CuPIDO: Logbook Entries

CuPIDO: Site all Messages, 47 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author #Graphics
338 Mon 28-Aug-2006TP01 probesallsemmer
337 Mon 28-Aug-2006Station removalallsemmer
336 Sat 26-Aug-2006Daily Status, 26 August allsemmer
333 Fri 25-Aug-2006Daily Status, 25 August allideris
327 Thu 24-Aug-2006Daily Status, 23 Augustallideris
319 Wed 23-Aug-2006Daily Status, 23 Augustallideris
316 Tue 22-Aug-2006Daily Status, 22 Augustallideris
315 Mon 21-Aug-2006Daily Status, 21 Augustallideris
251 Thu 10-Aug-2006Entering cal coefficients on CR10allmaclean
190 Fri 28-Jul-2006Daily status, July 28allhorst
188 Thu 27-Jul-2006NOAA NESDIS downallmaclean
187 Thu 27-Jul-2006Daily status, July 27allhorst
147 Sat 22-Jul-2006Daily status, July 22allhorst
144 Fri 21-Jul-2006Revised gravimetric procedureallhorst
141 Wed 19-Jul-2006New activity: Enter status reports on the CuPIDO field catalogallpoulos
140 Wed 19-Jul-2006Daily status 19 Julyallpoulos
138 Tue 18-Jul-2006Mast Tool Use Hintsallmilitzer
137 Tue 18-Jul-2006Daily status 18 Julyallpoulos
127 Mon 17-Jul-2006Daily status 16 Julyallpoulos
126 Mon 17-Jul-2006Daily status 17 Julyallpoulos
118 Sun 16-Jul-2006Estimated station usb drive fill times - Station 5! 10 days! Suspiciousallpoulos
112 Sat 15-Jul-2006Daily status 15 Julyallpoulos
101 Fri 14-Jul-2006Daily status 14 Julyallpoulos
99 Thu 13-Jul-2006Daily status 13 Julyallpoulos
88 Wed 12-Jul-2006Daily status 11 Julyallpoulos
87 Wed 12-Jul-2006Daily status 12 Julyallpoulos
86 Wed 12-Jul-2006data_dump guidance - scan and plotallpoulos
84 Mon 10-Jul-2006Regular Duties at CuPIDOallpoulos
83 Mon 10-Jul-2006Daily status 10 Julyallpoulos
74 Sat 08-Jul-2006Daily status 8 Julyallpoulos
73 Sat 08-Jul-2006Iridium Phone Instructionsallmilitzer
69 Fri 07-Jul-2006Daily status 7 Julyallpoulos
65 Thu 06-Jul-2006Daily status 2 Julyallpoulos
64 Thu 06-Jul-2006Daily status 3 Julyall
63 Thu 06-Jul-2006Daily status 4 Julyallpoulos
62 Thu 06-Jul-2006Daily status 5 Julyallpoulos
61 Thu 06-Jul-2006Daily status 6 Julyallpoulos
54 Wed 05-Jul-2006Site duty summary table, boom angles etc.allpoulos
53 Wed 05-Jul-2006Transit times and distances for sites, CuPIDO travel logisticsallpoulos
52 Wed 05-Jul-2006Pictures of sites: statusallpoulos
39 Wed 05-Jul-2006Base Networking Addressesallmilitzer
25 Mon 03-Jul-2006Gordon's instructions on rebuilding software, vis GOESOutput.ccallmilitzer
16 Sun 02-Jul-2006Site to site travel timesallpoulos
15 Sun 02-Jul-2006Use the satellite phonesallpoulos
6 Sat 01-Jul-2006Boom Anglesallmilitzer
3 Sat 01-Jul-2006Daily Status 1 July: First Day of Projectallpoulos
2 Sat 24-Jun-2006How to copy data files from usb pen driveallmaclean

338: soil, Site all, Mon 28-Aug-2006 08:25:53 MST, TP01 probes
The TP01 probes, at site 2, 5, and 10, had a fold in the thin film transducer.
I assume during installation that the top of the film caught an edge and
started the fold. This is something nobody would have noticed. 

337: daily status, Site all, Mon 28-Aug-2006 08:22:17 MST, Station removal
Yesterday was the start of teardown. I went to stations 1,2,5,6,7,8,9, and 10
to remove the TRH, RNET, and soil sensors. The ADAMS were shutdown and the
USBdisks removed. The batteries are now charging via the solar panels. Today
I hope to go back to those sites to continue the removal of sensors and

336: daily status, Site all, Sat 26-Aug-2006 08:33:21 MST, Daily Status, 26 August
CuPIDO ISFF daily status, August 26, 8;45 am

On site: AJ Ideris (512-762-6515), Steve Semmer (303-319-5585)

Summary:  All stations working. 

  Station 01,   N: Operating normally
  Station 02,  NE: Operating normally
  Station 03, ENE: Operating abnormally, GOES down, local storage working
  Station 04,   E: Operating normally, 
  Station 05, SSE: Operating normally
  Station 06,   S: Operating normally
  Station 07,  SW: Operating normally
  Station 08,   W: Operating normally, intermittent noise on logger
  Station 09, WNW: Operating normally
  Station 10, NNW: Operating normally

station visits:
Site 3: Yesterday's visit to 3 was a partial success. We were able to fix the
rain gage and a problem in the logger interface but bad weather stopped us
from diagnosing the GOES problem and lowering the mast to change the prop
bearings. More details in logbook.

333: daily status, Site all, Fri 25-Aug-2006 08:32:49 MST, Daily Status, 25 August
CuPIDO ISFF daily status, August 25, 7:30 am

On site: AJ Ideris (512-762-6515), Steve Semmer (303-319-5585)

Summary:  All stations working. 

