Effective December 16, John Pflaum
is working at the NOAA National Weather Service Office of Hydrology on
maximum rainfall probabilities.
Bob Grossman and
Peggy LeMone will
continue the functions of the office until a more permanent solution
is found. Many thanks for your supporting letters which should help us
in this effort.
We are happy to announce that the S-Pol radar portion of CASES-97, with
PI's Jim Wilson of NCAR, Ed Brandes of COMET, Chandrasekhar of Colorado
State University, and Dusan Zrnic of NSSL, has been funded through the
NCAR/USWRP internal competition. The radar will be sited near the
Wichita WSFO WSR-88D radar, southwest of Wichita. Funding of the radar
will enable Tammy Weckwerth of NCAR's Advanced Study Program to test
the feasibility of using remote radar-signal receivers to study the fair
weather boundary layer. These receivers will be sited in the western
part of the experimental domain. Regrettably, Claude Duchon and Michael
Stewart's proposal was not funded due to severe budget shortfalls in
COMET. See updated table.
Bob Grossman, Peggy LeMone, Steve Oncley (NCAR/ATD) and Kurt Knudson
(NCAR/ATD) selected 20 potential sites for surface flux stations during
the week of January 6.
We are trying to insure
that the three ASTER sites, which have time-series as well as flux data,
will be located at three different types of site. We were surprised to
see two instrumented tall towers (one 70 feet, one 350 feet) in the
experimental array. We will try to find out more about these.
Klazura, the ABLE site manager, helped us get started on the first day,
and showed us the ARM/ABLE profiler site at
which is online.
On the second day Grossman and Klazura took to the air to view the
watershed and make a first iteration on low-level flight tracks for
CASES-97 flux measurements.
On the last day Grossman went down to Ponca City, the site selected for
aircraft operations, to looks at meeting rooms; Grossman and LeMone
met with Dave Kehler, the Butler County Agricultural Extension Agent,
Dick Elder, the MIC, and Mike Stewart, the SOO, at the Wichita WSFO.
We are preparing materials for negotiation with
landowners, which should start next week. Site locations and
descriptions will become available as negotiations are completed.
On November 18-19, the CASES-97 planning meeting was held at NCAR.
CASES-97 PI's presented their goals, data to be collected for their
proposal, and needs for supplementary data. Several groups and
individuals described instruments that could or would be made available
to the CASES-97 efforts. This was followed by discussion of operations
decision-making, communications, staffing needs, student opportunities,
data management, and distribution of data after the experiment.
Please see CASES-97 Planning
Meeting Summary. If you think changes are needed in the summary,
please email
Peggy LeMone at lemone@ncar.ucar.edu.
CASES-97 has obtained two aircraft for its scientific use; the NSF
Univ. of Wyoming King Air Facility and the NOAA Twin Otter. These
aircraft are an important part of the overall expedition. Please
see the following descriptions of Aircraft Coordination Meeting below:
Comments from interested individuals are appreciated.
Please contact
Bob Grossman (grossman@colorado.edu).
There is little to report on the operations plan so far, except that
Bob Grossman and Peggy LeMone will take the lead in its construction,
with help from NCAR's ATD, UCAR's JOSS, and Argonne's Klazura, in
addition to several CASES-97 PI's. We are already getting inquiries on
data availability from the community.
Operations, communications, and living quarters are somewhat dependent
on selection of the ASTER central site. We'll keep you posted as to
progress. The aircraft base will be at Ponca City, and the air crews
have found good living accomodations. The WSFO at Wichita has said they
will be willing to help with forecasting, and we will be providing them
surface and radiosonde data.
Thanks to those of you who have sent in your data questionnaires.
Data uses and needs are becoming better defined. If you have not
filled in your data questionnaire, please do so!
Past What's New pages for CASES:
For further information, please contact either
Bob Grossman or
Peggy LeMone.
Next update will be in February 1997.
In the next few months we plan to include a separate CASES-97 page
showing instrumentation and status of CASES-97 experiments. Also
look for a Gallery of CASES related images in the near future.