Figure 12-1 Compiled and Planned Standard Data Sets for GCIP Research.
A custom data set is one that is either distributed or compiled at a central location
and made easily accessible for a group research effort. Applications of custom data sets
include validation and/or comparison of algorithms, energy and water budget studies, and
model evaluation studies. The primary purpose of custom data sets is to facilitate "group"
research efforts on GCIP-relevant topics. The group requesting the data set will agree to the
specifications for the custom data sets. Requests will be submitted to the GCIP office for
funding the preparation of the custom data set. Funds will be identified and committed by
the Project for each custom data set at the time the request is approved.
The primary purpose of the as requested data set is to enable any user to order a
data set with individual specifications from any of the individual data sets listed in the GCIP
master catalog or data set guides. The GCIP-DMSS will provide assistance to the user to
compile information about data availability to facilitate ordering data sets to specification.
Incremental costs for compiling and distributing an as requested data set will in most cases
be borne by the user making the request.
Data Collection for ESOP-97
A summary listing of the data collection plans for ESOP-97 is given in Table 12-5.
The ESOP-97 Tactical Data Collection and Management Plan provides more details
including a brief description of each dataset with information regarding data collection,
processing, and final archival and information on dataset dissemination after the compilation
is completed in June 1998.
(ii) The CSA data requirements continue for energy and water budget studies with increasing
emphasis on interseasonal and interannual variability. Coupled modeling validation and
evaluation will begin for the CSA.
(iii) An annual data set for the LSA-NC and LSA-E is required for energy and
water budgets over an annual cycle plus model evaluations of the regional
model output.
(iv) Data collection requirements for the LSA-SW are projected to continue but the
specific requirements are not yet defined.
Historical hydrometeorological data are needed to develop, validate, and estimate
parameters in improved surface parameterizations for atmospheric models. The required
period of hydrological data must include several extreme wet and extreme dry periods in
which soil moisture levels reach maximum and minimum values. Usually this period ranges
from 10 to 30 years, depending on the local climate and actual occurrence of events. At least
30 years is needed to put the EOP in a climatological context. Spatially, all available
precipitation measurements are needed to obtain the best possible water budgets over areas of
10^3 to 10^4 km^2.
For GCIP, long periods of retrospective, high-quality hydrometeorological data are
critical because the statistical variability of extremes (that is, flood and drought) is essential in
assessing the impact of climate variability on water resources. A portion of the total
retrospective data needs is being compiled within the NWS/OH as part of the NOAA Core
Project for GCIP. Retrospective data are a critical input to the NWP model upgrades. At
present, models of surface hydrology must be calibrated using historical precipitation,
evaporation, temperature, and other climatological data, together with streamflow data.
Similar calibrations using 30 to 50 years of data are needed to run the models from which
will be determined the key hydrological parameters of soil moisture capacity and runoff
formulation required by the upgraded NWP models and required to global models.
The data types required include precipitation, air temperature, streamflow, and
meteorological observations to estimate water and energy fluxes between the surface and the
atmosphere. The primary source of historical data is surface observations, but archived NWP
model outputs and some historical satellite data may be required as well.
The preparation of historical data sets is directly linked to the development of the
NOAA Hydrological Data System which was described in Appendix E of the GCIP Major
Activities Plan for 1995, 1996 and Outlook for 1997 (IGPO, 1994c).
