.6 x gravmoist) MJ.m-3.degreeK-1
= (1.9 x 0.64)+ (2.5 x 0.01)+ (6.7 x 0.1) MJ.m-3.degreeK-1
= 1.22 + 0.03 + 0.67 MJ.m-3.degreeK-1
= 1.92 MJ.m-3.degreek-1
Crude calculation of the magnitude of the storage term, S
Typical heating/cooling is 15 degree in 12 hr (= 50000s)
If a simple linear heating and cooling at the surface occured, then:
Ht 1m2 to 5cm by 1degreeK in 1s for Cs=1.9 MJ.m-3.degreeK-1
0.05m3, 1degreeK, 1s, 1.9 MJ m-3.degreeK-1; 0.095 MJ.s.m-2
95000 J.s.m-2
Ht 1m2 to 5cm by 1 degreeK.in 1000s ....................... ; 95 J.s.m-2
Ht 1m2 to 5cm by 1 degreeK in 50 x 1000s ................. ; 1.9 J.s.m-2
Ht 1m2 to 5cm by 15 degreeK in 50 x 1000s ................. ; 27.5 J.s.m-2
............................................................; 27.5 W.m-2
That is, to a simple approximation, if the 5cm depth of soil is taken to be
heated uniformly during the day, and cooled uniformly during the night,
the storage term corresponds to a energy influx/outflux of ~ +_30 W.m-2
Table of soil parameters for previous deployments.
Deployment mindens vmf vof blkdens Cs
g cm-3 ~ ~ g.cm-3 MJ.m-3. degreeK-1
SJVAQS 1.04 + 0.03 + 6.12*gravmoist
STORMFEST92 est 2.65 0.55 0.01 1.45 1.05 + 0.03 + 6.09*gravmoist
STORMFEST92 meas 2.17 0.47 0.01 1.38 0.89 + 0.03 + 5.80*gravmoist
FOOTPRINT92 2.22 0.65 0.01 1.43 1.24 + 0.03 + 6.01*gravmoist
OASIS98 est 2.5 0.64 0.01 1.60 1.22 + 0.03 + 6.7*gravmoist
- 7: soil, Site all, Fri 21-Jul-2000 15:09:23 PDT, Soil Gravimeteric water fraction and Bulk density Data (from OASIS98 lb# 152)
Using the following parameters:
Cm = 1.9 MJ.m-3.degreeK-1
Co = 2.5
Cw = 4.2
Using nominal values for the soil (will be changed when further measurements carried out)
vmf = 0.65
vof = 0.01
vwf = blkdens(or BD) * gwf(or gravmoist or gravimetric water fraction or GF)
Cs = Cm * vnf + Co * vof + Cw * blkdens * gwf
= 1.22 + 0.03 + 4.2 * blkdens * gwf
= 1.25 + 4.2 * blkdens * gwf
Examples from OASIS98. (wipe and paste headers)
Note that the volume of the corer is 137 cm3
Corer separated samples (TD)
Date / Time Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav fract blkdens vwf Cs
5 Jul 09:30 0-6cm 25.6 24.6 1.0 0.041
20.7 19.9 0.8 0.042 0.040
24.3 23.4 0.9 0.038
Waxed clod (TD)
Date/ Time Depth Vol Fresh Dry Diff Grav fract blkdens vwf Cs
5 Jul 10:00 0-3 39 ~ 59.2 ~ ~ 1.50
3-6cm 86 ~ 120.3 ~ ~ 1.40
Corer total (TD)
Date/ Time Depth Vol Fresh Dry Diff Grav fract blkdens vwf Cs
7 Jul 10:00 0-6cm 137 173.9 168.7 5.2 0.031 1.23
Corer separated (TD)
Date/ Time Depth Vol Fresh Dry Diff Grav fract blkdens vwf Cs
8 Jul 09:30 0-3cm ~ 83.3 69.1 14.2 0.205 ~
3-6cm ~ 88.6 80.5 8.1 0.101 ~
Soil pit (TD)
Date/ Time Depth Vol Fresh Dry Diff Grav fract blkdens vwf Cs
12 Jul 0930 0-6cm ~ 19.3 18.4 0.9 0.049
21.2 20.2 1.0 0.050 0.049 ~
EBEX00 data
Waxed clod (TD)
Date/ Time Depth Vol Fresh Dry Diff Grav fract blkdens vwf Cs
20 Jul 14:00 0-10 ~ ~ ~
Corer total (TD)
Date / Time Depth Vol Fresh Dry Diff Grav fract blkdens vwf Cs
21 Jul 17:00 0-6cm 137
Corer separated (TD)
Date/ Time Depth Vol Fresh Dry Diff Grav fract blkdens vwf Cs
21 Jul 17:30 0-3cm ~ ~
3-6cm ~ ~
- 8: soil, Site all, Fri 21-Jul-2000 16:51:10 PDT, Soil Gravimeteric water fraction Data for EBEX00
EBEX00 gravimetric water fraction data and derived volumetric water fraction
(NOTE grav water fraction X bulk density = volumetric water fraction
Date / Time Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff gwf blkdens vwf
21 Jul 17:00 0-6cm 1.60
Date / Time Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff gwf blkdens vwf
0-6cm 1.60
Date / Time Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff gwf blkdens vwf
Date / Time Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff gwf blkdens vwf
0-6cm 1.60
- 9: soil, Site , Fri 21-Jul-2000 17:05:41 PDT, Bulk Density data for EBEX98
EBEX bulk density data
Date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
21 Jul PAM6 F 0-6cm 120.3 136.4 50.4 86.0 1.40
Date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
- 10: soil, Site all, Sat 22-Jul-2000 10:10:27 PDT, Soil Sampling Schedule
A proposed soil sampling strategy and schedule:
Bulk density:
The soil bulk density should not change over time. Hence only one
measurement is required at each site. At a time when the site is dry make a
determination of the bulk densities of the furrow and the ridge soils.