  Station 01,   N: Operating normally
  Station 02,  NE: Operating normally
  Station 03, ENE: Operating abnormally, rain gauge is faulty but that is now 
  superceeded by a complete GOES outtage, maybe more?
  Station 04,   E: Operating normally, 
  Station 05, SSE: Operating normally
  Station 06,   S: Operating normally
  Station 07,  SW: Operating normally
  Station 08,   W: Operating normally
  Station 09, WNW: Operating normally
  Station 10, NNW: Operating normally

station visits:
Site 5: We were able to take soil samples and exchange the datadrive to check 
for intermittant logger data, which we still believe to be a GOES problem. The 
threat of becoming mutants, I mean, being struck by lightning limited our 
327: daily status, Site all, Thu 24-Aug-2006 09:13:06 MST, Daily Status, 23 August
CuPIDO ISFF daily status, August 24, 9:00 am

On site: AJ Ideris (512-762-6515), Steve Semmer (303-319-5585)

Summary:  All stations working. Intermittant noise seems to have corrected 
itself for the most part.
  Station 01,   N: Operating normally
  Station 02,  NE: Operating normally
  Station 03, ENE: Operating normally, at low speeds the 10m propvane has lower   wind speeds than the 7m sonic anemometer indicating a bearing problem.
  Station 04,   E: Operating normally, 
  Station 05, SSE: Operating normally
  Station 06,   S: Operating normally
  Station 07,  SW: Operating normally
  Station 08,   W: Operating normally
  Station 09, WNW: Operating normally
  Station 10, NNW: Operating normally

station visits:
Site 5: Were able to exchange data drive and replace desiccant in Rnet, but 
there was threat of lightining. We didn't feel like getting killed or becoming 
mutants. Although, we would have preferred to become mutants.
319: daily status, Site all, Wed 23-Aug-2006 08:23:01 MST, Daily Status, 23 August
CuPIDO ISFF daily CuPIDO ISFF daily status, August 23, 8:00 am

On site: AJ Ideris (512-762-6515), Steve Semmer (303-319-5585)

Summary:  All stations working.

  Station 01,   N: Operating normally
  Station 02,  NE: Operating normally
  Station 03, ENE: Operating normally, at low speeds the 10m propvane has lower   wind speeds than the 7m sonic anemometer indicating a bearing problem.
  Station 04,   E: Operating normally, 
  Station 05, SSE: Operating normally
  Station 06,   S: Operating normally, intermittent noise on logger
  Station 07,  SW: Operating normally
  Station 08,   W: Operating normally
  Station 09, WNW: Operating normally
  Station 10, NNW: Operating normally

station visits:
Site 3: Routine maintainence.
316: daily status, Site all, Tue 22-Aug-2006 09:45:01 MST, Daily Status, 22 August
CuPIDO ISFF daily status, August 22, 9:30 am

On site: AJ Ideris (512-762-6515), Steve Semmer (303-319-5585)

Summary:  All stations working.

  Station 01,   N: Operating normally
  Station 02,  NE: Operating normally
  Station 03, ENE: Operating normally
  Station 04,   E: Operating normally, 
  Station 05, SSE: Operating normally
  Station 06,   S: Operating normally, intermittent noise on logger
  Station 07,  SW: Operating normally, intermittent noise on logger
  Station 08,   W: Operating normally, intermittent noise on logger
  Station 09, WNW: Operating normally
  Station 10, NNW: Operating normally

station visits:
Site 4: Replaced TRH where A/D converter inflated values higher than the US 
315: daily status, Site all, Mon 21-Aug-2006 10:25:23 MST, Daily Status, 21 August
CuPIDO ISFF daily status, August 21, 10:00 am

On site: AJ Ideris (512-762-6515), Steve Semmer (303-319-5585)

Summary:  All stations working.

  Station 01,   N: Operating normally
  Station 02,  NE: Operating normally
  Station 03, ENE: Operating normally
  Station 04,   E: Operating normally, TRH analog/digital converter causing    
  unrealistic values
  Station 05, SSE: Operating normally
  Station 06,   S: Operating normally, intermittent noise on logger
  Station 07,  SW: Operating normally
  Station 08,   W: Operating normally
  Station 09, WNW: Operating normally
  Station 10, NNW: Operating normally

station visits:
There were no visits yesterday
Station visits on Saturday, August 19:
Site 10: Went to inspect difference in readings between Tsfc and Tsfc.pyrg, it appears as though the Tsfc is hitting a spot of bare sand causing an inflation of readings while the rest of the area is pretty well vegetated. Steve S. downloaded the datalogger program to modify it for future expeditions. This site is also inhabited by massive amounts of nats that prefer dwelling in your right ear.
Site 1: Routine maintainence, replaced desiccant in the Rnet, changed battery for electric fence.
Site 9: Routine maintainence.
Site 8: Routine maintainence.
251: data-system, Site all, Thu 10-Aug-2006 09:40:39 MST, Entering cal coefficients on CR10
How to change calibration coefficients on CR10.

A basic station has only two coefficients for Rnet
so it is pretty simple.  The first value is for positive Rnet,
the second is for negative Rnet, but both values that
you enter are positive numbers.  (Following a value by
'C' changes the sign to negative, but both of the Rnet
values should be positive).

rserial /dev/ttyS5 localhost

hit return until you get a "*"


should get a ">" prompt.


should get a MODE prompt.

Hit returns to step through the coefficients.

Because of the way rserial works, when a certain coeficient 
is being displayed, the CR10 is reading input for the next
coefficient, so you have to anticipate things and enter
coef # N+1 when it is displaying coef N.

Repeated carriage returns will cycle through the coefficients
so you can double check,

190: daily status, Site all, Fri 28-Jul-2006 10:08:19 MST, Daily status, July 28
CuPIDO ISFF daily status, July 28, 9:45 am

On site: Gordon Maclean (303-579-6026) and Tom Horst (303-319-5585)

Summary:  GOES spotty at site 1,  but data stored locally; fixed at site 8

 Station 01,   N: GOES transmission spotty
 Station 02,  NE: Operating normally
 Station 03, ENE: Operating normally
 Station 04,   E: Operating normally
 Station 05, SSE: Operating normally
 Station 06,   S: CR10X down (rnet, rain)
 Station 07,  SW: Operating normally
 Station 08,   W: Operating normally
 Station 09, WNW: Operating normally
 Station 10, NNW: Operating normally

Station visits:

Gordon installed new station software at site 8 to fix GOES

Raining today, so station visits unlikely until stops raining

ISFF, where the technicians are strong, the engineers and scientists are good
looking, and all the data are above average.

188: GOES, Site all, Thu 27-Jul-2006 19:42:20 MST, NOAA NESDIS down
The script that telnets to NESDIS started failing at
7/27 04:10 MST, with an error:

Remote is disabled or nonexistent
Connection closed by foreign host.

At around 4 pm I called the NESDIS operations center (phone
number is on the white board).  They confirmed the
problem and rebooted a bank of modems to get things
going again.

