RICO: Logbook Entries

RICO: LOG Messages: 6 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author #Graphics
40 Thu 30-Dec-2004freewaveoncley
38 Wed 29-Dec-2004Freewave/SPol testbaseoncley
35 Wed 29-Dec-2004site visit yesterday1 oncley
34 Tue 28-Dec-2004lots of data transmission errorsbaseoncley
33 Tue 28-Dec-2004aster crashbaseoncley
1 Sat 04-Dec-2004Logbook creatednoneaster

40: LOG, Site , Thu 30-Dec-2004 10:17:56 AST, freewave
A few more checks to add to the freewave puzzle:
- the data look great on the GAUS field station.  Thus, the problem has to be
the strength of the freewave transmission, antenna pointing, or receiever at 
- The antenna at the station is pointing correctly.
- The cable at the PAM freewave was somewhat loose.  I tightened it about 
1/2 turn last night, but no obvious signal improvement.  Perhaps water got
in -- I'll check this more tonight.

38: LOG, Site base, Wed 29-Dec-2004 12:45:50 AST, Freewave/SPol test
We just pointed SPol to our site (az=125.5deg):
16:28:00 - pointed to site, transmitting
16:30:45 - data glitch
16:31:50 - transmitter turned off
16:33:00 - another data glitch
16:34:30 - transmitter back on?

But, in the process, I noticed that the Freewave was pointing ~20deg South of 
the SPol antenna.  I just realigned our antenna to this bearing (but still
am seeing glitches!!! :( :( :(

35: LOG, Site 1 , Wed 29-Dec-2004 08:50:54 AST, site visit yesterday
From about 1715-1745 yesterday (12/28), I:

- cycled Freewave power to see if 10s transmissions improved -- no change in
  LEDs (carrier det red; data trans dull red, becoming bright every 10s,
  clear to send mostly off)
- grabbed SDR, new file growing [Postscript: old data looks GOOD -- no 0 
  spikes, looks like pretty complete coverage]
- cleaned rads (though cloudy and nearly dark)
- rain gauge check: no clogs (pushed cable tie through tygon tube) 
  manually tipped 10 times, EVE sees it; poured one tip of water, EVE sees 
  it.  Seems to be OK
- swapped battery box with charge controller.  Now see Tbatt on EVE.
  Icharge still zero (moved AD1 from green connector pins 9-10 to 5-6),
  but might have been okay -- I'll check soon.  [I also noticed that the
  AMP4 inside this "spare" box was connected -- I thought we were supposed
  to disconnect this during transport/storage??]
- changed TRH filter

34: LOG, Site base, Tue 28-Dec-2004 16:24:33 AST, lots of data transmission errors
I'm now seeing LOTS of data errors on the 10s data -- about every 2 min. 
They've been happening all afternoon.  Perhaps it is related to the rainy
weather we've been having today (as opposed to clear yesterday).  I just tried
cycling power on the base's Freewave, which is showing Green carrier-detect,
Off data-transmit, and Red (occasionally blinking off) clear-to-send.  All but
the clear-to-send appear normal to me.

33: LOG, Site base, Tue 28-Dec-2004 12:42:00 AST, aster crash
I closed the lid when I was done with the aster base this morning, which 
apparently put it in suspend.  It was down for 2 1/2 hours.  Sorry (but there
wasn't a note saying not to do this...there is now).

1: LOG, Site none, Sat 04-Dec-2004 16:18:50 AST, Logbook created
initial log file /usr/local/isff/aster/projects/RICO/logbook/tklog.log created by USER aster