- 245: LOGISTICS, Site all, Wed 21-May-1997 17:30:33 GMT, Aerial photos taken of all sites today.
Aerial photos taken of all sites today.
See Julie for details.
Had trouble with Canon camera's auto-focusing and metering probably
because of the window reflection and bouncing.
Included stations 1-8, CU's site,ANL #11 and #12, and NOAA.
- 149: LOGISTICS, Site base, Thu 01-May-1997 19:14:12 GMT, Staked down base trailer
Matt staked the base trailer down this morning.
- 53: LOGISTICS, Site 6, Sat 19-Apr-1997 17:24:57 GMT, work at site 6
The Gill sonic boom was extended because of guywire interference.
After modifying, the krypton was moved to within 60 cm of
sonic. There was not enough play in the tripod legs to level the sonic.
The level results: pitch - -0.2, roll 0.3 to the north.
The soldn was leveled.
The krypton windows were cleaned to verify the sensor output. It
did respond to the cleaning.
- 33: LOGISTICS, Site all, Mon 14-Apr-1997 20:55:40 GMT, Boom Angles
Below are the boom angles for sonics and props
station sonic angle
1 GILL 212 24' 05" along NE/SW vector
2 GILL 219 31' 45" along NE/SW vector
3 ATI 248 28' 10"
4 ATI 249 53' 15"
5 ATI 245 11' 10"
6 GILL 212 06' 35" along NE/SW vector
7 ATI 247 00' 30"
8 ATI 245 00' 30"
8 CSI 247 34' 10"
station prop angle
1 RMY 331 35' 48"
2 RMY 334 28' 42"
3 RMY 337 17' 10"
4 RMY 336 32' 30"
5 RMY 335 47' 30"
6 RMY 343 21' 50"
7 ASTER 248 20' 00"
8 ASTER 244 59' 20"
- 7: LOGISTICS, Site none, Sat 05-Apr-1997 16:45:23 GMT, Our phones
PAM base trailer: 316-986-5474 (voice)
Pickup cellular: 316-640-7068
Blazer cellular: 316-640-7069
Candlewood hotel: 800-946-6200
8106 - Kurt
8212 - Tony
8234 - Steve O.
8333 - Steve S.