- 224: Log, Site sage, Fri 28-Mar-2003 09:50:18 MST, Tcam study
2003, Mar 26, Wed
Tony Delany and Steve Oncley visited FLOSS02 to undertake an experiment
to view the instrumented sagebush using the thermal imaging camera.
Arrived FLOSS site at 15:10
No snow on ground at Sage site.
Set up TCam on tripod 2.5m from sagebrush, approx 1m above surface.
Adjusted range and spread to view surface, stems and foliage.
Did the Non Uniformity Correction.
16:21:44 GPS time started 100 images at 10s intervals.
Trange 12.1 - 4.2 degeeC.
Allowed to run for ~ 70 images and then carried Tcamera to 3m using ladder.
Took 8 - 10 overlapping images looking down on bush and surrounds.
Took 8 -10 overlapping images looking under Darkhorse.
Matched the thermal images with digital camera shots of the same areas.
Set TCam back on tripod
16:46:32 GPS time started 100 images at 1 min intervals
Trange 15.0 - -1.3 degreeC
Ran until 18:25
18:30;30 started 210 images at 1 min intervals
Snow started to fall
Left site for dinner, Snow began to fall heavilly
Returned at 20:30, ~ 5 cm of snow on ground, snow encrusted on side but non
on lens. Decided to allow camera to complete the run.
At 22:00 snow now cold and powdery.
Started night time run 22:06:00 210 images at 3 min intervals
TRange 4.2 - -6
Mar 27, Thurs
Arrived at Sage at 06:00, TCam had no snow on it.
Viewfinder image of bush was "fuzzy" although image of a hand was sharp.
Stopped at 161/210 at ~ 06:05.
Did Non Uniformity Correction.
Started at 06:12:20 210 images at 30 s interval
TRange 1.3 - > -10 degreeC
Stopped at 07:59
Reset TRange to 4.2 - <-10 degreeC
Start 08:02:30, 210 images at 30 s interval
Finished by 09:59
Retained Trange 4.2 - >-10 degreeC
Start 10:04:20 210 images at 30s intervals
IR Camera runs for PM Wed, 26 Mar 03 through AM Thu, 27 Mar 03
Run Start Stop # images Interval Trange Object
1 16:21 ~ 70 10s 12.1 - 4.2 Sagebush
16:44 ~ 20 10s 12.1 - 4.2 Top ofSagebush/
Below Rad stand
2 16:46 18:25 210 1min 15 - -1.3 Sagebush
3 18:30 22:00 210 1min 15 - -1.3 Sagebush
4 22:06 27Mar 06:05 210 3min 4.2 - -6 Sagebush
5 06:12 07:59 210 30s -1.3 - >-10 [-11.5] Sagebrush
6 08:02 09:59 210 30s 4.2 - >-10 [-13.9] Sagebush
7 10:04 ~11:45 210 30s 4.2 - >-10 [-13.9] Sagebrush
- 199: Kryptons, Site sage, Thu 06-Mar-2003 13:48:53 MST, krypton cleaned
While I was there, I cleaned the krypton as well at sage.
- 198: Radiometers, Site sage, Thu 06-Mar-2003 13:46:46 MST, rads cleaned
Just cleaned all rads at sage about 12:15. Again, I couldn't get the net
apart, so I just cleaned it. There are a few small (few mm) scratches on the
upward dome, and it looks a bit milky-grey, but this looks normal to me. It
was pretty level, though I had to adjust it a bit after cleaning.
- 178: GPS, Site sage, Fri 28-Feb-2003 09:31:18 MST, GPS testing
At John's advice, I'm logging the GPS signal using EVE-talk. Thus, data from
sage already has had one outage and I will make another outage now. (Since
I note that the GPS always goes bad at 39 minutes past the hour.)
- 175: GPS, Site sage, Thu 27-Feb-2003 16:20:12 MST, Intermittent GPS outages at sage
Today we've had several "Lost Data" messages from the GPS at sage. A plot of
the raw data indicate that we lost at least one sample from this sensor every
hour, and John's config is only reporting a sample every minute. (In contrast,
lake's GPS has only lost one sample in the last 8 hours.)
John speculates that this GPS is having problems locking onto the satellites,
is reporting that its data may be bad, and EVE is rejecting these messages.
I just went to sage for an inspection of the GPS. All looked okay, but I
cycled power on the GPS and rotated the antenna 90 degrees, so that the walk
there wasn't wasted. We'll have to see what happens.
(John has suggested using EVE_talk to this sensor to look for "A" or "Z?" as
the first character, but I think this would be hard for such an intermittent
- 170: Log, Site sage, Thu 27-Feb-2003 08:26:33 MST, station visit
Since there was patchy fog this morning, we decided to stop by sage on our way
in about 15min ago and photograph the krypton -- there was feather rime on it,
the sonic, and all rads (especially the net, which actually has snow on the
uplooking dome). See img_2669-2672.jpg.
While there, we also did the same T/RH cleaning off of a 4mm thick crust of
snow which has packed onto the tip of the gortex filter and removed the snow
from the "bell".
We didn't clean the ice off the radiometer domes.
- 152: Soil, Site sage, Thu 20-Feb-2003 14:46:55 MST, Deep soil moisture at Sage
To investigate the soil moisture down to the 35 cm depth, a pit was dug at the
Sage site. The pit was 5m or so south of the Darkhorse. near the fence.
It was in a small clear patch with 20-30cm sage bushes some 20-30 cm away.
Several cm of snow was brushed away and with digging bars the ground was broken
to a depth, then the loose dirt collected.