The furrow soil is consolidated and bulk density may be determined using
the waxed clod method. Sometime when the site is dry, cut, with the saw,
a 0 - 5 cm deep, approximately 5 cm x 5 cm block from one of the "tiles" on
the floor of the furrow. Dry in the oven for two days weigh, wax, weigh in
air and then immersed in water. Determine displacement volume and calculate
bulk density = dry weight/ displacement volume
The ridge soil is much looser and another method may be
appropriate. When the soil is dry, take a representative sample from the
top 5 cm to fill the graduated beaker to the 100 ml level. Try to maintain
the original consolidation of the soil. Pour the entire 100 ml into a tared
Al dish. Bake for two days, weigh and calculate
bulk density = dry weight/ beaker volume
Gravimetric water fraction:
For each site make a determination of the gravimetric water
fraction for the furrow and the ridge at three times throughout the program.
Make the determinations:
when the mud is firm enough to walk on ~ 10%
when the soil is at it's driest just before irrigation ~ 5%
half-way in between these conditions ~7%
These gravimetric water fraction determinations will serve to calibrate the
soil moisture sensors installed in the soil at each site.
For the furrow soils dig out a sample using the trowel, seal in
a tupperware container, blend, take three ~30g subsamples, weigh fresh, bake
for two days and then weigh dry. Calculate
gravimetric water fraction = (fresh weight - dry weight)/ dry weight
For the ridge soils use the trowel to make a face cut, exposing
10 cm of the ridge soil, then use the scoop to obtain a represenative 0-5cm
sample. Seal in a tupperware container, blend, take three ~30g subsamples,
weigh fresh, bake for two days and then weigh dry. Calculate
gravimetric water fraction = (fresh weight - dry weight)/ dry weight
- 15: soil, Site stn9_marigold, Mon 24-Jul-2000 10:11:43 PDT, Setup Soil Measurements Uni Basel Site 09
7-23 around 17:00 PMT Soil sensors installed.
Soil Setup University of Basel:
> HFP 656338 / BT 10 : 4th furrow S of darkhorse feet.
> HFP 656440 / BT 08 : 1st furrow S of darkhorse feet.
> HFP 65628 / BT 15 : 2nd ridge S of darkhorse feet, S-slope.
> HFP G0057 / BT 05 : 3rd ridge S of darkhorse feet, N-slope.
- 17: soil, Site stn1, Thu 27-Jul-2000 12:27:43 PDT, First soil samples
27 - Jul
Cotton - High and dense. The heigh of the plants was roughly around 1.55 m and the cotton was more developed than the aster sites (7, 8 and 9).
Soil - The ridge soil was similar to the furrow one. The first couple of cm
were dry but deeper the soil had the same tipe of structure of the
Samples taken aprox. 15 m NW from the radiometers.
OBS - The samples that were used were below 30 g - Sory about that Tony.
- 18: soil, Site stn2, Thu 27-Jul-2000 12:48:41 PDT, First soil samples
27 - Jul
Cotton - Medium and dense. The heigh of the plants was roughly around 1.30 m.
Soil - Similar to station 1.
Samples taken aprox. 15 m NW from the radiometers.
- 19: soil, Site stn4, Thu 27-Jul-2000 17:07:19 PDT, First soil samples
27 - Jul
Cotton - Small with medium densitty. The heigh of the plants was roughly around 1.00 m.
Soil - Two distinc situations. Dry and lose at the ridges and moist and
cracky at the furrows.
Samples taken aprox. 15 m NW from the radiometers.
- 28: soil, Site stn8_cosmos, Sat 29-Jul-2000 09:30:42 PDT, site 8 boom angles
Since part of the intercomparison ends today, I shot boom angles this morning
for site 8 using the datascope, set for 15.0deg E declination, thus these should
be true. I estimate the error as +/-0.2 deg.