Since 1993, GCIP has been working in cooperation with other projects and activities
in the Arkansas-Red River basin to compile datasets for GCIP research activities. These
include the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) program, the USDA/Agriculture
Research Service in El Reno, OK and the Oklahoma Climate Survey. GCIP has also
supported enhancements to existing observation networks to obtain observations crucial for
studying and modeling land surface processes and the coupling of these processes with the
atmosphere. The support for soil moisture and soil temperature profile measurements in the
ARM/CART site and the Little Washita Watershed (shown in Figure 7-1) is particularly
The implementation of this enhanced observation capability has advanced to where it
is now feasible to begin compiling a special dataset for land surface and boundary layer
studies and modeling. The GCIP/DACOM has compiled a set of data requirements that will
be suitable for:
Phase I - The six-month period of 1 April through 30 September 1996 encompasses
the scheduled data collection period for the Enhanced Seasonal Observing Period (ESOP-96)
for the LSA-SW shown in Figure 7-1. The first phase of the Near-Surface Observation
Dataset is making use of data from this same period. During ESOP-96 we obtained a
reasonably complete set of data at about eight locations in the ARM/CART site (see SWATS
facilities in Figure 10-?) and Little Washita Watershed. The remaining locations do not have
some of the observation types including particularly, soil moisture and soil temperature
profiles. This is being compiled as part of a special subset of the ESOP-96 dataset. The
compilation of this dataset is scheduled to be completed by June 1997. A proposed list of
observations contained in this dataset is outlined in Table 12-6. A complete description is
included in Appendix A of the ESOP-96 Tactical Data Collection and Management Plan.
Phase II - The full complement of observing systems needed for the Near-Surface
Observation Dataset are scheduled to be operating by the end of March 1997. We are
therefore planning to start the Phase II data collection period on 1 April 1997 and continue
for one full year.
The preparation of the archive data for streamflow by the U.S. Geological Survey
(USGS) is done on a Water Year (1 October to 30 September) basis. The streamflow data for
the Water Year are archived the following April and May. This will necessitate the
compilation of the one-year Near Surface Observation Dataset in two parts. The period from
1 April through 30 September 1997 can be completed by June 1998 and the last six months
of the one year dataset will be completed by June 1999. It may be possible to compile a full
year dataset earlier (June 1998) using operational streamflow data and replacing this with the
archived data when it becomes available. This will depend upon the needs of the GCIP
12.2 EOP Data Collection Plans for Continental Scale Areas (CSAs)
The list of data to be collected for the complete CSA during each year of the EOP are
given in Table 12-1 for In-Situ data, Table 12-2
for Model Output data and Table 12-3 for
Satellite Remote Sensing data. Additional datasets may be added as required.
Table 12-1. In-Situ Data Sets for CSA During the EOP
Surface Module Center
EOP Hourly Surface Composite X JOSS
EOP Hourly Precipitation Composite X JOSS
EOP Daily Precipitation Composite X JOSS
1-hr data from the ASOS Network (both comissioned and non-commissioned sites) X JOSS
1-hr data from SAO Stations (NWS and FAA) NCDC
1-hr data from NOAA Wind Profiler Demonstration Network (WPDN) Stations NCDC
1-hr data from the Oklahoma Mesonet Network OCS
1-hr data from the Illinois Climate Network (ICN) ICN
1-hr data from the High Plains Climate Network (HPCN) HPCC
1-hr data from the USDA SNOTEL Network USDA
1-hr and daily precipitation data from the NWS Cooperative Observer Network NCDC
Daily data from the the NWS Cooperative Observer Network NCDC