Missing data filled in except for small gap at 16:45 MST 7/27.

187: daily status, Site all, Thu 27-Jul-2006 09:47:56 MST, Daily status, July 27
CuPIDO ISFF daily status, July 27, 9:45 am

On site: Gordon Maclean (303-579-6026) and Tom Horst (303-319-5585)

Summary:  GOES spotty at sites 1 and 8, but data stored locally
          Access to GOES data at NESDIS has been down since 0410 am MST

 Station 01,   N: GOES transmission spotty
 Station 02,  NE: Operating normally
 Station 03, ENE: Operating normally
 Station 04,   E: Operating normally
 Station 05, SSE: Operating normally
 Station 06,   S: Operating normally
 Station 07,  SW: Operating normally
 Station 08,   W: GOES transmission spotty
 Station 09, WNW: Operating normally
 Station 10, NNW: Operating normally

Station visits:
Routine maintenance (USB disk swap, clean net radiometers, check fence, 
duct tape GOES cooler, cleaned KH2O, soil sampled) at site 3 on July 26. 

Raining today, so station visits unlikely until stops raining

ISFF, where the technicians are strong, the engineers and scientists are good
looking, and all the data are above average.

147: daily status, Site all, Sat 22-Jul-2006 09:42:16 MDT, Daily status, July 22
Status, July 22, 8:30 am Az local time

On site: Gordon Maclean and Tom Horst

Summary: All sites working, with the exception of the net radiometer at station
4, which stopped around 0100 July 21, local time.  We plan to repair the chewed cable on the damaged net radiometer and return to station 4 today.

Station visits, July 20

John Militzer visited site 6 early on July 20 because the multiplexer failed on the CR10X data logger.  Since the only analog input is the net radiometer, he
rewired the data logger to bypass the multiplexer.

John, Greg, and Tom visited site 5 around noon on July 20 because the GOES 
transmitter stopped.  This failure followed a rainstorm and there was moisture 
within the cooler housing the GOES transmitter.  We moved the cooler further 
under the solar panels and restarted the station data system to successfully 
restart the GOES transmitter.

We also swapped the USB disk, cleaned the KH2O and radiometers, measured soil 
moisture with the TRIME, and took soil samples for gravimetric analysis.
Unfortunately the following visit to site 4 took so long that Gordon and I 
threw out the soil samples and took new samples on July 21.

John, Greg, and Tom then visited site 4 because the GOES had stopped.  We
discovered that a rough gang of cows had vandalized the site, knocking down the electric fence and chewing several cables on the ground including the GOES
cable, the logger cable, and the net radiometer cable.  We repaired the fence
and replaced the cables as best we could with the cables we had with us.  We
installed the spare net radiometer.

Station visit, July 21

Gordon and I noted that the TRH data was full scale at station 5.  We visited
the station around 1300 Az local time and recycled power on the TRH to get good
data.  We also took a Trime reading and new soil samples.

144: soil, Site all, Fri 21-Jul-2006 17:44:14 MDT, Revised gravimetric procedure
We revised the gravimetric procedure to account for the soil moisture that
collects on the interior of the tupperware container:

1. Weigh tupperware container with wet soil
2. Clean and weigh large aluminum tray
3. Transfer total soil sample to aluminum tray
4. Weigh wet soil and tray (just for fun, not necessary)
5. Clean and weigh tupperware container
6. Bake moisture out of wet soil sample
7. Weigh dry soil sample and aluminum tray

Bulk density = (w.7 - w.2)/volume of sample

where w.n = weight of step n above
volume of sample = h*pi*r^2 = e.g. 3 cm * pi * (2.7 cm)^2
                 = 68.71 cm^3

Soil moisture (% mass) = ((w.1 - w.5)/(w.7 - w.2) - 1)*100

Fun question:  How close is this to

Soil moisture (% mass) = ((w.4 - w.2)/(w.7 - w.2) - 1)*100

  I expect the latter soil moisture to be less than the former due to loss of
  moisture from the sample that condenses inside the tupperware container.
141: daily status, Site all, Wed 19-Jul-2006 12:06:23 MDT, New activity: Enter status reports on the CuPIDO field catalog
Greg Stossmeister of CDS, who is operating the CuPIDO field catalog, has asked
us to enter our daily status reports online at:

Password: cumulus

It is self explanatory (preview form button, then submit if satisfied).

A link to the website has been placed in an icon at the top of the web browser
140: daily status, Site all, Wed 19-Jul-2006 11:24:34 MDT, Daily status 19 July
ISFF status report 19 July 2006
Staff onsite: Poulos, Militzer

Summary: 9 of 10 stations are operating normally. Station 6's web plots went 
down completely at 1445LT yesterday (it is back up as of 1100LT today), and 
Station 9's web plots became intermittent (this coincided with our first 
monsoon rain/wind day in a number of days) - both are being investigated. 
Based on experience the latter dropouts are not due to lost data but GOES communication problems. ISFF data can be found at the CuPIDO field catalog (Research Products link) and

Station 01,   N: Operating normally
Station 02,  NE: Operating normally
Station 03, ENE: Operating normally, some web dropouts
Station 04,   E: Operating normally
Station 05, SSE: Operating normally
Station 06,   S: Web plots down as of 1445LT yesterday, being investigated today.
Station 07,  SW: Operating normally
Station 08,   W: Operating normally
Station 09, WNW: Web plots have become intermittent, being investigated today.
Station 10, NNW: Operating normally, krypton hygrometer V is better with recent cleaning
138: project-info, Site all, Tue 18-Jul-2006 16:17:24 MDT, Mast Tool Use Hints
As a reminder for Tom,Gordon,others....

