- 57: EVE, Site all, Tue 21-Oct-1997 04:53:21 GMT, New configuration
Over the last few days we have been trying to determine
the cause of the glitches on TRH data. We decided to try to
things: (1) increase the poll time from EVE to 5 secs, and (2)
add limit checks to the TRH data since the spikes seemed to be
very large values. The first item was based on a past test of
increasing the polling to 2 seconds which increased the time
period between spikes to 4 hours (1 second poll had a 2 hour
window). Also, a data file was collected last night from the
spare TRH unit. There were no bad data points when run at a
5 second sampling rate.
Stations 1 thru 3 have the new configuration. Station 4 still
has the 2 second sampling period with the limit check. If the
data looks good tomorrow morning, then station 4 will be re-
configured with a 5 second sample poll and no limit checks.
This may give us a clue as to the source of the problem.
- 85: EVE, Site 3, Mon 27-Oct-1997 02:24:54 GMT, Visit station 3, Baltimore, for RAM DISK
Jeff and I went to station 3 to get the RAM disk. We also spent
a fair amount of time coming back putting in stakes to flag the
road to the site.
- 159: EVE, Site 2, Fri 19-Dec-1997 21:41:55 AKST,
12/19 ~18:00gmt
Used eve_console to talk with Cleveland. Generator and instruments
still working, but data acquisition program is not working. Nothing is being
stored on the Flashcard. This explains why Splus is not showing any data
for Cleveland.
Attempted to use "stop" and "start" commands, but with each command,
communications locked up. Never got prompt back.
- 163: EVE, Site 2, Sun 21-Dec-1997 19:27:19 AKST,
Found problem with Cleveland not recording any data. The program
file config.dat was corrupted, by the extended power outage, the subsequent
cold, or the polar bear. One character was changed from an "L" to an "N",
causing it to hang at startup.
Have installed good version of program in spare board with the `
ramdisk on it. Will swap boards when we can get back to Cleveland, but
Atlanta must be visited first before it runs out of propane. Hope for Atlanta
visit tomorrow, but weather is deteriorating.
The RF link is too noisy to download the new program from the ship.
- 176: EVE, Site 4, Tue 30-Dec-1997 14:30:26 AKST, Flashcard problems at Florida and Baltimore
12/30 ~22:30
Florida and Baltimore have both stopped storing data on their
flashcards. Baltimore is also not sending any data to the ship.
Visited Florida to investigate why it stopped storing data on its
Plugged in laptop. Tried to look at flashcard and got:
System EVE# dir /card
Can't open "/CARD".
Turned off keyswitch on EVE box, waited 30 seconds, restarted. Then
was able to view /card with no problem.
Changed flashcard. On ship, found that recording on flashcard stopped
12/24 00:20gmt.
- 420: EVE, Site 2, Fri 24-Apr-1998 17:53:29 AKDT,
4/24 17:30-19:00
Installed new Schroff backplane in Seattle's EVE. Had John already
done this? The backplane I removed was already a Schroff.
Also replaced the button battery even though old battery was still
above 3V.
Data transmission after reinstalling EVE at Seattle did not resume,
even though data was being stored on RAM and on the Flashdisk. Killed what
looked like a hung process on pampoll and issued "start" command under
entersys while talking to Seattle via RF (which continued to work fine even
though data was not being sent correctly to the ship). Data transmission
No frost on any instruments.
- 421: EVE, Site 4, Fri 24-Apr-1998 17:59:17 AKDT,
4/24 19:00-20:00
Installed new Schroff backplane in Florida's EVE.
Also replaced the button battery even though old battery was still
above 3V.
No frost on any instruments.
- 422: EVE, Site 1, Fri 24-Apr-1998 18:00:32 AKDT,
4/24 21:45-22:00
Replaced Atlanta's EVE box with the spare EVE box, but still using
Atlanta's A/D board since the spare didn't have an A/D board.
John Militizer had already replaced the button battery in this spare
No frost on any instruments.