Samples were collected for:
0 - 6 cm
6 - 10 cm
10 - 15 cm
15 - 20 cm
20 - 25 cm
30 - 35 cm
Triplicate aliquots were separated and introduced into the oven at 12:00
The dried aliquots were removed and weighed the next day at 09:45.
Note that the ordering of the aliquots C, B, A, D, E, F is correct
Sample Aliquot Fresh Dry Difference Gravmoist
g g g
0 - 6 cm C I 22.7 19.0 3.7 0.195
C II 27.5 23.4 4.1 0.175 18.7%
C III 25.6 21.5 4.1 0.191
6 - 10 cm B I 21.8 19.0 2.8 0.147
B II 18.2 15.8 2.4 0.152 15.0%
B III 24.3 21.1 3.2
10 - 15 cm A I 24.5 21.5 3.0 0.140
A II 23.0 20.3 2.7 0.152 13.6%
A III 20.9 18.4 2.5 0.152
15 - 20 cm D I 28.0 24.7 3.3 0.134
D II 25.5 22.5 3.0 0.133 13.2%
D III 26.1 23.1 3.0 0.130
20 - 25 cm E I 21.3 19.0 2.3 0.121
E II 24.0 21.3 2.7 0.127 12.7%
E III 24.7 22.0 2.7 0.123
30 - 35 cm F I 19.9 17.9 2.0 0.112
F II 26.2 23.6 2.6 0.110 11.2%
F III 25.7 23.1 2.6 0.113
- 147: Thermocouples, Site sage, Wed 19-Feb-2003 12:24:10 MST, thermocouples running
The thermocouples are now working at Sage. The data path is
freewave to the tower then through channel 211 of cosmos.
- 144: Thermocouples, Site sage, Tue 18-Feb-2003 17:57:07 MST, Thermocouples at Sage
Juilen set up her thermocouple array out at Sage today. The Freewave
interface was tested in the base and worked ok. Tomorrow the Freewave
will be moved out to the tower and connected up to a serial channel
on cosmos.
- 79: Status, Site sage, Wed 18-Dec-2002 11:42:12 MST, sage visit
Visited sage from ~0945-1100:
- turned on rad fans with cap
- cleaned rads
- did pyg shadow tests
- cleaned krypton
- installed TP01
- tested e-fence (showed 1000V, but not a good ground connection)
- removed SDR disk 1, inserted disk 5.
- Q1&Q2 are installed on EVE front panel
- 73: Power, Site sage, Tue 17-Dec-2002 17:03:18 MST, 4th solar panel installed
I just installed a 4th solar panel at sage and put the 3rd panel in parallel
with the 2 main panels, as I did at lake yesterday.
- 28: Radiometers, Site sage, Thu 21-Nov-2002 12:31:47 MST, PSPs swapped at sage
The PSPs at sage were actually placed as follows:
940187 is PSPIN,
970378 is PSPOUT
which is the reverse of what the logger program expected.
The logger program was changed.
- 24: Sonics, Site sage, Thu 21-Nov-2002 08:49:43 MST, PAM Stn2 Reconfiguration
CSAT3 s/n 536 changed from 20hz straight to 20hz oversampling mode.
Swapped TRH: new=101 removed=1
Swapped Krypton: new=1395 removed=1133
Swapped Electronics box new=2 removed=6
New config: Freewave s/n2105 fastout fmt0141.dat
Swapped Logger, installed 4-component Rad, config file FLOSSlog.dat
- 15: Radiometers, Site sage, Fri 15-Nov-2002 13:43:53 MST, PAM sage CR10X coffs
PAM sage CR10X coefficients
Q7-94916 NET(A+) 00 9.21
x A- 01 11.54
P26417 x 02 212.68
P27907 x 03 286.53
K940187 x 04 101.4198783
K970378 x 05 50.02501251
H983212 x 06 38.4
H993560 x 07 37.7
H943147 x 08 42.1
Tc-A0 x 10 2500
A1 x 11 3.355204
A2 x 12 .2795166
A3 x 13 3.950246
A4 x 14 209.3092
Tdin-A0 x 15 2500
A1 x 16 3.354969
A2 x 17 .2793838
A3 x 18 3.85506
A4 x 19 212.913
Tcot-A0 x 20 2500
A1 x 21 3.353713
A2 x 22 .2787871
A3 x 23 3.778048
A4 x 24 177.421
Tdot-A0 x 25 2500
A1 x 26 3.354732
A2 x 27 .2787514
A3 x 28 3.651471
A4 x 29 190.8095
HUX x 50 180
baud x 99 1
- 5: Logistics, Site sage, Fri 11-Oct-2002 14:53:21 MDT, Sage Site Visit : + Boom Angles
Site Visit:
Krypton Added, s/n 1133, using IHOP config.
Serializer Added: sonic running at 20hz
Baro hose Added
Echo probes rotated.
GOES antenna (yaggi) angle adjusted slightly to correct setting
Rnet installed: Not working due to logger program problem.
Photos Taken.
Angles Taken.
Angles NOTE: the assumed declination is 11.5-east. The readings were
adjusted up to account for the settings of the compass (8.5E,
so added 3 / rounded) and the data-scope(6E so added 5.5 / rounded)
Data-Scope Compass
CSAT 95 92 (Looking at sensor from west)
RAD 90 90 (Looking at tripod from west)
PowerTower to PAM 257 253 (approx. mast-mast angle)
PowerTower to Rad 204 199 (approx. centers of structures)
Sonic to Rad 150 (approx. from sensor to near
side of sawhorse)