This is excerpted in the "~aster/isff/projects/CuPIDO/doc/MyCUPIDOosHints.txt"

MAST Tool Use Hints (electric winch version):
    To Lower:
	- Use a fresh battery
		don't use the station battery
		I put one for st10 at the site.
	- Place Mast Stand
		in line with the mast
		beyond where the csat is (7m)
	- Put Mast Winch on tripod
		the quick release pin should be
		oriented with the release clip
		towards the mast.
	- Wrap the strap around the mast
		above the crossarm.
		avoid pinching data cables
		(ie underneath them if possible)
		Have the ring end on the side towards
		the motor to improve spooling of cable
		Clip the winch hook to the strap.
	- Make sure mast collar bolts are tight (upper and lower)
	- Loosen mast pivot bolt slightly if needed
	- Remove 'back' guy wire cable
		wrap the loose end around the trh so
		it will be out of the way and not dangle.
		ALTERNATE: in windy conditions, you can actually
		use this guy wire to help stablize the mast as
		it is lowered (use gloves when holding it!)
	- From the front of the mast arrange the control cable
		to avoid pinching or getting caught as you lower
	- Unbolt the mast clamp
		gently allow the mast to lower until the
		strap tightens and holds.
	- Lower Mast gently
		Make sure the control switch is set to unwind
		hold the mast to stabilize it as it lowers.
		guide it into the mast stand

	IMPORTANT: Avoid jerking and whipping the mast
		They have been known to break!

    To Raise
	- Check that the side guy-wire turn buckles are rotated
		to avoid jambing and torquing the mast.
		(open end of the bolt on the buckle attached
		to the tripod bracket faces up)
	- Check all the guy wires and cables
		so that they won't bind or trip you
	- Begin to Raise the mast
		Make sure the mast stand does not hang up 
		as the mast begins to raise, or
		else it'll 'remind' you by falling when you
		least expect it!
	- Verify that the cable is spooling properly as it goes up.
		Ie not folding back upon itself or bunching up.
		it should lay in nice spirals.
	- Guide and assist the motor by hand.
		There is high torque on the motor esp. at the bottom
		Observe side guy wires if possible.
	- Stop winch before the pulley jambs on the cable
		about 6" before the collar.
	- Push the mast into the top collar, secure bolts and clamp
	- Attach back guy wire
		tighten it to straighten the mast	
		look up the mast to determine plumb
	- Cable tie the turnbuckle
	- Slightly tighten the pivot bolt.
	- Retrieve the mast stand and winch tools.

MAST Tool Use Hints (manual winch version):
The manual winch can be used for non-flux stations (ie light weight)
	   and in a pinch maybe for a flux tower as well.
The only big difference is the 'battery' (duh), and this:
IMPORTANT: make sure the hand winch is clamped very tightly
	   to (preferably) the back leg of the tripod or else it could slip,
	   resulting in some unpleasantry.
	   It should be obvious how the winch clamps to the tripod legs.
	   Some versions allow the winch to be placed on any leg.
	   You may want to use the back guy wire to help stabilize
	   the mast as it is winched up/down.

137: daily status, Site all, Tue 18-Jul-2006 10:55:05 MDT, Daily status 18 July
ISFF status report 18 July 2006
Staff onsite: Poulos, Militzer

Summary: All 10 stations are operating normally with 128 meteorological 
variables being recorded.ISFF data can be found at: and the CuPIDO 
field catalog.

Station 01,   N: Operating normally
Station 02,  NE: Operating normally
Station 03, ENE: Operating normally
Station 04,   E: Operating normally
Station 05, SSE: Operating normally
Station 06,   S: Operating normally
Station 07,  SW: Operating normally
Station 08,   W: Operating normally
Station 09, WNW: Operating normally
Station 10, NNW: Operating normally

127: daily status, Site all, Mon 17-Jul-2006 13:14:15 MDT, Daily status 16 July
ISFF status report 16 July 2006
Staff onsite: Poulos, Militzer

Summary: All 10 stations are operating normally with 128 meteorological 
variables being recorded. Soil samples are being taken at all flux sites. 
Fencing has been installed at Stations 1, 2, and 9 to protect from cattle. 
Less than an hour of data from Stn 2 were lost during the morning of July 15 
during the data system outage. 
See (

Station 01,  N: Up, operating normally
Station 02, NE: Up, operating normally
Station 03,ENE: Up, operating normally (spiky soil heat flux web plot to 
be fixed today)
Station 04,  E: Up, operating normally
Station 05,SSE: Up, operating normally
Station 06,  S: Up, operating normally
Station 07, SW: Up, operating normally
Station 08,  W: Up, operating normally
Station 09,WNW: Up, operating normally
Station 10,NNW: Up, operating normally (Logger battery dropping)
126: daily status, Site all, Mon 17-Jul-2006 13:12:04 MDT, Daily status 17 July
ISFF status report 17 July 2006
Staff onsite: Poulos, Militzer

Summary: All 10 stations are operating normally with 128 meteorological 
variables being recorded. Mobile CuPIDO operations (MGAUS/Wyoming KA) begin 
today with meetings at the  UA Atmospheric Science department (1400 each day 
through mid-August). The first WKA flight will be tomorrow. Tim Lim and the 
MGAUS team and the PI, Joe Zehnder are staying at the same hotel as ISFF. 
NOTE: The next ISFF team will be in place on 21 Jul (Friday) and is composed 
of Tom Horst and Gordon Maclean. ISFF data can be found at: and the CuPIDO 
field catalog.

Station 01,   N: Operating normally
Station 02,  NE: Operating normally
Station 03, ENE: Operating normally (spiky heat flux and low GOES dB fixed)
Station 04,   E: Operating normally
Station 05, SSE: Operating normally
Station 06,   S: Operating normally
Station 07,  SW: Operating normally
Station 08,   W: Operating normally
Station 09, WNW: Operating normally
Station 10, NNW: Operating normally (Logger battery dropping)
118: data-system, Site all, Sun 16-Jul-2006 11:50:24 MDT, Estimated station usb drive fill times - Station 5! 10 days! Suspicious
USB Drive fill times by station type – CUPIDO 16 July 2006

				Space	Drive	Time to	
		Drive 	4hr fl	Used	Space	fill
		size	size	/day	Avail	USB drive
                (Mb)    (Mb)     (Mb)    (Mb)   (days)
		------	------	------	------	------	
Flux w/LiCor	4000	55.62	333.72	3600	10.79	Stn 5, SSE		Basic		 512	1.73	10.38	460.8	44.39	Stns 1,4,6,7,8,9
Flux		4000	27.80	166.8	3600	21.58	Stns 2,3 and 10
Since the only difference between St 5 and the other flux stations is the LiCor
it is somewhat surprising that the data volume is doubled. Will ask Gordon.
112: daily status, Site all, Sat 15-Jul-2006 10:27:34 MDT, Daily status 15 July
ISFF status report 15 July 2006
Staff onsite: Poulos, Militzer

