SHEBA: Logbook Entries

SHEBA: Base_Software Messages: 12 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author #Graphics
30 Sat 11-Oct-1997fmt0050.dat created / downloaded to stationsallJohn Militzer
43 Thu 16-Oct-1997SHEBA PrintersbaseJohn Militzer
71 Fri 24-Oct-1997PAMPOLL downbaseSteve Semmer
152 Wed 17-Dec-1997baseJeff Otten
197 Thu 08-Jan-1998nc_server not runningbaseSteve Semmer
268 Sat 21-Feb-1998baseJeff Otten
271 Sat 21-Feb-1998Changed heaton=5 and heatoff=3600 at ATL, FLA, BALbaseJeff Otten
476 Tue 19-May-1998pollup script mods.baseDave Costa
477 Tue 19-May-1998reset time on pampollbaseDave Costa
493 Fri 29-May-1998Level 0 backup on SHEBOPbaseDave Costa
724 Tue 01-Dec-1998Post field: merged packet databaseGordon Maclean
726 Wed 09-Dec-1998Preliminary FSL data sets availableOla Persson

30: Base_Software, Site all, Sat 11-Oct-1997 19:27:52 GMT, fmt0050.dat created / downloaded to stations
Gordon's new ftp file was received today which included 

I edited the file to increase the trh timeout from .25 to .5 seconds,
and EVEmaked the sta00x.dat files.

These files were transferred to the Laptop and the remote stations....or
at least that's my intention to do now...

43: Base_Software, Site base, Thu 16-Oct-1997 04:13:58 GMT, SHEBA Printers
I finally got around to adding the printers tonight.

I named these:
	color1	color laserjet 5M
	sp_1	B/W laserjet 6MP

I added to the PAM login:
	letenv LPDEST sp_1

I have not configured in a default system printer though.

71: Base_Software, Site base, Fri 24-Oct-1997 14:42:20 GMT, PAMPOLL down
PAMPOLL is down. There is no response over the net.
Data collection stopped at about 5:00 AM local time.

Reason:  the ship's net connection was broken - the hub in the
officer's lounge fell off the wall.

152: Base_Software, Site base, Wed 17-Dec-1997 21:24:39 AKST,
12/18 06:20gmt
	Installed 971215 logbook software upgrade from Gordon.
197: Base_Software, Site base, Thu 08-Jan-1998 06:28:08 AKST, nc_server not running
Error message in log: nc_server not responding: RPC: Timed out.

FOLLOW-UP:  PAMPOLL had to be rebooted to get nc_server running
properly. No data was lost. Trying to restart nc_server with the
script nc_server.up did not work. Tryed doing polldn then pollup.
This did not work either.

268: Base_Software, Site base, Sat 21-Feb-1998 07:31:42 AKST,
2/20 ~22:00
	Installed latest software upgrade, which includes sonic heater 
control based on tcount.

2/21 ~16:30
	Remotely changed heaton=300 and heatoff=3600 at Atlanta, Florida, 
and Baltimore.
271: Base_Software, Site base, Sat 21-Feb-1998 19:11:09 AKST, Changed heaton=5 and heatoff=3600 at ATL, FLA, BAL
2/22 ~04:10
	Remotely changed heaton=5 and heatoff=3600 at Atlanta, Florida, 
and Baltimore.

	Still investigating problem with Florida where the sonic heaters cycle 
on and off every 5 minutes.

476: Base_Software, Site base, Tue 19-May-1998 13:33:04 AKDT, pollup script mods.
I removed the -S option from the pollup script on pampoll.  I will FTP 
/var/log/pam.log to Gordon.

FYI  ->  before I did the mods ~1300 Alaskan  I found pampoll in the suspend mode.  I had to hit the reboot/power button twice.  I held it for one sec then release.  The first time it cleared the suspend icon ( still locked up, though ), then once more to reboot it.


477: Base_Software, Site base, Tue 19-May-1998 13:44:48 AKDT, reset time on pampoll
I reset the time on pampoll with the date command.  It was slow about ten mins.


493: Base_Software, Site base, Fri 29-May-1998 21:51:53 AKDT, Level 0 backup on SHEBOP
The output from level 0 backup on SHEBOP.  Dave