Daily streamflow from data from the USGS and USACE Networks USGS
Daily streamflow and precipitation data from TVA TVA
1-hr data from the USDA/Agricultural Research Service (ARS) OCS
1-hr radiation data from the NOAA SURFRAD Network FSL
Available Soil Moisture data from the USDA/SCS, USDA/ARS, DOE/ARM/CART, and ICN X JOSS
1-hr surface observations from the DOE Southern Great Plains ARM/CART site DOE
Will be others from other LSAs to be determined
Upper Air
1-hr data from the NOAA Wind Profiler Demonstration Network (WPDN) NCDC
12-hr high-resolution (6-sec vertical level) rawinsonde data from the NWS NCDC
12-hr Eta Model MOLTS Soundings (state parameters only) NCAR
ACARS and CASH flight data from commercial aircraft FSL
1-hr NIDS 2-km radar reflectivity composite X JOSS
1-hr NASA/MSFC 8-km National precipitation composite (derived from reflectivity) MSFC
1-hr and daily WSR-88D Stage III product composite (all available RFCs) X JOSS
WSR-88D Site Level II Archive Data NCDC
Table 12-2. Model Output Data for CSA During the EOP
Atmospheric Regional Models Module Center
Eta Data Assimilation System (EDAS) (3-hrly) X
Eta Model Forecast (12-hrly) X
Eta Model Initialization Analysis GIF Imagery (daily; UTC) UCAR/JOSS
Eta Model Location Time Series (hrly) (MOLTS) X
Eta Model Reduced Data Set (3-hrly) (MORDS) X
Eta Fixed Fields (including land surface) X
RFE Model Analyses (8-hrly) (MORDS) X
RFE Model Forecasts (12-hrly) (MORDS) X
RFE 3-D Fields AES/CMC
RFE Model Location Time Series (hrly) X
RFE Fixed Fields (including land surface) X
MAPS Model Output 3-D Fields NOAA/FSL
MAPS Model Output (MOLTS & MORDS) X
Atmospheric Global Models
NMC Medium Range Forecasts (MRF) (12-hrly) NCAR/DSS
CMC Global Spectral Model (12-hrly) AES/CMC
ECMWF Medium Range WX Fost Model (Daily) ECMWF
NMC Climate Data Assimilation System (CDAS) (Daily) NCAR/DSS
Hydrology Models
RFC Hydrology Model Data (8-hrly) TBD TBD
Derived Data Products
National Precipitation Analysis (Daily) X NCAR/DSS
Table 12-3. Satellite Remote Sensing Data for CSA during the EOP
POES Radiation Budget Data (4/day)
- Outgoing longwave (AVHRR) NCDC
- Planetary albedo (AVHRR) NCDC
- Downward longwave (HIRS) NCDC
- Longwave cooling rate (HIRS) NCDC
- Outgoing longwave (HIRS) NCDC
GOES Radiation Budget Data (hrly)
- Outgoing longwave (Sounder) TBD
- Downward longwave (Sounder) TBD
- Longwave cooling rate (Sounder) TBD
- Insolation/PAR NCDC
- Clear sky surface temperature NCDC
POES/AVHRR Vegetation Index (Weekly/Monthly) NCDC
DMSP/SSM/I Snowcover (Daily) NOHRSC
POES/CLAVR Clouds (2/day) NCDC
GOES/ASOS Clouds (hrly) NCDC
GOES Conus Sector Imagery (IR, VIS, WV) (hourly) UCAR/JOSS
Gridded Areal Snow Cover (Weekly) NOHRSC
Gridded Areal Snow Cover (Daily) TBD
Gridded Snow Water Equivalent (Weekly) NOHRSC
Gridded Snow Water Equivalent (Daily) TBD
12.3 Data Collection for ESOP-96
The ESOP-96 data can be divided into three major data categories: In situ, satellite, and
model. The responsibility in data collection will fall under each module of the GCIP Data
Management and Service System (DMSS) described in Section 13. Although most of the
data sources are operational in nature, special arrangements were made to obtain these data in
the highest resolution possible. Table 12-4 summarizes the individual datasets comprising the
ESOP-96. In addition, an initial phase of compiling a near surface observational data set from
the Little Washita Watershed and the ARM/CART site is being completed for the period of
April to September 1996 (see section 12.8 for further details). The ESOP-96 Tactical Data
Collection and Management Plan provides more details including a brief description of each
dataset with information regarding data collection, processing, and final archival and
information on dataset disseminationafter the compilation is completed in June 1997.
Information on the final ESOP-96 datasets will be provided in the ESOP-96 Tactical Data
Collection and Management Report to be completed after the data compilation is complete.