Summary: All 10 stations are operating with questions about 1 of 128 meteorological variables (see below). Station 6's web plots are erratic in NetRad and Rain, while Station 2's web plots went down at 2100LT last night for all variables. Stn 10's radiation stand has been raised and the inbound longwave radiation measurements appears to be improved (to be evaluated in more detail). Fencing has been installed at Stn 2. Fencing will be installed sites 1 and 2 as well. See (

Station 01,  N: Up, operating normally
Station 02, NE: Up, web plots down
Station 03,ENE: Up, operating normally
Station 04,  E: Up, operating normally
Station 05,SSE: Up, operating normally
Station 06,  S: Up, web plots erratic (NetRad/Rain only)
Station 07, SW: Up, operating normally
Station 08,  W: Up, operating normally
Station 09,WNW: Up, operating normally
Station 10,NNW: Up, operating normally, Longwave inbound to be evaluated today/tomorrow (it is elevated in value relative to the other 4-component radiation sites). Krypton voltage remains low.
101: daily status, Site all, Fri 14-Jul-2006 19:30:01 MDT, Daily status 14 July
ISFF status report 14 July 2006
Staff onsite: Poulos, Militzer

Special note: The data at Station 5 accumulates more rapidly than all other 
sites due to the LiCor. Please keep a strict download regimen for it per 
the status board (no more than 10 day intervals).

Summary: All 10 stations are operating with questions about 1 of 128 
meteorological variables (see below). The spiky web plot of soil heat flux at
Stn 10 has been solved by using direct cabling rather than radio data transfer.
The same will be done at Station 3 (or a different radio will be used). 
Station 4 and 6's web plots are erratic in NetRad and Rain, while Station 2's 
web plots are erratic for all variables. Fencing will be installed at 3 sites 
over the next few days to protect from cattle (Sites 1, 2 and 9). See 

Station 01,  N: Up, operating normally
Station 02, NE: Up, erratic web plots
Station 03,ENE: Up, operating normally
Station 04,  E: Up, web plots erratic (NetRad/Rain only)
Station 05,SSE: Up, operating normally
Station 06,  S: Up, web plots erratic (NetRad/Rain only)
Station 07, SW: Up, operating normally
Station 08,  W: Up, operating normally
Station 09,WNW: Up, operating normally
Station 10,NNW: Up, operating normally, Longwave inbound to be evaluated 
today/tomorrow (it is elevated in value relative to the other 4-component 
radiation sites).
99: daily status, Site all, Thu 13-Jul-2006 20:33:15 MDT, Daily status 13 July
ISFF status report 13 July 2006
Staff onsite: Poulos, Militzer

Summary: All 10 stations are operating with questions about 1 of 128 
meteorological variables (see below). Station 6's web plots started the day 
down and have been fixed. The T/RH at Stn 5 has been replaced to evaluate the 
data taken prior to today. 
See (

Station 01,  N: Up, operating normally
Station 02, NE: Up, operating normally
Station 03,ENE: Up, operating normally (spiky heat flux on web plot - data OK)
Station 04,  E: Up, operating normally
Station 05,SSE: Up, operating normally
Station 06,  S: Up, operating with web plots down
Station 07, SW: Up, operating normally
Station 08,  W: Up, operating normally
Station 09,WNW: Up, operating normally
Station 10,NNW: Up, operating near normal (spiky heat flux on web plot test
is underway. The radiation stand is to be raised tomorrow to get above 
nearby vegetation. The krypton has been evaluated and apparently satisfactory
10Hz or better data is being collected. It is less likely that it will now be
88: daily status, Site all, Wed 12-Jul-2006 18:45:18 MDT, Daily status 11 July
ISFF status report 11 July 2006
Staff onsite: Poulos, Militzer

/*Summary: */All 10 stations are operating with questions about 2 of 128 
meteorological variables (see below). Station 5's web plots are 
experiencing occasional plot outages. The source of the spiky nature of 
the plots at Sites 3 and 10 has been investigated. We found that 
occasional large values (1-4 per 60 samples) are contaminating the 5 
mintue averages in soil heat flux. By eliminating these easily removed 
values the remainder of the data set is fine (we are in the midst of the 
investigation of the source [electronic/comms] of these spikes). A spare 
krypton hygrometer will be installed at Site 10 (NNW) later this week. 
See (

Station 01,  N: Up, operating normally
Station 02, NE: Up, operating near normal (spiky heat flux plots to be 
Station 03,ENE: Up, operating normally
Station 04,  E: Up, operating normally
Station 05,SSE: Up, operating normally, a few web plot values missing 
Station 06,  S: Up, operating normally
Station 07, SW: Up, operating normally
Station 08,  W: Up, operating normally
Station 09,WNW: Up, operating normally
Station 10,NNW: Up, operating near normal (spiky heat flux plots to be 
corrected), Longwave inbound to be evaluated more closely

87: daily status, Site all, Wed 12-Jul-2006 18:32:31 MDT, Daily status 12 July
ISFF status report 12 July 2006
Staff onsite: Poulos, Militzer

/*Summary: */All 10 stations are operating with questions about 2 of 128 
meteorological variables (see below). Station 4 and 5's web plots, which 
are dropping out for significant periods, will be investigated today. 
See (

Station 01,  N: Up, operating normally
Station 02, NE: Up, operating near normal (spiky heat flux plots to be 
Station 03,ENE: Up, operating normally
Station 04,  E: Up, web plots erratic and down as of 06LT
Station 05,SSE: Up, web plots erratic
Station 06,  S: Up, operating normally
Station 07, SW: Up, operating normally
Station 08,  W: Up, operating normally
Station 09,WNW: Up, operating normally
Station 10,NNW: Up, operating near normal (spiky heat flux plots to be 
corrected), Longwave inbound to be evaluated more closely, krypton with 
low V to be evaluated
86: project-info, Site all, Wed 12-Jul-2006 18:23:12 MDT, data_dump guidance - scan and plot
This entry is from datadumpexample.txt from ~ on Aster and from Gordon's 'stuff' file on Aster

data_dump -d 3 -s 60 -A ene_20060709_080000.dat > /dir-you-want/file_dump.txt

With the 'dat' function non-functional right now a work around is to use 
the S+ scan function
At the S+ prompt >
(this example is for -s 60 [logger box] and the fields in the list indicate 
how you are parsing the file in to categories


Then, the following will plot the variables you've defined in array 'x', 
in this example 'hft' or soil heat flux as defined above

>plot(x$hft, type="l")

Use S-plus commands to look at the array as you see fit (variables(x),
page(x) to list) the following will plot the variables you've defined in array 'x'

First - do the data_dump -d XX -s ID -p or -A path/filename.dat
Then look at the file and note where the column of data of interest is so 
that you can set the 'cols' value in readdd below appropriately.
Check the matrix created to be sure you have the data you need, e.g. 
to list the first ten values of
x and confirm.