UW 4.7 182.0
KD 1.7 173.3
KD 4.7 170.0
CSID 4.7 182.6
CSIHK 4.7 182.5
CSICH 4.7 133.9
GillHS 4.7 110.7
Prop1.7 182.9
Prop2.7 181.9
Prop4.7 181.1
Prop6.7 181.0
Prop8.7 181.9
Prop10.7 181.1
- 36: soil, Site all, Tue 01-Aug-2000 16:47:43 PDT, First soil table
- 49: soil, Site all, Fri 04-Aug-2000 11:04:26 PDT, Bulk density - Round #1 - (dry soil - 2 days before irrigation)
EBEX bulk density data
Samples collected July 27, weighted dry on July 29
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
27 Jul Stn1-R. 0-5cm 147.9 =~150 0.99
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
27 Jul Stn1-F. 0-5cm 224.7 244.7 100.2 144.5 1.56
Samples collected July 27, weighted dry on July 29
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
27 Jul Stn2-R. 0-5cm 142.3 =~175 0.81
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
27 Jul Stn2-F. 0-5cm 143.2 161.2 64.9 96.3 1.49
Samples collected July 27, weighted dry on July 29
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
27 Jul Stn4-R. 0-5cm 178.1 =~200 0.89
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
27 Jul Stn4-F. 0-5cm 177.3 196.7 82.1 114.6 1.55
Samples collected July 29, weighted dry on July 31
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
29 Jul Stn3-R. 0-5cm 103.8 =~100 1.04
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
29 Jul Stn3-F. 0-5cm 233.6 254.1 104.2 104.2 1.56
Samples collected July 29, weighted dry on July 31
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
29 Jul Stn5-R. 0-5cm 84.8 =~100 0.84
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
29 Jul Stn5-F. 0-5cm 215.9 241.5 94.3 147.2 1.47
Samples collected July 29, weighted dry on July 31
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
29 Jul Stn7-R. 0-5cm 79.9 =~100 0.80
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
29 Jul Stn7-F. 0-5cm 214.7 243.6 104.5 139.1 1.54
Samples collected July 31, weighted dry on August 4
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
31 Jul Stn6-R. 0-5cm 69.5 =~100 0.70
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
31 Jul Stn6-F. 0-5cm 236.2 256.2 91.2 165.0 1.43
Samples collected July 31, weighted dry on August 4
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
31 Jul Stn8-R. 0-5cm 99.2 =~100 0.99
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
31 Jul Stn8-F. 0-5cm 190.1 204.8 81.0 123.8 1.54
Samples collected July 31, weighted dry on August 4
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
31 Jul Stn9-R. 0-5cm 81.1 =~100 0.81
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
31 Jul Stn9-F. 0-5cm 232.8 247.9 102.9 145.0 1.61
- 50: soil, Site all, Fri 04-Aug-2000 15:17:51 PDT, Soil Gravimetric water fraction - Round #1
EBEX Soil Gravimetric water fraction
Samples collected July 27, weighted dry on July 29
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
27 Jul Stn1-R. 0-5cm 15.8 13.8 2.0 0.14 |
12.6 11.1 1.5 0.14 > 0.14 0.99
14.7 12.8 1.9 0.15 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
27 Jul Stn1-F. 0-5cm 20.5 17.4 3.1 0.18 |
17.7 16.2 1.5 0.09 > 0.14 1.56
19.5 17.0 2.5 0.15 |
Samples collected July 27, weighted dry on July 29
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
27 Jul Stn2-R. 0-5cm 19.2 17.6 1.60 0.09 |
17.2 15.8 1.40 0.09 > 0.09 0.81
18.7 17.1 1.60 0.09 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
27 Jul Stn2-F. 0-5cm 18.0 16.1 1.90 0.12 |
19.6 17.4 2.20 0.13 > 0.12 1.49
19.1 17.3 1.80 0.10 |
Samples collected July 27, weighted dry on July 29
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
27 Jul Stn4-R. 0-5cm 12.2 10.7 1.50 0.14 |
13.6 11.9 1.70 0.14 > 0.14 0.89
14.2 12.4 1.80 0.15 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
27 Jul Stn4-F. 0-5cm 17.5 15.1 2.40 0.16 |
19.1 16.6 2.50 0.15 > 0.15 1.55
17.5 15.3 2.20 0.14 |
Samples collected July 29, weighted dry on July 31
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
29 Jul Stn3-R. 0-5cm 31.4 28.3 3.10 0.11 |
31.2 28.1 3.10 0.11 > 0.11 1.04
29.9 26.9 3.00 0.11 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
29 Jul Stn3-F. 0-5cm 30.6 27.5 3.10 0.11 |
31.9 28.5 3.40 0.12 > 0.12 1.56
29.9 26.8 3.10 0.12 |
Samples collected July 29, weighted dry on July 31
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
29 Jul Stn5-R. 0-5cm 31.9 29.1 2.80 0.10 |
32.2 29.2 3.00 0.10 > 0.10 0.84
29.8 26.9 3.10 0.11 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
29 Jul Stn5-F. 0-5cm 30.9 26.6 4.30 0.16 |
31.3 27.4 3.90 0.14 > 0.14 1.47
30.4 27.2 3.20 0.12 |
Samples collected July 29, weighted dry on July 31
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
29 Jul Stn7-R. 0-5cm 28.2 23.4 4.80 0.21 |
30.2 25.1 5.10 0.20 > 0.20 0.80
30.1 25.3 4.80 0.19 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
29 Jul Stn7-F. 0-5cm 28.6 24.6 4.00 0.16 |
31.6 26.9 4.70 0.17 > 0.17 1.54
30.0 25.4 4.60 0.18 |
Samples collected July 31, weighted dry on August 4
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
31 Jul Stn6-R. 0-5cm 29.7 27.6 2.10 0.08 |
32.2 29.9 2.30 0.08 > 0.06 0.70
