Status: Dec 2006

This page was originally written in about 2003 of a system that is now back in active development. The material at the top is now somewhat outdated, but updates have been added at the bottom of this document.


Moving a sensor package between several locations has been done for many years and is required when only one sensor is available and/or when sufficient relative accuracy between independent sensors cannot be guarenteed. One such "roving probe" system was described by Miyake et al. (1970) in which a cup anemometer and dry and wet thermocouples were moved between several heights to obtain vertical profiles of wind speed, temperature, and humidity near the Earth's surface.

Cable-based tram systems have mostly been used for radiation measurements between two fixed supports. Chen et al. (1997), Lee and Black (1993), and Baldocchi (1984) all put radiometers on platforms which moved under forest canopies to study spatial variation of downwelling radiation. Privette et al. (1997) and Begue et al. (1996) put radiometers on platforms which ran on cables suspended above vegetative canopies to study the variation of upwelling radiation.

Our TRAnsect Measurement (TRAM) system is different since it runs along a closed path (a loop) and has a flexible sensor package. With a loop, multiple sensor packages may be operated simultaneously, reducing sampling errors. If wind is measured at three or more positions on a closed path, divergence can be calculated continously. Our ultimate goal for TRAM is a system capable of travel at 10 m/s over a loop 4km long.

Niwot Ridge Application

Our prototype system has been designed with the initial application of measuring the variability of carbon dioxide concentrations within a forest canopy, in support of the NCAR Biogeosciences Initiative study at the University of Colorado's Ameriflux facility which is part of the Mountain Research Station at Niwot Ridge, Colorado. For this application, we need to measure both carbon dioxide and the total wind vector. The spatial scales that TRAM would be used to study are from the tree limb scale (~1m) to the distance between existing fixed towers (~150m) that are already sampling CO2. We also are interested in sampling at various levels within the 10m high canopy, but mostly near the surface, where we expect CO2 to pool. Furthermore, since we know that sweep structures within a canopy are a major factor in changing the in-canopy environment and that these structures are relatively short in duration, we require that TRAM be able to sample each location every 20 seconds. Finally, the forest environment precludes sampling along a straight line. Paths within the canopy are rather tortuous and require multiple turns, even to follow a generally straight transect.

Thus, the prototype has the following specifications:


For a variety of reasons, our design has trolleys moving along a fixed cable. (A design with trolleys attached to a moving cable was also considered, but it was anticipated that keeping a moving cable tensioned through multiple turns would be difficult.) Each trolley thus has a motor along with a sensor package. Power to the trolley is supplied by a second fixed cable placed parallel to the support cable.

Data system

The first data system was based on the processor board for RTF's tethersonde system TAOS, to which daughter boards were added to expand the number of serial data ports. We probably will change and build a dedicated data system for TRAM (since we won't use the PTH sensor mentioned below), but it will use the same components and function similarly. The output message is in the same format as "fastout" data from the EVE data systems used with ISFF, to take advantage of all of the ISFF acquisition and analysis software. This format simply passes on the raw data samples from each sensor with a time stamp and header to identify which trolley originated the message.

The data message is transmitted via a low-power 2.4 GHz RF modem of the type also used by TAOS (Cirronet). ISFF is now using other RF modems -- MaxStream that is more reliable and Radiotronix which takes much less power -- but we probably will continue using the Cirronets in the near future.

Scalar quantities

We have chosen the RMT CO2 analyzer, since it is small, lightweight, and not too power-hungry. It also has 10 samp/s output, however the signal has about 10ppm of noise at this data rate. Our intent is to collect data at this rate, but average down to 2-5 samp/s in post processing to get slightly less noise. We anticipate that the CO2 variations we are looking for at Niwot Ridge often will be quite large.

As a check on CO2 variability, TRAM should measure other scalar quantities as well. The sonic anemometer mentioned below also measures virtual temperature. We want TRAM to measure humidity as well. TAOS included a Vaisala RS-90 PTH (pressure-temperature-humidity) sensor module. However, the humidity measurements from this module can drift over time, so we plan to change to a more robust sensor. ISFF has found a new solid-state humidity sensor that is being considered for an upgrade of our tower-based systems, that appears to be suitable for TRAM. Alternatively, if TRAM changed to a LiCor 840 IRGA, both CO2 and H2O would be measured by one sensor.


We also have chosen to measure the wind vector using a sonic anemometer. We anticipate low wind speeds (generally under 1 m/s), which would not be measured well by anemometers with moving parts. Also, the 5 m/s trolley speed still will not generate differential pressures large enough to use pressure anemometers. Triple hot film or hot wire anemometers would work, but we don't have these on hand and do not as much experience using them.