I wrote a function readdd to read data_dumps:

# Read 2nd data column
x = readdd(file="/home/aster/hey10",cols=2)

px = specsmooth(pspectra(fftw(window(x))))

# You can read multiple columns
x = readdd(file="/home/aster/hey10",cols=1:2)

# the basic scan

To make png files once you have a plot onscreen that you like
> open.png(file="Stn10.test.png",horizontal="T")
> plot(px,type="l")
> close.png()

84: project-info, Site all, Mon 10-Jul-2006 10:56:13 MDT, Regular Duties at CuPIDO
On a regular basis we are doing the following duties:

We have a status table on the white board in the base.

Clean radiation sensors at any site as soon as reasonably possible after
intense rainfalls (e.g. 25 mm/hr or greater - definetly at 50 mm/hr).

Exchange data drives at each site every 10-14 days and download to ASTER.
Clean kryptons every 10-14 days or per voltage decreases after heavy rainfalls
that loft particles in strong wind
TRIME soil moisture at the flux sites (please take an average of 6 readings - 3 from two different location) every 10-14 days.

83: daily status, Site all, Mon 10-Jul-2006 10:53:14 MDT, Daily status 10 July
ISFF status report 10 July 2006
Staff onsite: Poulos, Militzer

Summary: All 10 stations are operating with remaining questions about 3 of 128
meteorological variables (see below). Station 7's web plots have been fixed 
and there are occasional outages at Station 10 (soil and rad variables only).
The monsoon rains have abated for the last few days with skin temperatures
exceeding 50C. New soil heat flux sensors were installed at Sites 3 (ENE) 
and 10 (NNW) yesterday and yet the spiky data in the web plots remains (this 
has been tracked to an occasional communication glitch being averaged into the
data - the vast majority of soil heat flux data is fine). A 
spare krypton hygrometer will be installed at Site 10 (NNW) later this week. 
See (

Station 01,  N: Up, operating normally
Station 02, NE: Up, erratic soil heat flux web plots at night (checking software)
Station 03,ENE: Up, operating normally
Station 04,  E: Up, operating normally
Station 05,SSE: Up, operating normally
Station 06,  S: Up, operating normally
Station 07, SW: Up, operating normally
Station 08,  W: Up, operating normally
Station 09,WNW: Up, operating normally
Station 10,NNW: Up, erratic soil heat flux web plots at night, low krypton voltage (to be

74: daily status, Site all, Sat 08-Jul-2006 10:19:27 MDT, Daily status 8 July
ISFF status report 8 July 2006
Staff onsite: Poulos, Militzer

Summary: All 10 stations are operating and 5 of 128 meteorological variables (see below)
are being investigated. . Station 7's web plots became erratic overnight and will be
investigated today. See (

Station 01,  N: Up, operating normally
Station 02, NE: Up, erratic soil heat flux at night
Station 03,ENE: Up, operating normally
Station 04,  E: Up, operating normally
Station 05,SSE: Up, operating normally (krypton V low)
Station 06,  S: Up, operating normally
Station 07, SW: Up, erratic web plot data
Station 08,  W: operating normally
Station 09,WNW: Up, operating normally
Station 10,NNW: Up, erratic soil heat flux at night, longwave component radiation
elevated after heavy precip

73: base, Site all, Sat 08-Jul-2006 09:57:01 MDT, Iridium Phone Instructions
See PDF file located in:

To dial a pbx number from an Iridium phone:

To dial into an Iridium phone:

To dial from an Iridium phone to another Iridium Phone
or 0+ key 881631547000

Still having trouble dialing to an Iridium phone via cell phone,
probably because of calling restrictions.

69: daily status, Site all, Fri 07-Jul-2006 09:53:22 MDT, Daily status 7 July
ISFF status report 7 July 2006
Staff onsite: Poulos, Militzer

Summary: All 10 stations and sensors are operating with 7 of 128 meteorological variables
(soil heat flux at Sites 2, NE and 10, NNW and radiation parameters at 10) spares) being

All web plots are available at (

Station 01,  N: Up, operating normally
Station 02, NE: Up, erratic soil heat flux at night
Station 03,ENE: Up, operating normally
Station 04,  E: Up, operating normally
Station 05,SSE: Up, operating normally, krypton V low, to be replaced w/ spare
Station 06,  S: Up, operating normally
Station 07, SW: Up, operating normally
Station 08,  W: Up, operating normally
Station 09,WNW: Up, operating normally
Station 10,NNW: Up, erratic soil heat flux at night, Net, LW and SW rad in question

65: daily status, Site all, Thu 06-Jul-2006 12:01:32 MDT, Daily status 2 July
ISFF status report 2 July 2006
Staff onsite: Poulos, Militzer

Summary: Web plots are down for Stations 1, 3 and 8 (actual data status for down periods
and GOES to be evaluated today).

Station 1, N: Web plots down as of 1800 1 July.
Station 2, NE: Up, operating normally.
Station 3, ENE: Web plots down as of 1100 1 July. Soil heat flux erratic at night.
Station 4, E: Up, operating normally
Station 5, SSE: Up, CO2 not in web plots yet, spikes every three hours in radiation and
soil variables to be corrected, voltage of Krypton low
Station 6, S: Up, operating normally
Station 7, SW: Up, operating normally
Station 8, W: Web plots down as of 2100 1 July.
Station 9, WNW: Up, operating normally
Station 10, NNW: Up, soil moisutre noted as high, Krypton voltage noted as low, soil heat
flux noted as erratic at night
64: daily status, Site all, Thu 06-Jul-2006 11:44:04 MDT, Daily status 3 July
ISFF status report 3 July 2006
Staff onsite: Poulos, Militzer

Summary: Sites 1-4 and 7-10 are operating with minor problems. Web plots are down for a)
Station 5 due to a software error that will be addressed today and, b) for Station 6,
perhaps due to a weakening battery, will be addressed today.