28.4 27.6 0.80 0.03 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
31 Jul Stn6-F. 0-5cm 30.1 28.9 1.20 0.04 |
29.5 28.3 1.20 0.04 > 0.04 1.43
29.9 28.5 1.40 0.05 |
Samples collected July 31, weighted dry on August 4
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
31 Jul Stn8-R. 0-5cm 30.5 28.7 1.80 0.06 |
28.3 26.6 1.70 0.06 > 0.06 0.99
Sample lost - - |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
31 Jul Stn8-F. 0-5cm 30.3 28.4 1.90 0.07 |
30.1 28.2 1.90 0.07 > 0.07 1.54
31.0 29.1 1.90 0.07 |
Samples collected July 31, weighted dry on August 4
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
31 Jul Stn9-R. 0-5cm 28.8 26.2 2.60 0.10 |
31.1 28.6 2.50 0.09 > 0.10 0.81
30.3 27.6 2.70 0.10 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac. Bulk density
31 Jul Stn9-F. 0-5cm 29.7 26.4 3.30 0.13 |
30.9 27.4 3.50 0.13 > 0.13 1.61
29.7 26.4 3.30 0.13 |
- 53: soil, Site all, Sat 05-Aug-2000 08:53:54 PDT, Soil Gravimetric water fraction template
EBEX Soil Gravimetric water fraction (Round #2)
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
27 Jul Stn1-F 0-5cm 30.9 26.6 4.30 0.16 |
31.3 27.4 3.90 0.14 > 0.14
30.4 27.2 3.20 0.12 |
Samples collected # date, weighted dry on # date
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn1-R. 0-5cm |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn1-F. 0-5cm
Samples collected # date, weighted dry on # date
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn2-R. 0-5cm |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn2-F. 0-5cm
Samples collected # date, weighted dry on # date
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn4-R. 0-5cm |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn4-F. 0-5cm
Samples collected # date, weighted dry on # date
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn3-R. 0-5cm |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn3-F. 0-5cm
Samples collected # date, weighted dry on # date
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn5-R. 0-5cm |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn5-F. 0-5cm
Samples collected # date, weighted dry on # date
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn7-R. 0-5cm |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn7-F. 0-5cm
Samples collected # date, weighted dry on # date
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn6-R. 0-5cm |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn6-F. 0-5cm
Samples collected # date, weighted dry on # date
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn8-R. 0-5cm |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn8-F. 0-5cm
Samples collected # date, weighted dry on # date
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn9-R. 0-5cm |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn9-F. 0-5cm
- 54: soil, Site all, Sat 05-Aug-2000 09:07:14 PDT, Soil - Bulk density template (Round # 2)
EBEX bulk density data
Samples collected July 29, weighted dry on July 31
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
29 Jul Stn1-R. 0-5cm 103.8 =~100 1.04
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
29 Jul Stn1-F. 0-5cm 233.6 254.1 104.2 104.2 1.56
Samples collected #date, weighted dry on date#
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn1-R [g] [ml]
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Samples collected #date, weighted dry on date#
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn2-R [g] [ml]
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Samples collected #date, weighted dry on date#
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn4-R [g] [ml]
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Samples collected #date, weighted dry on date#
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn3-R [g] [ml]
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Samples collected #date, weighted dry on date#
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn5-R [g] [ml]
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Samples collected #date, weighted dry on date#
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn7-R [g] [ml]
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Samples collected #date, weighted dry on date#
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn6-R [g] [ml]
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Samples collected #date, weighted dry on date#
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn8-R [g] [ml]
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Samples collected #date, weighted dry on date#
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn9-R [g] [ml]
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
- 65: soil, Site stn8_cosmos, Mon 07-Aug-2000 16:21:34 PDT, Soil mositure at site 8 working
The soil moisture at station 8 is ok now. Another
programming error! The wrong channel was being
- 68: soil, Site stn1, Tue 08-Aug-2000 16:33:24 PDT, soil moisture probe removed
The soil moisture probe was removed from station 1.
The wiring to the logger looked ok. The probe had a
label on it saying BAD.
