HVAMS03: Logbook Entries

HVAMS03: Site base Messages, 4 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author #Graphics
39 Mon 15-Sep-2003Changed KH2O S/n's in prep.configbasehorst
25 Mon 25-Aug-2003phone numbersbaseknudson
5 Fri 25-Jul-2003HVAMS03 scripts for plotting databasemaclean
4 Fri 25-Jul-2003HVAMS03 scripts for fetching databasemaclean

39: Fast_KH2O, Site base, Mon 15-Sep-2003 15:23:40 EDT, Changed KH2O S/n's in prep.config
With Gordon's prompting, I changed the KH2O s/n's at stations 5,7,8,9
in prep.config to coincide with those actually mounted on the stations.
The original s/n's in prep.config were in numerical order, but they
weren't all deployed that way.

Stn	old.s/n	actual s/n
1	1101	1101
2	1133	1133
3	1389	1389
4	1390	1390
5	1391	1394
6	1392	1392
7	1394	1391
8	1395	1397
9	1396	1395

spare	1397	1396

25: Base, Site base, Mon 25-Aug-2003 09:28:04 MDT, phone numbers

phone numbers are located in /net/isff/pam/projects/HVAMS03/doc

5: Base, Site base, Fri 25-Jul-2003 12:14:00 MDT, HVAMS03 scripts for plotting data
These scripts are found on 

If data is not being plotted, check the log files for errors.
process_check hvams03_web

  process_check is run from Gordon's crontab on syrah, at xx:28 and xx:58
  every hour.  It simply checks that the script hvams03_web is
  running, and if not, starts it.


    Loops forever, theoretically.. 
    At 5 minutes after the hour it runs the following:
    logfile: $PAM/projects/$PROJECT/logs/hvams03_web.log
    To change the loop period of this script, edit it and update the 
    runperiod, and runoffset variables.  You will then have to kill 
    it from the maclean account on mead:
	kill -TERM pid
    The next time process_check runs it will be restarted.

      copies the logbook to the HVAMS03 web pages

      This script is run from hvams03_web. If the
      local time is between 06:00 and 23:00 it runs:
	webplots today
        qctables today
      to make the current day's web plots.

      If the local time is after 06:00 and before 13:00 it updates
      yesterday's web plots:
         webplots yesterday
         qctables today

      If the local time is after 13:00 it makes the
      final version of yesterday's web plots:
        webplots yesterday
        qctables yesterday 

        Runs Splus to make a slew of plots, which are placed on the HVAMS
        web pages in .png form.  
        Logfile:  $PAM/projects/HVAMS03/slogs/webplots_YYYYMMDD

        Makes the html tables, giving mean,stdev,etc for each variable.

4: Base, Site base, Fri 25-Jul-2003 11:05:36 MDT, HVAMS03 scripts for fetching data

These scripts are found on either $PAM/scripts, or

If data is not arriving, check the log files for errors.
process_check hvams03_daps

  process_check is run from Gordon's crontab on mead, at xx:25 and xx:55 
  every hour.  It simply checks that the script hvams03_daps is
  running, and if not, starts it.


    Loops forever, in theory. 
    At XX:00:04 and XX:30:04 after the hour it runs
     $PAM/scripts/dodaps, which fetches
    data from DAPS, and writes Netcdf files on $PAM/projects/HVAMS03/netcdf.
    logfile: $PAM/projects/$PROJECT/logs/hvams03_daps.log
    To change the loop period of this script, edit it and update the
    runperiod, and runoffset variables.  You will then have to kill it 
    from the maclean account on mead:
	kill -TERM pid
    The next time process_check runs it will be restarted.

    dodaps -N mead
      This script is run from hvams03_daps.  It runs $PAM/scripts/getdaps
      to fetch data for the PAM platforms, writes the data packets to
      $PAM/projects/HVAMS03/packets/nesdis, and converts the data to netcdf
      logfile: $PAM/projects/HVAMS03/dapslogs/isfflog/YYMMDD.log

        Run from $PAM/scripts/dodaps
        telnets to the DAPS server, and uses expect program to interact
        with server and download data packets.
        logfile: $PAM/projects/HVAMS03/dapslogs/YYMMDD.log
        daps telnet session logs:
          successfull daps telnet sessions:
                gzipped session files. To view one do:  zcat dapsYYMMDD...
          failed daps telnet sessions: