- 247: ADAM, Site 8, Wed 21-May-1997 18:11:46 GMT, Marigold restarted
Marigold (Station 8): down from 22:10-17:20Z (beginning 17:10,5/20 CDT)
A simple power cycle restarted it.
- 246: ADAM, Site 7, Wed 21-May-1997 17:36:34 GMT, Cosmos restarted
Cosmos (Station 7): down from 02:40-16:20Z (07:40-11:20 CDT)
A simple power cycle restarted it.
- 239: ADAM, Site 7, Tue 20-May-1997 16:27:31 GMT, Cosmos restarted
Cosmos went down at about 00:30Z (19:30 CDT, may 19th)
It was restarted at about 14:20Z (09:20 CDT, may 20th)
This doesn't appear related to the temperature crashes with the
A/D board. The internal box temp. was around 25-26 degrees all
- 228: ADAM, Site 7, Mon 19-May-1997 14:03:19 GMT, cosmos and marigold reboots
Cosmos rebooted at 0600 GMT this morning. Marigold also rebooted
several times during the night.
- 227: ADAM, Site 7, Sun 18-May-1997 22:24:57 GMT, Cosmos analog channels not reporting
At 1900 GMT, the analog channels on cosmos again stopped. This occured
at the same adam temperature at which these channels quit yesterday.
After considering several remedial actions, decided to wait for cooler
weather predicted for tomorrow.
- 224: ADAM, Site 7, Sun 18-May-1997 16:17:45 GMT, Cosmos rebooted
Found this morning that the analog channels on cosmos quit reporting
around 2300 GMT yesterday. Gordon suspects the Matrix board as the
cause of the problem. John reseated all boards in cosmos and
successfully rebooted around 1500 GMT this morning. It is possible
that the problem is temperature related, since we are experiencing
higher daytime temperatures than previously during CASES97.
- 223: ADAM, Site 7, Sat 17-May-1997 22:42:17 GMT, Cosmos restarted
Cosmos was brought back up at about 22:20Z (15:20 CDT)
Analog data down from: 18:30Z (13:30 CDT)
All data down from: 19:30Z (14:30 CDT)
The Datel board hung for some reason. After returning to the base and
discovering the problem, our first fix attempt was to reboot the
adam, but it failed to come up properly. Subsequent reboot attempts
also failed.
A quick look in the $ASTER/log/asterlog but didn't reveal anything
obvious, however, it appeared that possibly the socket connection was
having difficulty getting re-established, although we didn't have the cosmos
console log to confirm that.
Meanwhile, the ppp service was OK per checking "ps -t term/1" and noting
the aspppls process was up.
A check of the "netstat -f inet" did show some TIME_WAIT connections,
so I finally took down the ingest process, restarted it and went out to
log the startup session on the adam. Before rebooting, I left the adam
powered down for perhaps 1-2 minutes. Upon power up, everything booted
normally and the turkey TIME_WAIT addresses apparently timed-out and clear
themselves so that we were left with just the
adam-ppp.8000 connects for marigold/cosmos on the socket addr 8000 as usual.
- 217: ADAM, Site 7, Fri 16-May-1997 14:52:43 GMT, Rebooted cosmos & marigold
Cosmos (7) quit at 0430 GMT, restarted at 0920 CDT
Marigold (8) quit at 0700 GMT, restarted at 0945 CDT
- 215: ADAM, Site 8, Thu 15-May-1997 16:51:40 GMT, Marigold rebooted
Marigold apparently rebooted at 1648 GMT.
- 209: ADAM, Site 7, Wed 14-May-1997 17:40:24 GMT, Rebooted cosmos
Cosmos crashed around 1120 GMT this morning; rebooted at 1420.
- 206: ADAM, Site 7, Tue 13-May-1997 20:08:35 GMT, Rebooted cosmos
Cosmos stopped around 1430 GMT and I just noticed it. Gordon thinks
that the failure was caused by a berserk print daemon on platypus.
Restarted cosmos around 2000 GMT.
- 166: ADAM, Site 7, Mon 05-May-1997 14:46:38 GMT, Rebooted cosmos
Cosmos crashed around 0300 CDT. Rebooted this morning around 9 am.
- 138: ADAM, Site 8, Wed 30-Apr-1997 20:24:45 GMT, Re-booted marigold and rf modem
Cycled power on FreeWave RF modem and on marigold to re-establish
network connection. Done around 1500 CDT.
- 133: ADAM, Site 8, Tue 29-Apr-1997 22:47:36 GMT, marigold crash
marigold crashed about an hour ago, but restarted itself by the time Tom
and I made it out there to fix it.
- 93: ADAM, Site 7, Thu 24-Apr-1997 15:02:33 GMT, Power status at station 7
Over the last few days we have experience power problems
at site 7. It appears the AC units overload the line power
when they turn on. During one test the voltage drop to 75 volts
at site 7.
Upon Kurt's recommendations, a couple of items have been done.
First, only the front AC unit will be operating. The back unit
will be left on but the thermostat will be set to minimum and
maximum levels. Each AC unit fan will be left running. The power
load from the chemistry equipment was transfer to the other leg
of the transformer. This will balance the load on the transformer.
After the changes above, a test was run. The results were ok.
However, the pump in the chemistry shelter was not running. Upon
inspection, the pump motor had died. This may have been a factor
in the problems from the previous day.
Throughout the night cosmos stayed up.
- 66: ADAM, Site 7, Mon 21-Apr-1997 14:25:29 GMT, Cosmos went down last night, back up
Cosmos went down last night. Mxreset and recycling
power did not get it back up. Had to cycle power on
the freewaves.
- 6: ADAM, Site 7, Wed 02-Apr-1997 14:27:47 GMT, check of filter/amp board in cosmos
Used the Datel voltage source to check the amplifier/filter cards
in cosmos.
The only suspect one is channel 102, to be used for the TECO.
port gain offset inputV measV
100 1. 0. # licor co2 .5 .4998+-.0002
101 1. 0. # licor t .5 .4997+-.0003
102 1. -5. # TECO O3 .5 .4953+-.0002 .0045 low
1 .9935+-.0002 .0065 low
103 1. 0. # zero chem .5 .4997+-.0003
104 1. 0. # Meyers O3 .5 .5000+-.0002
105 1. 0. # SECLOD O3 .5 .4997+-.0003
106 1. 0. # vais baro .5 .4997+-.0002
107 1. 0. # T.adam .5 .4998+-.0002
108 200. 0. # pyg.in .01 .01002+-.00002
109 2. -5. # case 1 .9970+-.0002
110 2. -5. # dome 1 .9971+-.0002
111 2. -5. # comp 1 .9981+-.0002
112 200. 0. # pyg.out .01 .01002+-.00002
113 2. -5. # case 1 .9977+-.0002
114 2. -5. # dome 1 .9983+-.0002
115 2. -5. # comp 1 .9986+-.0002
116 200. 0. # psp.in .01 .01002+-.00002
117 200. 0. # psp.out .01 .01002+-.00002
118 1000. 0. # rad.par.in 1 mv 1.047+-.003 mv
119 1000. 0. # rad.par.out 1 mv 1.043+-.003 mv
120 1. 0. # rad.uvb 1 .9992+-.0003
121 1. 0. # t.uvb 1 .9993+-.0003
122 1. 0. # rad.uv 1 .9990+-.0002
123 1. 0. # 660.veg 1 .9986+-.0002
124 1. 0. # 730.veg 1 .9985+-.0002
125 1. 0. # Tsurf 1 .9988+-.0002