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4th DYNAMO Planning Meeting

February 28 - March 2, 2011
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science
University of Miami, Virginia Key, Florida

Monday, Feb 28 SLAB Seminar Room, S/A 103

Session 1: Plenary - Updates and Issues (Chair: Zhang)

8:30 am    Welcome Remarks and Logistics (Zhang)

8:45 am    DYNAMO (Zhang)

9:00 am    CINDY2011 (Yoneyama)

9:15 am    ONR DRI (Harper)

9:30 am    2nd Site Visit to Gan (Moore)

10:15 am   Coffee Break*

10:30 am   Ship: schedule and ports of call (Moum), site visit to Revelle (Brown), TOGA radar (Rutledge), air-sea instrumentation (Fairall), moorings (Moum)

11:20 am   Gan instrument: radar (Houze), AMF2 (Long)

11:40 am   Soundings (Johnson, Katsumata)

12:00 am   Introduction to the DYNAMO Operations Plan (Moore)

12:10 pm   Discussion: Issues that need to be resolved at the workshop

12:40 pm   DYNAMO Logo (Houze)

12:45 pm   Lunch (RSMAS Commons)

2:00 pm    Session 2: Breakout Discussions on the Operations Plans

Ship (Lead: Moum and Fairall; Assistant: Aaron Adams)

  • SLAB Seminar Room

Radar (Lead: Houze and Rutledge; Assistant: David Zermeno)

  • Dean's Conference Room

Aircraft (Lead: Wang and Jorgensen; Assistant: Rajib Chattopadhyay)

  • MPO Conference Room

Sounding (Lead: Johnson and Brown; Assistant: Jian Ling)

  • Library Study Room

Modeling and forecast (Lead: Maloney and Vinzileos; Assistant: Marcela Ulate)

  • Library Map Room

3:30 pm    Coffee Break*

4:00 pm    Session 2: Breakout Discussions on the Operations Plan (cont.)

6:00 pm    Reception with Cash Bar (The Commons)

Tuesday, March 1

8:30 am    Session 1: Plenary - Updates and Issues (cont.)  SLAB Seminar Room, S/A 103

8:30 am    Aircraft: P-3 (Wang, McFadden), French Falcon (Bourdon)

9:00 am    Diego Garcia access (Eleuterio, Moore)

9:10 am    Modeling (Maloney, Duvel)

9:25 am    Part a: Forecast, Part b: Meteo-France (Vintzileos, Nasuno, Duvel)

9:40 am    Session 3: Plenary - Cross-platform coordination (Chair: Yoneyama)

9:40 am    Radar-French Falcon (Schumacher,Viltard)

9:55 am    Radar-NOAA P3 (Jorgensen, Houze)

10:10 am   Sounding-NOAA P3 (Johnson, Wang)

10:20 am   Instrument intercomparison and standardizing measurement procedures (Fairall)

10:35 am   Discussion: Breakout group arrangements

10:40 am   Coffee Break*

11:00 am   Session 2: Breakout Discussions on the Operations Plan (cont.) (rooms to be assigned)

12:45 pm   Lunch (RSMAS Commons)

2:00 pm    Session 2: Breakout Discussions on the Operations Plan (cont.)

3:30 pm    Coffee Break*

4:00 pm    Session 4: Plenary report from Session 2 group discussions (Chair: Duvel) SLAB Seminar Room, S/A 103

5:30 pm    Adjourn

Wednesday, March 2

8:30 am    Session 5: Other Issues (Chair: Moore)

8:30 am     Operations Committee and communication structure (Moore)

8:45 am    Real-time forecast products (Vintzileos, Nasuno, Duvel, Zhang)

9:15 am    Special satellite data (Ramage)

9:30 am    Part a: Field Catalog, real time data products, and data policy, Part b: CINDY-2011 Data Plan (Stossmeister, Williams)

9:30 am    NCEP/ECMWF real-time forecast products (Vintziles, Duvel, Zhang)

10:15 am   Virtual and real operations center (Yoneyama, Moore)

10:35 am    Coffee Break*

11:00 am   Session 5 (cont.)

11:00 am   CINDY Science and Operation Committee (Yoneyama)

11:10 am   Personnel rotation schedules: Gan (Ellis, Long), Revelle (Moum), Diego Garcia (Brown)

11:30 am    Joint (funding agencies, UCAR, universities, labs) new release (Moore)

11:35 am   Discussion:  Remaining issues

12:15 am   Summary: Action items (Zhang)

12:30 pm   Workshop Ends

* All coffee breaks will be at SLAB Seminar Room, S/A 103

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