
1. Introduction

1.1 Goals

1.2 Motivation

1.3 Community Response

CASES (Cooperative Atmosphere-Surface Exchange Study) is a multi-year, interdisciplinary effort to investigate linkages among the atmosphere, hydrosphere and terrestrial biosphere. The complex interactions among these components of the earth's ecosystem manifest themselves in the fields of meteorology, hydrology, climate, ecology and chemistry, and challenge current capabilities to understand, simulate and predict many aspects of our environment on time scales from minutes to years. Advances in observation, analyses, and numerical modeling techniques suggest that timely progress can now be achieved in understanding and modeling these linkages. By bringing scientists from different disciplines together, enabling them with modern observation systems, and facilitating the availability of data, CASES is designed to help this happen.

1.1 Goals

1.2 Motivation

1.3 Community Response

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Subject: CASES WWW page
Last Modified: 4 Oct 1996