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Project #1999-102 INDOEX

Indian Ocean Experiment

Clarke, et al.

NSF/NCAR EC-130Q Hercules (N130AR)

Go to RAF Bulletin No. 3   Flight Summary Information Matrix

For the Research Flight Report on a specific flight, click on its flight number.
For detailed information on a specific flight, click on its Mission Summary.

Date Flight Times (UTC) Mission Summary Instrument Anomalies
Get Data Whole-Flight Plots
RF01 02/16/1999 06:51:03
8.1 hours
Clear-air radiative-closure and cloud study CVI, CO, FDSM, RHOLA, RHOLA1, PCASP Low-Rate netCDF file
High-Rate netCDF file
Processed MCR binary files
Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF02 02/18/1999 04:37:03
9.1 hours
Clear-air radiative-closure and cloudy-air indrect radiative-forcing study CVI, CO, HGM232, drop-out Low-Rate netCDF file
High-Rate netCDF file
Processed MCR binary files
Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF03 02/20/1999 02:37:52
8.9 hours
Outbound flight: microphysics and aerosol sampling run
Gradient flight: indirect-effect study
CO, RHOLA, HGM232 netCDF Low-Rate file
netCDF High-Rate file
Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF04 02/24/1999 02:34:10
9.1 hours
Gradient flight: document indirect effect of aerosols TEO3C, UVB, PLWCC, spike Low-Rate netCDF file
High-Rate netCDF file
Processed MCR binary files
Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF05 02/25/1999 03:48:37
9.2 hours
Clear-air closure and indirect-effect cloud-albedo study TEO3C, PVM, PLWCC, RHOLA, UVB Low-Rate netCDF file
High-Rate netCDF file
Processed MCR binary files
Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF06 02/27/1999 04:20:53
9.0 hours
Indirect forcing and Dutch Citation interomparison CVI, TEO3C, RHOLA, drop-out, PCASP Low-Rate netCDF file
High-Rate netCDF file
Processed MCR binary files
Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF07 02/28/1999 05:16:14
6.3 hours
Clear-air closure and Ron Brown Comparison PCASP, RHOLA, UVB Low-Rate netCDF file
High-Rate netCDF file
Processed MCR binary files
Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF08 03/04/1999 02:57:39
8.9 hours
Gradient flight, sample clouds, collect radiation data RHOLA, PCASP, PVM, FDSM Low-Rate netCDF file
High-Rate netCDF file
Processed MCR binary files
Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF09 03/07/1999 04:06:01
8.9 hours
Information not available TEO3C, PCASP, UVB Low-Rate netCDF file
High-Rate netCDF file
Processed MCR binary files
Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF10 03/09/1999 03:30:00
8.8 hours
Clear-sky radiation-gradient flight UVB Low-Rate netCDF file
High-Rate netCDF file
Processed MCR binary files
Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF11 03/11/1999 03:15:11
8.4 hours
Closure flight, clean clouds in the Southern Hemisphere CVI, UVB, RHOLA, DPXC, GPS Low-Rate netCDF file
High-Rate netCDF file
Processed MCR binary files
Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF12 03/13/1999 03:46:22
8.8 hours
Citation intercomparison and study clouds embedded in haze CVI, RHOLA Low-Rate netCDF file
High-Rate netCDF file
Processed MCR binary files
Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF13 03/16/1999 02:20:40
9.5 hours
Vertical profiles very close to Indian coastline RHOLA, PLWCC, Maneuvers Low-Rate netCDF file
High-Rate netCDF file
Processed MCR binary files
Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF14 03/18/1999 03:36:46
7.4 hours
Information not available TEO3C, RHOLA, PLWCC, DPTC, DPBC, DPXC Low-Rate netCDF file
High-Rate netCDF file
Processed MCR binary files
Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF15A 03/19/1999 03:31:56
5.6 hours
Indirect cloud-forcing mission RHOLA, IRS, ADS Low-Rate netCDF file
High-Rate netCDF file
Processed MCR binary files
Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF15B 03/19/1999 10:07:58
2.1 hours
Indirect cloud-forcing mission RHOLA, IRS, ADS Low-Rate netCDF file
High-Rate netCDF file
Processed MCR binary files
Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF16 03/21/1999 03:46:31
9.1 hours
Indirect-forcing and cloud-closure TEO3C, ADS, PLWCC, OAT, CONCN Low-Rate netCDF file
High-Rate netCDF file
Processed MCR binary files
Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF17 03/24/1999 03:31:22
9.5 hours
Clean-cloud, indirect-forcing mission CVI, CO, TEO3C, RHOLA, DPBC, DPTC, DPXC, IRS, HGM232 Low-Rate netCDF file
High-Rate netCDF file
Processed MCR binary files
Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF18 03/25/1999 03:28:05
9.8 hours
Bay of Bengal mission CVI, CO, ADS, IRS, RHOLA, OAT, HGM232 Low-Rate netCDF file
High-Rate netCDF file
Processed MCR binary files
Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
FF01 02/04/1999 20:32:02
3.5 hours
Ferry Flight   Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
FF02 02/05/1999 19:45:47
7.8 hours
Ferry Flight   Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
FF03 02/07/1999 17:57:08
7.3 hours
Ferry Flight   Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
FF04 02/08/1999 03:01:57
4.5 hours
Ferry Flight   Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
FF05A 02/09/1999 21:49:32
7.0 hours
Ferry Flight   Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
FF05B 02/10/1999 05:24:04
2.5 hours
Ferry Flight   Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
FF06A 02/12/1999 01:02:45
3.3 hours
Ferry Flight   Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
FF06B 02/12/1999 04:33:53
3.5 hours
Ferry Flight   Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
FF07 03/28/1999 00:42:44
7.8 hours
Ferry Flight   Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
FF08 03/29/1999 23:43:13
10.6 hours
Ferry Flight   Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
FF09 03/31/1999 22:12:34
4.8 hours
Ferry Flight   Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
FF10 04/01/1999 20:55:00
7.3 hours
Ferry Flight   Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
FF11 04/03/1999 15:55:49
10.0 hours
Ferry Flight   Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Pressure Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
*   Note: The "Instrument Anomalies" column is set up to display a measurement's description in your browser's status bar when the cursor is dragged over a measurement's variable name in this column. (You may need to adjust your browser settings for this to work.) A left click will take you to a detailed description of the anomalies.

Last update: Thu May 2 10:16:25 MDT 2002