Station 1, N: Up, operating normally
Station 2, NE: Up, operating normally
Station 3, ENE: Up. Soil heat flux erratic at night
Station 4, E: Up, operating normally. Infrequent wind outages on web plots
Station 5, SSE: Down due to software error (to be addressed today)
Station 6, S: Down, situation unclear but perhaps due to battery voltage dropping
Station 7, SW: Up, operating normally
Station 8, W: Up, operating normally
Station 9, WNW: Up, operating normally
Station 10, NNW: Up, Soil heat flux noted as erratic at night

63: daily status, Site all, Thu 06-Jul-2006 11:42:20 MDT, Daily status 4 July
uPIDO ISFF status report 4 July 2006
Staff onsite: Poulos, Militzer
(new recipients Geerts, Ideris)

Summary: All stations are operating with minor problems. 128 of 128 meteorological
variables are being recorded, with data quality concerns in three of those variables per
below. ISFF data is now being displayed on the CuPIDO field catalog under 'Research
Products' at as well as at the ISFF main site under
'Data Tables and Plots' (

Station 01,  N: Up, operating normally
Station 02, NE: Up, operating normally
Station 03,ENE: Up, Soil heat flux erratic at night
Station 04,  E: Up, operating normally
Station 05,SSE: Up, CO2, various radiation parameters not on web plots (software mod to
be addressed today). Battery system to be enhanced with LiCor now running for CO2.
Station 06,  S: Up, operating normally
Station 07, SW: Up, operating normally
Station 08,  W: Up, operating normally
Station 09,WNW: Up, operating normally
Station 10,NNW: Up, Soil heat flux noted as erratic at night, fast response q (krypton)
low voltage to be evaluated today
62: daily status, Site all, Thu 06-Jul-2006 11:39:09 MDT, Daily status 5 July
CuPIDO ISFF status report 5 July 2006
Staff onsite: Poulos, Militzer

Summary: All stations are operating with minor problems. Station 8's web plots went down
at 1am local and it will be visited today. Heavy rain overnight has left water droplets
on all 4 krypton anemometers eliminating their measurement temporarily. Overnight soil
heat flux measurements were more steady (the rain impacted all soil measurements
significantly). See ( The web
plot of CO2 and H20 from the LiCor is now available from Station 5.

Station 01,  N: Up, operating normally
Station 02, NE: Up, operating normally, krypton water droplets
Station 03,ENE: Up, operating normally, krypton water droplets
Station 04,  E: Up, operating normally
Station 05,SSE: Up, operating normally, krypton water droplets
Station 06,  S: Up, operating normally
Station 07, SW: Up, operating normally
Station 08,  W: Web plots down at 1am local, to be addressed today
Station 09,WNW: Up, operating normally
Station 10,NNW: Up, operating normally, krypton water droplets
61: daily status, Site all, Thu 06-Jul-2006 11:21:43 MDT, Daily status 6 July
ISFF status report 6 July 2006
Staff onsite: Poulos, Militzer

Summary: All 10 stations are operating and 2 of 128 meteorological variables (soil heat
flux at Sites 2, NE and 10, NNW being erratic at night - those sensors to be tested with
spares) are being investigated. Station 8's web plots are intermittent due to a
problematic GOES system; local data is being stored. See

Station 01,  N: Up, operating normally
Station 02, NE: Up, erratic soil heat flux at night
Station 03,ENE: Up, operating normally
Station 04,  E: Up, operating normally
Station 05,SSE: Up, operating normally, krypton V low, to be replaced w/ spare
Station 06,  S: Up, operating normally
Station 07, SW: Up, operating normally
Station 08,  W: Web plots erratic, local data storage fine
Station 09,WNW: Up, operating normally
Station 10,NNW: Up, erratic soil heat flux at night

54: project-info, Site all, Wed 05-Jul-2006 20:10:14 MDT, Site duty summary table, boom angles etc.
Enter the date that the task was completed

   Logger GOES   Level  Boom   Latest Weep
   Elev'd Cooler NetRd  Angls  SftWr  Holes
   Manual Holes	 again?  all   Instld Drlld?
1    Y      Y      Y      Y       Y     Y
    7/1    7/1    7/5    7/1     7/5   7/1  GOES ant stiffened 7/1
                       RMY172               RMY 172 entered ~ 1745, 7/1

2    Y      Y      Y      Y       Y     Y
    N/A    7/5    7/5    7/5     7/5   7/5
                       RMY046              RMY at 044, not changed on 7/5

3    Y      Y      Y      Y       N     Y
    N/A                RMY279
4    Y      Y      Y      Y       Y     Y
    7/5    7/5    7/5    7/5     7/5   7/5              
                       RMY078              RMY at 074 until 1200LT 7/5

5    Y      Y      Y      Y       Y     Y
    N/A    7/2    7/2    7/2     7/4   7/2  
                       RMY183              RMY at 186 until 1045LT 7/2

6    N      Y      Y      Y       N     Y
7    N       Y      Y      Y       Y     Y

8    Y      Y      N      Y       Y     Y
    7/1    7/1           7/2     7/5   7/5
                       RMY249              RMY at 108 until 1655LT 7/2         

9    N      N      N      Y       Y     N
10   Y      Y      Y      Y       N     Y
    N/A           7/5    7/5           7/5

53: project-info, Site all, Wed 05-Jul-2006 19:50:30 MDT, Transit times and distances for sites, CuPIDO travel logistics
The logistics of travel at CuPIDO are significant. The most sites we have visited and worked on in one day is 4. On the city side of Mt. Lemmon 5 could be visited in one long day if, for example, only data downloads were being executed. On the open country side of Mt. Lemmon Sites 2-5 (Site 1 being relatively easy), access times are longer. Site 6 and Site 10 have short uphill hikes so bring everything you need. 

Travelers to Sites 2-5 will not have cell phone access. 

