- 7: DAILY, Site Boulder, Sun 14-Jun-2009 22:14:36 GMT, NSF Users Workshop demo
Sun June 14, 2009
NSF Users Workshop Demo
Did tour f MISS and sounding at 2020Z as demo for workshop.
Around 20 folks particpated.
Cloudy with thunderstorms in area, brief light rain around 20Z.
Tornado warnings were issued for area north of Denver.
- 6: DAILY, Site Boulder, Thu 11-Jun-2009 23:00:16 GMT, MISS in FL parking lot
MISS running in FL1 parking lot from around 15Z June 11.
A demo for the NSF Users Workshop is planned for this coming Sunday.
- 5: DAILY, Site Boulder, Thu 11-Jun-2009 22:45:01 GMT, Unidata Workshop demo
Unidata workshop demo
Weds June 10, 2009.
MISS was setup at the Center Green campus for a demo for the Unidata Workshop.
Running there from about 18Z to 2045Z.
A demo sounding was launched at 2020Z.
Weather was calm with light variable winds and scattered cloud. There was a thunderstorm off to the east.
MISS was running from the generator for the demo.
- 3: DAILY, Site Boulder, Sat 06-Jun-2009 01:28:12 GMT, Daily Report Fri 5 June 2009
Daily Report from MISS at Marshall in support of ASP mini-project
Fri June 5, 2009
Wave clouds over Bouler this morning, with increasing mid-level clouds during the day. Light southerly and easterly winds. Quite hazy. Late afternoon a thunderstorm with lots of lightning and oaccaionally heavy rain passed over.
Four soundings were launched : 1500 1730, 2030, 2330 UTC. All soundings went well with ASP students in attendance. Boundary layer appeared to be low (400 - 600m) in all cases. 1730 and 2030 showed evidence of gravity wave breaking at upper levels (above 100 mb). 2330 sonde was launched as the thunder storm approched and appeared to travel along with the storm to the NE.
Wind profiler worked well although not seeing much above the low boundary layer. During the early part of the storm there were cases of unusally clear separation of precip and clear-air signals in the Doppler spectra.
Surface station showed westerlies last night, not seen in the profiler so must have been low level, may be drainage flow out of Eldorado canyon.