METCRAX: Logbook Entries

METCRAX: Site Base Messages, 7 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author #Graphics
110 Sat 21-Oct-2006Now have 2 Pocketec copies of dataBaseOncley
83 Sun 15-Oct-2006spare inverterBaseMartin
82 Sun 15-Oct-2006dirtBaseMartin
74 Sun 15-Oct-2006Refueled generator, fuel leakBaseHorst
54 Wed 11-Oct-2006refueld generatorBaseMartin
44 Sat 07-Oct-2006krypton calibrations entered in configuration filesBaseMartin
43 Sat 07-Oct-2006Brought spare etherant antenna to baseBaseHorst

110: LOG, Site Base, Sat 21-Oct-2006 15:48:29 MST, Now have 2 Pocketec copies of data
Since /data is now 100% full (just squeezed in the last downloads, I think),
we need to make space.  We had one local copy of all the data on Pocketec,
and another should now be in Boulder [could someone confirm this?], so I used
another one of our "shuttle" Pocketecs to make an additional local copy.
Hopefully, this should be enough of a safety factor.

83: Power, Site Base, Sun 15-Oct-2006 17:22:28 MST, spare inverter
I have left a spare inverter in the base trailer (please return
to Charlie after project). If the inverter at the ap24 flakes 
out again (three strikes you're out), you can try swapping
in this spare.
82: Soil, Site Base, Sun 15-Oct-2006 17:10:18 MST, dirt
I have loaded Greg's Cupido dirt into my car
and will deliver it to him when I get back
to Boulder.

74: Power, Site Base, Sun 15-Oct-2006 09:21:26 MST, Refueled generator, fuel leak
Refueled the generator today and noticed a steady fuel leak.  Called Jason to
hasten service visit.
54: Power, Site Base, Wed 11-Oct-2006 12:51:02 MST, refueld generator
refueled generator

44: Software, Site Base, Sat 07-Oct-2006 18:47:18 MST, krypton calibrations entered in configuration files
krypton calibrations were entered in the master isff.xml
and the individual station files (isff_*.xml).

43: Data, Site Base, Sat 07-Oct-2006 17:59:39 MST, Brought spare etherant antenna to base
Found the spare etherant antenna on the crater floor and brought it to the base.