- 82: soil, Site all, Sat 12-Aug-2000 15:04:07 PDT, Soil gravimetric water fraction #2
EBEX Soil Gravimetric water fraction (Round #2)
Samples collected Aug 5th, weighted dry on Aug 7th
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn1-R. 0-5cm 30.6 24.9 5.7 0.23 |
30.9 25.2 5.7 0.23 > 0.23
30.5 24.7 5.8 0.23 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn1-F. 0-5cm 30.2 23.0 7.2 0.31 |
31.4 24.1 7.3 0.30 > 0.31
32.5 24.8 7.7 0.31 |
Samples collected Aug. 5th, weighted dry on Aug. 7th
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn2-R. 0-5cm 27.3 22.3 5.0 0.22 |
27.2 22.1 5.1 0.23 > 0.22
28.4 23.3 5.1 0.22 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn2-F. 0-5cm 29.7 22.8 6.9 0.30 |
25.2 19.4 5.8 0.30 > 0.30
26.4 20.2 6.2 0.31 |
Samples collected Aug. 5th, weighted dry on Aug. 7th
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn4-R. 0-5cm 29.8 23.6 6.2 0.26 |
26.6 21.8 4.8 0.22 > 0.23
28.3 23.2 5.1 0.22 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn4-F. 0-5cm 29.2 22.4 6.8 0.30 |
27.8 21.4 6.4 0.30 > 0.30
29.9 23.0 6.9 0.30 |
Samples collected Aug. 7th, weighted dry on Aug.9th
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn3-R. 0-5cm 31.7 26.6 5.1 0.19 |
27.4 22.9 4.5 0.20 > 0.19
34.9 29.3 5.6 0.19 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn3-F. 0-5cm 30.8 25.0 5.8 0.23 |
27.0 22.0 5.0 0.23 > 0.23
31.8 26.0 5.8 0.22 |
Samples collected Aug. 7th, weighted dry on Aug.9th
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn5-R. 0-5cm 38.3 31.0 7.3 0.24 |
35.4 28.7 6.7 0.23 > 0.23
34.1 27.7 6.4 0.23 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn5-F. 0-5cm 36.5 28.5 8.0 0.28 |
32.8 25.8 7.0 0.27 > 0.27
29.6 23.4 6.2 0.26 |
Samples collected Aug. 7th, weighted dry on Aug.9th
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn7-R. 0-5cm 28.3 21.5 6.8 0.32 |
26.8 20.4 6.4 0.31 > 0.31
31.5 24.1 7.4 0.31 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn7-F. 0-5cm 27.3 22.1 5.2 0.24 |
28.6 20.4 8.2 0.40 > 0.30
18.2 14.4 3.8 0.26 |
Samples collected Aug.9th, weighted dry on Aug 12th
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn6-R. 0-5cm 35.9 30.4 5.5 0.18 |
36.6 30.9 5.7 0.18 > 0.18
26.7 22.6 4.1 0.18 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn6-F. 0-5cm 25.0 20.5 4.5 0.22 |
27.9 22.7 5.2 0.23 > 0.23
33.8 27.4 6.4 0.23 |
Samples collected Aug.9th, weighted dry on Aug 12th
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn8-R. 0-5cm 26.4 22.3 4.1 0.18 |
32.6 27.6 5.0 0.18 > 0.18
36.3 30.7 5.6 0.18 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn8-F. 0-5cm 35.7 29.9 5.8 0.19 |
33.9 28.2 5.7 0.20 > 0.20
40.0 33.4 6.6 0.20 |
Samples collected Aug.9th, weighted dry on Aug 12th
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn9-R. 0-5cm 24.5 20.0 4.5 0.23 |
36.2 29.6 6.6 0.22 > 0.23
32.8 26.7 6.1 0.23 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn9-F. 0-5cm 35.7 27.3 8.4 0.31 |
36.2 27.8 8.4 0.30 > 0.30
34.8 26.8 8.0 0.30 |
- 83: soil, Site all, Sat 12-Aug-2000 16:50:06 PDT, Bulk density - #2 - After irrigation
EBEX bulk density data
Samples collected Aug. 5th, weighted dry on Aug. 7th
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
Stn1-R. 0-5cm 85.1 100 0.85
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn1-F. 0-5cm 160.2 177.0 74.7 102.3 1.57
Samples collected Aug. 5th, weighted dry on Aug. 7th
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
Stn2-R. 0-5cm 72.6 100 0.73
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn2-F. 0-5cm 134.4 143.0 58.9 84.1 1.60
Samples collected Aug. 5th, weighted dry on Aug. 7th
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
Stn4-R. 0-5cm 81.4 100 0.81
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn4-F. 0-5cm 135.3 150.4 58.4 92.0 1.47
Samples collected Aug. 7th, weighted dry on Aug. 9th
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
Stn3-R. 0-5cm 98.3 0.98
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn3-F. 0-5cm 273.0 289.1 108.3 180.8 1.51
Samples collected Aug. 7th, weighted dry on Aug. 9th
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
Stn5-R. 0-5cm 81.7 0.82
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn5-F. 0-5cm 185.9 197.4 77.7 119.7 1.55
Samples collected Aug. 7th, weighted dry on Aug. 9th
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
Stn7-R. 0-5cm 79.3 0.79
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn7-F. 0-5cm 165.8 176.9 69.0 107.9 1.54
Samples collected Aug. 9, weighted dry on August 12
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
Stn6-R. 0-5cm 92.7 0.93
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn6-F. 0-5cm 201.2 222.0 86.0 136.0 1.48
Samples collected Aug. 9, weighted dry on August 12
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
Stn8-R. 0-5cm 95.7 0.96
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn8-F. 0-5cm 254.7 274.2 127.1 147.1 1.73
Samples collected Aug. 9, weighted dry on August 12
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
[g] [ml]
Stn9-R. 0-5cm 84.4 0.84
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn9-F. 0-5cm 209.8 234.5 97.8 136.7 1.53
- 119: soil, Site , Sat 19-Aug-2000 19:17:59 PDT, first surface heating in!
