Icons and Menus

An icon is a small graphic symbol on the screen. With most icons, when you place the pointer over an icon and press a mouse button, a menu will pop up. The menu just contains a list of actions, and you can choose one of the entries in the menu to perform its corresponding action. Much of the ISS operation can be controlled by using the menus. The menus are easy to use. The following sections give important things to know to work with menus.

Pop up a menu

Position the pointer over the icon, and hold down (do not release) a mouse button. Remember that different mouse buttons can give different menus for the same icon. In many cases only one mouse button will give a menu for a given icon.

Select an entry

Continue holding the mouse button down, and move the mouse up or down until the proper entry is highlighted. Now release the mouse button and that entry will be selected. In some cases the menu choice which was made when the menu was previously activated will be marked with an asterisk.

Abandon a menu

If you want to leave a menu without choosing an entry, just continue holding the mouse button down, move the mouse out of the window so that no entries are highlighted, and release the mouse button. None of the entries will be chosen.


If a menu item has an arrow (or sometimes an ellipsis …) next to it, then when this entry is highlighted, an additional menu will appear to the right. Move the mouse into this submenu and highlight an entry to select it.

Finding menus

You do not need to remember exactly which icon and mouse button provides each action you want to perform. You can just look around, choosing icons and pressing the mouse buttons to pop up the menus. If the menu is not the one that you want, abandon it as described above. (See Abandon a Menu.)