- 353: sled-2, Site 2, Fri 03-Apr-1998 21:57:01 AKST, Cleveland system brought up
Cleveland sled and data system brought up.
Located side-by-side with Florida.
Initially will have only the CR10 with the 4-component system for
testing against Florida for SW domes versus no-domes.
Radiometers installed on 3-legged stand oriented roughly SE.
Sled sitting adjacent to Florida sled roughly SSW of the towers.
NO tsoil, hft, sonic, trh.
Passive weather-head vent. cut into lid of box to help prevent overheating.
Cover on louvered vent is installed.
- 356: sled-2, Site 2, Sat 04-Apr-1998 21:03:44 AKST, Cleveland sled venting changed.
Sa. 4/4, ~16:00 AKST or 4/5, 1:00 UTC
Added heat motor to open/close a cover plate on the lid vent at Cleveland.
The louvers are covered. Last night without the heat motor, the box still
got fairly warm ~+25. The temps at Sheba have been on the warm side.
Will watch to see whether the motor works and whether the box temps stabilize
Su. 4/5, ~9:30 AKDT
Observed heat motor shutter fully opened.
Louvered vent still closed
Noticing that box still getting warm, will add 2nd cable/air access
hole in side of box later.
- 363: sled-2, Site 2, Mon 06-Apr-1998 20:32:08 AKDT, Wind Generator installed on Cleveland
Wind Generator installed to check / mounting.
Could use maybe 2-3' taller mast and braces.
Braces should probably have small pad.
Tolerances on hole for generator head too tight, hard
to put onto mast.
Otherwise mount OK.
Note I didn't see the blinking LED indicating the generator
is producing voltage. Could be related to single phase rewiring
(unlikely) or charger sensing that battery is fully charged (more
Now wait for wind (would've been nice a couple of days ago).
Log 4/8
14:50 checked generator: turning at ~ 25 RPM in ~14knot winds,
No voltage output measured on open circuit....wonderful :-(
Further examination reqd. and check of other unit purchased.
- 377: sled-2, Site 2, Fri 10-Apr-1998 20:06:02 AKDT, Wind Generator moved from Cleveland to Florida
4/10 ~9:00 AKDT
Wind Generator was running at high speed in am. Winds at ~6-7m/s
VOC ~= 20
Installed brake: this works
All seemed OK.
4/10 ~11:00 AKDT
Moved wind generator to Florida to help cover load from
4-comp heaters.
Plugged generator into charge controller.
Iload, Icharge immediately went out to lunch, probably dropped
in half. Maybe ground problem.
Vteg/Vbatt reflecting reasonable values: 17.5, 14.5
NOTE: After putting onto charge controller later observed unusual
sounds or pulsing from gen. Probably feedback from the
pulse width charging from the morningstar.
Probably need to connect gen directly to the battery.
- 399: sled-2, Site 2, Thu 16-Apr-1998 14:22:09 AKDT, Clev TEG / Wind Gen. work
4/16 0z Installed cleaned TEG that came out of Baltimore.
Installed in-line filter to hopefully help trap-crap.
Started easily.
4/16 3Z
Installed wind generator at Clev.
This is the unit that was wired correctly by the manuf. for
single phase.
Works better in all respects than the other unit which was
mis-wired. Still have ground plane noise.
Still need to improve earth ground.
4/16 18Z Removed and set aside for anticipated move to Balt.
- 400: sled-2, Site 2, Thu 16-Apr-1998 14:26:00 AKDT, Clev. sled moved to Seattle Site: new name
4/16 17Z Took down Cleveland station sitting next to Fla.
near met hut.
Moved to Seattle site ~.9-1km N of ship.
Installation totally different than others per Jumper's help.
He's warning about the meltdown coming within next 1 or so
Installed sled on top of 3 4x8' sheets of plywood as ablation
shield to help keep it from sinking in.
Installed tripods on top of 6 4x4' sheets of plywood.
NEED TO: paint plywood white and add white skirting later
to help protect ice underneath.
Sonic Installed on 4/18 3:30Z
Sonic boom height = 136" to center of Gill
angle = 337-deg magnetic
Rad Boom height = 78"
angle = 160-deg magnetic
TRH boom anble = 69-deg magnetic
TRH boom Alignment
- 721: sled-2, Site , Thu 01-Oct-1998 19:55:46 AKDT, Maui EVE box problem w/sbus port
98/10/01 19:40 AKDT
Repair of PAM Electronics box from Maui.
This box is currently working in the trh intercomparison.
SBUS comms bad. TRH was not coming in properly,
maybe a message or two, then nothing.
It is still possible that a problem may be in
trh #6, but what got things running was swapping
the input port inside the EVE box to the Aux port
(GPS not connected) and swapping the 232/485
converter. Still using tyCo/1.
ie: either bad sbus front panel port or phone