SGS00: Logbook Entries

SGS00: Calibrations Messages: 4 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author #Graphics
79 Mon 18-Sep-2000Changed Tbox calibration in prep.confighorst
13 Wed 05-Jul-2000Changed cosmos to RF data transmissionhorst
11 Tue 04-Jul-200010 Hz CSAT data ingest testhorst
10 Mon 12-Jun-2000Adam testnonemaclean

79: Calibrations, Site , Mon 18-Sep-2000 16:07:00 PDT, Changed Tbox calibration in prep.config
Yesterday we found that the calibration of Tbox for cosmos in
prep.config was simply linear(10.0,"degC").  We looked at prep.config
for EBEX and used the calibration for cosmos Tbox, 
linear(-86.11932,159.5322,"degC"), to change all the prep.configs
for SGS.

13: Calibrations, Site , Wed 05-Jul-2000 10:08:46 MDT, Changed cosmos to RF data transmission
Steve switched from hardwire to RF data transmission this morning, prior
to 1500 GMT.  I then used the lashup to reconfigure the OSU sonic back
to RS=0.  The bottom line is that there are a number of interupptions in
data file cos000705.08000.

I did an mxreset on cosmos at 15:32.  At this time the data are fine at
10 Hz.
11: Calibrations, Site , Tue 04-Jul-2000 08:08:55 MDT, 10 Hz CSAT data ingest test
On June 29 (?) we hardwired the ADAMS to ASTER, elimininating the RF
data transmission link in order to isolate the cause of the cosmos crashes.

At 1753 GMT, June 30, we reset the CSAT sonics to 10 Hz (A9).
So far, cosmos appears to have operated ok, judging by the lack of
crashes and the output of data_stats.

10: Calibrations, Site none, Mon 12-Jun-2000 15:51:48 MDT, Adam test
Attached 4 CSAT3 sonics to cosmos.  Each sonic is Y'd into 4 serial ports,
in order to simulate 16 sonics into one adam.  The sonics are configured
for 20hz,  (parameter Ac).

project SGS00, ops0

Channel grouping
sonic	channels	variable suffix
#1	200,201,204,205  a,b,e,f
#2	202,203,206,207	 c,d,g,h
#3	208,209,212,213	 i,j,m,n
#4	210,211,214,215  k,l,o,p

cosmos: matrix  sn 940211101
goldenrod: ironics 3234, sn 129043
datel: sn 400190
VME chassis #4

Breezecom radio: unit A, 16db antenna

archive files

cos000610.235245: started test
cos000611.000000  OK
cos000611.080000  OK
cos000611.160000  died at 22:07  (16:07 MDT)
cos000611.220818  restarted itself, but ironics did not come up

cos000612.032846  did an MXRESET. ok
cos000612.080000  ran until 15:57 (09:57 MDT)

So, there are 2 unexplained adam crashes.  The other adams kept
running (though they only had 1 1hz analog port enabled).

A data_dump of channel 0 showed no problems before the crash:
	data_dump -f cos000612.080000 -c 0 -A
syslog also showed no errors, except for ingest timeouts after adam crashes.

Covars look good during this time.  In 23 hours of data from Jun 10 2352 to
Jun 11, 22:07 GMT the results are identical for the four ports connected
to a sonic.

The only differences seen are when a sample is put into a
different 5 minute average.  Here are some u averages:

00 06 10 213230.000 0.05689919 0.05690063 0.05689919 0.05690063
00 06 10 213730.000 0.06431438 0.06431170 0.06431438 0.06431170

> attr(x,"weights")[44:45,c(1,2,5,6)]
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] 
[1,] 6001 6000 6001 6000
[2,] 6000 6001 6000 6001

On two channels, 6001 samples are summed the first average and 6000 in
the second average, and vice-versa for the other two channels.