TABLE 12-4 Datasets comprising the ESOP-96
Surface Data
Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) Data
FAA Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS) Data
Surface Aviation Observations (SAO) Hourly Data
SAO Special Observation Data
High Plains Climate Network (HPCN) Data
Oklahoma Mesonet Data
USDA/Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Little Washita Watershed Micronet
CoAgMet Hourly Data
Missouri Commercial Agriculture Weather Station (CAWS) Network Data
Missouri Department of Conservation Fire Weather Network Data
NMSU Monitored Climate Station Network Data
NOAA Profiler Network (NPN) Surface Observations
DOE ARM/CART Surface Meteorological Data
DOE ARM/CART Radiation Data
USDA/ARS Little Washita Soil Moisture Data
USDA/NRCS Soil Moisture Data
NOAA/GEWEX Long-term Flux Monitoring Site Data
NWS Cooperative Observer Daily Observations
NWS Cooperative Observer Precipitation Data
ABRFC Precipitation Data
US Army Corps of Engineer (USACE) Precipitation and Streamflow Data
USGS Precipitation and Streamflow Data
USGS Reservoir Data
ESOP-96 Hourly Surface Composite
ESOP-96 5-min Surface Composite
ESOP-96 Hourly Precipitation Composite
ESOP-96 15-min Precipitation Composite
ESOP-96 Daily Precipitation Composite
Upper Air Data
NWS Upper Air Rawinsonde Data (6-sec vertical levels)
NWS Upper Air Rawinsonde Data (mandatory/significant levels)
DOE/ARM CART Site Upper Air Data
NOAA Profiler Network Data
Radar Data
WSR-88D Data
WSI Reflectivity Composite Imagery
ABRFC Stage III WSR-88D Data (including daily GIF imagery)
NASA/MSFC National Reflectivity Composite
Land Characterization Data
PSU 1-km Multi-Layer Soil Characteristics Dataset
Little Washita River Basin Soils and Land Cover
GOES-8/9 Satellite Imagery (Infrared, Visible, and Water Vapor)
GOES-8/9 VAS Data/Derived Products
DMSP SSM/I Data/Imagery
NOAA Weekly Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover Analysis
GOES/ASOS Cloud Observations
CLAVR Clouds
Satellite Radiation Datasets
EDC Bi-weekly Vegetation Index
CAGEX Products
Atmospheric Model Output
AES/CMC RFE Model Output
NOAA/NCEP Eta Model Output
NOAA/NCEP Eta Model 12 UTC Initial Analysis Daily GIFs
NOAA/FSL MAPS Model Output
MOLTS Output
MOLTS Derived Sounding Output
MORDS Output
Hydrologic Model Output
ABRFC Hydrologic Model Output
12.4 EOP-2 Data Collection During WY 1997
The plans for data collection for the second year of the EOP take account of the following
general requirements.
(i) The ESOP-97 is scheduled for the period 1 October 1996 through 31 May 1997 in the
geographical region identified as the LSA-NC for data to conduct focused studies on cold
season/region hydrometeorology.
(ii) The CSA data requirements are continuing for energy and water budget studies with an
increase in emphasis on model evaluation for the regional model output.
(iii) Annual data sets for the LSA-SW and LSA-NC are required for energy and water
budgets over an annual cycle plus model evaluations of the regional model output.
TABLE 12-5 Datasets comprising the ESOP-97
Surface Data
Upper Air Data
Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) Data
Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS) Data
Surface Airways Observations (SAO) Hourly Data
SAO Special Observation Data
NOAA Profiler Network (NPN) Surface Data
Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site Data
Canadian Surface Observations
NWS Cooperative Observer Daily Observations
NWS Cooperative Observer Precipitation Data
United States Army Corps of Engineer (USACE) Precipitation and Streamflow Data
United States Geological Survey (USGS) Streamflow Data
United States Department of Agriculture/Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA/NRCS) Soil Moisture Data
USDA/NRCS Soil Moisture/Soil Temperature (SM/ST) Data
USGS Reservoir Data
High Plains Climate Network (HPCN) Data
Deparment of Energy (DOE) ARM/CART Surface Meteorological Data
Great Lakes Meteorological Data
Management Systems Evaluation Areas (MSEA) Project Data
North Central River Forecast Center (NCRFC) Precipitation Data
NCRFC Winter Graphical Products and Data
DOE ARM/CART Soil Water and Temperature System (SWATS) Data
Wisconsin and Illinois Gravediggers Network Data
