SCMS95: UNIX Messages: 1 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author
69Sat 29-Jul-1995Instructions for ppf'ing local data storage filesnoneMichaelis, Matt

69: UNIX/none Sat 29-Jul-1995 15:18:09 GMT Instructions for ppf'ing local data storage files
Local data storage files must be retrieved manually at the station site.  I've
tried to download the files over the Freewave radio,  but have not had good
results.  As a comment of interest, just so you don't try the same things,
here is what I've tried.

First DO NOT use xmodem to transmit files from the station.  It locks the
terminal into never-never land, and can't be recovered from without a site
visit to reset EVE.  I've tried "xmodem -stycl METPPF.*" direct to the Compaq
attached to the Freewave.  This transmits several files via YMODEM-batch and
doesn't work for beans.  Neither does "xmodem -stcl METPPF.208"  This is just
regular xmodem, and it doesn't work either.  NOTE:  transmitting configuration
files via xmodem TO the station seems to work OK.  

I've also tried to transmit files in text mode using "type METPPF.207" on EVE.
The file is sent OK, but the Freewave doesn't handle data transmission
too gracefully.  The end result is intermingled transmitted and retransmitted
data, some garbled, some not.  

About the only hope for sending data OK is to send it in small enough chunks
so that Freewave data retransmissions don't mangle everything beyond
recognition.  This is possible using the poll command and giving date, time
and packet count parameters.  

For instance:	poll001 METPPF 208 23:01:00 12

This would retrieve 12 data packets starting at the requested date and time.

If you follow the "ECH" menu system running under Procomm Plus on the Compaq, 
data will be stored as follows.  The script file 

c:\pam		Main subdirectory used by ECH.  Under this directory is a file
		called "eveterm.ini" which contains menu items used in the 
		script.  Also under this directory is a directory for each
		project known or setup.	

c:\pam\scum	Project directory for SCUM (a.k.a. SCMS in more polite 
		company).  This is where the station configuration files live
		which are downloaded to EVE.  

sta001.dat	Station file for site 1.  The name of this file is used by ECH
		in deciding what stations exist for a project.  
c:\pam\scum\log	Directory where site visits are recorded.
c:\pam\scum\data_1	Local storage directory for station 1.  Similar
			directories exist for stations 2 and 3.  The data
			files are generally called METPPF.### where ### is
			the julian day.  Note:  currently, there is some
			possibilty of the ### number becoming goofed up if
			the same data file is downloaded more than once.
			Procomm will rename the new file to ###+1 which
			throws the whole numbering sequence out of kilter.

Use "cocklebur" which has a floppy drive to copy the files from the compaq.
There are corresponding directories on the /data (a.k.a. /asterdata) disk.

/data/ppf/eve_local	Directory for PPF files generated from the local

/data/ppf/eve_local/data_1	Corresponding data directory for local data

Copy the data from the Sparc floppy drive to the proper data directory.  
DO NOT convert the files to unix format.  This is handled in the script file
described below

After the local data storage is safely on the Sparc in the proper
directories,  run the following script.

local_to_ppf ###

The script is located in /rdss/pam/bin, so presuming that is in your path,
you shouldn't have any trouble running it.  The ### value is the julian day
to be converted to PPF.  This script converts the dos files to unix like
format via an awk routine. NOTE: if you already have an existing PPF file for
the data in /data/ppf/eve_local the eve_file_translator program just appends
the data.

Another script is available to merge the data, but thus far the merge program
seems to leave 200% data recovery or so.

merge_local 950725

Would merged the data and leave the merged data in /data/ppf/merged.