Daily Report for Sat 6 June 2009
MISS at Marshall for ASP mini-field project
Fine, mainly sunny with light winds. Around mid-day on some mid-level clouds and widely scattered low level CU. Also some high level cirrus. Less haze than yesterday. Brief brisk westerly breeze around 2330Z.
Four soundings 15Z, 18Z, 21Z and 0Z :
15Z was relaunched as first sonde string separated from RS92 unit.
21Z 7C temperature bias (high) on pre-launch checks. String didn't fully unwind so winds may be a little noisy.
0Z Lost GPS at launch. It was tracked visually to about 350mb flying in an almost striaght line at approx 60 deg azi and 60 deg elevation.
18Z and 21Z showed some evidense of gravity wave breaking in winds at upper levels.
Wind profiler mainly only seeing boundary layer scatter. Ceilometer seeing clouds around 4 - 5 km most of afternoon.