Project #1999-102 INDOEX

NSF/NCAR EC-130Q Hercules (N130AR)

The volume of processed MCR data precludes retrieving all of the files with one request.

Processed MCR Data for RF13:

         Start Date     Start      End      File Size
 fltno   mm/dd/yyyy   Time UTC   Time UTC   (Mbytes)
 RF13    03/16/1999   07:03:13   07:04:23    4.864808
 RF13    03/16/1999   07:04:28   07:10:08   23.297064
 RF13    03/16/1999   07:13:53   07:29:21   87.479592
 RF13    03/16/1999   07:50:25   07:55:24   68.603048
 RF13    03/16/1999   08:07:04   08:55:53  172.361384
 RF13    03/16/1999   08:56:23   08:59:39   11.608872
 RF13    03/16/1999   09:00:26   09:25:03   88.880808
 RF13    03/16/1999   09:25:08   09:31:58   25.267880
 RF13    03/16/1999   09:32:10   09:41:18   33.823272
 RF13    03/16/1999   09:43:11   09:47:16   13.910056
 RF13    03/16/1999   09:50:48   09:52:55    8.225448
 RF13    03/16/1999   09:55:19   09:56:19    3.850920
 RF13    03/16/1999   09:56:39   09:58:32    6.801448
 RF13    03/16/1999   09:58:39   10:06:33   27.614632
 RF13    03/16/1999   10:07:05   10:09:51   10.048168
 RF13    03/16/1999   10:10:01   10:17:34   26.988072
 RF13    03/16/1999   10:17:39   10:23:15   19.913640
 RF13    03/16/1999   10:23:21   10:58:13  121.929000
 RF13    03/16/1999   10:58:47   11:10:10   42.048296
 RF13    03/16/1999   11:35:03   11:37:19   70.186536
 RF13    03/16/1999   11:42:54   11:44:00   34.711848