We planned to use our UW sonic anemometers for this measurement. However, we soon realized that their weight and balance adversely affected the trolley motion. Thus, we made a new array which uses a 15:1 path-length- to-transducer diameter ratio, rather than a 20:1 ratio. This new array also is made of aluminum rather than stainless steel to save weight. Now the trolley is well balanced, however the distortion of the flow induced by this new array still needs to be characterized, either by wind tunnel or field measurements.

It is also necessary to determine the trolley motion in order to obtain a wind vector, since the anemometer measures the wind vector relative to the trolley. The sensor package includes a GPS receiver which outputs the trolley speed and direction in addition to the position. We anticipate that the GPS output will be too coarse for our purposes. (The error in position is about 10 m for normal GPS and reduces only to 3 m using a WAS receiver.) We originally hoped that the motion of the trolley would be repeatable along the cable, allowing us to average over several trolley circuits to obtain more accuracy. However, the present design has significant variation in speed along the run and appears to have some circuit-to-circuit variability as well. True differential GPS should be able to give us the required accuracy (30 cm), but would be somewhat expensive and our experience with hand-held systems in the forest is that signal reception often is poor.

Thus, our current idea (as yet unimplemented) is simply to place bar-code markers on the tram towers and have a bar-code reader on each trolley. Small, low-power OEM modules are available for this task. Since the trolley speed slows considerably at turns, we plan on putting markers at both the beginning and end of each turn.

Finally, we also need to know the trolley attitude to characterize the trolley motion fully. We are using the attitude/heading sensor used by TAOS in the current prototype, which uses a flux-gate compass along with an electrolytic level sensor. Obviously, the electrolyte has inertial effects and will not provide a true reading when the trolley is accelerating. We plan to operate the TRAM at constant speed, but it clearly accelerates during the many turns and also appears (in field tests) to slow down due to increased drag on the wheels in turns. A new attitude sensor which is essentially a flux-gate compass in 3 dimensions currently is being tested for use on TAOS and would avoid this problem.

Field tests

We have found it necessary to have a test track near NCAR FL1 to develop this system. This test track is a circuit consisting of three 3 m towers which are not quite colinear oriented approximately East-West. There are 180 degree turns on the two outer towers and a pair of 20 degree turns (one for each end of the cable) on the inner tower. Testing was put on hold at the end of 2002 with some issues still outstanding, but was revived in 2005 when priorities again indicated a need for TRAM.


In 2002, the test circuit was on the lawn north of NCAR FL1. The westbound cable was at approximately 2m above ground and the eastbound cable at 1m. We started with the upper cable at 6m to test the trolley climb ability -- it had no trouble.

We have several photographs of this test:

Some video clips:


By 2005 the 2002 circuit had been dismantled. We reerrected the test track in the "swamp" at the far east end of the FLAB property to avoid interference with FL0 construction and pedestrian traffic. Functionally, the new track was identical to that in 2002, but somewhat redesigned turns were used. Most of this reconstruction was in 2005, but trolley testing was mostly in 2006 (and will continue in 2007). We anticipate leaving this track in place for the foreseeable future.

Some photos:


During these tests, we have learned a lot about the mechanical behavior of the trolley and cable suspension system:

There also were several sensor/data system changes from 2002 to 2006:

With all of these changes, we are reasonably confident that we (finally) have a system capable of operational use.

Niwot deployment

In 2006, assembly of a working system at Niwot Ridge began in support of NIWOT07. An 11-tower, 220m roundtrip, transect crossing Como Creek about 300m SW of C1 was surveyed in June. Towers were transported in and erected the last week of July by a crew of 4-7 people. Fixed sensors were deployed in October on the tower nearest the Creek. Turns were assembled in the Fall and transported by pickup/snowcat in half a day in early December. TRAM is operated by a laptop and power supply in a "chem" shelter placed near the Creek.

Some photos:

Further documentation


D. Baldocchi, 1984, Ag. and Forest Meteor., 33(2/3), 177-191.

D. Baldocchi, 1984, Ag. and Forest Meteor., 33(3/4), 307-322.

Begue et al., 1996, Ag. and Forest Meteor., 79(1-2), 79-96.

Chen, J.M., et al., 1997, Ag and forest Met, 86 (1-2), 107-125.

Lee, X., and A.T. Black, 1993, "Atmospheric turbulence within and above a Douglas-Fir stand. Part II: Eddy fluxes of sensible heat and water vapour", Bound. Layer Meteor., 64, 369-389.

Miyake, M., et al., 1970, "Comparison of turbulent fluxes over water determined by profile and eddy correlation techniques", Quart. J. Royal Meteor. Soc., 96, 132-137.

Privette, J.L., et al., 1997, "Estimating spectral albedo and nadir reflectance through inversion of simple PRDF models with AVHRR/MODIS-like data", J. Geophys. Res., 102 D24, 29,529-29,542.

This page was prepared by Steven Oncley, NCAR Research Technology Facility