Figure S-1 Strategy Framework for Implementing GCIP
Figure S-2The Mississippi River basin with boundaries defining the
Large Scale Areas (LSAs) for GCIP focused Studies. Temporal emphasis for each LSA from 1994 through 2000
Figure S-3 Compiled and Planned Standard Data Sets for GCIP Research
Figure S-4 The LSA-SW Encompasses the Arkansas-Red river basin
Figure S-5 The LSA-NC Encompasses the Upper Mississippi River basin
Figure 1-1 The Mississippi River basin, the focus of GCIP activities
Figure 1-2 Boundaries for LSAs and temporal emphasis for each LSA
from 1994 through 2000
Figure 1-3 Strategy framework for implementing GCIP
Figure 1-4 Organization of GCIP Data Management System
Figure 2-1 Strategy for Coupled Model Experiments
Figure 5-1 Continental Sclae area for intercomparison of atmospheric
vapor flux-divergence results
Figure 5-2 Large-scale profiler array in the Central US
Figure 5-3 Subbasins of Mississippi River to be used in Computing
Energy and Water Budgets
Figure 7-1 Latitude-longitude boundaries for LSA-SW encompassing the
Arkansas-Red River basin
Figure 7-2 Latitude-longitude boundaries for LSA-NC encompassing the
Upper Mississippi River Basin
Figure 7-3 Latitude-longitude boundaries for LSA-E encompassing
the Ohio and Tenessee River basins
Figure 7-4 Latitude-longitude boundaries for LSA-NW encompassing
the Missouri River Basin
Figure 10-1Relative Soil Moisture response curves for Ashton, OK during
May 1996 from the Campbell Scientific Heat Dissipation Soil Mosture Sensor
Figure 11-1Proposed Geographical Distributions of 300 MOLTS locations.
Figure 12-1Compiled and Planned Standard Data Sets for GCIP Research.
Figure 13-1GCIP DMSS user services configuration.