NIWOT02: Logbook Entries

NIWOT02: Sonic Messages: 2 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author #Graphics
22 Fri 13-Sep-2002Stn1 CSAT up / Batt addedstn1_westmilitzer
21 Thu 12-Sep-2002CSAT at stn1 downstn1_westmaclean

22: Sonic, Site stn1_west, Fri 13-Sep-2002 16:33:11 MDT, Stn1 CSAT up / Batt added
13Sep02, ~14:00 MDT

CSAT up.  At least it still was ~1.5 hours after doing the work.
It was still down upon arrival. Power cycled everything first (see
below) but it was still not coming in despite second
power cycle on the serializer.   When jumpered directly using
a different cable, the sonic responded and I could re-set it to 10hz.
Replaced serializer; then power cycled to make sure both came up OK.

Charge controller (and thus low-voltage-disconnect) and tiny 7AH battery
added.  I checked that the battery was getting charged and able to run
station by itself as well.

21: Sonic, Site stn1_west, Thu 12-Sep-2002 16:55:59 MDT, CSAT at stn1 down

The CSAT3 at 1m at station 1 is not working properly.  I am quite
sure it was generating good data after I powered up the station today,
but within the first hour EVE no longer reported data from it.

The CSAT3 command shows all NAs, and no csat data is coming
through fastout.

I tried several things, none of
which helped:
	power cycled the serializer several times
	power cycled eve
	power cycled the serializer again
	power cycled the sonic
	blew out some moisture from the front panel connector

If you do a talk to it from eve, it is transmitting binary
gibberish as it should, but somehow eve is not recognizing the
records.  It is as if it isn't sending the end-of-record bytes.

Using these commands:
it replies:

ET= 10 ts=i XD=d GN=443a TK=1 P=5 FK=0 RN=1 IT=1 DR=102 rx=2 fx=038 BX=0 AH=1  AT=0 RS=1 BR=0 RI=1 GO=00000 HA=0 6X=3 3X=2 PD=2 SD=0 ?d sa=1
WM=o ar=0 ZZ=0 DC=6  ELo=020 020 020 ELb=020 020 020 TNo=898 d TNb=998 JD= 007
C0o=-2-2-2 C0b=-2-2-2 RC=0 tlo=8 8 8 tlb=8 8 8 DTR=01740 CA=1 TD=  duty=028     AQ= 10 AC=1 CD=0 SR=1 X=0 MX=0 DT=02320 DTC=01160 RD=o ss=1 XP=2 RF=018 DS=007 SN0538 25oct01 HF=005 JC=3 CB=3 MD=5 DF=05000 RNA=1 rev 3.0a cs=10382 &=0 os= 

The only thing I know to look for is RS=1, which is correct.

To restart it, did:

It started spewing data, but EVE is not recognizing it.