
November CASES-97 Planning Meeting Summary

The meeting covered the following areas:

  1. Status of ABLE facility
  2. PI's needs and interests
  3. Supplemental instrumentation and projects
  4. Description of available instrumention
  5. Op Center tasks
  6. Data management and logistics
  7. Action items

  1. Status of Argonne Boundary Layer Experiment (ABLE) facility.

    By the time of the experiment:

    1. Profilers should be in place at Beaumont (ARM profiler, already up and running except for sfc weather station), Whitewater (January), and Oxford (March)
    2. Surface flux station should be in place 1-2 miles east of Smilyburg
    3. Central site should be in place at Augusta with office trailer, data assimilation capability, lots of power, and a surface met station

  2. PI Plans

    1. CASES-97 BL-surface interaction (Grossman/LeMone/Pielke/Zeng). NSF deployment will supply 8 surface flux stations (3 ASTER with 20-Hz time-series), three CLASS radiosonde stations, U Wyo King Air.

      Grossman and LeMone Will study diurnal variation of PBL for different surface evaporation conditions and gain confidence level in profilers. Special needs: raw profiler data (spectral data) should be recorded for five IOP's, synoptic-scale model analysis/prediction data plus synoptic surface data needed to determine forcing. Detailed satellite and model needs forthcoming.

      Site-Selection and Instrumentation Issues discussed include (a) CO_2 fluxes at central site, Argonne site, ARL site, (b) Desire to have as many stations along flight track as possible, esp stations with CO_2 and/or ozone flux (c) 3 ASTER stations should have max 10-km spacing; desire over different land-use areas so can get time-series data over different types of surface.

      Pielke and Zeng will use above instrumentation to (a) test and link surface flux scheme (BATS) to PBL scheme (that used in CCM2 or another), (b) use aircraft data to test feasibility of measuring impact of mesoscale eddies on fluxes, (c) aid Grossman/LeMone in defining surface characteristics. Special needs not already listed include: (a) Satellite: NDVI, skin temp, cloud fraction to derive other quantities (LAI, fractional vegetation cover (b)comparison satellite skin temp with that from surface and/or aircraft,

    2. Cuenca and Kelly will use raingauge, soil moisture data to examine the scales involved in soil-moisture variability as a function of time after a rainfall event using Towanda watershed. Instrumentation will include: (a) 1 site near Towanda with time-domain refractometry (TDR) to get soil moisture at several levels; 35 tipping-bucket raingauges; (b) 20 sites for manual TDR; (c) radar for definition of rainfall events (S-Pol and WSR-88D)

    3. Hicks and McMillan will model spatial variability of surface fluxes, using data from NOAA Twin Otter, Wyoming King Air, and surface flux towers. Special needs include low-level transects near surface towers for intercomparison.

    4. Arritt and Segal will examine evolution of low-level jet using available profilers including ABLE profilers (JETEX). Special needs: spectral data from profilers to remove bird contamination.

    5. Brandes and colleagues will use S-Pol radar return signal reflectivity, polarization, and phase to estimate precip amount and type, and compare S-Pol to Wichita WSR-88-D. Special needs: a chase van, reports of when rain and hail begin and end at staffed sites.

    6. Duchon/Stewart will use raingauges to evaluate S-Pol precip algorithms.

  3. Supplemental instrumention/projects that could be helpful

    1. Weckwerth will use three receivers at west side of triangle to test use of bistatic radar technology

    2. Delany wishes to compare his 'cheap' O_3 flux sensor with other sensors.

    3. Keeler/Bach/Bob McIntosh (UMASS) wish to compare UMASS profiler with data gathered in CASES; LES data generated from CASES-initiated runs.

    4. Banta described scanning Doppler lidar; 30-m horizontal range out to 10-12 km. Can get h, convergence; eye safe. (requires $)

    5. Augustine's group might supply radiation measurements including up and down, long and short wave; PAR, and UVB, wind temperature, and q. (requires $)

    6. Charles Long has an All-sky camera

    7. Oncley notes that 6 GPS receivers will be available; could be used along with profilers to estimate humidity profiles. May be available, though UNAVCO and/or Stankov (etl) et al would have to help in data analysis.