# ./backup.lev0
Start: Fri May 29 20:09:44 AKDT 1998
Dumping /
  DUMP: Writing 63 Kilobyte records
  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Fri May 29 20:09:46 1998
  DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
  DUMP: Dumping /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s0 (shebop:/) to /dev/rmt/0mn.
  DUMP: Mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
  DUMP: Mapping (Pass II) [directories]
  DUMP: Estimated 244714 blocks (119.49MB) on 0.03 tapes.
  DUMP: Dumping (Pass III) [directories]
  DUMP: Dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
  DUMP: 244690 blocks (119.48MB) on 1 volume at 429 KB/sec
  DUMP: Level 0 dump on Fri May 29 20:09:46 1998
Dumping /usr
  DUMP: Writing 63 Kilobyte records
  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Fri May 29 20:14:47 1998
  DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
  DUMP: Dumping /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s6 (shebop:/usr) to /dev/rmt/0mn.
  DUMP: Mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
  DUMP: Mapping (Pass II) [directories]
  DUMP: Estimated 380830 blocks (185.95MB) on 0.05 tapes.
  DUMP: Dumping (Pass III) [directories]
  DUMP: Dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
  DUMP: 380770 blocks (185.92MB) on 1 volume at 473 KB/sec
  DUMP: Level 0 dump on Fri May 29 20:14:47 1998
Dumping /home
  DUMP: Writing 63 Kilobyte records
  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Fri May 29 20:21:48 1998
  DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
  DUMP: Dumping /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7 (shebop:/home) to /dev/rmt/0mn.
  DUMP: Mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
  DUMP: Mapping (Pass II) [directories]
  DUMP: Estimated 848282 blocks (414.20MB) on 0.10 tapes.
  DUMP: Dumping (Pass III) [directories]
  DUMP: Dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
  DUMP: 70.35% done, finished in 0:04
  DUMP: 848230 blocks (414.17MB) on 1 volume at 475 KB/sec
  DUMP: Level 0 dump on Fri May 29 20:21:48 1998
Dumping /data
  DUMP: Writing 63 Kilobyte records
  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Fri May 29 20:37:01 1998
  DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
  DUMP: Dumping /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s3 (shebop:/data) to /dev/rmt/0mn.
  DUMP: Mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
  DUMP: Mapping (Pass II) [directories]
  DUMP: Estimated 654474 blocks (319.57MB) on 0.08 tapes.
  DUMP: Dumping (Pass III) [directories]
  DUMP: Dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
  DUMP: 91.16% done, finished in 0:00
  DUMP: 654442 blocks (319.55MB) on 1 volume at 485 KB/sec
  DUMP: Level 0 dump on Fri May 29 20:37:01 1998
Exabyte EXB-8500 8mm tape drive:
   sense key(0x0)= No Additional Sense   residual= 0   retries= 0
   file no= 4   block no= 0
Taking tape offline
Finished: Fri May 29 20:49:55 AKDT 1998

724: Base_Software, Site base, Tue 01-Dec-1998 10:09:02 MST, Post field: merged packet data
The packet files from the "flash" and "polled" directories on
shebop were read from the backup tape that Tom/John made just
before shutdown.  These files were merged with the ones
we had here on /net/pam, and the data copied into the netcdf

Therefore, the netcdf files here at NCAR should be complete.

726: Base_Software, Site , Wed 09-Dec-1998 15:50:14 GMT, Preliminary FSL data sets available
To: Christopher Fairall ,
        Ed Andreas
        Martin Mulhern
        Peter Guest 
Cc: John Militzer ,
        Nimal Gamage
Subject: preliminary data sets
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1998 09:28:43 -0700 

Hi all!

I just put two files of data on our anonymous location, one has hourly means
and the other has daily means.  These files combine the data from the sonics
and the "slow" sensors at the met tower site. The files have averages of all
the instruments and all 5 levels (when relevant) at the tower site for the
entire year.  This includes sensible heat fluxes, u*, radiative fluxes,
etc., as well as surface pressure & true wind direction.  It will not
include anything from the ophir, nor does it include the Barnes or the
original relative humidities (there are columns for the latter two, so they
will be in the final version after more calibrations, etc.).  The
calibrations include all pre-experiment calibrations (e.g., CMDL
calibrations of radiometers), but not the intercomparisons during the field
program.  Eppley-derived surface temperatures use emissivity of 0.99.
Tower-orientation & pressure is obtained from Florida adjusted for the
various moves of this site.  The daily averages for sonic data exclude the
times flagged as anomalous (manually and automatically).  These are fresh
out of a new/revised matlab program, so let me know if there are problems.

I envision that this would not be the public release data files, but rather
the files that we PIs work from and that NCAR personell can use for QC work.
Let me know if there are other parameters, formats, etc, you want in the
final version of these files.  For instance, do you want the mean sonic
temperatures?  How about the dome and case temperatures from the
radiometers?  Should we also put in the ophir data and latent heat fluxes
once someone gets working on that?  The file is already quite big, esp. with
all the sonic variances and structure functions.  (Peter, note that u* and w
only have increased accuracy for about 30 days in the spring and after JD
221, as only this sonic data was processed after you made the request.  When
the final sonics are reprocessed a final time, all data will have the
increased accuracy).

The files are tab-delimited text files, have headers for each column, run
from JD302 1997 - JD273 1998, and are called


If you have any questions, just ask.