I just installed my first set of surface heating systems at sites 11-14.
These are running on 1 6v lantern battery each. Supposedly, each system
is set for 1 samp/min.
14: 36d6.419', 119d56.001', on 00:58:46
Ridge (A/D 2): 2/3 up the slope
Furrow (A/D 1): bottom, shaded
Stem (A/D 0): 1->4, low->high, stem4 in sun
Completely squashed canopy, with plants leaning into furrows and
ridges exposed
13: 36d6.419', 119d56.136', on 01:15:07
Ridge (A/D 2): 2/3 up the slope
Furrow (A/D 1): bottom, shaded
Stem (A/D 0): 1->4, low->high, stem4 in bent-over plant, others erect
1/2 squashed canopy.
12: 36d6.419', 119d56.270', on 01:29:55
Ridge (A/D 2): near top
Furrow (A/D 1): top of (now slightly cracked) clump
Stem (A/D 0): 1->4, low->high, stem2 in bent-over plant, others erect
1/2 squashed canopy.
11: 36d6.419', 119d56.405', on 01:49:34
Ridge (A/D 2): near top
Furrow (A/D 1): bottom
Stem (A/D 0): 1->4, low->high, stem2&4 in same (tall, erect) plant
Canopy somewhat squashed, but much higher (would be closed anyway)
Walking to this location was very difficult.
(only 14 more -- 12 on regular grid plus s10 & s8 -- to go :( )
- 124: soil, Site , Mon 21-Aug-2000 14:58:39 PDT, more surface heating sites
I installed another 4 surface heating systems today. They are 51-54,
at latitude 36d 5.985', and longitudes of 119d56.405, 56.270, 56.136 and 56.001'
respectively. There were a lot of bent-over plants here, but the generally
thicker canopy didn't allow them to collapse as much as for 11-14.
54 - somewhat upright in 1/3 squashed (knee-high)
R: 3/4, F: bottom (cracked the clod a bit), some sun
S: 3 - sunlit
on: 19:04:47
53 - belly-high, 1/4 squashed
R: top, F: clod
S: all in upright plants
on: 19:36:17
52 - waist high, 1/3 squashed
R: 3/4, F: bottom (sunny)
S: 1 in bent-over plant
on: 19:53:56
51 - belly high
R: top, F: bottom
S: all in tall plants
on: 20:58:43
- 125: soil, Site , Tue 22-Aug-2000 17:31:46 PDT, another surface heating site
I installed another site at s9, near the ridge location where Tsoil.a&b are
located. Hopefully he had these at 1&4cm, though the ridge location is
nasty. F3 appears to be bad.
On: ~19:58:00 (lichen time)=03:00:25 GPS.
- 126: soil, Site , Tue 22-Aug-2000 17:34:43 PDT, visiting surface heating 11-14
Yesterday, I also visited the north 4 sites.
14: no data had been recorded. Just started at 18:02:50 (according to
lichen) (01:05:15GPS), where 18:05:40 lichen = 01:08:05 GPS.
(PS: SprintPCS is nearly synched to GPS as well.)
13: data are spotty. Restarted about 18:17:00 (lichen) (18:19:25GPS),
but all stem and F1 are bad. Probably the usual voltage-not-quite-right.
Hopefully, it will fix itself.
12: Completely dead. Am bringing electronics back to trailer. :(
11: dumped ~18:44:00, (01:46:25GPS) off ~2min prior.
restarted ~18:45:54 (01:48:19GPS).
Bad R3&4.
- 127: soil, Site , Tue 22-Aug-2000 17:37:45 PDT, restarted surface heating 12
I just installed a new CPU at 12, after testing in the lab. It was turned
on at 17:10 local (Sprint) = 00:10:00 GPS.
- 128: soil, Site , Tue 22-Aug-2000 18:29:55 PDT, last heating site
I just installed a 10th site, colocated (including some in the same plant)
as the Kearny bare soil site with leaf temperatures and brass leaves.
0A: at Kearney clear site (near trailer) R near top, F in bottom (open
canopy, so exposed). S1 about 10cm up, and S3 about 50cm up on eastern-
most plant with leaf thermocouples. S2 & S4 on other plants, ~20cm and 70cm,
respectively. on at 18:13:02
I'll download all of the sites on Friday before leaving.