  4. Instrumentation Description

  5. Ops Center (rough outline of tasks)

    1. Run and Record daily operations
        Use weather forecast to decide on IOP's Coordinate (how often?)
          with aircraft during IOP (esp for launch times)
          with radiosonde stations (simultaneous soundings)
          with related PI's (Brandes et al., Arritt et al., Cuenca et al.)

    2. Monitor progress of experiment
        Filling up of 'contingency table' (covering desired range of Bowen ratios)
        Insure intercomparison data sets being collected

    3. Download and archive needed data
        From CASES-97 instrumentation
        ARL surface station
        Other (relevant data from ARM, GCIP, operational stream)

    4. Quality control of data
        Monitor data in real time
        Simple trouble shooting
        Simple analyses to check experimental design (for aircraft)

  6. Data management issues that must be addressed (Moore)

    1. What data (in addition to that being collected)?
        Forecasts? (what form? who from?)
        Operational data (e.g., ASOS, radiosondes)
        Model data (analyzed fields)
        Look for overlap with ongoing programs and exploit

    2. Real time data needs

    3. Quality control procedures
        Before experiment
          Observational plan for intercomparison
          Collecting 'best' data
          Collecting correction
          Algorithms or finding people who can apply
        During experiment
          Data monitoring
          Trouble shooting
        After experiment

    4. Documentation of data collection procedures
        Field notes, meeting notes, etc.
        Form -- hard copy, on the web, etc.

    5. Data format

    6. Data resolution

    7. Accessibility and time scale
        'raw' data
        improved data
        value-added data

    8. Interaction with local people who collect data

    9. Location/s of archive

    10. Sharing of data with NCEP in real time?

    11. Action Items

      1. Site Survey and Preparation (Grossman, LeMone, Oncley coordinate)
        • Ojima provide maps of surface land use (done)
        • Klazura send video to Oncley
        • Climatology maps (done)
        • Contact Wichita WSFO and Stewart re real-time radar data, forecasting
        • LeMone call John Gries (Wichita State) re soil maps

      2. Definition of data needs
        • Zeng, Pielke, Ojima, Delaney, Lundquist, McMillan, Tieszen, Coulter specify satellite needs and what they can supply other PI's.
        • LeMone with help of OFPS -- define needs from other data streams
        • Moore/Pflaum/Fowler: design data management questionnaire

      3. Definition of supplementary instrumentation
        • LeMone look into feasibility of obtaining humidity profiles using GPS
        • Check into additional O_3 and CO_2 sensors (LeMone, Oncley, Delaney)

      4. Other instrumentation issues
        • Moore/Duchon: send LeMone info on quality control for raingauges
        • LeMone?: Contact Bach about action on other profiler

      5. Outreach
        • Klazura/Pflaum (or volunteer) Work on educational outreach opportunities for CASE 97
        • Rao/Arritt: Look into REU opportunities, etc.
        • Rao -- coordinate with Kansas AERA's (and Klazura) regarding outreach opportunities for CASES 97.
        • LeMone: write Summary of jobs students could do; seek input
        • Klazura? -- announce CASES 97 and availability of guest instrument pad

      6. Aircraft component
          Grossman and flight group:
          • finalize flight pattern options
          • define sets of flight tracks, get
          • get low-level waivers.

      7. Ops Plan (LeMone and Grossman with help from JOSS)
        • Identify jobs (ops coordination, instrument status
        • List of what being measured with each platform
            Exchange of data (real time, later)
        • PI's must specify special needs:
            i.e., supplementary data sets
            data resolutions
            (if you are not happy about what is listed here or in official data requests -- otherwise indicate that ATD-stated resolutions are ok.)
        • Zeng: write a paragraph or two explaining the conditions producing the variation in soil moisture (summary of lecture given at meeting)

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    Last Modified: 24 Jan 1997