23 and 24 February 2009 National Center for Atmospheric Research Foothills Lab, Building 1, Room 2198 ("EOL Atrium") Boulder, Colorado |
8:30 am Welcome, meeting objectives, and project overview
presenters: Dowell, Rasmussen
9:00 am Communication and coordination
presenters: Rasmussen and Wicker
contributor: Kennedy
Before the meeting, presenters and contributors should work together to prepare slides. The presenter is responsible for giving the "lightning talk". Presentations should be limited to 5-6 slides total, roughly as follows:
Presentation (10 minutes)
Meeting participants are generally familiar with the instruments and science objectives. Therefore, the majority of the time should be spent on deployment strategies and unique aspects of the team's mission. Also, at least 5 minutes of the allocated time should be reserved for questions at the end of the presentation.
9:30 am Storm-scale and polarimetric radar overview
presenter: Biggerstaff
contributors: Burgess, Ziegler, Bluestein
9:45 am Mesocyclone-scale radar overview
presenter: Wurman
10:00 am Tornado-scale radar overview
presenter: Bluestein and Frasier
contributor: Weiss
10:15 am Break
10:30 am Tornado photogrammetry and damage surveys
presenters: Atkins and Wakimoto
10:45 am Mobile mesonet overview
presenter: Richardson and Markowski
11:00 am StickNet overview
presenter: Weiss
11:15 am Particle probe overview
presenters: Romine, Friedrich, and Straka
11:30 pm Unmanned aerial system (UAS) overview
presenters: Rasmussen, Argrow, and Houston
11:45 pm Sounding overview
presenter: Parker
noon Lunch at NCAR cafeteria
1:00 pm Discussion
3:00 pm Break
3:15 pm Discussion
3:45 pm Adjourn
6:30 pm Dinner hosted by Center for Severe Weather Research
1945 Vassar Circle, Boulder
Tuesday, 24 February
Foothills Lab, Building 1, Room 2198 ("EOL Atrium")
8:30 am VORTEX2 forecasting and support
presenters: Wicker and Coniglio
contributors: Weisman, Weygandt, Xue
9:00 am Additional discussion of items from yesterday
10:00 am Break
10:15 am Data management (Dowell),
Data management (Williams)
presenters: Dowell, Williams
10:45 am Project logistics
discussion leaders: Dowell, Wicker, and Wurman
11:30 am Summary of unfinished business and "action items"
discussion leaders: Dowell and Rasmussen
contributors: all
noon Adjourn
Acknowledgments: The NCAR Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology (MMM) division is sponsoring refreshments for the meeting. Sudie Kelly, Bonnie Slagel, and Kathy Morgan provided helpful assistance with planning the meeting.