From the Residence Inn to
01 1hr 10 min
02 1hr 40 min
03 2.25 hr south route (1 hr 20 min to the turn off Redington), 3 hr north route
04 2 hr south route, (1 hr 20 min to the turn off Redington), 2.75 hr north route
05 45 min

From Base to 
1 55 min
2 1 hr 25 min
3 2.5 hr south route, 2.75 hr north route
4 2.25 hr south route, 2.5 hr north route

From 1 to
2 30 min
7  55 min
8  50 min
9  40 min
10 40 min

From 2 to
1 30 min
7  1 hr 25 min
8  1 hr 20 min
9  1 hr 10 min
10 1 hr 10 min

From 3 to
1 1.75 hr
2 2.25 hr
4 1.5 hr

From 4 to (40 minutes from 4 to Redington Road)
1 1 hr 35 min
2 2 hr 5 min
3 1.5 hr

From 5 to

From 6 to

From 7 to

From 8 to

From 9 to

From 10 to

52: project-info, Site all, Wed 05-Jul-2006 19:48:19 MDT, Pictures of sites: status
Pictures are needed of all 10 sites

Site  Pictures taken? Other information ...
1      Yes, 5 Jul
2      Yes, 5 Jul
4      Yes, 5 Jul
Base   Yes, 5 Jul
39: base, Site all, Wed 05-Jul-2006 16:52:58 MDT, Base Networking Addresses
Static IP address for aster:
Gateway: (chester)
hostname: aster

DNS search path:

25: base, Site all, Mon 03-Jul-2006 07:29:17 MDT, Gordon's instructions on rebuilding software, vis
/Gordon's instruction 

Here's a new version of

I know I said I was  confident about the last change - but you
shouldn't have believed me  :-)

I've actually tested these mods in my dsm simulator and now
have some "real" confidence in this new code.

From admin account:

Copy it to /usr/local/nidas/src/nidas/dynld/isff

cd /usr/local/nidas/src
scons install

Insert isff_sw disk, wait for popup, click OK.

From root account:

cd /usr/local/projects/CuPIDO/ISFF/scripts

16: project-info, Site all, Sun 02-Jul-2006 21:58:45 MDT, Site to site travel times
The time from Site 5 (SSE) to Site 10 (NNW) is 1 hour and 45 mintues going clockwise around Mt. Lemmon. Going counter-clockwise it is estimated at 2.5 hours due to the dirt roads much of the way.
15: project-info, Site all, Sun 02-Jul-2006 21:53:28 MDT, Use the satellite phones
The satellite phone in the pick-up is:881631547151 (with two persons on-site this truck is secondary - only used during single person trips) and is portable. Be sure it is charged.

The sat phone in the Tahoe is: 881631547000 and is connected to a car charger.

During single person operations on the East side of Mt. Lemmon (sites 2-5) these phones should be used to keep in contact at regular intervals. Please make yourself aware of how to dial sat phone-sat phone and generally to other phones (the latter is 001-area code-phone number).
6: prop-vane, Site all, Sat 01-Jul-2006 22:13:01 MDT, Boom Angles
Stn	RMY Boom-Angle	CSAT angle
1	172
3	277		179 (away from sonic)
8	249

3: daily status, Site all, Sat 01-Jul-2006 07:53:22 MDT, Daily Status 1 July: First Day of Project
ISFF status report 1 July 2006
Staff onsite: Poulos, Militzer

Ops began at 0Z

All stations started operations up and running with a few individual problems by 03Z.
Station 8 went down at 1 am LT 1 July and has an issue with net radiation that will be checked (data quality).
Station 1 T/RH went down again at ~ 10 pm LT 30 June.

The website is down due to EOL system admin maintenance today.

- We're not yet on the net at UA ag site.  Very busy getting stations running.  Presently in hotel but with no net connection for John other than wireless (or hotel business office) and without a board. Greg is online at the hotel via his windows Laptop.

120 of 128 total met vars are up to the best of our knowledge.
4 sensors of 128 total meteorological variables are currently down.
Another 4 sensors of 128 total meteorological variables are suspect.

Station Note:
1: T/RH to be replaced. Has been intermittent GOES (will stabilize or spare out), may need a 2nd battery, weephole needed, updated .xml
2: OK
3: RMY dir is off by 180, GOES low @ 38dB, soil moisture to be turned vertical, spiky nighttime heat flux of unknown origin
4: Internittent comm problems and we need to visit to check status - perhaps became wet. 
5: V.kh2o is low per web plots. CO2 on web is not up, will update .xml to fix. TP01 is causing 3 hrly spikes in all logger sensors/batt. Will check.
6: OK
7: OK
8: Down as of 1 am LT (unknown source). Rnet data suspect. 
9: OK
10: V.kh2o is low per web plots. Soil HF is spiky at night - unknown origin. Soil moisture differs from other sites, will TRIME regularly.

Regular tasks at all sites
a. System checks
b. USB exchanges every 2 weeks
c. Solidify GOES system by lowering on T-post, moving cooler under solar panels and keeping xmitter off bottom of cooler for water
d. Update all .xml
e. Check for and/or put in Ebox weepholes
f. Confirm boom angles for RMY and sonics with true North.

As emailed 1 July 9pm

  Overall, the sensors are working well with 122 of 128 met variables looking good at this time (to the best of our ability to review them, this is based on our visits to the sites and web plots). We are having some online outages when GOES comms are flaky that limit somewhat our ability to work on/understand data quality.

  ** Notables as of 9pm, 1 July
  - No significant issues at Sites 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
  - The base is not online yet and so the Residence Inn is the acting base.
  - Down: GOES comms issues at Site 1 (N, Campo Bonito) and Site 3 (ENE, Davis Mesa) so all web plots are down.
  - We exchanged USBs successfully for the first time at Site 1 and Site 8 (W, Catalina St Park)
  - Notable nighttime soil heat flux aberrations at 3 and 10 (NNW, Rancho Solano)
  - Notably low V.kh2o at 5 (SSE, Bellota) and 10.
  - Site 10 is a frequent landing/training site for helicopters (S&R and Ariz. Dept. of safety, including night ops) - literally their favorite at the corner of our cow fence. We've met 4 of the helo folks and had a landing during maintenance.
  - The monsoon officially started June 28 and so starting early in the morning may become even more important.
  - We used our only spare T/RH at Site 1 today (then comms seem to have gone out)
  - SPARES: Spares status is under evaluation.

2: base, Site all, Sat 24-Jun-2006 11:37:53 MDT, How to copy data files from usb pen drive
How to copy data from a usb pen-drive onto aster's hard drive:

From the aster account on aster:

insert pen-drive
wait for popup window about new medium
click OK

run this command:

That command will copy all files from /media/usbdisk/projects/CuPIDO
to /data/projects/CuPIDO.

It will delete the files from the pen-drive, unmount it, and
to a file system check.