- 132: soil, Site base, Wed 23-Aug-2000 09:16:20 PDT, EBEX Soil Gravimetric water fraction (Round #3)
EBEX Soil Gravimetric water fraction (Round #3)
Samples collected Aug 13th, weighted dry on Aug 15th
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn1-R. 0-5cm 31.6 28.0 3.6 0.13 |
29.7 26.3 3.4 0.13 > 0.13
32.8 29.1 3.7 0.13 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn1-F. 0-5cm 30.2 27.0 3.2 0.12 |
33.3 30.0 3.3 0.11 > 0.11
32.8 29.6 3.2 0.11 |
Samples collected Aug. 13th, weighted dry on Aug. 15th
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn2-R. 0-5cm 30.0 27.7 2.3 0.08 |
33.5 31.0 1.1 0.04 > 0.07
27.7 25.7 2.0 0.08 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn2-F. 0-5cm 33.8 30.0 3.8 0.13 |
33.6 29.8 3.8 0.13 > 0.12
34.1 30.6 3.5 0.11 |
Samples collected Aug. 13th, weighted dry on Aug. 15th
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn4-R. 0-5cm 31.1 27.8 3.3 0.12 |
28.0 25.0 3.0 0.12 > 0.12
28.2 25.2 3.0 0.12 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn4-F. 0-5cm 31.2 27.2 4.0 0.15 |
29.0 25.2 3.8 0.15 > 0.15
34.2 29.6 4.6 0.16 |
Stn03 - Moved to dirt site
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn3-R. 0-5cm
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn3-F. 0-5cm
Samples collected Aug. 15th, weighted dry on Aug.17th
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn5-R. 0-5cm 33.7 30.1 3.6 0.12 |
33.4 30.0 3.4 0.11 > 0.11
37.3 33.5 3.8 0.11 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn5-F. 0-5cm 34.4 30.9 3.5 0.11 |
32.2 28.9 3.3 0.11 > 0.11
33.7 30.1 3.6 0.12 |
Samples collected Aug. 15th, weighted dry on Aug.17th
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn7-R. 0-5cm 28.6 25.7 2.9 0.11 |
33.8 30.1 3.7 0.12 > 0.12
28.4 25.4 3.0 0.12 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn7-F. 0-5cm 29.3 25.7 3.6 0.14 |
33.6 29.4 4.2 0.14 > 0.14
32.0 28.2 3.8 0.14 |
Samples collected Aug.15th, weighted dry on Aug 17th
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn6-R. 0-5cm 31.1 28.1 3.0 0.11 |
30.0 27.2 2.8 0.10 > 0.11
31.1 28.1 3.0 0.11 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn6-F. 0-5cm 28.9 27.0 1.9 0.07 |
31.9 29.5 2.4 0.08 > 0.07
33.4 31.1 2.3 0.07 |
Samples collected Aug.16th, weighted dry on Aug 18th
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn8-R. 0-5cm 32.4 29.8 2.6 0.09 |
36.8 34.0 2.8 0.08 > 0.08
32.7 30.2 2.5 0.08 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn8-F. 0-5cm 30.9 29.0 1.9 0.07 |
37.0 34.4 2.6 0.08 > 0.07
30.4 28.3 2.1 0.07 |
Samples collected Aug.17th, weighted dry on Aug 19th
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn9-R. 0-5cm 32.7 30.7 2.0 0.07 |
30.8 28.8 2.0 0.07 > 0.07
30.3 28.4 1.9 0.07 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn9-F. 0-5cm 33.6 29.3 4.3 0.15 |
35.9 31.5 4.4 0.14 > 0.14
34.1 29.8 4.3 0.14 |
- 133: soil, Site all, Wed 23-Aug-2000 11:29:30 PDT, Bulk density - Round #3
EBEX bulk density data
Samples collected Aug. 13th, weighted dry on Aug.15th
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn1-R [g] [ml]
79.6 100 0.80
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn1-F 251.3 287.6 102.8 184.8 1.36
Samples collected Aug. 13th, weighted dry on Aug.15th
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn2-R [g] [ml]
108.9 1.09
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn2-F 237.3 274.6 111.4 163.2 1.45
Samples collected Aug. 13th, weighted dry on Aug.15th
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn4-R [g] [ml]
110.5 1.11
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn4-F 221.1 252.3 108.5 143.8 1.54
Station 3 moved to dirt site
Samples collected on Aug.15th, weighted dry on Aug.17th
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn5-R [g] [ml]
82.2 0.82
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn5-F 192.3 227.6 93.4 134.2 1.43
Samples collected on Aug.15th, weighted dry on Aug.17th
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn7-R [g] [ml]
90.9 0.91
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn7-F 240.4 266.5 118.6 147.9 1.63
Samples collected Aug.15th, weighted dry on Aug.17th
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn6-R [g] [ml]
87.0 0.87
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn6-F 232.3 258.2 107.8 150.4 1.55
Samples collected Aug.16th, weighted dry on Aug.18th
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn8-R [g] [ml]
85.2 0.85
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn8-F 262.3 282.6 127.9 154.7 1.70
Samples collected Aug.17th, weighted dry on Aug.19th
date Location Depth Dry Volume Bulk density
Stn9-R [g] [ml]
89.6 0.90
date Location Depth Dry Waxed Immersed Volume Bulk density
Stn9-F 184.9 207.7 90.2 11.3 1.58
- 135: soil, Site all, Fri 25-Aug-2000 07:33:23 PDT, Short term gravimetric water fraction measurements
The short term measurments were made to determine the evolution of water in the soil during part of the day. These measurements were made at Stn09, on Aug.23 close to the dark horse.
