
2. Scientific Basis for CASES

2.1 Atmosphere/Hydrosphere/Biosphere Linkages

2.2 Modeling the Systems and their Linkages

2.3 Summary

A general form of the surface energy balance can be represented:

where Rn is the net radiation at the surface, and H, LE, and G are the sensible, latent, and soil heat fluxes, respectively, into or away from the surface.

A general form of the surface water balance can be represented:

where P is the precipitation, R is the runoff, S is the soil water storage, and E is the water lost or gained through phase change at the surface.

While these relationships appear simple, they are actually quite complex. They form the framework within which important components of atmospheric, hydrospheric, and biospheric processes must be studied. Embodied within each of these terms are variables which are very difficult to measure over large areas. Nevertheless, the challenge confronting modelers of all environmental sciences is how best to formulate the various fluxes in numerical simulations. CASES aims to provide state-of-the-art answers to these questions.

The following sections discuss the scientific basis for CASES in more detail.

2.1 Linkages Between the Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, and Terrestrial Biosphere

A. Focus on the Atmosphere

B. Focus on the Hydrosphere

C. Focus on the Terrestrial Biosphere

2.2 Modeling the Systems and Their Linkages

A. Atmospheric Models

B. Hydrologic Models

C. Terrestrial Ecosystem Models

2.3 Summary

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