Ice Formation in Lake-Effect Clouds
January 13, 1998 Case Study
David C. Rogers
update Aug. 23, 2000
This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Division of Atmospheric Sciences under grant ATM97-14177. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Discussed here are preliminary results from measurements obtained on the January 13, 1998, Lake-ICE research flight. Also available are photos taken from the Electra aircraft.

This case exhibited typical low altitude features. After a frontal passage, the cold, dry and stable air mass moved across Lake Michigan for several days. Surface winds were northwesterly at ~11m/s. With lake surface temperatures of +3C and air temperatures of -20C, the surface layer was absolutely unstable and quite turbulent. Heat and moisture were rapidly mixed into the surface layer, and resulted a steady deepening and evolution of the boundary layer (BL) downwind. The BL was capped by an inversion layer that sloped to higher altitudes downwind. Trails of steam fog were produced near the upwind shore line, and were continually mixing, evaporating and reforming downwind. By about 100km downwind, this strong shallow convection was sufficiently modified that a cloud base was discernible, and two-dimensional cloud-size mesoscale structures were becoming organized and detectable on the Electra's Eldora radar.

Aircraft Measurements

The Electra aircraft made a series of low level upwind/downwind passes at ~600m above the lake surface, approximately aligned with the wind. This plot shows data taken during one upwind pass. The wind is blowing from left to right, and the Electra flew from right to left. The TIME axis was transformed from aircraft time to Parcel time, as estimated from the aircraft speed and the wind: parcel time = aircraft time x (TAS + WS) / WS
Parcel time estimates the wind-borne travel time of an air parcel from the upwind boundary to the point where the aircraft measured its properties.
plot The aircraft was within the boundary layer (BL) until it crossed the top of the sloping BL and entered the overlying air mass at Parcel time zero (vertical dashed line).
(top two panels) Ice concentrations were ~5-10 per liter from the 2D-C probe (red) and 10-100 per liter from the 1D (260x) probe (green). Ice developed rapidly near the upwind edge, at the same location where the liquid cloud formed. Water and ice cloud formed at lower altitudes and mixed up to this altitude. The ice nuclei concentration was ~10-20 per liter with the CFD sampling at -22C and 2.6 to 5.5% super-saturation.

Small regions of cloud water (FSSP) and ice particles (2D & 1D) were associated with narrow updrafts ~800m in size in the well-mixed BL.

(next) Temperature and dew point traces show that the lake was a strong source of heat and water vapor; both increase downwind. The thin black line shows the temperature of ice nuclei measurements (-22C).
(bottom) The CN trace shows a steady decrease of aerosol concentration downwind (due to scavenging and dilution), cleaner air above the BL (parcel time < 0), and evidence of fine scale structure and rapid mixing within and near the top of the capping inversion.

The Electra continued its upwind/downwind transects over nearly the same region during the next four hours. The same cloud and thermodynamic features were evident during each pass. All of the features seemed to stay intact, as if they were defined by longitude positions over the lake: The lake-effect structure was a fairly "steady" phenomenon, the proof of which is that the air flowed through the aircraft sampling region in about 1.8 hours, but the thermodynamic, aerosol and cloud patterns stayed the same. The following hour-long plots of aircraft data show these features.
14:00 - 15:00 UTC
Electra data upwind/downwind cycles. CN removal, BL warmer and wetter downwind (97k gif).
15:00 - 16:00 UTC
The next hour showed the same patterns (100k gif).

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