Samples collected Aug 23th, weighted dry on Aug 25th
Time 8:00 local
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn9-R. 0-5cm 32.1 26.3 5.8 0.22 |
31.1 25.4 5.7 0.22 > 0.23
32.0 25.7 6.3 0.25 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn9-F. 0-5cm 35.1 23.9 11.2 0.47 |
29.3 22.1 7.2 0.33 > 0.37
31.6 23.9 7.7 0.32 |
Time 11:00 local
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn9-R. 0-5cm 28.8 24.3 4.5 0.19 |
29.3 24.3 5.0 0.21 > 0.20
30.7 25.8 4.9 0.19 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn9-F. 0-5cm 31.9 25.4 6.5 0.26 |
32.4 25.7 6.7 0.26 > 0.26
32.7 26.0 6.7 0.26 |
Time 14:00 local
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn9-R. 0-5cm 32.4 26.1 6.3 0.24 |
29.5 24.0 5.5 0.23 > 0.23
30.3 24.6 5.7 0.23 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn9-F. 0-5cm 33.2 26.5 6.7 0.25 |
32.5 25.8 6.7 0.26 > 0.26
33.4 26.6 6.8 0.26 |
Time 17:00 local
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn9-R. 0-5cm 31.5 25.3 6.2 0.25 |
30.7 24.7 6.0 0.24 > 0.25
29.8 23.9 5.9 0.25 |
date Location Depth Fresh Dry Diff Grav.Frac.
Stn9-F. 0-5cm 28.9 22.6 6.3 0.28 |
30.7 24.7 6.0 0.24 > 0.28
31.5 24.1 7.4 0.31 |
The second lines from ridge and furrow at 17:00 are the same. This is not a
- 138: soil, Site all, Mon 04-Sep-2000 09:12:06 PDT, soil water fraction and bulk density
Evolution of the gravimetric water fraction and the bulk density after irrigation.
The gravimetric water fraction and the bulk density of the soil one day and three days after irrigation were measured. The methodology used during EBEX to determine the bulk density of the soil, either by using the wax method for the furrow, either by filling up a known volume for the ridge was unsuitable for the field in a short period of time after irrigation.
A new methodology was used. I've borrowed some containers with a known value from David Grantz, University of California, and applied at a site South of Station 9 one and three days after irrigation.
The containers were made of metal, with a 10.16 cm diameter and a 7.62 cm high (4'x3'). With that dimensions it was not possible to sample soil from a 0-5 cm but from a 0-7.62 cm depth.
The method consisted in inserting the container into the ridge and furrow soil. The amount of dirt that was collected was then placed in the oven for two days. After the drying period, the container was weighted and the bulk density could be determined.
A major inconvenient of this method was that when the container was being inserted in the soil a bubble appear between the container bottom, that was up at the moment, and the soil. One solution to minimize the appearance of the bubble was to slightly move the container obliquely when it is being punched into the soil.
This method was used only at this site. There were no changes in the measuring procedures at the other stations.
Gravimetric Water Fraction
Ridge - 20.Aug.2000 - 1 day after irrigation
wet dry diff gwf
30.7 23.1 7.6 0.33 |
30.7 23.2 7.5 0.32 > 0.32
28.2 21.3 6.9 0.32 |
Furrow - 20.Aug.2000 - 1 day after irrigation
wet dry diff gwf
50.1 34.8 15.3 0.44 |
39.7 27.3 12.4 0.45 > 0.44
38.6 26.8 11.8 0.44 |
Ridge - 22.Aug.2000 - 3 days after irrigation
wet dry diff gwf
29.4 22.7 6.7 0.30 |
27.4 21.4 6.0 0.28 > 0.29
32.3 25.1 7.2 0.29 |
Furrow - 22.Aug.2000 - 3 days after irrigation
wet dry diff gwf
44.7 31.6 13.1 0.41 |
43.5 31.6 11.9 0.38 > 0.39
29.4 20.9 8.1 0.39 |
Bulk Density
Ridge - 20.Aug.2000 - 1 day after irrigation
Dry Weight Volume Bulk density
229.5 618 0.37
Furrow - 20.Aug.2000 - 1 day after irrigation
182.7 618 0.29
Ridge - 22.Aug.2000 - 3 days after irrigation
Dry Weight Volume Bulk density
196.7 618 0.32
Furrow - 22.Aug.2000 - 3 days after irrigation
Dry Weight Volume Bulk density
244.3 618 0.39