DOE ARM/CART Radiation Data
DOE ARM/CART Energy Balance Bowen Ratio (EBBR) and Eddy Correlation (ECOR) Data
USGS/Scientific Assessment and Strategy Team (SAST) Data
National Ice Center (NIC) Great Lakes Ice Data
ESOP-97 Hourly Surface Composite
ESOP-97 Hourly Precipitation Composite
ESOP-97 Daily Precipitation Composite
Illinois Department of Transportation (DOT) Network Data
Chicago Deicing Project Mesonet Data
Illinois Climate Network (ICN)Data
Cook County, Illinois Precipitation Network Data
Imperial Valley Water Authority Precipitation Network Data
Illinois State Water Survey (ISWS) Soil Moisture Data
ISWS Wells Data
Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) Air Quality Network Data
Walnut Creek Watershed (Iowa) Meteorological Data
Walnut Creek Watershed Precipitation Data
Davenport Iowa ALERT Network Data
Iowa State University (ISU) Soil Moisture Survey Data
Walnut Creek Watershed Surface and Groundwater Data
Walnut Creek Watershed Energy Balance and Evapotranspiration Monitoring Network Data
Overland Park Kansas ALERT Network Data
Michigan State University Automated Weather Station Network Data
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Fire Weather Network Data
Minnesota Road Research Project (Mn/ROAD) Data
Minnesota Extension Climatology Network Data
University of Minnesota (UM) Watershed Project Data
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Watershed Project Data
UM Rosemount Experiment Station Data
Other UM Experiment Station Data
USGS Interdisciplinary Research Initiative (IRI) Site Data
Minnesota Precipitation Network Data
Missouri Commercial Agriculture Weather Station (CAWS) Network Data
Missouri Department of Conservation Fire Weather Network Data
Missouri Air Pollution Control Program Network Meteorological Data
Papio Basin ALERT Network Data
North Dakota
Grand Forks Air Force Base Network Data
North Dakota Atmospheric Resources Board Cooperative Rain Gage Network Data
University of Wisconsin (UW) Agricultural Weather Observation Network (AWON) Data
Wisconsin Department of Transportation (DOT) Network Data
Wisconsin DNR Fire Weather Network Data
Wisconsin DNR Air Quality Network Data
Wisconsin Tower Flux Measurement Data
USDA/NRCS Wisconsin Dense Till (WDT) Data
NWS Upper Air Rawinsonde Data (6-sec vertical levels)
NWS Upper Air Rawinsonde Data (mandatory/significant levels)
DOE ARM/CART Site Upper Air Data
Canadian Upper Air Rawinsonde Data (10-sec vertical levels)
Canadian Upper Air Rawinsonde Data (mandatory/significant levels)
NOAA Profiler Network Data
Boundary Layer Profiler Data
Radar Data
WSR-88D Data
WSI Reflectivity Composite Imagery
NCRFC Stage III WSR-88D Data
NASA/MSFC National Reflectivity Composite
Land Characterization Data
PSU 1-km Multi-Layer Soil Characteristics Dataset
Walnut Creek Watershed Soil Characterization Data
GOES-8/9 Satellite Imagery and Derived Products
DMSP SSM/I Data/Imagery
NOAA Weekly Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover Analysis
GOES/ASOS Cloud Observations
CLAVR Clouds
Satellite Radiation Datasets
EDC Bi-weekly Vegetation Index
NOAA Airborne Gamma Snow Survey Data
NOAA/NOHRSC Satellite-Derived Snow Extent Data
Atmospheric Model Output
AES/CMC RFE Model Output
NOAA/NCEP Eta Model Output
NOAA/NCEP Eta Model 12 UTC Initial Analysis Daily GIFs
NOAA/FSL MAPS Model Output
MOLTS Output
MOLTS Derived Sounding Output
MORDS Output
Hydrologic Model Output
NCRFC Hydrologic Model Output
12.5 EOP-3 Data Collection During WY 1998
The data collection plans during WY 1998 takes account of the following known
requirements :
(i) The ESOP-98 is scheduled for the period 1 October 1997 through 31 May 1998 in the
geographical region identified as the LSA-NC for data to continue focused studies on cold
season/region hydrometeorology. The specific data requirements are expected to be very
similar to those for ESOP-97 with some modifications based on items learned during the ESOP-97.
The proposed data sets for the LSA-E are shown in Table 12-6 for in-situ data and
Table 12-7 for satellite remote sensing data. The current plans for model output data for the
LSA-E are the same as that given in Table 12-2 for the CSA.
Table 12-6. Proposed In-Situ Data for LSA-E During WY 1998 and WY 1999.