Dug out a fair bit of blown in snow from the upwind side of the
sled box hole (in the snow).
1/28/99 Changed Site number from 4 to 1 - twh
- 425: EVE, Site 2, Sat 25-Apr-1998 12:05:02 AKDT, Seattle change to config 54.
4/25 ~17:00gmt
Downloaded configuration 54 via RF to Seattle.
Prior to download, Seattle was reachable via RF, but was not storing
data on ram or flashcard. This problem had now happened twice since the
backplane swap.
After the download, data was still not being stored.
I went to Seattle and swapped the EVE box, keeping the A/D board
since we don't have a spare for that. Rocky had not been configured with
configuration 54, so when I loaded config, it went back to 52.
~20:00, I redownloaded configuration 54 via RF.
Data is being stored in ram and on flashcard.
- 426: EVE, Site 1, Sat 25-Apr-1998 12:13:39 AKDT, Atlanta change to config 54
4/25 ~17:15gmt
Downloaded configuration 54 via RF to Atlanta.
- 427: EVE, Site 3, Sat 25-Apr-1998 12:23:09 AKDT, Baltimore failed attempt to change to config 54
4/25 ~20:25gmt
Attempted download of configuration 54 via RF to Baltimore.
No packets appeared to arrive intact. Got message:
Retry 0: NAK on sector
Retry 0: Retry Count Exceeded
Please read the manual page BUGS chapter!
Will wait for next site visit to upgrade configuration.
- 429: EVE, Site 2, Mon 27-Apr-1998 08:05:54 AKDT, EVE box swap at Seattle.
4/25 ~18:00gmt
Swapped EVE boxes at Seattle due to problem with EVE not storing data
files on either ram or flashdisk.
- 543: EVE, Site 4, Sun 21-Jun-1998 10:23:55 AKDT, Fla - new config s04_0052.dat
Downloaded the new s04_0052.dat (size 18345) to Fla. When we looked at eve we
found a s03_0053.dat ( size 19955 ) and config.dat ( size 18070 ) not a 04 file
Fla is site FOUR not three and we don`t know were that config.dat was copied
from. That might be one source of some of the problem.
New config looks like:
s04_0052.dat on Fla EVE
config.dat on Fla EVE
60 shebop:/home/pam/config-> ls -l *0052*
-rw-r--r-- 1 pam pam 18362 Jun 19 13:09 fmt0052.dat
-rw-rw-r-- 1 pam pam 18160 Jan 28 12:24 fmt0052.old
-rw-rw-r-- 1 pam pam 18954 Jun 20 13:10 s01_0052.dat
-rw-rw-r-- 1 pam pam 18954 Jun 20 13:10 s02_0052.dat
-rw-rw-r-- 1 pam pam 18954 Jun 20 13:10 s03_0052.dat
-rw-rw-r-- 1 pam pam 18954 Jun 20 13:10 s04_0052.dat
8 pampoll:/home/pam/config-> ls -l *0052*
-rw-r--r-- 1 pam pam 18362 Jun 19 13:09 fmt0052.dat
-rw-rw-r-- 1 pam pam 18160 Jan 28 12:24 fmt0052.old
-rw-rw-r-- 1 pam pam 18954 Jun 20 13:10 s01_0052.dat
-rw-rw-r-- 1 pam pam 18954 Jun 20 13:10 s02_0052.dat
-rw-rw-r-- 1 pam pam 18954 Jun 20 13:10 s03_0052.dat
-rw-rw-r-- 1 pam pam 18954 Jun 20 13:10 s04_0052.dat
The update on Fla took place at 2330 on June 20, 1998 JD 171.
We found that the command xmodem -yt sXX_NNNN.dat works better than xmodem -yrt
in the "From PC to EVE via Ymodem" section of the Software Guide.
That way the rest of the instructions makes sense. Maybe also change the
"upload button" to the "send file button", just a minor point.
The "Direct Download of Configuration from Base to EVE" aborted by itself (timed
Dominique et moi