Surface Data
Upper Air Data
Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) Data
Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS) Data
Surface Airways Observations (SAO) Hourly Data
SAO Special Observation Data
NOAA Profiler Network (NPN) Surface Data
Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site Data
Canadian Surface Observations
NWS Cooperative Observer Daily Observations
NWS Cooperative Observer Precipitation Data
United States Army Corps of Engineer (USACE) Precipitation and Streamflow Data
United States Geological Survey (USGS) Streamflow Data
USDA/NRCS Soil Moisture/Soil Temperature (SM/ST) Data
USGS Reservoir Data
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Precipitation and Streamflow Data
TVA Nuclear Power Plant Meteorological Station Data
Regional Atmospheric Monitoring and Analytical Network (RAMAN) Data
USDA/Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Meteorological and Soils Data
Great Lakes Meteorological Data
NOAA River Forecast Center (RFC) Precipitation Data
RFC Graphical Products and Data
Wisconsin and Illinois Gravediggers Network Data
USGS/Scientific Assessment and Strategy Team (SAST) Data
National Ice Center (NIC) Great Lakes Ice Data
LSA-E Hourly Surface Composite
LSA-E Hourly Precipitation Composite
LSA-E Daily Precipitation Composite
Alabama Weather Observing Network Data
Redstone Arsenal Mesonet Data
Auburn University Mesonet Data
Georgia Automated Environmental Monitoring Network Data
Georgia Forestry Commission Automated Weather Station Network Data
Illinois Department of Transportation (DOT) Network Data
Illinois Climate Network (ICN) Data
Cook County, Illinois Precipitation Network Data
Imperial Valley Water Authority Precipitation Network Data
Illinois State Water Survey (ISWS) Soil Moisture Data
ISWS Wells Data
Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) Air Quality Network Data
Kentucky Division for Air Quality Meteorology and Air Quality Station Data
University of Kentucky Research Farm Meteorological Data
Michigan State University Automated Weather Station Network Data
North Carolina
North Carolina State University Experiment Station Weather Network Data
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection/Bureau of Air Quality Network Data
NOAA/GEWEX Long Term Flux Monitoring Site Data
Walker Branch Watershed Meteorological and Hydrological Data
Virginia Department of Environmental Quality Air Monitoring Station Data
University of Wisconsin (UW) Agricultural Weather
Observation Network (AWON) Data
Wisconsin Department of Transportation (DOT) Network Data
Wisconsin DNR Fire Weather Network Data
Wisconsin DNR Air Quality Network Data
Wisconsin Tower Flux Measurement Data
USDA/NRCS Wisconsin Dense Till (WDT) Data
Other State Surface Meteorological and Hydrological Network Data
TBD following Data Survey
NWS Upper Air Rawinsonde Data (6-sec vertical levels)
NWS Upper Air Rawinsonde Data (mand/sig levels)
Canadian Upper Air Rawinsonde Data (10-sec vertical levels)
Canadian Upper Air Rawinsonde Data (mand/sig levels)
Redstone Arsenal Rawinsonde Data
NOAA Profiler Network (NPN) Data
Boundary Layer Profiler Data
Radar Data
WSR-88D Data
WSI Reflectivity Composite Imagery
RFC Stage III WSR-88D Data
NASA/MSFC National Reflectivity Composite
Land Characterization Data
PSU 1-km Multi-Layer Soil Characteristics Dataset
Table 12-7. Proposed Satellite Remote Sensing Data During WY 1998 and WY 1999 Applicable for the LSA-E
Composite Daily Snow Depth Grid NCDC
Composite Daily Snow Cover (GOES, POES, DMSP) X NESDIS, NOHRSC
3-Day Composite DMSP SSM/I Snow Cover X NOHRSC
Composite Weekly Snow Cover Extent NESDIS
Monthly DMSP SSM/I Snow Cover in Percent X NCDC
Hourly GOES-8 1 km Visible (for LSA-E) UCAR OFPS
Daily POES AVHRR 1 km (Land Cover/Vegeatation) NOHRSC, EDC
Daily DMSP SSM/I Brightness Temperatures X MSFC DAAC
Daily DMSP SSM/T2 Radiances X MSFC DAAC
Daily DMSP OLS Visible Imagery NGDC
Daily DMSP OLS IR Imagery NGDC
POES Radiation Budget Data (4-Day) NCDC
POES Radiation Budget Data (hourly) NCDC
Composite Gridded Snow Water Equivalent * X NOHRSC
Composite Gridded Soil Moisture * X NOHRSC
Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery EDC
* Data from aircraft, satellite, and surface sources.
12.6 EOP-4 Data Collection During WY 1999
The data collection plans for EOP-4 are expected to be very similiar to those for EOP-
3 given in the previous section with the addition of LSA-NW
12.7 Retrospective Data Sets
OBJECTIVE: Develop high-quality retrospective databases of surface observations,
especially precipitation observations, surface meteorological observations, and streamflow for
use in calibration of key surface parameters in atmospheric and hydrological models.
12.8 Near Surface Observation Data Set
The second near-term objective for this GCIP major thrust area for 1996 to 1998 is - -
to produce a quantitative assessment of the accuracy and reliability of the model assimilated
and derived variables for applications to energy and water budgets. The successful
achievement of this objective will entail an extensive evaluation of both the model output and
the derived variables. All of the evaluations require a lengthy series of observed data for
those variables considered significant . As a start on this evaluation effort, GCIP is
compiling a special data set of observations for as many of the variables as reasonably
available. In order to maximize the number of observed variables this special data set is
focused on the region of the ARM/CART site and the Little Washita Watershed during the
period April 1, 1996 through March 31, 1998.
12.8.1 Summary Description of a Near-Surface Observation Dataset
A special dataset is being compiled for the geographical area which includes both the
ARM/CART site and the Little Washita Watershed as shown in Figure 7-1. The vertical
dimension will include from 3000 meters above the surface to two meters below the surface.
The specific types of observations are listed in Table 12-8 which is divided into three parts:
1. Boundary Layer (Z < 3000 meters)
The land surface studies and models can use the data at point locations to force land
surface models or can make use of the observations to complete an area analysis for different
size areas within the ARM/CART site and the Little Washita Watershed. The difficulty in
achieving a consensus on the techniques for an area analysis has necessitated a decision to
compile data as close as possible to an observational measurement. This will enable an
investigator to use whatever analysis techniques are deemed appropriate for their specific
2. Surface Layer (0 < Z < 10 meters)
3. Subsurface Layer (-2 < Z < 0 meters)
TABLE 12-8. Near Surface Observation Types in each Layer
1. Boundary Layer Z < 3000 meters
1.1 Temperature profiles
1.2 Water vapor profiles
1.3 Wind profiles
1.4 Clouds
2. Surface (0 < Z <10 meters)
2.1 Temperature, Specific Humidity, Wind Component, and Surface Pressure
3. Sub-surface (-2 < Z < 0 meters)
U & V component wind speed at 10 m
Temperature at 2 m
Specific humidity at 2 m
Surface pressure
2.2 Surface momentum flux
Surface U wind stress
Surface V wind stress
2.3 Surface sensible and latent heat fluxes
Surface latent heat flux
Surface sensible heat flux
Soil heat flux to Surface
2.4 Surface skin temperature
2.5 Precipitation (including snow)
2.6 Surface Radiation
Downward shortwave
Upward shortwave (albedo)
Downward longwave
Upward longwave
Net radiation (measured)
Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR)
2.7 Surface and ground water
2.8 Vegetation type and characteristics
2.9 Site Description
3.1 Soil moisture (profiles)
3.2 Soil temperature (profiles)
3.3 Soil physical and hydraulic properties
3.4 Wilting point
3.5 Rooting zone
3.6 Field capacity
12.8.2 Data Collection Schedule for Near Surface Observation Data Set
It is recognized that a full year data collection period is the most desired by the
persons surveyed. However, due to the implementation schedule of the full complement of
enhanced observations it was decided to postpone the start of a one-year data collection
period until 1 April 1997. Since a partial dataset containing the critical measurements would
be useful to GCIP investigators as soon as possible the data collection is divided into two